PURE | Flyin' Miata Super Cup | Grand Finale Results & Points Posted!

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
I backed up my game last night. Started back up GT5 installed Chassis Reinforcement and gave it a go. Felt pretty good.

I'll load the save with out it tonight and see how that goes now that I got a decent feel for the track.
I think no chassis will help on Murray, the others it may help.. We'll see, we're allowed to run two different cars right? I swapped the colors on car 2, but it is still #7.
Only if you turn up to one of the GT4 races. :rolleyes:

:lol: Sure mate. I've got a room up now actually practicing GT4 so you might find me in there.
Only if you turn up to one of the GT4 races. :rolleyes:

:lol: Sure mate. I've got a room up now actually practicing GT4 so you might find me in there.

I will! I promise :) you still on?
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Where lol

I couldn't find you anywhere!

I get kicked outta my dorm for long weekend in 20 minutes :( Is anyone on who can at least vouch for my qualifying run steward or not?

Alright I'm outta time I'm just gonna do a race and send you my replay Turbo. Take it or leave it. :/
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Notes for Murray Valley Speedway | Race #3
  • Please be mindful of cars around you while entering and exiting the front straightaway. Pit road entrance and exit is tricky here.
  • This race will end at Night. If you have trouble seeing the track while it is dark, I highly advise you to raise the brightness setting of the game (+1.0) before you start the race.
  • Be careful of the invisible wall that sticks out exiting the last corner!
Grid Procedure for Murray Valley Speedway | Race #3

  • Pole position is to line up on the right side of the front straightaway, just behind the mobile light generator.
  • The rest of the field will line up like normal, with the front of your car no further forward than the rear of the car ahead of you.
  • Please enter the track in order called, and DO NOT pass the car ahead of you, or the Start/Finish line.

Stig, will you be online anytime from now until race day? If you tell me far enough in advance, I might be able to watch you. 👍
Stig, will you be online anytime from now until race day? If you tell me far enough in advance, I might be able to watch you. 👍

Nah Im not allowed back in the dorms till Sunday evening :/
So, if you're attending that school from out of state, where are you supposed to stay? That's kind of messed up. :indiff:

I am from outa state :/ its our version of spring break so I guess we're supposed to go home.
I read it as they kicked you out for the weekend.

They did, like we can't stay there. The dorms are locked. Other schools do it for spring break its just stupid because our "spring break" is that we get tomorrow off and that's it.
I am from outa state :/ its our version of spring break so I guess we're supposed to go home.

I thought that meant you're supposed to go to cabo and do tequila body shots off LA major state college students in bikinis?
I thought that meant you're supposed to go to cabo and do tequila body shots off LA major state college students in bikinis?

Lol in the real world yes but not at my school :P

Turbo I'm 600 miles away and they told me to go home with a friend. Keep in mind there are only 180 of us in the dorms.
Can we do that?
I work Saturday morning, I'm definitely going to miss the GT4 race, but might be home in time for D1 FMSC race.

Probably depends on if there's empty spots on the grid.
I would certainly disagree if it meant bumping someone who's registered D1.
I know it was discussed last week, but never saw what happened.

I don't know if I'll be home in time or not though, so I'm certainly not taking anyone's spot in any case.
If there's empty spots, that's fine. I expect there to be some this weekend as it's a custom track and there's bound to be a few no-shows. (hopefully I'm proven wrong ;))

Also, who all watched my race updates on Twitter last weekend for Division 2? Just trying to find out if it's worth it to continue, or if it's something that everyone will actually use.
I think you can still see the updates without having to register.

And I personally don't use it either, just did it for FMSC.