[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

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Christian Brookley RP Summary

Christian takes the day off of work. He goes into the family room and is immediately scolded by Dad on why the hell he isn't at work. Dad tells him that since he isn't working as much, he shouldn't be buying unnecessary things like cars and motorcycles. Christian pretends he didn't hear him, though. :mischievous:

He thinks about how much he'd like having a dirtbike, so he went on the internet and bought one. He drove that around for a little bit and had some fun on it. He parks it in the garage. It remains unnoticed by his parents so far. He goes inside.


He browses the internet further, this time looking for something with four wheels, rather than two. He promptly finds a Karin Futo with 80k miles and a low price. He goes to check it out. He test drives the car, and found everything to be in pretty good shape. It was running a little rich, but that was later fixed by some tuning.


Vixen sends Christian a text asking to meet for lunch. Christian is excited, but skeptical. He contemplates if this is the first time he's seen Vixen not in the hospital or not asking for a ride :lol:. They meet at Burger Shot and have a friendly conversation about their new cars and possibly buying more.

And that's where the session for Christian ended. Look for Christians parents to explode on him in the next session if they find out he bought any new vehicles. :drool:
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RP Summary - Kristi Brookley
  • Adam (@Wavey2014) arrived at Auto Exotic to find the source of a knocking noise in his Vulcar Warrener's suspension. After being diagnosed as a faulty ball joint by Kristi, it was time for the shop to close. Kristi suggested Adam went home and came back in the morning, and he agreed, but not without a quick street race to the golf course. Kristi reluctantly agreed to the challenge and got in her Futo, but warned Adam about his faulty suspension. Adam dismissed her warning and the two raced, with Kristi taking the win. Adam mysteriously never appeared at the golf course, so Kristi dismissed it and headed home.
  • Daiki (Kristi's boss) texted Kristi the next morning, notifying her of an interesting car for sale on Craplist. Kristi arrives at work and Daiki shows her the car - a heavily modified D1 Grand Prix spec Vulcar Warrener. Kristi immediately fell in love with the car, but not with the price. The owner was asking for the heavy sum of $120,000. Daiki reminded her of her rich background and that she could easily afford it, which Kristi agreed, but said that she didn't like asking for money. The two decided to go and look at the car themselves, which was sitting in the garage of a house in Chumash.
  • Kristi and Daiki arrived at the address in Chumash, met the owner of the Warrener and went into the garage to take a closer look. It looked even better in the flesh. The two got talking to the owner who told them he had built it himself while living in Japan. He moved back to San Andreas when his mother became sick, and imported the Warrener over as it seemed like he would have to stay home a while. His mother's illness got worse, and the hospital bills were putting more pressure on the family, resulting in the man having to put his beloved chariot up for sale. After learning that Kristi and Daiki were local and were very much into the car culture, he agreed to lower the price to just $100,000, and told them he would stop by Auto Exotic some time to see how it was doing.
  • Kristi picked up the car the next day and took it home, and then received a phone call from her brother John (@XxKaitoShionxX). He too had just purchased a Vulcar Warrener, and needed Kristi to pick it up for him while he drove his current car home. She agreed, and told him to meet her in the Del Perro Beach parking lot. After waiting what seemed like an eternity, John finally showed up his Enus Super Diamond, which he had only just purchased the day before. Kristi told him he had more money than sense, and then the two set off in the Enus to a shady neighbourhood in Chamberlain Hills to pick up the new whip. Once they got there, John handed Kristi the keys and she followed her brother back to his house in Richman. John gave Kristi $200, to which Kristi was grateful and thought her brother was finally a nicer man, only for John to spoil the moment by telling her it was for the taxi fare she'd need to get back home. Kristi frowned at her brother, and left his drive to order her cab.
That seems like an awful lot, but I just used a lot of words :lol:. Kristi now has two cars, the Futo and the Warrener, but the Warrener is also shared with her boss Daiki.
RP Summary - Kristi Brookley
  • Adam (@Wavey2014) arrived at Auto Exotic to find the source of a knocking noise in his Vulcar Warrener's suspension. After being diagnosed as a faulty ball joint by Kristi, it was time for the shop to close. Kristi suggested Adam went home and came back in the morning, and he agreed, but not without a quick street race to the golf course. Kristi reluctantly agreed to the challenge and got in her Futo, but warned Adam about his faulty suspension. Adam dismissed her warning and the two raced, with Kristi taking the win. Adam mysteriously never appeared at the golf course, so Kristi dismissed it and headed home.
  • Daiki (Kristi's boss) texted Kristi the next morning, notifying her of an interesting car for sale on Craplist. Kristi arrives at work and Daiki shows her the car - a heavily modified D1 Grand Prix spec Vulcar Warrener. Kristi immediately fell in love with the car, but not with the price. The owner was asking for the heavy sum of $120,000. Daiki reminded her of her rich background and that she could easily afford it, which Kristi agreed, but said that she didn't like asking for money. The two decided to go and look at the car themselves, which was sitting in the garage of a house in Chumash.
  • Kristi and Daiki arrived at the address in Chumash, met the owner of the Warrener and went into the garage to take a closer look. It looked even better in the flesh. The two got talking to the owner who told them he had built it himself while living in Japan. He moved back to San Andreas when his mother became sick, and imported the Warrener over as it seemed like he would have to stay home a while. His mother's illness got worse, and the hospital bills were putting more pressure on the family, resulting in the man having to put his beloved chariot up for sale. After learning that Kristi and Daiki were local and were very much into the car culture, he agreed to lower the price to just $100,000, and told them he would stop by Auto Exotic some time to see how it was doing.
  • Kristi picked up the car the next day and took it home, and then received a phone call from her brother John (@XxKaitoShionxX). He too had just purchased a Vulcar Warrener, and needed Kristi to pick it up for him while he drove his current car home. She agreed, and told him to meet her in the Del Perro Beach parking lot. After waiting what seemed like an eternity, John finally showed up his Enus Super Diamond, which he had only just purchased the day before. Kristi told him he had more money than sense, and then the two set off in the Enus to a shady neighbourhood in Chamberlain Hills to pick up the new whip. Once they got there, John handed Kristi the keys and she followed her brother back to his house in Richman. John gave Kristi $200, to which Kristi was grateful and thought her brother was finally a nicer man, only for John to spoil the moment by telling her it was for the taxi fare she'd need to get back home. Kristi frowned at her brother, and left his drive to order her cab.
That seems like an awful lot, but I just used a lot of words :lol:. Kristi now has two cars, the Futo and the Warrener, but the Warrener is also shared with her boss Daiki.

