PS3 General Discussion

When I turned on my PS3 this evening, the display setting was different (it had to scan for my HDMI cable and ask me if I wanted to use it) and my Home Wallpaper was gone. It reverted to the old black Wallpaper. Any reason why this is or happen to anybody else?
When I turned on my PS3 this evening, the display setting was different (it had to scan for my HDMI cable and ask me if I wanted to use it) and my Home Wallpaper was gone. It reverted to the old black Wallpaper. Any reason why this is or happen to anybody else?

If you hold the power button for a few seconds it will revert to the default settings. Then it might prompt you to chose the HDMI settings. Perhaps thats what happened, hopefully not a sign of a problem starting.
It looks like we will finally get Afrika news at E3.

Pre-E3 2009: Afrika's Finally Coming
Official details and hands-on with the intriguing PS3 exclusive.
by Ryan Clements

May 26, 2009 - We first heard about Afrika several years ago, most noticeably at E3 2006, when an animal-filled trailer popped up amidst a sizzle reel during Sony's press conference. The trailer didn't have any gameplay to speak of -- just scenes of majestic animals grazing in a series of exotic African locales. The trailer was instantly a target of speculation, but U.S. gamers didn't hear much else about Afrika for quite some time. Much later on, more information was dispersed through the net that revealed the basic premise of Afrika's gameplay: taking photographs of African wildlife. But even though you can now find ample details about this PS3 exclusive online, U.S. gamers seem to remain in the dark about the Afrika experience. That's about to change.

Natsume is bringing Afrika to the Unite States.

Developed by Rhino Studios, Afrika is a photography simulator with adventure elements. Boasting licenses from Sony and National Geographic (to name a few), Afrika places you in the vast African wilderness as you attempt to capture images of the various animals and plants with your trusty camera. I had the opportunity to sit down with a U.S. preview build of the game and try it for myself, which led to a series of blurry photos and being knocked unconscious by a hippopotamus. Oh well -- I get an "A" for effort!


Afrika is divided into several different modes, though all of them revolve around the "one with nature" design theme. The Safari mode is divvied into three parts: the Safari Game, the Photo Gallery and the Big Game Trophy mode. The GEO Afrika section of the game is also split into three segments: the Afrika Field Guide, the National Geographic Library and the Afrika Viewer.

The Safari Game is the bread and butter of the Afrika experience. In it, you'll choose between a male or female photographer and set up a large tent in the African wild, which serves as your base of operations. Here, you can sort through your various cameras and lenses, study maps of the surrounding environments and check your PC for email and more. Emails are the key to accepting missions in Afrika, and missions are the primary gameplay component of the experience. You'll be tasked with pursing particular animals or photographs, and you'll be rewarded with handsome payments for getting the job done.

When you're actually roaming the wild, you can move around and control the camera just like any other adventure game with the two analog sticks. Pressing Square will bring you into a first-person camera mode, where you can adjust a surprising amount of options. Depending on the camera, you'll also have a digital zoom available that can be adjusted with the right stick. You can even tilt your controller to the side to take a portrait shot -- nice touch.

Pressing down on the D-pad will make your character crouch low so you can sneak closer to the otherwise skittish wildlife. Of course, if you do scare away that nervous zebra, you can always hop into your jeep and drive after it. Although you won't be able to get Halo-like airtime in your vehicle, it's a great way to get around, despite the fact that it makes a lot of noise and might scare away more animals in the process.

Although I wasn't able to see it, your photographer will also have access to more advanced camera tech, like trap cameras for snapping a shot of nocturnal creatures and cameras mounted on small remote-control rovers. This will hopefully give players even more options for capturing rare moments on film.

The great thing about Safari mode is that completing missions doesn't just net you cash. When you take a picture of a particular animal, you'll unlock extended information and media about that animal in the GEO Afrika section of the game. The National Geographic Library is full of real photographs and video clips of the various African critters, so this unlocking system adds to the "collectible nature" of the experience. The Afrika Field Guide is also helpful, as it has plenty of facts straight from National Geographic on the animals so players will be able to learn a little bit about nature as they go.


Going back to the Safari portion of Afrika, the Big Game Trophy mode is an excellent way to see the most exciting, classic moments in the African landscape. These are like the mini-games of Afrika, as they drop the player into a preset scenario where you have a limited amount of time to take a picture of the event at hand, like two lions fighting or a cheetah chasing down a gazelle. These mini-games remove the exploratory element of Afrika and focus on the raw picture taking, which you're graded on.

Of course, what "one with nature" game would be complete without a straight screensaver mode to put on at parties? In the Afrika Viewer, you can set up an automated camera to pan across the game's landscapes, and you can even set the slideshow to music. And the music, by the way, is quite fantastic.

