PS3 PSN login error

Yes i know mate! Its just in case someone from Sony is reading this! For a multi multi multi million euro company that shouldnt be an issue! Thats less then pocket money;)!

Well if someone from Sony is reading. After you are done fixing the problem that YOU caused, you might want to say sorry to everyone effected. If you are stuck for ideas, a couple of free PSN games will be more than welcome thanks, that isn't too much to ask for is it. ;)

horde, you could try it if you have nothing better to do, though I don't think they will let you in to ask for the complain book.:lol:
*PSN is back and working*
Somehow, when I read that first, my brain was only able to process this bit.
(must be the colour) :dunce:

That's a bit of a logical leap, given that there's no official word on what the problem is yet.

This is why I went out and walked the dogs and had a cup of coffee instead of stressing about an issue over which I have no control.

Very good advise, I did just that, except the dogs. It's wonderful weather here in south of Germany so I climbed a few mountains around my neighbourhood. Guys, listen to this man! 👍

It seems something in the firmware has messed up the system battery, as after manually setting the time it doesn't move. Does anyone who has no warranty left dare to open up their PS3 and remove the battery and put it back again, as I think it could fix the problem. I would do it, but having never opened up a PS3 I wouldn't know where to start.
Someone brave should really try that, chances are this fixes it. :)

Well, I don't think there is any hope of any sort of compensation horde_r35, this isn't just one person with a fault, it is effecting millions. Sony aren't going to compensate that many people are they. We deserve an apology at the very least, but i'll doubt we will get that and to be honest, right now i'll be happy with just a fix.

Agreed, I don't think we'll get much of a compensation, maybe a PSN game, but we can be happy if they find a way of fixing actually.
Well if someone from Sony is reading. After you are done fixing the problem that YOU caused, you might want to say sorry to everyone effected. If you are stuck for ideas, a couple of free PSN games will be more than welcome thanks, that isn't too much to ask for is it. ;)

horde, you could try it if you have nothing better to do, though I don't think they will let you in to ask for the complain book.:lol:

Well lets see! Ill be back in 30 minutes :lol:!

EDIT: I have better things to do of corse but, to joke about it some more, its on the way where im going now :mischievous:!
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Hey, more seriously, this is from kotaku, same old story, but even more detailed. 👍

I bet some more people will try this soon, so we then should know for sure.

read this over at ps3 hacks from a user named "Mihai Olimpiu Cristian", sounds fairly reasonable:

Might be old news, but thanks to a certain hardware/software guru, and from various of sources and efnet they are able to at least give the letdown why this problem is happening. Quoted.

Well the gist is that the ARM SYSCON CPU that is used to power up the front panel of the ps3, that is responsible for doing things like sleep mode, eject, RTC etc. Is an old batch that sony picked up from the shelf like other manufacturers that has that calendar year bug regarding feburary 29th on certain periods. Causing the ps3 system clock and the real time clock to desync, messing up security measures like Digital Rights management software and sometimes games that relies on clocks for whatever reason. As well as signing up to the playstation network… This CPU is always on even when your PS3 isn’t plugged

This is the one of the same type of CPUs that is powering up mobile devices like zune and blackberries, they have been affected with this bug, so they done some software patches. A syscon update can also fix this problem

The Slims ps3s aren’t affected because they use a newer up to date revision on the syscon cpu that fixes this bug.

A quick way to fix this is to remove the RTC battery for at least 5-10 min and plug it back in, you will see the date and time reset, and voila…

BTW all this was quoted from some ps3 hardware gurus and tested by various of peeps on efnet, all thanks to them for the information!"
You said that the clock seems ok after you reset it. If the clock was ok then this problem would be solved as it is at the center of it.

You are confusing opinion for fact.

That's just internet rumor, because the date changed to 12/31/1999. Now it clearly is the result of what ever issue is going on. The only fact is that it did change, and that it wont let you set the time via the internet, but you most certainly can change it manually, and it keeps time just fine. So if the only issue was getting the clock to work properly, then that can't be true as my PS3 clock is working just fine after changing it manually... but that didn't fix the problem of logging into the PSN.

Well, I am aware of the additional math, but I could see a programmer leaving out the 400 and 100 elements in the assumption that no one will use a PS3 by the year 2100. That kind of human error/oversight I can see, when people are stipulating it must be because of the even year thing, which would mean someone used a 2 instead of 4 in the code. If it does turn out to be this, I am just going to shake my head, as it means someone shouldn't have a degree programming...

All the panicking I see over this is a tad amusing. It is clearly a software/firmware issue that can very likely be resolved though an update, even if it is just a work around patch. And it clearly isn't a PSN fault exclusively, as Slims are working fine and even offline Fats are having the date issues. What I do find odd is even games that don't require you to update or be online are having issues, such as Wipeout HD. I could see this being a file date issue, where the system sees an "impossibility" with the unlock dates being years "after" the current date.

