After all my whining about the games available on the PS3, I elected to download something from the PS Store and ended up getting Crash Bandicoot (PS1 game!) last night... great game!

Great being able to just download stuff like that straight to the console 👍
I have yet to download any of the PS1 games so thanks for the rec.
Still not sure about the other games, like Rampart, Joust, Calling All Cars etc. Are they any good or a complete waste of cash?
These are the PSN games I have bought so far:
- Blast Factor
- Calling All Cars
- Cash Guns Chaos
- flOw
- GripShift
- Joust
- Lemmings
- Q*Bert
- Rampage World Tour
- Super Rub 'a' Dub
I have not bought Gauntlet II, Mortal Kombat II, and Rampart, as I never liked any of these in the arcades. I also didn't buy Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection as I am not much of a fan of these kinds of fighting games, and compared to some of these $5-$10 games, at $20 it didn't seem worth it. After all, I pay as much tax on a regular PS3 game as it costs to get most of these PSN games, but at $20 that makes it less of an impulse purchase.
When I get the chance I'll post my reviews of the games I have so far in FoolKiller's Game Review Thread, but as for Joust...
I was a big arcade gamer in the early 80's and loved playing
Joust in the arcades, but just like playing emulated arcade games on your PC, paying them on a console loses part of what made arcade games so much fun, and that is the wonderful cabinet designs and the buttons and controls that are designed specifically for these games. In this case Joust on the PS3 is better than on a PC as you have stick control and a good button reaction for flapping the wings, but it still doesn't match the fine control the arcade button allowed.
One of my favorite arcade games was Tempest, but that has never played well through emulation without a good quality spinner control, which so far I have yet to find one that performs like the original arcade version had.
I've been thinking about making my own Mame Arcade cabinet, something similar to
these, but again the problem becomes how do you design the control unit for so many different arcade games that used many different types of controls and different layouts on the panel itself.
Still, for $5, its hard to find fault the PS3's emulation of Joust, and it certainly is an authentic emulation of the original... but I tell you, without that fine control over the flapping of the wings, it makes it harder to time your attacks, especially against those pesky dragon!
As for the others...
Blast Factor
This is a lot of fun... sort of like asteroids on an LSD trip, but
Super Stardust HD looks like a very similar, but much better looking game and I think it is coming out very soon
Calling All Cars
I have not played it very much and am still trying to get past the learning curve for its controls... which was frustrating at first to get used to, but the visuals, sounds, and humor are very impressive, so I hope to log some more time with it soon.
Cash Guns Chaos
This is actually pretty fun. It's as if Quentin Tarantino was asked to remake Midway's classic 80's arcade game, Robotron.
It was fun the first few times, and my wife still loves it, but it makes me drowsy when I play it.
This is actually quite fun and addictive, definitely worth the $5!
I have not yet played this. Like many of these PSN games I downloaded it for my nephews...
(my kids are still a little too young). They seem to enjoy it.
Like Joust, this was another classic arcade game that I loved playing in the arcades, and its plays perfectly on the PS3. I will say though, I wish they had added options for changing controls from the stick to the D-pad, because the stick is free moving, unlike the arcade stick, so unless you are careful you'll sometimes go the wrong direction if the postion of the stick is off a little... still great fun that brings back memories.
Rampage World Tour
Like these other classic arcade games, this is also a lot of fun to play, especially with a bunch of friends.
Super Rub 'a' Dub
I seriously did not expect to like this much, but I'm hooked! This is also a game that at least with a few of the starting levels, that my kids
(ages 3 & 5) not only enjoy playing but do it quite well! They get a real kick out of using the sixaxis motion control, and my daughter, the youngest, especially gets a serious case of the giggles every time she makes the ducks bounce by and the wind-up sharks flip over on their bellies when she jumps with the controller. I'm going to have to make a home movie of it as its sooooo adorable to watch her play this game!
But even taking the game seriously, both my wife and I really like playing it, and with the multiple ways of scoring and timing, we can get VERY competitive against each other when playing - which is always fun!
So for me at least, all of these have more than made up for their minimal costs. 👍👍
You can probably find a java version online somewhere to see if you will like the game itself.
Midway even has shockwave versions of some of their classic arcade games
here, but to really get a feel for them at no cost, I'd highly recommend you download some emulation mame software. This will give you access to thousands of arcade games and will play just as they did in the arcade... but again, without the specific type and layout of the controls that the original had. Just watch out, they can being back memories if you also played them in your youth at your local arcades, and can become once again addictive... only this time you dont have to have a roll of quarters.