Although I barely scratched the surface of Afrika, this game looks like it has serious potential to win over a niche crowd. With more than 100 missions to pursue and plenty of animals to capture on film, Afrika is sure to be a welcome break from the standard shooter/action game fare we've seen so much of lately.

Now for Aquanauts.
I wonder if anything will be added for the english release. Afrika is a way better name than Hakuna Matata for the asian version!

As for PS3 issues 2.76 may have messed up some wired net connections as it did with mine (wont ever connect) but entering the DNS information and manually storing it has made it work fine now.

The automatic connection information gathering each time you plug the ethernet cable in seems to have corrupted. I hope they address this at some point.

As for PS3 issues 2.76 may have messed up some wired net connections as it did with mine (wont ever connect) but entering the DNS information and manually storing it has made it work fine now.

It effects both wired and wireless, and seeing as many like myself, had this problem before the update, the update was ruled out a long time ago. The current theory is that it's a problem with specific ISP DNS servers and recent updates that those specific ISP have made to some of their DNS servers. Which helps explain why some people don't have this problem at all, while others do, and so far the only common ground is the ISPs they are using.

Any way, I posted an easy fix for anyone getting DNS errors when trying to connect to the PSN:

I had the same problem, and apparently the problem is with a few ISP DNS servers. My ISP (Time Warner's Road Runner) is one of them. :ouch:

The good news is the fix is very easy. Basically, you need to change the DNS addresses to an OpenDNS server rather than your ISP's DNS server. You can make this change in your router settings menu and leave your PS3's network settings alone, or you can change the PS3 settings.

If you want to change the PS3 settings here is how you can do that:

  • "Internet Connection Settings"

  • "Do you want to continue": Yes

  • "Select a method": Custom (not Easy)

  • "Select a connection method": Wired or Wireless

  • "WLAN Settings": Scan or Enter Manually
    (Enter Manually is easier as you won't have to put in the security key, just keep pressing the right D-pad button until the IP Address Setting menu comes up)

  • "IP Address Setting": Automatic (not Manual)

  • "DHCP Host Name": Do Not Set

  • "DNS Setting": Manual (not Automatic)

  • Now you will see a menu where you can add one or two DNS Addresses. You can search the internet for various OpenDNS Addresses to use, as there are quite a few, but the ones I used are and
    (they are from the OpenDNS Project - from that link you can also learn more about OpenDNS in case you are curious about how it works).

  • After you put in the DNS addresses, keep pressing the right D-pad button until you see the final Settings List

  • Press X to save settings and you are good to go.
You can also then test the connection if you want to be sure everything is correct.

I hope that helps you, and anyone else having the same DNS error problems. 👍
Afrika is a way better name than Hakuna Matata for the asian version!

But the Asian version's title promotes a problem free philosophy and give you no worries for the rest of your days.
But the Asian version's title promotes a problem free philosophy and give you no worries for the rest of your days.

I have two news items. One PR related and one game related.

First, the EU finally gets their own PlayStation Blog.
Attention European Readers!
Posted by Jeff Rubenstein // Social Media Manager

You’ve been asking for it, and today we’re happy to announce: Europe now has an official PlayStation Blog.

This morning, our friends over at SCEE launched their site, bringing you pertinent, region-specific news like local PlayStation Store updates, release dates, prices, and more. Also, they have charming accents.

We encourage you to drop in, subscribe to their feed, and drink in the European flavor (flavour?). Paris in springtime is wonderful, no?

We’ve been more than happy to serve our readers across the pond for the past two years or so (has it really been that long?), and we’ll still be here for you in the future, doing what we do. We hope you’ll still drop in on us from time to time. And, when you do, please bring us Jaffa Cakes.

We love them.

And today the US can also expect one of the most anticipated PS One Classics games.’s-cut-psone-available-tomorrow-on-psn/

This guy loves his RE.
Resident Evil: Director’s Cut PSone Available Tomorrow on PSN
Posted by Matt Dahlgren // Project Manager, Capcom


What is up! I’m Matt Dahlgren, one of the product managers here at Capcom who gets to work on the Resident Evil franchise.

Today I get to blog about the PSone Resident Evil: Director’s Cut, which will be available for download tomorrow on PSN for $9.99.

I don’t think I’ll ever get to make a statement like this in a blog ever again.

The original Resident Evil is a game that defined my personality as a gamer for years to come. (I’ve got two others on my list of influential games, FF7 and Tekken, each for their respective genre – but I’ll keep this RE centered.)


The early experiences that you have in gaming set you up for what to expect in the future. If you have a positive enough experience, you attempt to find it time and time again – but I don’t think a game will ever affect me in the same way that this one did.