Well said on all accounts. 👍

We have not always seen eye to eye, but when I read this post I had to do a double take, as I share your feelings on this issue to the letter.

Fortunately, for many of us, if not all of us, we have countless other things we can do with our time instead of getting worked up over an issue that is largely out of our control.

On a positive note for Sony, I guess with so many people freaking out that they can't play some of their games right now must mean there are a lot of people that are so passionate about their PS3 and those games, that they can't bare to not use it for a couple hours let alone a day or more.

Makes you wonder what they would do if they experienced a 24 hour blackout of all their electronics. Yikes... no twitter updates for a day, surely a sign of the Apocalypse. ;)

Personally I followed RyanGee's suggestion:


I'm going for a pint to celebrate the Millennium!

Hey, more seriously, this is from kotaku, same old story, but even more detailed. 👍

I bet some more people will try this soon, so we then should know for sure.

read this over at ps3 hacks from a user named "Mihai Olimpiu Cristian", sounds fairly reasonable:

Might be old news, but thanks to a certain hardware/software guru, and from various of sources and efnet they are able to at least give the letdown why this problem is happening. Quoted.

Well the gist is that the ARM SYSCON CPU that is used to power up the front panel of the ps3, that is responsible for doing things like sleep mode, eject, RTC etc. Is an old batch that sony picked up from the shelf like other manufacturers that has that calendar year bug regarding feburary 29th on certain periods. Causing the ps3 system clock and the real time clock to desync, messing up security measures like Digital Rights management software and sometimes games that relies on clocks for whatever reason. As well as signing up to the playstation network… This CPU is always on even when your PS3 isn’t plugged

This is the one of the same type of CPUs that is powering up mobile devices like zune and blackberries, they have been affected with this bug, so they done some software patches. A syscon update can also fix this problem

The Slims ps3s aren’t affected because they use a newer up to date revision on the syscon cpu that fixes this bug.

A quick way to fix this is to remove the RTC battery for at least 5-10 min and plug it back in, you will see the date and time reset, and voila…

BTW all this was quoted from some ps3 hardware gurus and tested by various of peeps on efnet, all thanks to them for the information!"

I'm not sure.... I dont feel comfortable about opening my PS3... think i'll still wait a little :)
Hi, Guys.

Yesterday afternoon in ZA i was playing SBK09 i won 2 trophys online, I know i had to get them and was quite confused why they did not unlock. I proceeded to reboot my ps3 and started the game again to my surpise they both unlocked. The network was acting weard yesterday.

My Friend from SCC came to race SBK with me but he could not connect to my lobby nether i with him. This was funny as him and i never had connection issues with each other before.. I think the psn softwear drivers need to sort this out and properly..

I think it will be a few days before we all up and running again..

Sony must give us new consoles if it's a hard wear problem i think, after all we spend millions of RANDS,DOLLARS,POUNDS,EUROS with them..
There are 38 million ps3 users about 25 million of us have this problem, The odds are against them.. They will fix it, THEY MUST..

If not fixed this will be the biggest network crash ever.. If it is not already....????
I'm more inclined to think he's drinking and with every passing drink the X-Box looks better.;) I'm sure Sony will have a fix soon, in the mean time it is an annoyance though, not the end of the world. If GT5 had just come out and this stopped us from playing it for a few days, I imagine we'd be a lot more angry though.:lol:

This is just one more issue, there have been others, which is why I said that. I agree that this is only an annoyance and not a big deal, but the fact of the matter is that this is still unacceptable.
If not fixed this will be the biggest network crash ever.. If it is not already....????

Not even close. 25 million machines (my guesstimate) is nothing compared to the disruption in 1998 and 2003 when transatlantic cables were cut, hampering all internet traffic between the US and the rest of the world.
If not fixed this will be the biggest network crash ever.. If it is not already....????

Really??? You may want to do a little Google searching then, as this doesn't even come close. In fact, just in the console world, Xbox Live was largely shutdown for an entire week, with limited service for over two weeks - and at the worst time, during the busy 2007-2008 Holiday season.

In fact, just look at the list of articles on Engadget alone that are tagged "outage"... and that just barely scratches the surface regarding network outages.
Lame. Problems like this shouldn't occur and I really wish companies would bother testing thing thoroughly before pushing them onto the public and having them be guinea pigs. Sadly it seems like that's the big thing with the gaming world right now and will probably continue to be the norm.

I do find it funny how nonchalant some people are over this though.
I do find it funny how nonchalant some people are over this though.

