PURE | GATE 2 - GT300 - Season winners - tony1311 and Team Wedssport



Division 1 Room #

Division 2 Room #

Qualifying order



Pre-race briefing | Twin Ring Motegi | Round 2


Event information - Saturday, February 9th

Qualifying deadline: 09.00 UTC | 01.00 PST | 04.00 EST

Connect time: 20.00 UTC | 12.00 PST | 15.00 EST

Green Flag time: 21.00 UTC | 13.00 PST | 16.00 EST

Division 1 host: owensracing Division 2 host: skengdigi
Race distance: 150 km - 31 + 1 laps

Vehicle inspections begin at 20.45 for grid preparation, please do not chat during this time.
Field will then line up in qualifying order after a track reset in order to set the grid for the race.




≡Track Notes ≡

Track boundaries for all races in GATE 2 are universally defined as follows:
The white lines along the edge of the track are considered to be the track boundaries. These lines continue onto the rumble strips at each corner. At no point should there be no more than two wheels over those lines/rumble strips. two tires must remain in contact with the track at all times. The preceding defines the "track." hard surfaces beyond white lines and curbing/rumble strips such as concrete, "greencrete", or turf and other run off is not considered to be track. White lines, curbing/rumble strips are track and even if you only have two tires on their very edges (to be reviewed and confirmed by as steward) it will be considered clean.

This rule is, of course, also pertinent to both regular season qualifying and the group qualifying to be held especially for the pre-season event. And this also applies to marked pit lane entry and exit lines. Do not cross them.

≡Track Specific ≡

Pit Entry: Only thing to keep in mind is to not enter too fast. The game will penalise you or even hold you in the pits with no release. DO NOT use any barriers or walls as guide or to gain time/speed.

Pit Exit: Nothing of any note. Just be aware of cars approaching the braking zone on your outside.

≡Running Wide ≡

There's a few spots to be extra careful at.
  1. On the approach to turn 12 (on the map above) under the bridge, be sure to keep 2 wheels inside the white line.
  2. Last chicane. This is also a spot where a lot of time can be gained by cutting too much. Keep 2 wheels on the rumble strip at all times, and you're fine.
≡Fuel ≡

The in-game fuel calculator doesn't function correctly. You must do a test run of approx half distance and calculate your own fuel usage. If you follow the guidelines set by the game, you will run out of fuel


≡Results and replay ≡



Replay with commentary by Wardez

A staggered double-file line is used for our rolling start for the first lap after which the race will begin at the start/ finish line.
( First time pole sitters will be contacted for confirmation of the following regulations)
  • Pole sitter will begin on the left side of the track.
  • Even number position qualifiers will be on the right side lane of the formation. Odd number qualifiers will be in the pole sitters lane on the left side.
  • Once the GT5 race countdown has completed and the race event has begun all drivers must hold position and wait for confirmation from the host to proceed. Use your handbrakes, sit silently, report any suspicious latency between cars or lag jolting/skipping. After the host has given the go ahead all drivers will begin to slowly form up in qualifying order. The leader must act as gatherer, they must not pre-maturely advance from the group, it is their job to keep the pace slow enough until all cars are in position then proceed to formation speed.
  • Even pace at 100 kmh / 62 mph,
  • The pole leader must wait for the grid to line up behind them completely on the start straight before starting the race by applying full throttle at the start/finish line.
  • No weaving is allowed during formation lap.
  • You must not overlap the car ahead of you.
  • Do not pass any car until you're past the point the pole sitter started the race at.
  • Jump starters will be given warnings or penalties depending on severity.
  • If a driver is damaged on formation then the damaged driver must communicate this through text chat and continue at a reasonable speed to the pit area. The other cars will continue on as normal and the damaged car(s) can join the group as they come around for their first lap. At this point the formation lap will continue on for a second lap after which the race will begin. If it happens once more, the same contingency will be applied and a third formation lap will go on. After this, no more "formation restarts" will be acceptable and the affected drivers must either retire or start far behind the group. Drivers experiencing extreme lag will be asked to leave so the other drivers can race.
  • If, for any reason, a driver misses the formation start and stays behind still on the track the race will not go on, it must be restarted to eliminate the obstacle.



≡Host Inspection Guide ≡

Procedure -
Reset track. All cars must be off track, in the lobby, check for the wrench icon denoting drivers changing settings. Advise drivers to not speak or go into settings and commence inspections. If any drivers go into settings during checks, they must be restarted. All cars will be inspected at the same time. Before checks begin, set the number of laps or any other required race settings.

Proceed with inspection.

  • Weight checks are conducted first for the cars that must carry ballast.
    Set the weight and call the cars to track in this order:
    1. 1190kg
    *Lexus IS350
    2. 1050kg
    *Toyota Altezza Touring Car*

    Performance point checks are carried out next.
    Set the room to the following PP, then call cars to sit in their pit stalls, in this order:
    1. 456pp
    *Toyota Altezza Touring Car*
    2. 489pp
    *Lexus Wedssport IS350 '08*
    *Subaru Cusco Advan Impreza '03*
    3. 499pp
    *Spoon S2000 Race Car*
    4. 500pp
    *S2000 LM Race Car*
    5. 501pp
    *RE Amemiya RX7 '06*
    7. 503pp
    *Toyota Wedssport Celica '03*
    8. 509pp
    *Autobacs ARTA Garaiya '08*
    9. 513pp
    *Toyota Superautobacs MR-S '00*
    10. 515pp
    *Autobacs ARTA Garaiya '03*
    10. 516pp
    *Subaru Cusco Dunlop Impreza '08*

    Following performance point checks are power checks.
    Set the room to the following settings, then call cars to track, in this order:
    1. 305hp
    *Toyota Superautobacs MR-S '00*
    *Toyota Wedssport Celica '03*
    *Toyota Altezza Touring Car*
    2. 315hp
    *RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX7 '06*
    3. 325hp
    *Autobacs Arta Garaiya '03*
    *Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08*
    *Spoon S2000 Race Car '00
    *S2000 LM Race Car*
    *Subaru Cusco Advan Impreza '03*
    *Subaru Cusco Dunlop Impreza '08*
    4. 345hp
    Lexus Wedssport IS350


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going by your time I'd say you liked my setup? :sly:

yea, i used 100% of your setup, tried 1 or 2 laps and only managed a low 2:01 with. Then Jason wanted to Q and then I had to Q aswell before being totally sleepy (was 6am here). And I managed 3 miraculous laps in a row during my Q lol
Jeff didn't like my alt account showing up in the D1 room :lol:

Just having a bit of fun before the race :)
go teammate 👍

EDIT: Norways Internet companies don't like me. Must be because I like the music that all the church burners there made.
I give up. Another race ruined from me being a dope. Had to pit on lap 28 losing 5 places for fuel. I then ran out on lap 31 just on the long straight. Hopefully I can sort it out for Suzuka as I won't be at next weeks race.
Too easy for mr killer .

Someone tell me their email address and i can send them the pic for d2 results.
This race was incredibly annoying and frustrating for me. Managed to use the draft to hold onto my starting spot for a while but even IN the draft down the straights I watched cars pull away from me. There was no way to make a pass on anyone without divebombing them. Even if I got a run off the corner, I would watch me gain, even out, and fall back down the straights.

Then, fuel calculations were way off, thankfully I decided on 12 liters at the end instead of 10 because it barely got me home. That whole last stint I ran a 59.5, 59.4, 59.3 all back-to-back-to-back and gained ZERO time on the cars ahead of me. Three PB laps in a row and nothing to show for it. With 5 to go I gave up. Much of the same next week and I won't even bother.
Well that was stupid.

Finished 6th, only to find out there was a guy who I couldn't see on the track 5 seconds ahead of me. Lame.
This race was incredibly annoying and frustrating for me. Managed to use the draft to hold onto my starting spot for a while but even IN the draft down the straights I watched cars pull away from me. There was no way to make a pass on anyone without divebombing them. Even if I got a run off the corner, I would watch me gain, even out, and fall back down the straights.

