PS3 General Discussion

Are new 80GB systems still the same as they have always been in the US (software BC, 4 USB, card reader)?

Get it while you can as a new edition is coming out in September that has 2 usb, no card slots, and no BC. Because they are lowering prices to ramp up the amount of buyers.
Had to laugh at the Tiger Woods PGA '09 demo... taking my first putt on my first attempt at the game, my character shouted "GET IN YOUR HOLE!"... I have to say, I've never heard a professional golfer shout that - not at a ball, anyway. When it didn't "get in your hole", it took me a further two putts to seal a craptacular triple bogey, at which point my player did a frankly inexplicable little dance, which resembled something between a seizure and somebody being attacked by a number of wasps.

The laughing ended, however, when I tried the "Custom Drills" and was helpfully located right behind a tree, from which the required shot was absolutely impossible.... suffice it to say, my Amazon wishlist is exactly the same length as it was before I tried out this game.
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:lol: "get in your hole"... I see they spent the voice acting budget well then.

What did you expect! this is EA!

I looked at the back of the box and the graphics looked like they were from a PS2 game... and im sure being on the PS3 makes it even worse... uber lame!

When you look at a game like Afrika thats how you should do environments!

I saw the Afrika review, looks pretty sweet, but no chance of an English language version?

There might be a chance that the HK version of the game has english so you could import but its not out yet, there the game will be called 'Hakuna Matata' for some bizzare reason!

It does looks really good, and offers something different...

Had to laugh at the Tiger Woods PGA '09 demo... taking my first putt on my first attempt at the game, my character shouted "GET IN YOUR HOLE!"... I have to say, I've never heard a professional golfer shout that - not at a ball, anyway.
Two questions:

1) "Get in your hole!" or "Get in the hole!"
2) Are you sure it was your character and not the crowd? If so, who were you playing with?

I am going to assume you don't watch much American golf? As the ball is approaching the hole it is not uncommon to hear someone shout, "Get in the hole!" or "Get in there, ball!"

And then you have the occasional player that does shout these things himself. These regional differences is why I love the Ryder Cup (which is coming to Kentucky, woohoo!!).

But trust me, if the PGA would allow it golf tournaments in the US would look like Happy Gilmore.
Sounds like my next Tiger Woods game will be for the Wii, it's getting very good reviews, apparently they pretty much nailed the 1:1 swing with the Wiimote.

I like the keypad, but my greatest wish for the PS3 (every system, really) is a controller designed for people with big hands. Adult size, so to speak, big enough for someone who can, say, palm a basketball? I'd think there is a market for it, and I'd bet a lot of people would prefer it if they had the opportunity to try. I tried making mine bigger with duct tape, but no luck-it gets really sticky after awhile!
I am going to assume you don't watch much American golf? As the ball is approaching the hole it is not uncommon to hear someone shout, "Get in the hole!" or "Get in there, ball!"

Some people even yell it after a guy tees off on a Par 5. Those are the best! :lol:

And then you have the occasional player that does shout these things himself. These regional differences is why I love the Ryder Cup (which is coming to Kentucky, woohoo!!).

Or the occasional player who spits in the cup. :lol: On another note, are you going to the Ryder Cup.

But trust me, if the PGA would allow it golf tournaments in the US would look like Happy Gilmore.

That would be a riot!
On another note, are you going to the Ryder Cup.
I wish. Even if I could afford the ticket I wouldn't had had a shot at one. So many were dedicated to people coming in from out-of-town that they had very few available locally to the public. Because they had so few they had a drawing for the opportunity to buy a ticket.

But like I said, I didn't even have the money for those tickets, so I didn't bother.

Heck, I don't even have the money to play a round at Valhalla. Well, if I saved up I could have enough for 9 holes.
I like the keypad, but my greatest wish for the PS3 (every system, really) is a controller designed for people with big hands. Adult size, so to speak, big enough for someone who can, say, palm a basketball? I'd think there is a market for it, and I'd bet a lot of people would prefer it if they had the opportunity to try. I tried making mine bigger with duct tape, but no luck-it gets really sticky after awhile!
Then you are gonna have to get something that covers the controller.
So I didn't read the info with my extended warranty. I have to call the company that actually does the warranty because its a third-party deal. I'm sort of expecting to just get a replacement 60GB now. I haven't had the time to call and find out for sure though.
Eric, I have a 60 gig I bought used, it was manufactured in late '06. What extended warrantee are you talking about, is it something you bought when you purchased the PS3? I know in the UK you can purchase an additional warrantee, but is there something I can buy here in the US for extended coverage?
Most likely not at this point. Many extended warranty's are done through the retailer, not the manufacturer. And since you bought yours used, I highly doubt there is any kind of warranty available to you.
The notifier things in the top right corner are starting to annoy me. I have about 70 people on my friends list so it's frequently there. I know I can disable them in the system preferences but I would like to still be notified if I receive a message. It would be easy to implement. Anybody else annoyed by this?
Only when singing on Rock Band, as it blocks the top part of the lyric box, although that isn't much of a problem with the new TV, as those messages are really small now.
It is a little annoying, but I havent found it to be too distracting, even if it frequently shows up. It doesn't block much of my view.
OK, so I see Jeopardy! is supposed to go up on the PS Store today.