Going back and tinkering around with this game after so many years off got me thinking about how different gaming was 10 years ago in comparison to today. Games back then were hard. I remember dying at the first zombie while trying to figure out a weird control scheme, yet being mesmerized with the fact that I could control the outcome in a 3D environment. It took me a while to get the grasp of everything, and I died a lot, but I was so entertained by the experience that I refused to go to bed. I stayed up all night at a friend’s house, figuring out this weird mansion filled with zombies.

Controls then were not nearly as important as they are now. People were so mesmerized with the fact that they were experiencing something new, it didn’t matter that the graphics weren’t perfectly realistic and the acting was bad. It was a completely new experience, and better yet it could scare you. (ex. Dog + Window = Jump)


But what made this game cool is the fact that deep underneath the struggles you had to go through to progress, there was this gigantic intricate puzzle to figure out. How do you get to the next area with only 15 bullets? Which path is going to punish you, and which is going to let you survive? A lot of the time, if you chose the wrong path, you were just screwed, and you started over. If you didn’t have an ink ribbon on hand, or didn’t save recently, this could mean you have to re-do the last hour of gameplay. But it didn’t matter as much, because you learned from your mistakes and you could do things better the second time.

In addition, the environments were just sweet. I don’t think any game has re-created something as creepy as that first mansion. To me it is the ultimate classic scenario. So many questions to be had, and you fill them in piece by piece as you progress. Not everything may have made perfect sense, but either way, it was completely intriguing.

Playing as Chris Redfield and getting your shotgun is a great example. At this point, you have been playing for a while now, trying to survive with just a handgun. You go into a room, and see a shotgun on the wall. Sweet! Then you pick it up, and the ceiling comes down on you and makes a Chris pancake. (owned) Better hope you saved recently.

Getting that shotgun was a big time struggle. You had to find the broken shotgun, manage your inventory so you can actually hold it, figure out how to dodge or kill a ton of zombies through a long stretch of the mansion, so you can replace it on the wall and not die when trying to get a new weapon.

But when you get it…that shotgun is a score! You can now blow off zombie heads in a single shot, you just need to aim up. That weapon completely changes the gameplay experience from then on out. What makes that cool is once you finally figure out how to get the shotgun, there is such a strong sense of accomplishment. You earned your reward, it wasn’t just handed to you.

Nowadays if a key drops and someone has to spend 5 mins trying to find out where it goes, they just get pissed and stop playing. (Obviously over-exaggerated, but you can see the point I was making)


And the camera angles – sometimes you can’t even see down a hallway. That’s like putting you at a bigger disadvantage than being there in real life. Haha. I kept remembering that I wanted to kick a zombie in the chest because they were so slow. (If you played Outbreak, there’s one guy that could kick zombies in the chest. I always picked that guy. Heh) Not only was it difficult to see, even when I knew where the zombies were, they would get me ALL the time. It was difficult to move precisely. Very different experience than seeing a single enemy, lining up a headshot - done, progress. You were watching that zombie, trying to predict how he would move, how you could lure him to the side so you could sneak by. And you would still get caught.

But, if you played the original game, you have to admit that the control elements and camera angles helped heighten the experience. Resident Evil is all about putting you in situations that are hard to predict the outcome. It is a game that keeps you on your toes. Granted you may be frustrated that you can’t see the zombie, or even worse one of the “chop your head off in one swipe” hunters that is 5 feet in front you because the camera won’t let you, but those moments are pretty intense experiences because you don’t know what is going on.

(OMG – if you can aim up, shoot blind and hit a jumping hunter based on his sound alone, talk about satisfying. Haha)

Many people now would probably find this annoying. Games are so real, that if you can’t do anything you want, there’s something else out there that will let you. But for me playing this game as a kid, it defined me as a gamer. I wanted a challenge, because I felt I could do it, and other people couldn’t. Maybe that’s a bit arrogant, but isn’t that what getting ridiculous amounts of trophies or high scores is all about anyways? If anything didn’t give me that challenge - I was disappointed.

I think that sums up what Resident Evil is all about: Reward through harsh struggles. There’s a great sense of accomplishment when you can make it through the worst. I think Resident Evil does this to a “T”, and has continued to do so over the years.

(I also think they re-created a “this is completely new to me” experience when they did RE4, part of the reason I respect the franchise so much.)

I think there are a lot of gamers out there like me - many of them probably who hated on RE4/RE5 because it was different than the “old school” games. I disagree that the survival/horror element from Resident Evil is gone – it’s definitely still in there, it’s just evolved. And that doesn’t mean that the traditional survival horror of the early games is gone, it just means that the franchise has branched out to provide new experiences.

So, if you haven’t played this game, or want to go back and re-live a classic game you played as a kid like me, I highly recommend this game. If you are a current fan of Resident Evil, you can see many of the gameplay traits that evolved from this game. (You may not like the fact you can’t move and shoot simultaneously in RE5, but those controls are there for a reason, and help the game stay true to some of the classic elements of the franchise which are very evident in the early games.)

