PURE | GT4 Cup: Season 3 | Season End

  • Thread starter Adam41
If you think the M3 is bad, try passing with the Evora. You pretty much have to drive way more defensive just to keep them behind you, and even then, they'll still drive right by you on the straights.

The lotus is fast enough in the corners to make up for it though.
The lotus is fast enough in the corners to make up for it though.

This. I had a great battle with Nep near the end of the race, and we swapped positions quite a few times thanks to tire wear, he was suffering more on the corners than me, although he did have the speed advantage to keep ahead. Was a real challenge to keep the car from oversteering on the first corner though, my tires were shot on the first stint as a result, managed to keep it down in the second stint.
Had an amazing fight in D1, probably one of my most intense races ever. Extmrely close, clean, passes were being thrown out everywhere. As soon as the race started I got past my team mate Nige and stayed close on Aderrrm's tail for all of the first stint. I also got past him a couple times and he returned the favor, really exciting stuff.

It was mostly just Aderrrm, I and Nige (Welsh) training it along in the first stint. Then I believe we had a few close calls where we'd each rub a wall and slowed the train down and allowed 3rd to 6th to catch up. Tony took advantage of the newly found draft and was able to get right up with us at the end of the first sting. At lap 16 I was ahead of Aderrrm and was planning on stopping on 17 going into 18 to cut the distance nicely in half. But Ady wasn't planning on waiting that long like I'd hoped. So he muscled his way past me, really close again haha, right before the last turn, then I had Tony right behind me and Nige in proximity as well. Adam dove into the pits like a madman with Tony going in behind and I was instantly disappointed and regretted not stopping then 'cause I knew what would happen on my following lap's pit exit - Nige stayed out with me for one more. Come around on my stop on 17 as planned nicely enough, although there was some pit lane traffic, then saw Adam's name quickly flash up the position tree way faster than I expected. Out on to the track, he's already 3 seconds ahead of me :/ I was just barely able to make it in front of Tony with Nige just behind him.

After that it was just Adam slowly pulling away from the three of us. Nige, Tony and I must've traded second place like a dozen times or so it seemed. Moves going on everywhere, passes in places you'd never even think were possible but all super clean thanks to the pure talent of these drivers.

There was an especially amazing sequence of events that occurred down the back straight - straight after the hairpin. We went just about three wide into the hair pin and I ended up exiting about one car behind Tony but in a "lane" right next to him. So we ripped down the straight and I had to use all of my Mas'i's good top speed to just get right up along side him by the time we were half way down the cobble-paved road, neck and neck - freeze frame - now at this point the situation should've played out quite easily, Tony knew I'd probably have to back off since the kink was coming right up and he had a better line, so at the rate here it would've been a simple backing off of mine. But Nige had other ideas. He was right behind me, closing in fast and wouldn't you know it? As soon as I thought, " Man, if he just bum-" *plock* VROOM. It was like the boost in the Little Rascals movie soap box derby race. i was able to get well past Tony's nose, clear the turn and off we went again, Tony in a Maserati sandwhich.

Then tire wear made our lives hard haha, Tony fought so hard with us that his tires respectfully resigned themselves to nominal grip levels and he fell back. Nige went for a pass around lap 33, he made a mistake at the kink (didn't we all) and I was able to get back in front to charge the remaining race in second place again.

Then RT came out of nowhere, kept creeping up faster and faster the RJN approached.

I was hoping Nige could hold him off for a nice team podium but alas, Jason had the mojo in the last corner.

Great race, uploading a replay as I type, I recorded the whole race from my perspective live. I'll post it up here later today.

Thanks guys.
Race started well enough. Finally, my car didn't drive like a jalopy in the draft. Unfortunately, those Maseratis pulled away so much in the straights, I really had to push through the corners just to keep tabs with them. Unfortunately, the feel-goods went south, so I got gobbled up by Tony, then Brock (TA). Worse, right after Brock got past, his car got worse because he started sliding around all over the place. Then I saw Jason's Z creeping closer behind me, and I knew I was in big trouble.