Really? I find it funny how it's always the same people pointing fingers and needing someone to blame when anything they encounter has an issue, problem, or glitch. If you have ever built, designed, tested, torn apart, or put together ANYTHING in your life, you quickly understand how all possible consequences cannot be anticipated, and, unfortunately, sometimes things just do not go as planned. Some of us are human, and make mistakes. How you must suffer so, living in a world of inferior servants!
Really? I find it funny how it's always the same people pointing fingers and needing someone to blame when anything they encounter has an issue, problem, or glitch. If you have ever built, designed, tested, torn apart, or put together ANYTHING in your life, you quickly understand how all possible consequences cannot be anticipated, and, unfortunately, sometimes things just do not go as planned. Some of us are human, and make mistakes. How you must suffer so, living in a world of inferior servants!

Well a lot of people are just going "ya Sony will fix it eventually" when it was a 360 some people would be laughing and saying what a POS system it. That was sort of my point although now that I said it I'm going to get flamed and called a 360 fanboy or some BS :rolleyes:.

Honestly I don't understand how any company can release something without giving it a good test first and have things like this fixed. The gaming industry as a whole expects it's customers to test the product they paid good money for and sometimes it's fix, sometimes it isn't. And I'm not just pointing the finger to Sony, I'm pointing it at the industry as a whole since they are all extremely guilty of it.
Hey, more seriously, this is from kotaku, same old story, but even more detailed. 👍

I bet some more people will try this soon, so we then should know for sure.

read this over at ps3 hacks from a user named "Mihai Olimpiu Cristian", sounds fairly reasonable:

Might be old news, but thanks to a certain hardware/software guru, and from various of sources and efnet they are able to at least give the letdown why this problem is happening. Quoted.

Well the gist is that the ARM SYSCON CPU that is used to power up the front panel of the ps3, that is responsible for doing things like sleep mode, eject, RTC etc. Is an old batch that sony picked up from the shelf like other manufacturers that has that calendar year bug regarding feburary 29th on certain periods. Causing the ps3 system clock and the real time clock to desync, messing up security measures like Digital Rights management software and sometimes games that relies on clocks for whatever reason. As well as signing up to the playstation network… This CPU is always on even when your PS3 isn’t plugged

This is the one of the same type of CPUs that is powering up mobile devices like zune and blackberries, they have been affected with this bug, so they done some software patches. A syscon update can also fix this problem

The Slims ps3s aren’t affected because they use a newer up to date revision on the syscon cpu that fixes this bug.

A quick way to fix this is to remove the RTC battery for at least 5-10 min and plug it back in, you will see the date and time reset, and voila…

BTW all this was quoted from some ps3 hardware gurus and tested by various of peeps on efnet, all thanks to them for the information!"

So far this is the best explanation I've seen, and apparently removing the battery does sync the internal clock, but I'm in no rush. If there isn't a patch released later today, perhaps tonight I'll go ahead and remove the RTC battery.

Heck, I might do it any way just as an excuse to clean all the dust that surely has been building up inside our PS3 for the last three years! :embarrassed:
Someone had to (-:



As fas as I understand the problem lies in the internal clock, specifically on the date (28/29th February thing). Yesterday I was playing GT5:P from 12:00 to 03:00 am (GMT). GT5:P My Page calendar showed correctly March 1st 2010. Does this means that my fatty 80gb PS3 as somehow passed over this issue unharmed and that it is safe to use it without getting problems today?
Lame. Problems like this shouldn't occur and I really wish companies would bother testing thing thoroughly before pushing them onto the public and having them be guinea pigs. Sadly it seems like that's the big thing with the gaming world right now and will probably continue to be the norm.

I do find it funny how nonchalant some people are over this though.

This is exactly why GT5 is taking so long, we don't want errors likes this whille playing, do we?
This can be fixed! But requires opening up your PS3 :(

Basically the problem lies in the internal battery, remove it for 5 mins then re-insert. Now someone has found how to solve the problem physically I'm sure Sony can work out a software work-around.

EDIT: Sorta Tree'd.
This is exactly why GT5 is taking so long, we don't want errors likes this whille playing, do we?

And you'll still get errors and there will still probably be a day one patch, along with several follow up patches for weeks after the game is released.
Well a lot of people are just going "ya Sony will fix it eventually" when it was a 360 some people would be laughing and saying what a POS system it. That was sort of my point although now that I said it I'm going to get flamed and called a 360 fanboy or some BS :rolleyes:.

Honestly I don't understand how any company can release something without giving it a good test first and have things like this fixed. The gaming industry as a whole expects it's customers to test the product they paid good money for and sometimes it's fix, sometimes it isn't. And I'm not just pointing the finger to Sony, I'm pointing it at the industry as a whole since they are all extremely guilty of it.

Joey... then why instead of blaming Microsoft for their numerous design flaws that they have in fact already admitted to, did you constantly blame users of 360s that died for what you claim was improper care! It seems quite obvious you have a different set of judgment rules when it comes to the 360 and the PS3, and your posts clearly have shown those discrepancies.

