PURE | GT4 Cup: Season 3 | Season End

  • Thread starter Adam41
The specs are correct for the Evora. You should have your engine fully broken in (187 miles/300 km of driving) and you should oil change regularly. I normally oil change before a qualifying run and before a race.

Success ballast has been removed. The standard, compulsory ballast for the Evora may be placed anywhere in the car.
Thanks man.

Yeah, I just built an evora to spec yesterday it's all good, just make sure yours is the same and run-in enough.

btw, before I ran the motor in on the laguna 200 I took a quick recon lap on SS tires before giving it over to the Billies. That car is a riot on sports tires. Wish I'd signed up early enough to get a Lotus.
Yeah, the steering response on that thing is insane!
What times are y'all running by the way? I think if I get a proper session in a run-in car I can do reasonably well.
Trying to post a little vid from my phone of a little clip of Sunday's D1 race (mainly to try it out) but my phone isn't picking up the wi-fi from my hub properly. Slightly annoying. :irked: Edit: wi-fi picked up, now my phone's just been arsey and doesn't want to upload the vid. :irked::irked:

Haven't done any more testing yet, but tomorrow I will be less busy.
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Haven't had a chance to test yet. Bob's breaking in the Maserati right now.

May post a short clip sometime later.
Anyone mind sharing tunes for their cars? I was going to do some testing tommorow night and would appreciate a good baseline tune for a few of the cars. I'll try and post mine in just a few 👍 Note that this tune was designed before the vehicle specs were revised yesterday. But I did a real quick test last night and the car still feels pretty good with this tune, despite gaining another 140kg or so.

Edit: Ride height: 22/24
Springs: 9.5/9.0
Damper extension: 5/5
Damper compression: 5/2
Anti roll bar: 3/3
Camber: 1.6/1.6
Toe: .05/-.75

Differential: 5/60/5

Brakes: 8/8

Max downforce



Final: 3.601

I also vote for no ballast, at any limit. I completely agree with Brock's diagnosis. But I'd still like to think of a different approach to slightly handicaping drivers, but it's gotta be the hardest thing to pin down and execute well.

Edit: and when I'm talking about making a new system I mean for future series or seasons, not this one.

Limiting power might be a more practical way to handicap the faster drivers, without burdening them with another exponential variable in tuning when ballast is added. Of course limiting just the power alone might not be enough to achieve the desired results though...but I guess that would depend on many variables, and how far you could practically go when it comes to restricting the power before the torque curve might become a bit outlandish.

Depending on the cars used in a series, it might also be feasible to allow the slower drivers to remove weight (if the specific car allows further weight reduction) or to raise their power levels.

You've probably already thought of these, but I thought I'd at least mention something since I really do hate the current ballast system, and particularly how it can be a quite a burden (in terms of time wasted dialing in the tune for continual changes in ballast) for the most competitive participants :dopey:
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Yeah agreed. Powerlimiting is definitely an idea but I do like the idea of allowing slower drivers to increase their HP slightly...

Only problem is that you'd have to make a whole new field spec' based around the idea.

I could see it working though.
I was quite keen on the ballast system tbh as I thought I'd have a better chance of being competitive with it in, albeit not by much. I understand the maintanence that comes with it though, plus it'd be nice if I could compete purely on driver skill rather than because I have a performance edge. If anyone gets any good tunes up for the 370Z I'd be most appreciative if they could send one my way, I'm running stock settings atm & not clued on up producing a strong setup. I'll get some more practice done tomorrow on Rome. What time are people online tomorrow (GMT)? Group practice anyone? I find I'm quicker when I've got someone I can follow even in free run as I learn new lines too :).
Anyone mind sharing tunes for their cars? I was going to do some testing tommorow night and would appreciate a good baseline tune for a few of the cars.
Like you need help from us mortals. :lol:

This is what I have with the Corvette. Great on free run. Junk on race day, as usual, with every setup I've conceived.