Eventually, something happened up front which caught us up to the lead pack. Pits was a disaster. Brock all but crashed entering, forcing me to swing around in front. Got held up at least twice, with cars going in and out, allowing Jason in getting too far ahead for me to draft him effectively. Had some fierce battling with Brock for 6th before my teammate, Wii, began catching up. A mistake by Brock, followed with Wii attacking him for position allowed me to pull a little forwards. However, with two laps to go, my left front was at 10-15%, and on the last lap, I cooked it at T1, carrying far too much speed. I hit the throttle, and swung that Corvette through there. 9 out of 10 times, I would have wrecked it, but I held onto it, maintaining 6th.

Long story short, tire wear... ugh. I don't know what else I can do. Did some quick testing at Rome with camber, rear toe, brakes, racing line, transmission, LSD, steering inputs, I can't save these front tires without losing significant time. At this rate, I'll qualify well, but will fall back over the long run.
And here she is:

Use my write up as a loose mini-guide - Enjoy 👍
If there is a spot next week - I think I fixed my pedals. No more mechanical failures! I did one lap of "Bronzestone". It seems pretty tricky stuff.
Amazing race at the front!
Thanks for the upload Eddie. :)
It's insane how your Maserati almost eats Adam's Vette with the draft on the straights.
RT's comeback was awesome.
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And here she is:


Absolute awesomeness :drool:

That bump from Welsh was so well timed, unbelievable.

You just stole an hour of my sleep.

And oh yeah, congrats on the Miata win, you have been flying today.
Adam, for future races, can we PLEASE drop these pit windows? Based on what I've read, some people lost significant track time because too many cars went in for tires. 👎
Or make them longer? For FMSC races it's after lap 5 and then 5 laps before the finish. So for the Tokyo race this weekend that makes the pit window ~ 25 laps.
I really fail to see the problem, maybe some of the cars are that much better on tires, I don't know.
I do know nobody is going to gain time from pitting outside these first 2 races pit windows in the Z.
Or make them longer? For FMSC races it's after lap 5 and then 5 laps before the finish. So for the Tokyo race this weekend that makes the pit window ~ 25 laps.
That works too. I bring this up because after watching the replay, Brock and I lost about ~4 seconds in the pits. I slowed him down since my pit stall came up first, and when CSL came in, he somehow warped in front of me and my car all but stopped.
I wouldnt pit with too any people around, I simply don't trust GT5 to take it smoothly. IMO the way it handles alot of stuff is like a unfinished game.
Personally, I couldn't make my pit outside the pit window either as my tyres couldn't cope. I don't mind if it's changed though.

I think I dialled in too much rear wear on my tyres for this race, so instead of having a controllable understeering car, I ended with a tricky oversteering car. It was a great race to be part of with some excellent, and respectful passing by many, in places where passes in similar cars shouldn't happen. ;) Obviously with less fighting amongst ourselves, I'm sure my result would have been better, but less fun :D
Well, like people have said, it really doesn't matter if there's pit windows or not. It's just in there for the sake of authenticity, who would pit so late or so early anyway? It only opens up the possibility of two stoppers, but then Adam has the tough decision of either making the races longer to accommodate for better two stopper viability and getting rid of the PW or he makes the races a bit shorter so we don't have what we had today with certain cars having such horrible wear toward the end of their stints.

I'm all for more strategy so making the races an hour long or so and getting rid of the PW would be great since some people could attempt either one or two stops depending on their car or set up.

2 cents.
Well, like people have said, it really doesn't matter if there's pit windows or not. It's just in there for the sake of authenticity, who would pit so late or so early anyway? It only opens up the possibility of two stoppers, but then Adam has the tough decision of either making the races longer to accommodate for better two stopper viability and getting rid of the PW or he makes the races a bit shorter so we don't have what we had today with certain cars having such horrible wear toward the end of their stints.

I'm all for more strategy so making the races an hour long or so and getting rid of the PW would be great since some people could attempt either one or two stops depending on their car or set up.

2 cents.
Well those are all stupid ideas. :P

On a more serious note, I don't see a huge issue either way, but if the races are longer, I think it will force some but not all cars to 2 stop, giving out a possible advantage.
It's tough to say, having not driven more than 1 car, just knowing Tony's tires were absolutely dead makes me think there are some definite tire wear differences in play.
IMO, the distances are perfect. I like the pit window idea, too, maybe you can make it bigger though. Don't change the distances.
For me the distances are just right for the Evora's tire wear. I would have to go more conservative if it were to become any longer.
Alright, so I'm sitting here watching the replay of the D2 race, and I'm really not impressed with myself right now.

Watching the Nissans and Aston Martins drive right by me down the straights was really frustrating. Yes, I was faster in the corners, but there wasn't much I could do. To try to compensate for this, I had to drive way more aggressive than normal.

This led to me throwing a couple of nasty blocks on people, and make a few overly optimistic pass attempts, which would lead to contact. And end up with one guy spinning out.

So I want to publicly apologize to Reality and Jay_1086 for my terrible driving. Next time I'll just let you guys blow by me without a fight, and finish in last where I probably belong.

Dude you don't belong last. It's not about just letting people by, it's just picking your battles. Trust me, the sixth sense of where good passing opportunities lie comes with more and more wheel-to-wheel experience. You're definitely getting there.

I think in this case you kind of just over estimated your car's ability so that's easily fixable, now you know and you'll know the car's limits a lot better for next race and can kick some ass.
I think in this case you kind of just over estimated your car's ability so that's easily fixable, now you know and you'll know the car's limits a lot better for next race and can kick some ass.
Partly, but it's also the simple fact that the Lotus was going to be a sitting duck at Rome. I could imagine what I would have experienced if I drove it in D1 today:

Get passed early
Be held up in corners by ahead car
Pack gets away at straights
End up at the rear

Glad I didn't choose it, tbh.
Cleared my PM box. Didn't expect so many PM's, sorry about that.

Pit Window/Pitting: So I'm going to make sure that the 40 minute race is not 1 second over 40 minutes. Rome would have probably been 33 laps including the formation lap, for example. This should help with the difference in car's tyre wear/driver's setup/driving style, which ever way you see it...

So the race was 35 laps. That would make 18 the optimum pitting in lap, seeing as there was a formation lap. Now, I can't see anyone pitting in at lap 15 or lap 22. What stumps me is that half of you are literally complaining about tyre wear, but because you lost time in the pits pitting in at the same lap as someone, you want rid of the pit window, but fail to see that pitting outside this pit window would probably destroy a good part of your race.

The problem is not the pit window, but the GT5 pits which are just... useless. What adds the problem (I think, at least, I still have to check the replay), is how much some of you are taking out of your tyres. I know TA for example, was using some pretty aggressive values in his tune. I think I'm right in saying (apologies if I'm wrong) that most of you (at least in D1) took so much out of their tyres in the first stint, that it was hard for you to pit at the half way mark (lap 18).

I know me and tony pitted on lap 16 and then 7 or 8 of you pitted the lap after and you guys were pretty close on track. Regardless, 7 or 8 people in a pit lane in GT5 isn't going to end well. You're going to lose time somewhere, you just have to deal with it the best you can. For example, using up a bit less of your tyres on the first stint and pitting in on lap 18 and 19. I know only 2 people pitted on lap 18. If you want to get rid of the pit window, then I'm fine with that, but I'll be noting down how many people will be pitting outside said window for upcoming tracks, who suddenly can cope with their tyres to be able to do so. ;)

Evora: I only did a few laps with it, but I ran a 11.7 so with a bit more time it probably would have been the fastest car around Rome, not to mention it's good tyre wear. You can't take the corner at the same speed as the guy behind you and then moan he trounced you within the first half of the straight. :P

Results will be up shortly!
I like things as they are tbh Adam, think you've all done a great job. As for you Mule, being way too harsh on yourself. If I was mad at how you were racing surely if if said something negative about it? You & me gave as good as it got, wouldn't of changed s thing except the result haha. My fault I didn't finish higher up, never entered anything as competitive ad this before. Only been playing this online for a while. Watch the replay again if it makes you feel better, you'll see what I mean.
Evora: I only did a few laps with it, but I ran a 11.7 so with a bit more time it probably would have been the fastest car around Rome, not to mention it's good tyre wear. You can't take the corner at the same speed as the guy behind you and then moan he trounced you within the first half of the straight. :P

Results will be up shortly!

Okay, I get it. I'm slow. I've only known that for the past year.

The Reality
I like things as they are tbh Adam, think you've all done a great job. As for you Mule, being way too harsh on yourself. If I was mad at how you were racing surely if if said something negative about it? You & me gave as good as it got, wouldn't of changed s thing except the result haha. My fault I didn't finish higher up, never entered anything as competitive ad this before. Only been playing this online for a while. Watch the replay again if it makes you feel better, you'll see what I mean.

I know you were fine with it, but Jay wasn't, hence calling me a "cheat" midrace. I tried making up for my lack of racecraft and pace by being aggressive and it caused me to drive dirty and likely end up taking a penalty and losing two spots.

Before I made my post I took a video of our battle, and it shows me doing things you should never do in a serious league like this.
Okay, I get it. I'm slow. I've only known that for the past year.

The car specs are subjective (is that the right word?), to a certain extent. It doesn't matter about speed. The way you have to drive the Evora is to drive faster out of the corners than the car behind you (unless that car is also an Evora :P). It's the characteristic of the car. If you have a faster driver behind you and then he trounces you on the straight, that's racing I guess.
Pit Window/Pitting: So I'm going to make sure that the 40 minute race is not 1 second over 40 minutes. Rome would have probably been 33 laps including the formation lap, for example. This should help with the difference in car's tyre wear/driver's setup/driving style, which ever way you see it...

So the race was 35 laps. That would make 18 the optimum pitting in lap, seeing as there was a formation lap. Now, I can't see anyone pitting in at lap 15 or lap 22. What stumps me is that half of you are literally complaining about tyre wear, but because you lost time in the pits pitting in at the same lap as someone, you want rid of the pit window, but fail to see that pitting outside this pit window would probably destroy a good part of your race.
It's more of a psychological thing than anything else. If not having a window magically spreads out pit stops, then it's all good. Otherwise, it was worth trying.
What adds the problem (I think, at least, I still have to check the replay), is how much some of you are taking out of your tyres. I know TA for example, was using some pretty aggressive values in his tune. I think I'm right in saying (apologies if I'm wrong) that most of you (at least in D1) took so much out of their tyres in the first stint, that it was hard for you to pit at the half way mark (lap 18).
I don't consider 2.0 front camber to be aggressive but that's just me. I know I've ran around 1.4~1.6 lower last season, so I'll probably dial it back. I'm 99.9% certain it's going to do squat on front wear, though.

Rome just wasn't kind to the tires, and with the torrid pace, there was no way I could have saved the rubber to pit late. I was able to last week, though, and it paid off. I'm hoping wear isn't this bad again. :nervous:
Evora: I only did a few laps with it, but I ran a 11.7 so with a bit more time it probably would have been the fastest car around Rome, not to mention it's good tyre wear. You can't take the corner at the same speed as the guy behind you and then moan he trounced you within the first half of the straight. :P
I'm tempted to have you use an Evora in a practice race in Rome and pit you against the two Maseratis. Based on the replay, you had your hands full trying to stay ahead of them. :lol:
Alright, so I'm sitting here watching the replay of the D2 race, and I'm really not impressed with myself right now.

Watching the Nissans and Aston Martins drive right by me down the straights was really frustrating. Yes, I was faster in the corners, but there wasn't much I could do. To try to compensate for this, I had to drive way more aggressive than normal.

This led to me throwing a couple of nasty blocks on people, and make a few overly optimistic pass attempts, which would lead to contact. And end up with one guy spinning out.

So I want to publicly apologize to Reality and Jay_1086 for my terrible driving. Next time I'll just let you guys blow by me without a fight, and finish in last where I probably belong.


I think we maybe should just leave it at that now. Fair enough Mule you have apologised and I wasn't happy at all but I would rather just get on now and enjoy the series.

I feel you ruined the race for me and it was so frustrating after I tried all week to do well at Rome.

Mule you are not a terrrible driver, far from it Its just annoying because I feel you have done this to me before in previous GT4 series we have done.

If anything I reckon we are close on pace and I was really enjoying the battle with you and Reality until it went sour.

Aderrrm i won't bother sending you the pm. Mule has put things right and I am ok with that.👍