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ShellyLathamin addition:
It dissappeared as it was links to copyrighted software. Do not talk about it any further here.HUDSONJONEShey ShellyLatham i saw your link to some games on another thread, which has since disapeared?? what firmwar should i be using to run these as i tried one of them and it said the data was corrupted??
SakialeYou'll get a Murcielago R-GT for 300 dollars? Get me one too!
The PSP core pack is now 200 dollars, 250 includes a cleaning cloth, foam case, 30 mb memory stick and headphones.
Id recommend either the base 200 dollar or the premium 300 dollar PSP.
I also recommend Midnight Club 3, and Burnout Revenge. Although I beat both in the space of 2 weeks.
Do NOT get NFSMW 5 1 0.
joseph dobsonwho likes the DBR9?
i like aston martins but they resemble catI bloody adore it. I changed my avatar to it recently.
That is freaking awesome. Seriously. If you give me a hi-res version of that (1440x900+), I'll give you a tub of cookie dough and my thanks.
edit - i just bought my psp yesterday, mostly for work [i dont feel like turning off (and no, thats not a typo, i work for sony) my playstation during breaks just to turn it on again after them]
hope THIS will do for the hi-res ppl. This is currently my desktop bg also.