I'd be interested in having an event but much, much later than I'd normally have one. I believe the Rebel races are starting shortly.
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Nicky Nonis

Age: 17

PSN: dirtydude35

Role Play experience: Cruising on GT6, Minecraft, Warz

In Character (IC)

Name: Nicholas (Nick), Reid

Age: 24

Job/Career/Money Source: Action sports photography, Auto Mechanic at custom car shop, also on call for simeon

Bio: When Nick was a child his father bought him his first dirtbike he always went outside in his backyard to ride despite the size of there small backyard, from that first day he has always liked the sound and smell of motors. He quickly grew up, with the love of engines and the influence of his dad who is a mechanic, he got his licence and purchased a fast Japanese car. Up to today he has always been a Japanese car enthusiast but doesn’t limit to just that. He likes anything with wheels from bmxing the streets to rock crawling in wild. The addiction to adrenalin and speed will never leave him. The day his father was innocently murdered by a couple of criminals, Nick changed. In his past time he will seek criminals to kill so the city will be safer, almost like a hero. He helps anyone who asks him. Currently he is working for an auto shop as well as his photography business. He just purchased a nice property in the suburbs by the LS river. You can often find Nick practising parkour, off roading up north with friends. Hes always cruising in his cars listening to hip hop music. But when times get tough he sometimes resorts to “stick ups” at convenient stores to earn some quick cash. One thing you can always see in Nick is his passion for cars. Late at night he partakes in underground racing and drifting at a disclosed location.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He is a doer, an idealist, happy, mysterious

Vehicle: Karin, Sultan RS and several other project cars.


“I like chicken nuggets”
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Andrew
Age: 13
PSN: samurai8juicebox
Role Play experience: None.