Then, fuel calculations were way off, thankfully I decided on 12 liters at the end instead of 10 because it barely got me home. That whole last stint I ran a 59.5, 59.4, 59.3 all back-to-back-to-back and gained ZERO time on the cars ahead of me. Three PB laps in a row and nothing to show for it. With 5 to go I gave up. Much of the same next week and I won't even bother.

Easy solution is to switch cars, it's in the rules you get one switch, you get to keep your point.
I love the car, it handles great. Just no power down the straights. Only thing lacking is under the hood.

If people feel the need to switch cars, I don't see the point of having the car in the first place.
Easy solution is to switch cars, it's in the rules you get one switch, you get to keep your point.

I'm considering this option. What's available?


Meh ill stick with what I started with. Even though I picked this car when it was spec'd at more power and pp. not sure why it got nerfed. I ran faster with the Standard Arta at previous specs.
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I love the car, it handles great. Just no power down the straights. Only thing lacking is under the hood.

If people feel the need to switch cars, I don't see the point of having the car in the first place.

Oh yeah, also most of us are running our final drives at 2.500, which can easily account for your lack of speed in the straights. All you have to do is set the FD to 2.500 then move the top speed scaler around till you see the same ratios as you're used to, or tweak them individually.
Oh yeah, also most of us are running our final drives at 2.500, which can easily account for your lack of speed in the straights. All you have to do is set the FD to 2.500 then move the top speed scaler around till you see the same ratios as you're used to, or tweak them individually.

Was kind of hoping I wouldn't be forced to do that.
This race was incredibly annoying and frustrating for me. Managed to use the draft to hold onto my starting spot for a while but even IN the draft down the straights I watched cars pull away from me. There was no way to make a pass on anyone without divebombing them. Even if I got a run off the corner, I would watch me gain, even out, and fall back down the straights.

Had similar experience with the Lexus. Out of corners the heavy weight was a huge drawback, everybody gained on me. The power bonus didn't help much, it only helped catch them at the end of straights but not enough to get next to somebody. It made gaining positions really hard.

I'm kind of confused on how the Lexus specs are supposed to work out. I only did oil after purchase, gave it 320km and have dirty oil now, but the power isn't getting the 345 in the specs. My current is 343 on dirty oil 1190kg for 489pp. New oil would put me at 339bhp for 489pp. How do I reach the 345?
Had similar experience with the Lexus. Out of corners the heavy weight was a huge drawback, everybody gained on me. The power bonus didn't help much, it only helped catch them at the end of straights but not enough to get next to somebody. It made gaining positions really hard.

I'm kind of confused on how the Lexus specs are supposed to work out. I only did oil after purchase, gave it 320km and have dirty oil now, but the power isn't getting the 345 in the specs. My current is 343 on dirty oil 1190kg for 489pp. New oil would put me at 339bhp for 489pp. How do I reach the 345?

You have your specs right. We use the 345hp for the checks as we can't check 343hp.
Iforce had a similar experience in the RX7 in practice this week too. Said it wasn't keeping up down straights.
Thanks for keeping it anonymous Hugo. Feel free to give us details in a PM.
Obviously delighted with the second checkerd flag, this time without any bad feelings ruining the joy.

Great racing with several people, but I was a little concerned spending quite a few laps behind "the Doctor" as a repeat from last week would have been disaster. Very few passing opportunities, and I think I only managed one during the whole race.

Pit strategy went well, but I put a little too much fuel in. Maybe a gamble a bit next week and I think my teammate had less in the tank at the end.
Obviously delighted with the second checkerd flag, this time without any bad feelings ruining the joy.

Great racing with several people, but I was a little concerned spending quite a few laps behind "the Doctor" as a repeat from last week would have been disaster. Very few passing opportunities, and I think I only managed one during the whole race.

Pit strategy went well, but I put a little too much fuel in. Maybe a gamble a bit next week and I think my teammate had less in the tank at the end.

The 1 thing I did get right in the race was the fuel. I stopped twice and put in 17 litres both times. Well done Johan, nice win 👍
Sail IC
I don't think there is a single drawback in doing it.

This was actually my first race with the FD at 2.500. I alsways had it low but not bang on 2.500

It really doesnt matter as long as its low, the difference between say, 2.700 and 2.500 is very little.