Aero: 20

LSD: 15/20/15

RH: 5/0
SR: 8.5/7.5
D(E): 5/5
D(C): 5/5
ARB: 2/2

Camber: 2.0/1.0
Toe Angle: 0.00/-0.05

Brake Balance: 4/6

Transmission: Dependent on track. Generally set to gear preference at certain corners.
Thanks for the tune, my long lost brother :lol:

I'm quite interested in seeing how much more can be extracted out of that car, if possible with more - rear toe and a few other tricks. Maybe Adam can post his tune as well. Although I haven't driven the Corvette, studying the tire wear from the previous race would suggest (mainly how little heat/energy was being put into the rear tires) that one might be able to get a bit more speed out of the car with more aggresive rear toe settings, diff settings, among a few other things....but this is just a outside obsevation atm :dopey:
Thanks for the tune, my long lost brother :lol:
I'm the younger one which always gets overlooked, or otherwise mistaken for the older, more successful one. :sly:
I'm quite interested in seeing how much more can be extracted out of that car, if possible with more - rear toe and a few other tricks. Maybe Adam can post his tune as well. Although I haven't driven the Corvette, studying the tire wear from the previous race would suggest (mainly how little heat/energy was being put into the rear tires) that one might be able to get a bit more speed out of the car with more aggresive rear toe settings, diff settings, among a few other things....but this is just a outside obsevation atm :dopey:
Funny you mention the rear toe because that's something I've started adding to my cars. Really like how it feels, especially if the car's nose doesn't rotate like I want it to (I'm looking at you, Miata TC). As for the diff, it's always been a guessing game for me in terms of what I want.

Now if I can only figure out how to compensate for aero push...
Anyone mind sharing tunes for their cars? I was going to do some testing tommorow night and would appreciate a good baseline tune for a few of the cars. I'll try and post mine in just a few 👍
For the 370Z...

I ran
10 aero




I noticed a strong urge to over-steer under braking, and under-steer on acceleration, which eventually lead to ridiculous shocks that really helped keep the car driving how I wanted.
You could try shocks like 7/3 3/7 first to see if you like the way it's going, etc. I started at 5/5 5/5, and once I saw the handling problems I worked my way from 6/4 4/6 onward.
I'm not the best at tuning to be honest, but I think really should start experimenting more to try and get even quicker lap times. Usually when a car handles alright, like the Corvette, I leave it alone. I'll post my tune up later, but I'm sure when I hit 'reset to default' not many things will change. :lol:
Exams over, anyone up for a dose of practice?
Moved the ballast on the Evora all the way forward and I kinda like it...
Exams over, anyone up for a dose of practice?
Moved the ballast on the Evora all the way forward and I kinda like it...

That's where I would put it. By default the rearward weight bias is pretty crazy.

Finally got it working! But it's been so long since the race it's not that exciting any more. :dopey:
Until he exposed his humanity by touching the grass. :lol:

The pressure was just too much. I had more pressure on those 4 laps than the rest of the race. :scared: And yes, that proved Im human. No, RT, Im NOT an alien. The video shows that. 👍
The pressure was just too much. I had more pressure on those 4 laps than the rest of the race. :scared: And yes, that proved Im human. No, RT, Im NOT an alien. The video shows that. 👍

I've done that many times in that same exact spot. Therefor, I must not be an alien either, no?
I've done that many times in that same exact spot. Therefor, I must not be an alien either, no?

No, sir, you are an alien. I, on the other hand, am not. :D Sunday, that will be proved. The alien will be set apart from the human. Simple. ;)
I've done that many times in that same exact spot. Therefor, I must not be an alien either, no?

No, sir, you are an alien. I, on the other hand, am not. :D Sunday, that will be proved. The alien will be set apart from the human. Simple. ;)
If we look at it from a win-to-races perspective, you both are aliens. :P

I, on the other hand, clearly is a bona-fide human. Just look at my stats in my sig. :sly: