[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

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Kristi's next call was to a fatal car crash, involving Jeffrey Richman (@BARTH_98_) and a blonde woman who was unfortunately missing a few limbs and very much dead. Jeffrey admitted to driving with no insurance and was arrested at the scene.

I never said her limbs were MISSING, just largely unrecognizable.
Has the following people been online lately? I'm labeling them as a bit inactive, but correct me if I'm wrong. I want to squeeze in the queue members as much as possible.

I am also removing @Doog and @Zyla upon request. This means @RandomStaffie and @BARTH_98_ are now officially in the club. I will send you two invites and include you, myself, in the lobbies.
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Chris
Age: 19
PSN: BioBubbles
Role Play experience: Previous GTA games and Fallout series

In Character (IC)

Name: Justin Cross
Age: 42
Job/Career/Money Source: Truck driver ( transporting more than just legal good's )

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Justin grew up in the slums of Liberty City while his father was a commercial truck driver with his mother murdered while caught in the cross fire of two rival gangs he was forced to travel with his father to and from work. Justin's father had some gang connections and he transported for them. Justin believes that his mothers death may have been a result of his fathers connections. So when just was old enough he took his only marketable skill and fled to LS. Justin now lives in Paleto Bay and is a Freelance truck driver, his main employer is the local cluckin bell factory filling in spots for sick workers he also picks up so odd job's transporting industrial items such as scrap metal or wood. He also took with him the knowledge of transporting guns and drugs from his past experience from his father. From the illegal side of his transporting business he works with the Lost Mc ( his father transported for the Lost Mc chapter in Liberty City ) he also pick's up some small time contracts working for local drug dealers in Paleto Bay. Justins future goal is to hopefully get money and get out while he still can.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): professional with homicidal / suicidal tendices
Vehicle: Bravado Bison
Photograph (If available):
sorry not to tech savvy with forums, but looks older in his 50's wheres a white tank top and jeans (white male )
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Chris
Age: 19
PSN: BioBubbles
Role Play experience: Previous GTA games and Fallout series

In Character (IC)

Name: Justin Cross
Age: 42
Job/Career/Money Source: Truck driver ( transporting more than just legal good's )

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Justin grew up in the slums of Liberty City while his father was a commercial truck driver with his mother murdered while caught in the cross fire of two rival gangs he was forced to travel with his father to and from work. Justin's father had some gang connections and he transported for them. Justin believes that his mothers death may have been a result of his fathers connections. So when just was old enough he took his only marketable skill and fled to LS. Justin now lives in Paleto Bay and is a Freelance truck driver, his main employer is the local cluckin bell factory filling in spots for sick workers he also picks up so odd job's transporting industrial items such as scrap metal or wood. He also took with him the knowledge of transporting guns and drugs from his past experience from his father. From the illegal side of his transporting business he works with the Lost Mc ( his father transported for the Lost Mc chapter in Liberty City ) he also pick's up some small time contracts working for local drug dealers in Paleto Bay. Justins future goal is to hopefully get money and get out while he still can.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): professional with homicidal / suicidal tendices
Vehicle: Bravado Bison
Photograph (If available):
sorry not to tech savvy with forums, but looks older in his 50's wheres a white tank top and jeans (white male )
I like this a lot - it's different. I can't say that I've ever seen anyone with the role of a trucker - Accepted! I'll add you to the queue/waiting list and you'll be invited when there's room on my friend's list. This might take a little while as a lot of people are still active, but I just don't have the space to add everyone.
Has the following people been online lately? I'm labeling them as a bit inactive, but correct me if I'm wrong. I want to squeeze in the queue members as much as possible.

I am also removing @Doog and @Zyla upon request. This means @RandomStaffie and @BARTH_98_ are now officially in the club. I will send you two invites and include you, myself, in the lobbies.

I don't believe I've seen @imRioter in any lobbies recently, and I'm fairly certain @SeanWelland is inactive in the RP as well. I could be wrong though.

I can't say that I've ever seen anyone with the role of a trucker

@AstonMartinDBR9 is/was a trucker. :P
Henrik Koenisaab RP Summary

Henrik started off the day by waking up and heading to Downtown Cab Co., where he met the manager Jacob Smith(@RandomStaffie ). Henrik wanted to do something with his life, and get a job. So, after questioning to see if he was able to get the job, he got the job. He works 7:30am-4:15pm a couple of days in the week. Henrik was asked to get there early the next morning.

Henrik changed into his night clothes and went to bed, to oversleep for his first job. He changed real quickly and went down to Downtown Cab Co. He received missed calls and texts, but those didn't wake him up. Jacob showed him a few more things about Downtown Cab Co., and then they went back to the apartment. On their way to the apartment, they saw a major car accident, with a firetruck, ambulance, and police vehicles there. He took pictures of the seen, which one person(@Wavey2014 ) called disrespectful.


Henrik and Jacob continued back to the apartment, where they sat and talked. After that, Henrik went to the Hospital, to go and visit a friend who was injured, but the mean receptionist didn't let him, and told him the visiting hours, but the visiting hours are during his work hours, so, he'll be unable to visit his friend for a few days.

He got a call to go pick up a person and take them to Del Perro Pier. Soon after that he got a call from his boss to go pick him up and get tested on how good of a driver he is. He also wanted to go to Del Perro. I guess Henrik was a terrible driver, even though he hit no obstacles and got their in great time, which is the goal of any taxi driver in Los Santos, right?

Well soon after that, he went to Vespucci Beach in the Taxi Cab where a busker was playing the acoustic guitar. Me and the stranger beside me(@Katiegan ) really enjoyed his playing. Out of nowhere Jacob Smith drives up beside him, gets out of the car, pulls out a golf club, and smashes the busker in the head. Confused and angry, Henrik yells at his boss and calls 911. Jacob pleaded not to call 911, and Henrik told him to get out of there as fast as he could, so he did.

911 never picked up, so Henrik took the matter into his own hands and put the Busker in his car, and dropped him off at the hospital before driving away as fast as he could, so he wouldn't get questioned about what happened. Henrik decided to drop the cab off and get his Primo. He drove to the barber, where he anxiously waited for another person getting a hair cut(@Snorevette ). He saw him before when he took him and Craig back to LS in his Bravado Bison. He gets his hair buzzed so he doesn't look like a mobster with his current hair cut.

Henrik went back to his apartment after. He then changed back into his night clothes and went to bed.
Has the following people been online lately? I'm labeling them as a bit inactive, but correct me if I'm wrong. I want to squeeze in the queue members as much as possible.

I am also removing @Doog and @Zyla upon request. This means @RandomStaffie and @BARTH_98_ are now officially in the club. I will send you two invites and include you, myself, in the lobbies.

I'm terribly sorry, I was sure I had posted before but I must have dreamt it. You're more than welcome to remove me from the list, my personal life comes before anything else and I'm afraid I can't make events often enough to make it worth while.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
First things first I'm the realest
Seriously though. Dom (Rioter) went on holiday and isn't getting notifications, but he is back now so I'll remind him to check the thread. Also, I'm back myself going on holiday, but also taking a break from serious stuff. My character is in yet another coma so it suits. I should be on tonight and I'll remind Dom asap. I look forward to returning to the action!
Tonights RP Summary

-Jacob started the day at Vespucci Beach when he had a phone call of someone to meet at the pier.
-Arrives then ordered to get into a Black and orange Rancher, but Jacob thought it was no big deal.
-They start planning an attack on (@KingSimeon) after he had killed (@Wavey2014 ) brother and was seeking revenge.
-We arrived at Paleto Bay when Jacob didn't know what had gotten in to him, in a car with 2 strangers, so he got out of the car with a phone call from Henrick (@samurai8juice) who had crashed into a river on the western highway, and like a speeding bullet he drove to him, carried him into his car and drove him to the Hospital in Los Santos.
-After the hospital, he called Jay (@JordzDaBest ) and met him at the garage near the airport, where Alex (@StancedOut7 ) and Jacob Cole (@AstonMartinDBR9 ) was there with an old Blade with a Jester engine in it.
-We got the Blade into the workshop and Jacob Smith and Jay and Jacob Cole worked on the Blade to -make it fast and look cool for competing in drag races against other cars or bikes.
-We tested the Blade at the docks where we had some fun with acceleration and Top speed etc.
-After Jacob was done there, he walked past a car where @Wavey2014 and @GTDriver1230 were, so he knocked on the window to apologise, but only to find out that @Wavey2014 had got out of the car and punched Jacob straight in the nose causing a nosebleed and a sudden turn against him and aimed a shotgun at his head and said not to do that ever again.
@GTDriver1230 tried to stick up for him but just wasn't working, and instead aimed the gun at him, and as @Wavey2014 wouldn't shut up, Jacob hit him around the head with the shotgun, causing him to have a flashback that he said out loud, Jacob dazzled as to what he said, he aimed his gun at him and then gets stopped by @GTDriver1230 and @Snorevette, @Wavey2014 knocked Jacob out and @Snorevette took Jacob, unconsciously to a secluded area and started to get answers from him.


Just to say that this session was quite intense ;)
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Henrik Koenisaab's RP Summary

Henrik started off the day on Sunday, his day off for Downtown Cab Co. He was quite happy, as he could off-roading again in his Bravado Bison. So, Henrik cruised around LS for a while, then decided to go off-roading at Paleto. Henrik drove like a mad man to Paleto, bobbing and weaving through traffic. As he was nearing Paleto he saw a path off to the right, with a sign saying "Raton Canyon", so he decided he would go off-roading here instead of Paleto.

He was having the time of his life, driving around in his pickup truck on the offroad path. Henrik came to a spot that turned him around and took him back towards the entrance. So, he took the path. It just might have been one of the worst decisions of his life. The path came very close to the water, and was really bumpy. He continued down the path. The path started to become too curvy and bumpy and he lost control of his truck, sliding it down a tiny cliff, flipping it several times through and into the water.

Henrik, in pain and agony, barely able to crawl out of his truck, crawled out of his truck and laid on the top of his truck(barely sticking out of the water), calling for help over and over again. No one was there, so he pulled out his phone and called the one person he knows, his boss(@RandomStaffie ). The boss picked up the phone and immediately came to the seen. The boss swam over to him, picked him up, carried him through the water, placed him in the back of his nice sports car, and took him to the hospital in Los Santos.

Henrik was given bad news. He needed surgery on his wrist, his leg, and many stitches throughout his body. So, Henrik had his surgery, and got bed rest for a few days. When he came out of the hospital, he caught wind of a funeral. So, he decided why not go to it. Henrik bought a nice all black suit with a black/gold tie, and went to the funeral.

He thought it was a nice funeral, considering it was the only one he ever went to. Henrik saw some familiar faces there. He saw @Snorevette @GTDriver1230 @AudiMan2011 all of whom were rock hunters at Sandy Shores when he went off roading there several days ago. The funeral was for @Wavey2014 's brother. Some of the others visited their loved ones' graves too. Henrik then went back to his house in the Vinewood Hills to get some rest. He barely mustered up enough strength to go to the funeral.

Notes: Henrik will never go off roading again, especially since he doesn't have a pickup truck to do it with. He still wants to go rock hunting, if only he could get a hold of @Snorevette
Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 16
Role Play experience: GTA San Andreas and Minecraft

In Character (IC)

Marcus Flynn
Age: 23
Job/Career/Money Source: Works at docks/drives trucks (is also attending university)
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Marcus was born January 1st 1991 in the beautiful city of San Fierro. HE had a relatively good life growing up with 2 healthy parents who could support the family. Marcus was an only child so he got most things he wanted. His life was perfect until the day his parents died. When he was 17 his parents were in a fatal car crash.

