PURE | GATE 2 - GT300 - Season winners - tony1311 and Team Wedssport

This is my 23rd time finishing second, or in other terms, I'm runner up just over a quarter of the time in races. I think I may be earning a new moniker, first loser. :lol:

I really, really needed to be up front early, as that's when I'm fastest. After my first two stops, I was stuck behind someone, so I probably burned up the rears more that way. That hurt me big time the last few laps, since my rear wear wasn't that great, compounded that I pitted a lap earlier than both Tim and John, and I put in way too much gas. I actually had a bit of a run at one point but I didn't take my chance, believing I needed to wait until the last lap. Unfortunately, my car was junk at the end, so all I could do was hope that John would run out of gas. Nope.

Replay's going to be fun to watch, though. Action all over the place, it looked like. :dopey:
maybe i should have tested the final at 2.500, might have made up for the time lost in the final sector. When i was going behind one of the Arta before we started the race it was pulling away no mater how i took the corner out on the straight.
I had a blast in D2. First podium in a PURE event!

Would like to sincerely thank skengdigi and Third_reign for being patient with me that first stint! :cheers: Trying to stay ahead of you two was the highlight of my race. The next best highlight for me was jash lookin' for seashells by turn 1 and letting me inherit 3rd.
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The 1 thing I did get right in the race was the fuel. I stopped twice and put in 17 litres both times. Well done Johan, nice win 👍

wow your car's good on fuel. (or I'm horrible on fuel) :embarrassed:

I put in 15 and 31, was too much but I had < 1/8th in the tank at the end. 15, 25 would have been better. Consequently I dropped 8s behind on the second stop.

Very good race though. Had a war with Rich all first stint... led the first half, followed the 2nd half.
came out *just* in front after stop1 with Johan in tow. Had a good war with the other Arta through all the second stint... led the first half, followed the second. Then had to push like mad to try and claw back some time and finish well. Eddie was going really well all 3rd stint, he caught and passed Wii before I could catch him... I managed to get by myself but needed more road to catch back up to the podium.

Gotta do better on the pits stuff still. GJ Johan. 👍
I did almost the same as twisted. Hit the pit on laps 11 and 22 and took 18l both times.
I put in 15 and 31, was too much but I had < 1/8th in the tank at the end. 15, 25 would have been better. Consequently I dropped 8s behind on the second stop.
I did 20+15 myself, and still had enough fuel at the end for maybe another lap or two. It's weird because when I did my fuel testing I calculated that I needed around 40 liters at the very least. However for some reason during the race I got incredible mileage :confused: I spent a lot less time in the pits because of it, and it actually gave me a chance at challenging for a podium. On the flip side I was really slow on worn tires, so it balanced out :rolleyes:

To be honest this isn't the first time I've noticed a difference between fuel mileage when testing alone and when racing. Back during CALM, where I spent a lot of time developing pit strategy, I noticed my pre-race fuel calculations always ended up out the window due to getting different mileage during the race.
Well that's easy to explain. It's a result of slipstreaming, just like in real life. watch the Mythbusters episode where they follow the big rig truck with their car :).
I don't think I spend THAT long in slipstreams, and I took 50l in my one stop, which was waaaay too much, but I've had increases in burn rate happen when low before, so I just didn't trust the change from my calculations (probably flawed). Still better than being burned the other way, though, and I can't complain ;-)

Aside: Thanks, Skeng's "Dog"!
I've never thought that GT5 actually modeled the slipstream fuel saving effect though, although it would make sense in this case. Something new to add to my pit strategy toolkit I guess 👍
I had calculated I would need between 25 and 28 liters per stop to make it home. I stayed on schedule with the first stop, but didn't nearly need that much on my second stop and only took 12. After my screw up in the 3rd turn, spent pretty much the rest of the race on my own out of the draft. Fuel usage was still different from practice.
I've never thought that GT5 actually modeled the slipstream fuel saving effect though, although it would make sense in this case. Something new to add to my pit strategy toolkit I guess 👍

I doubt they modeled the fuel to the aero drag... that's giving them too much credit. But there is fuel savings, since when you're following someone in the draft you spend less time at WOT. You do a lot more "coasting" into corners so you don't hit them... stuff like that adds up.
The aero thing is testable though... the GT500 cockpits display fuel numbers, draft down route X or ssr7 check fuel burn in and out of the toe. Straights are plenty long enough to burn a few L .. especially on 'fastest'.
You save fuel in the draft because you don't have to go full throttle to stay at full throttle speed.

Trust me on this one ;)
Again, doesn't explain my different mileage in the 2nd half of the race when I was hauling ass and nowhere near a draft.
Yeah, that's what I was implying that you don't have to use as much energy to stay at the same speed when slipstreaming. That's all that happens in real life too isn't it?
wow your car's good on fuel. (or I'm horrible on fuel) :embarrassed:

I put in 15 and 31, was too much but I had < 1/8th in the tank at the end. 15, 25 would have been better. Consequently I dropped 8s behind on the second stop.
That's weird. I took a whopping 48 liters (24 on both stops), so I'm surprised you ended up well behind me. :confused:

I did 20+15 myself, and still had enough fuel at the end for maybe another lap or two. It's weird because when I did my fuel testing I calculated that I needed around 40 liters at the very least. However for some reason during the race I got incredible mileage :confused: I spent a lot less time in the pits because of it, and it actually gave me a chance at challenging for a podium. On the flip side I was really slow on worn tires, so it balanced out :rolleyes:
Consequently, that explains why you always ended up on my tail after every single stop. :lol:

I have to figure out how much less gas I should've taken, but I have to look at the replay first. Then I have to figure out a whole different approach to this.
Just checked the OP, Grand Valley this week. I consider this my home track, time to pull a good run out of my rear for a change. :P
Finally got a few minutes on a computer:


Div 2 results. Report later.
I should of duked it out with dragon for the 3rd place podium, but due to my girl friend getting home and me having to unlock the door for her during my 1st pit stop, I forgot to pick up my 15 liters of fuel. Which meant in the end I had to pick up 22 liters of fuel at my pit stop 2 and 3 which thru that fast pitting strategy out the window and eventually costing me 10 to 12 secs of track positioning. But hey that's how the cookie crumbles at least I only lost 1 position instead of more.

R1600: Just a heads up the Cusco Subaru '08 doesn't get around this place as well as one might assume with the Awd. I was very surprised when we raced this round for Jstc. You're a very fast driver so I'm sure you'll make the best of it somehow in the end tho! 👍

Also btw the Cusco Subaru 08' burned 144 liters per whole race (no pace lap) so we have 100 liters and at a 2 stopper you only needed 22 liters per stop to make it to the end. I simulated this 3 times. I went for a 3 stop at 15 liters per stop times 3 = 45 liters for fast pitting and made it to the end safely everytime. Even-tho my pit strategy got screwed up I still pick up 22 liters at my last 2 stops and made it to the end with fuel to spare.
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Just looked at the replay.

First off, oh yeah, way too much gas. Could've cut at least 5 liters, maybe even more. Second of all, my tire wear and fuel consumption is atrocious compared to everyone else. I have to fix this somehow.

Edit: Put the first time up on the practice board. I'm going to take a guess that pole will be a 56 something.
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My brother just gave me a call, telling I was the cause to the first accident in d2. Sorry you all, but 4 of you were invisible to me. Mule,sailsworksman,third rain and dazzler, I could not see you.:guilty:
I think contradictory to what you'de expect in real life, all of our cars has if driven equal about the same fuel milage. In real life you'de expect the light weight cars to have better fuel consumption and if the case in the game the Honda's, Celica, and Altezza would be better. But looking at the replay from yesterday I see no evidence that this being the case.

Slipstream seems to greatly affect fuel consumption. In my calculations prior to the race I would need 4.4l/lap. 31 laps to be 136.4l. Add 2l for the first lap gives a total of 138.4l. I filled 40l giving a total of 140l, but ended the race with more than 1.6l in the tank.

I also think the harder you push the more fuel you use, so at the end of each stint on worn tires I think we get better milage than on fresh tires. Driving smooth is probably good.
I had a blast in D2. First podium in a PURE event!

Would like to sincerely thank skengdigi and Third_reign for being patient with me that first stint! :cheers: Trying to stay ahead of you two was the highlight of my race. The next best highlight for me was jash lookin' for seashells by turn 1 and letting me inherit 3rd.

That was indeed good racing, couldn't find any spots to put myself next to you thought. Too bad I started beating myself in the later parts of the race. Kept my foot on the accelerator during pitstop 1 and auto-accepted without any fuel -.-

A few slip ups here and there also cost me positions, knocking me down quite far. Definitely need to work on my consistency.

I got another question on the 2.500 final drive:
Currently I set my gears by starting with defaults, maxing out the final (far right), minimizing the top speed slider, sometimes adjusting the highest gear a bit, and then adjust the final drive to max out on the longest straight with about 500rpm left for drafts. I never really got into transmission fine tuning so I'm unsure about setting individual gears (what to look for).
Now to the question. How do you adjust for the top speed and keep the final gear at 2.500? Do you even adjust it or use one gearing for all tracks?
I had calculated I would need between 25 and 28 liters per stop to make it home. I stayed on schedule with the first stop, but didn't nearly need that much on my second stop and only took 12. After my screw up in the 3rd turn, spent pretty much the rest of the race on my own out of the draft. Fuel usage was still different from practice.
You really don't know why the fuel mileage was different from practice?
I will give a clue then, they are all legitimate real world reasons. Meaning if you ever race(d) in real life, the same thing could/would happen.
Well more exactly, it confuses me how literally everyone knows that having low fuel makes your car quicker. This means weight is simulated dynamically from having less fuel on board.
This means you use less fuel in the second half of races.

Duh :P
Well more exactly, it confuses me how literally everyone knows that having low fuel makes your car quicker. This means weight is simulated dynamically from having less fuel on board.
This means you use less fuel in the second half of races.

Duh :P

Agree with you here. But what surprise me is that the lighter cars doesn't seem to have a fuel consumption advantage nor a tire wear advantage. BTW, this is good
Hi, check D2 replay in 1º lap, my car was heavy damage, by someone :ouch:

I don't know if you read my thread, but I was cause to the accident, but what can I do? Reason, 4 of the drivers where invisible to me(you included):ouch: I'll see if there is anything I can do, so that drivers will not be invisible like that in the future:idea:
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Sail IC
Agree with you here. But what surprise me is that the lighter cars doesn't seem to have a fuel consumption advantage nor a tire wear advantage. BTW, this is good
Are you sure about that?