Also, if you were introduced to the series through Resident Evil 4 or 5, this game is a great opportunity to go back and experience the roots of the franchise. Both Chris and Jill, who appear in RE5, make their franchise debut in this game.

For those who don’t know what the Director’s Cut version is, this is the updated version of the original game which was released 18 months after the original. It features an “Arranged Mode” which essentially mixes up the item placement, camera angles, and enemy placement, to give people a different path through the game than found in the original 1996 version.

I think that is about enough for my “tribute” post. I can’t recommend this game highly enough – and that’s the gamer in me, not the marketing dude. Hope you enjoy.
YES!!! remember FK that this is one of the RE's I'm still looking for.
I actually thought about you when I first saw this.

Still enjoying RE2?

I should also add that this game and Metal Gear solid both popped up on the ESRB's list of newly rated PS One Classics at the same time.
Yeah I saw that too, and thats not even the worst thing, MS is really 1uping Sony at the moment in the press conference... making me want a 360 :nervous:

Full motion control (NO CONTROLLER AT ALL) for games and dashboard, plus face and voice recognition. :crazy: All the best of the Wii but better... Sony really need to bring out something similar, good thing they are last.

Stupidly they said this type of face recognition has never been seen in any consumer electronic, um.. Lenovo Veriface.

But still very cool indeed, makes the Sixaxis look rediculous!

It is only 1uping if Sony has shown their hand, which they haven't.

True, Sony actually patented something similar a while back, I hope they put it into practice... everyone is going down the 'Wii' route. I see what 360 is doing, they are trying to sure up their 'everything else but hardcore gamer' stuff where Sony is strongest (other media capabilities).

Now they are showing a women talking to a virtual character which knows who you are and responds to your voice and tone and you can walk around the 3D space with him by 'walking' in you living room... super immersive-ness.

Home needs something like this!

Well that Xbox conference was MIGHTY impressive! God I can't believe they ever got rid of E3 and I'm happy it's back.
I must agree actually, the Microsoft press conference was much better than I was expecting, the facebook stuff seemed a bit gimmicky.

It was the NATAL? project which impressed me the most, however whether it works as well in practice, I am sceptical.

On a more GT related note, I guess I wasn't the only one who raised an eyebrow at certain forza 3 claims, best graphics of this console generation? :odd:
It really was impressive and it does have me worried that all we are going to see from Sony is what we already know (like the PSP Go). This is what I got from the MS event.

- The Sky Sports integration was impressive although I dont know whether it will be free or not.

- The facebook stuff didnt really interest me but im sure it will interest alot of other people. Its seems like
you can't sell anything now if it doesnt do Facebook! :lol:

- Full motion control with your body blew me away, but will this be something dev's have to implement or
will it work with all games by mapping certain movements to buttons?... (you can see how well the later
went down with dev's and the sixaxis! :ouch:).

Most dev's are lazy on 'add ons' and, like in game music, it will fail to be a feature if every dev can't be
asked to implement it!

- Voice / face recognition was cool although not unique as they suggested. Its has more use in a family
situation such as when they showed that family playing a quiz with 'invisible' buzzers (clearly a knock at
Buzz which uses those clunky wired accessories).

- That feature which girls in the trailer used to try on clothes was quite cool as it showed total body
movement mapping so when they turned the virtual version of them also turned.

It has so many cool uses especially in something like Home where you would move just like in real life
instead of those cheesy preset movements which always make you look miserable! You could also walk
through home by walking on the spot in your living room!

- Finally the AI vid with that woman and the virtual child, that really was the bombshell at the end. I don't
know how much of what we saw was real but if a virtual character can recognise you, react to whether
you are angry or sad by your voice and interact with you on that kind of level thats way too impressive.

For the first time in a while I was really quite impressed with MS which is rare as most things they do annoy me.. such as windows! :sly:

Sony please please please pull something big out of the hat... you have about 20 hours to do so! Better get the glue and scissors! :scared:

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Full body control is lame, if I want to work out or interact with things I'll go outside. Video games are about being a lazy ass. Sure it was cool but I wasn't really impressed with it. I imagine Sony will come out with something similar, maybe not at E3 but soon.

I'll be rather irritated though if console video games start going this way though.
I saw Ms's conference and I didnt see anything other than Forza 3 that would make me buy a 360. I already have on lol. They only have one platform so thats why they kept so many secret titles. All Ms wanted to do was have the best "show". It wasn't bad but still nothing earth shattering or jaw dropping. I dont expect Nintendo to do well for the 3rd year in a row :). My surpeize was the bold statements for Forza 3, I just wonder how many discs??

Not once did they mention MGS being an exclusive. No worries for Sony.