Marcus' life fell to bits and he got himself into a bad place. He started hanging around with the bad bunch because it made him feel better and by made him feel better I mean the drugs involved not the people. He did 4 solid years of drugs before his grand parents found out and sent him to rehab.

Now he is 23 and is out of rehab clean as can be and ready to move on with his life and do something good. He moved to Los Santos to get a decent job at the docks while he attends university there. Once he is out of university he hopes to have one of his dream jobs. Either paramedic or police officer.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Marcus is a calm and polite guy who only gets mad if you really mess with him. He is also very motivated.
Vehicle: Rhapsody (not customized
Photograph (If available): IDK how to get a photo but I do like chicken nuggets! (he is white with hipster haircut and a few tattoos)
Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 18
PSN: BionicDerp
Role Play experience: Nil, unless high-school drama classes count.

In Character (IC)

Name: Tim Davids
Age: 39
Job/Career/Money Source: Aerial Tour Guide, Plane Taxi Pilot

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Due to a near-fatal plane crash at the age of 32, Tim has no memory of his past, but aims to be happy by putting the world and other people beneath him through the wonderful machines that provide flight in our world... It is unknown if he actually knows how to fly, or just guesses with help of muscle memory.
In the five years since the crash, with the help of a charred pilots license, Tim has climbed up in the ranks in SA Air Tours, and received a decent pay and a Rat Loader to transport him from his job and... Wherever he decides to sleep for the night. Which is usually in a sleeping bag in the back of the truck. He's saving up for a shiny new plane!

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Usually a very happy-go-lucky guy, but the crash has also left him with a second personality that emerges under very stressful circumstances. He basically turns into an easily killable, tiny-white-Hulk. When in this state, has a very dangerous obsession with chicken nuggets.
He is sometimes forgetful, and is always wondering the reasons people have for doing what they do.

Vehicle: Rat Loader, Velum, Maverick
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 16
Role Play experience: GTA San Andreas and Minecraft

In Character (IC)

Marcus Flynn
Age: 23
Job/Career/Money Source: Works at docks/drives trucks (is also attending university)
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Marcus was born January 1st 1991 in the beautiful city of San Fierro. HE had a relatively good life growing up with 2 healthy parents who could support the family. Marcus was an only child so he got most things he wanted. His life was perfect until the day his parents died. When he was 17 his parents were in a fatal car crash.

Marcus' life fell to bits and he got himself into a bad place. He started hanging around with the bad bunch because it made him feel better and by made him feel better I mean the drugs involved not the people. He did 4 solid years of drugs before his grand parents found out and sent him to rehab.

Now he is 23 and is out of rehab clean as can be and ready to move on with his life and do something good. He moved to Los Santos to get a decent job at the docks while he attends university there. Once he is out of university he hopes to have one of his dream jobs. Either paramedic or police officer.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Marcus is a calm and polite guy who only gets mad if you really mess with him. He is also very motivated.
Vehicle: Rhapsody (not customized
Photograph (If available): IDK how to get a photo but I do like chicken nuggets! (he is white with hipster haircut and a few tattoos)
Both of you are accepted. However, I had to put you on the queue/waiting list. Even after clearing away the inactive members, there is still way to many people. When people leave the club, you'll advance in the queue list. However, the wait will most likely be a while, since all the current members are active, and you two are at the bottom of the queue/waiting list. So, just a heads up 👍
I'm hoping to attend to today's session. Just to say, that my character, and the related story is becoming boring for me. My character isn't really involved with anyone, and but a few loose ends, hasn't really got much lined up in the future. Perhaps I can turn things around and make it interesting for Alex again, maybe going back to the music side of things, or maybe Alex might have to have an accident to pave the way for someone new.

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