In Character (IC)

Name: Marcus Matavian

Age: 21

Job/Career/Money Source: He runs drug deliveries for several known drug dealers/users around Los Santos and Blaine County, but he's not an addict himself. Also a Notorious Armenian Mobster.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Marcus was born in the Central Los Santos Hospital of course in Los Santos. His father was an Armenian mobster (moving from Armenia to Los Santos when he was a child), and his mother left him when he was 4. Marcus lived a boring life in South Los Santos. His dad was always out, doing his mob thing, telling Marcus he was at his "job". His father always told him before he left the house, never leave the house, if your hungry eat and like chicken nuggets, and always have the blinds down. Well, one day when Marcus got bored at the age of 11, he went outside alone and found a whole different world.

His dad found out about it and taught him how to shoot a gun, conceal a weapon, and really told him what his real job really was. Marcus' father trusted him now when he left for the mob.

But, once again, Marcus was hit hard by an event. The Armenian mob was attacked by the Vagos. His father was killed, when Marcus was 14. So Marcus had no brothers or sisters, no father or mother. He took to the streets.

It has all been history since then. Marcus has worked up the ranks of the Armenian mob all on his own, becoming the Kingpin of the Armenian Mob with no assist from anybody. He has had some notorious hits on some important people in Los Santos. Marcus has vowed, one day, toroll into Vagos territory and kill every...single...one of them. But he just doesn't know when the time or place will be.

Marcus always has his Great-Grandfather's Armenian Pistol(Vintage Pistol) from WW1 in the gun safe in his house, ready to avenge his Father.

Marcus also resides in 4 Integrity Way in Downtown Los Santos(all the drug deliveries over the years really paid off). A very high end apartment. He has a 2 Sport Cars, a Muscle, and a bike in there. They're there just for collectibles. He's looking to build his collection. His second property is a 10 Car Garage near the airport. There he has his "semi-realistic everyday cars". But usually you can find him in an Albany Washington, cruising around town.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): A Loner, the lone gun man, the man in the corner of Burger Shot thinking over his life and his actions while eating a Heart Stopper. Not depressed, but Aiming is the word for it I think.

Vehicle: Albany Washington


An Old Picture of Me.
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Andrew
Age: 13
PSN: samurai8juicebox
Role Play experience: None.

In Character (IC)

Name: Marcus Matavian

Age: 21

Job/Career/Money Source: He runs drug deliveries for several known drug dealers/users around Los Santos and Blaine County, but he's not an addict himself. Also a Notorious Armenian Mobster.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Marcus was born in the Central Los Santos Hospital of course in Los Santos. His father was an Armenian mobster, and his mother left him when he was 4. Marcus lived a boring life in South Los Santos. His dad was always out, doing his mob thing, telling Marcus he was at his "job". His father always told him before he left the house, never leave the house, if your hungry eat and like chicken nuggets, and always have the blinds down. Well, one day when Marcus got bored at the age of 11, he went outside alone and found a whole different world.

His dad found out about it and taught him how to shoot a gun, conceal a weapon, and really told him what his real job really was. Marcus' father trusted him now when he left for the mob.

But, once again, Marcus was hit hard by an event. The Armenian mob was attacked by the Vagos. His father was killed, when Marcus was 14. So Marcus had no brothers or sisters, no father or mother. He took to the streets.

It has all been history since then. Marcus has worked up the ranks of the Armenian mob all on his own, with no assist from anybody. He has had some notorious hits on some important people in Los Santos. Marcus has vowed, one day, to stroll into Vagos territory and cold-bloodedly murder every...single...one of them. But he just doesn't know when the time or place will be.

His father also had ties with the Families/Grove Street when CJ and Big Smoke were still known to be affiliated with them.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Frustrated. Frustrated to not know when the time and place will be to destroy the Vagos.

Vehicle: A User of Karin's(Futo, Sultan, Impaler)


An Old Picture of Me.

I'm in no position to judge applications but I've read through your application and I'm sure that you're missing a vital part of the application.

INGORE THAT. My eyes are ****.
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I'll be on maybe 15-30 minutes after the event starts. Also gotta get my character back as Marcello and not a police officer.

EDIT - NFM, PS3 is being dumb again... god.
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