By comparison you didn't show nearly any concern about the 2 week long Xbox Live service issues when that happened yet now you are offended by what's happening now?

You can't have it both ways... you like to claim you aren't a fanboy of the 360 when the majority of your past history of posts in the 360 forum and the PS3 forum tells us otherwise.
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Joey... then why instead of blaming Microsoft for their numerous design flaws that they have in fact already admitted to, did you constantly blame users of 360s that died for what you claim was improper care! It seems quite obvious you have a different set of judgement rules when it comes to the 360 and the PS3, and your posts clearly have shown those discrepancies.

By comparison you didn't show nearly any concern about the 2 week long Xbox Live service issues when that happened yet now you are offended by what's happening now?

You can't have it both ways... you like to claim you aren't a fanboy, of the 360 when the majority of your past history of posts in the 360 forum and the PS3 forum telsl us otherwise.

I wasn't aware of a two week XBL outage (shows how much I play console games), I'm not doubting you and yes that's unacceptable as well. It's all unacceptable.

And way to bend the truth 👍. I did blame Mircosoft for designing a product that couldn't be used without excessive cleaning.

The only thing I'm a fanboy of it PC Gaming because PC Gaming will always be superior to console gaming in everyway. I'll freely admit my PC Gaming fanboyism, I'll just laugh at the 360 fanboy comment :lol:. Seriously I thought you would have played this out by now but hey whatever man.
Well a lot of people are just going "ya Sony will fix it eventually" when it was a 360 some people would be laughing and saying what a POS system it.

I'm one of the nonchalant ones. Don't recall flameraping the 360 for a day of online downtime though.
Guys, it's obvious that Sony is SKYNET and these PSN "Errors" are just fronts to distract us from their robotic take over of the planet.
I'm one of the nonchalant ones. Don't recall flameraping the 360 for a day of online downtime though.

It's more of an observation of the internet in general. It seems like it fashionable to jump over all things Microsoft for whatever reason, and I'm not just talking about the gaming part of it. People throw Windows through the ringer all the time for whatever reason.

And taking a nonchalant approach to this stuff just means the gaming industry will continue to pull crap like this and think it's OK. People need to speak up (and with their wallets) that stuff like this isn't acceptable, especially after the huge out lay of money we've paid for their product.
I wasn't aware of a two week XBL outage

Right... and despite posting in the same threads that discussed the outage during the same time period.... OK. ;)

And way to bend the truth 👍. I did blame Mircosoft for designing a product that couldn't be used without excessive cleaning.

How ironic that you claim a truth is being bent at the same time you claim that by excessive cleaning of the 360 would have prevented the 30% failure rate of 360s... despite several people in the 360 failure threads telling you that they did take excessive care of their 360s and they still failed.

The only thing I'm a fanboy of it PC Gaming because PC Gaming will always be superior to console gaming in everyway. I'll freely admit my PC Gaming fanboyism, I'll just laugh at the 360 fanboy comment :lol:. Seriously I thought you would have played this out by now but hey whatever man.

The reason it isn't played out is you continue to behave in the same manor as before, and claim things to be true that are not true.

I don't doubt for a second you are a fanboy of PC Gaming, perhaps for all the legal and illegal benefits that can come from it, which perhaps also explains your vocal support for piracy in past threads, but thank you for clearing that up.

If you want this issue to be played out, then I suggest you stop claiming to be one thing and acting like something else. Your constant posts about "hating fanboys" when that's precisely how you've been acting is what keeps all of this from being "played out".

I could care less what type of gaming platform you or anyone else prefers, to me they all have advantages and disadvantages, but what I can't stand is when someone is clearly misleading people and saying things that are untrue, and have been proven to be untrue time and time again, yet they continue their charade.
Ok so last night the playstation froze at 11:59 I assumed it just froze like it normally does and went to sleep I just got back and turned it on for the time to be 11:59 after research I found out it is an error that should be fixed soon and the advice is to steer clear for a day or so.
And now mine has joined the long line of victims. *Sigh* Oh well.. At least I'm not alone with this.
Guys, it's obvious that Sony is SKYNET and these PSN "Errors" are just fronts to distract us from their robotic take over of the planet.


I just find it funny that it took 10 years for the Y2K bug to finally surface. :D
I don't doubt for a second you are a fanboy of PC Gaming, perhaps for all the legal and illegal benefits that can come from it, which perhaps also explains your vocal support for piracy in past threads, but thank you for clearing that up.

Wow you must know me better then I know myself. I think a trip back to my ignore list is in order so I don't have be insulted by your nonsense, flame baiting, and personal attacking undertones.

I just gave my opinion of how I'm unhappy with the way the whole gaming industry uses it's paying customers as test subjects instead of doing it themselves and I'm sick of it.