I am fine with multiple choice and I have no problem with the lack of Trebek. It was going to be a cheap online multiplayer trivia game. But then Joystiq showed the price is going to be $14.99.

This may sound a bit stingy, but I was on board for a $9.99 price. That $5 difference has myself and a friend thinking maybe we should wait for a sale.

Now this is developed by SOE, as well as an upcoming hangman Wheel of Fortune game. I can assume that will also be $14.99.

Now, someone please correct me if I am off base here. I could swear that when I first got my PS3 over a year ago most of the games were $4.99-$7.99 and the few exceptional titles or licensed IP/third-party games were $9.99 (Yes, I know Tekken was a total exception). Lately it seems that all the new PSN games have been $9.99 unless on sale. Still, I noticed a definite quality upgrade in many games (not all, but many) and so I didn't blink an eye.

But with a couple of games being priced at $14.99 are we looking at a new PSN price point? Or are we just paying for the brand name license?

If I am thinking correctly this will be the most expensive PSN game that doesn't have a Blu-Ray counterpart. The two exceptions being Tekken and Siren, but they are more full-sized games and do not have a free Flash equivalent.

So, am I mistaken or are PSN prices slowly increasing? If so, could we at least expect a Greatest Hits style system for the PSN?

And just to make it clear: I am not complaining. I just want to make sure it isn't just my imagination. I know that I'm not forced to pay, but if PSN games do reach a $14.99 price point I do not see myself buying nearly as many. I could honestly be completely happy with just Prologue, Warhawk, and Rock Band.

And all this could be for nothing and Joystiq could have been wrong.
It is $14.99.

Also, Warhawk dropped to $29.99 on PSN when it became GH status.

Anywho, I have a bit of a problem with my bluetooth headset. Whenever I use it online in Call of Duty 4 I begin to lag very badly but as soon as I turn it off everything goes back to normal. This problem sprung up maybe a month ago. I'm using wireless on the PS3 so perhaps the signals are interfering?...
It is $14.99.

Also, Warhawk dropped to $29.99 on PSN when it became GH status.
Right, but Warhawk is a Blu-Ray title with a download option. I am comparing PSN only games. As of my writing, the only exception that I could think of was Siren, but that is as large as a full Blu-Ray game if you buy the whole thing.

But last night I saw Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty was also $14.99. I'm not sure how that factors into my equation as it is a PSN exclusive, but also a spin-off of a Blu-Ray title.

In the spirit of not being 100% negative on this issue, I will consider it a PSN exclusive. Looking at it I find it to be worth the price. That hurts my argument and helps a bit too.

Hurt: I can't keep saying $14.99 is too much for some of these games when I would pay it for Quest for Booty.

Help: It does show a trend of at least putting established IPs at a slightly higher price range.

It could just be an IP license issue. I will consider my argument moot unless a non-established IP title comes out at that price range.

Anywho, I have a bit of a problem with my bluetooth headset. Whenever I use it online in Call of Duty 4 I begin to lag very badly but as soon as I turn it off everything goes back to normal. This problem sprung up maybe a month ago. I'm using wireless on the PS3 so perhaps the signals are interfering?...
Bluetooth should not be interfering with Wi-Fi, but VoIP does require bandwidth and if something is slowing your Internet speeds down then your voice communication could be adding just enough to create lag.

I haven't played COD4, so I can't say what it is or should be doing. But the situation is that it could have to do with how it is programmed. In Warhawk, if your bandwidth doesn't support voice it just comes through garbled. But your gameplay is unaffected. If I have lag I can usually find it is in my connection, not the voice. I've turned voice off and not had the lag improve. And typically I find out my wife was on the computer surfing the Web. Typical surfing causes me lag. MySpace disconnects my game.

I would run a speed test to see if you can track down the problem.

All I can say for sure though is that signals should not be interfering.
Hey guys,

hows everyone?

I didnt want to open a thread just because of my small question, so i guessed that this place would suit me.

For some reason, connected to the internet via my ps3 is possible, no problems at all.
But connecting to PSN doesnt work at some times and those times it does work, i get signed out right after 4-5 mins.

I updated my ps3 with the latest update, and i must say, since then i'm experiencing these problems.

Maybe someone could bring some light into my problem.

Oh ya, and updating GT5: P also is a challenge. Since the download fails every lets say 15%... because i'm being signed out of PSN.

Thanks in advance

Yea, Media Server can occasionally have issues with routers, generally it's a specific model of router (older Linksys WRTS54G or whatever it is).

I recently upgraded to a new router, and can use Media Server with no issues, and I'm loving it :)
You guys see the Top 5 best selling PS3 games for 2008?

  1. Grand Theft Auto IV
  2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
  3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  4. Madden NFL 09
  5. Gran Turismo 5: Prologue
And these do not include game bundles or online downloads, so it is quite possible that MGS4 and GT5P are higher on the list.

And I'm not sure what it says when the only titles on that list that I own are the PS3 exclusives.