PS3 General Discussion

I wouldn't mind as much if the whole network was down, but allowing you to sign in, but not do a lot else is teasing me.
I wouldn't mind as much if the whole network was down, but allowing you to sign in, but not do a lot else is teasing me.

At least you haven't seen this maintenance notice after every posted end time just to read they've pushed it back. :banghead:

Tonight, Friday the 18th will now interpreted as "when nobody has free time" to me from here forward.
If people were signed in before the maintenance, then they would still be able to access PSN during all of this.

I was signed in two days before.. then I signed in the day after. Then on the day it happened, it shut me out! On this maintenance, it signing in before didn't help. I signed in the day I was leaving, to make sure, and I come back home, to see it shut me out again...
If people were signed in before the maintenance, then they would still be able to access PSN during all of this.

Only if you had been signed in within 24 hours prior to the start of maintenance.. which I had been. I could sign into PSN, but wasn't able to actually do anything online.
Sony isn't saying anything other than "software/hardware upgrades".

There is speculation that this is focused around security concerns, which would explain the extensive, mysterious delay.
I honestly don't care, I'm just amazed at the continuing failure of electronic companies to follow basic positive marketing prinicples, i.e. underpromise-overdeliver and informing consumers.
They did inform everyone. When you deal with highly technical things like internet servers & networks, I'm sure unexpected issues can arise when working on them. I for one have no issues with the delays.
I understood the first delay yesterday, and overnight last night. When a 12 hour project turns into a ~ 48 hour project, that's when I feel like a little more info other than "sorry for the inconvenience" is due.

But, nothing we can do so no big deal :lol:.
Well don't expect it anytime soon. Now saying 2 am PST or 5 am EST Tomorrow morning...
I think this maintenance has something to do with CFW consoles, they were able to access online. I think Sony will block it and testing the functionality, that's why it is being extended.
Only if you had been signed in within 24 hours prior to the start of maintenance.. which I had been. I could sign into PSN, but wasn't able to actually do anything online.
I don't bother myself with signing in pre-maintenance, so I paid no attention to the extra stricture there :sly:
I know that.

As for the store. No. Sony gets no business from me. They changed the store from one where it was easy to find what I wanted to one which actively gets in the way of finding what I want.

That is not how you run a business that stays in business.
Is it me or is PSN screwing around again? Just got a psn error, (Signed out) signed back in and now it is loading my FL extremely slowly..

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