Race 1: Report
Firstly, I have to appologize for not making everything totally clear prior race. I thought that most of us have experiance from a rolling start procedure. Reason why we have it is part because they do it in real SGT, part because we are not setting our quali laps prior race (As we did to day), and part because the Syetem tend to mess up times and sort the grid randomly from time to time. And since it's a hassle to start organizing a start thru the chat (As you might noticed
) a pre race quli followed by a formation lap where we sort our grid spots is the way to go.
I feel really bad for anyone who felt left behind. I always try to do my best. And honestly, when we kept on racing the last time, (Even tho the reasons for a restart was there since exactly the same issue was enough for a restart the race before) was that the time was at this point 18.30, that's 30 minutes late. It's not doable to start a race that late. I, my self had arranged so I can play, but id the actual start time is pushed 30 minutes, there's no way we can keep on restarting. I believe it was Aliens96 who was the unlucky guy, and I'm trul sorry. I'm sure you understand the reason why we kept on.
One thing that we need to agree on is to stay off the chat while I (or the host) do weight checks, try to reorganize a restart etc.
I did type that we start after turn 1, so make sure to sort your positions fast. I also said tht we start after T1, lap 1. Some payed attention and some did not. I don't blame you guys who did not see, cause information gets lost when everybody type. So, please, have trust in me as a host, and that I know what we are doing.
DO NOT FLOOD THE CHAT. The chat is my only tool to communicate in the last few minutes prior race, and the less people type, the more likely my information gets thru.
I'm not a guy without selfcritisism, and it was perhaps a stupid decition from me to rework the startingprocedure in a chat where everybody was typing. I deeply apologize for that.
Further: When we are a full room, and I have to kick out drivers, and as a result get angry PSN messages that "I spoke to "x", and he told me bla bla bla, this is the 3rd time I get kicked out from joinung GTP_Series.. jada jada jada"
Firstly: Any new driver have to post in this thread in order to be signed up.
1. He does not know how he can set his car up. (Mods, PP, Weight, Bhp etc.)
2. The room is (probably) full.
3. Does he know the starting procedure?
4. How can I separate a random, from one of your friends?
But all this aside, there is actually a reason for a pre season race.
Exactly what happend is why we run pre season races. I did not expect it to be flaw less in any way, even tho I did not epect the kind of issues we had.
It's vital to stay sharp prior race. As well as knowing procedures etc.
I can see why many of you was upset, and I was too.
But to get this thing going, we have to pass a few obsticles along the way. And this first race was one.
So, did we find out something good from this:
Yes, we did.
1. The YMS SUPRA seems on par (Would love if Joshua1994 could elaborate).
2. The NSX is not as dominant as it was a few days ago. It's now at 605 pp, 517 Bhp wich def slowed it down the straights. The reason why we had 2 NSXs as winners are mostly because of the drivers (Aderrrm and Timeattack) more than anything else.
What do we need to improve:
1. Practice the formationlap, and how to make it without causing dmage. And also.... T1!! All drivers here know about this.. Make sure to use your head during the first few laps. Because if you don't, your race is ruined pretty fast, and you'll have a bad experiance from it. And ofc, if the drivers next to you do not, your race can also be a mess because of it. Use your head, respect your
FELLOW racers.
It's a state of mind really.. We need to understand that we are gathered here to race among drivers that respect eachother. I'm sure we all know what that meens. Start acting like it!
2. We need to improve diciplin in the race room, in the chat and in this thread.
* It will make it easier to snap up any information stated by the race host.
* It will reduce the number of questions regarding mods, regs, etc. All questions I recieved in the chat is information wery clealy stated in this thread.
3. We need to set rules regarding DC's, restarts etc.
What seems to be a huge issue is that many only race for a win. This is a pre-season race, and it's for testing out cars etc. Many of you left, and as a result we have less information regarding the cars. So even if the front runners got a too big of a gap down to the mid pack, to keep on racing is more important.
It's sad that some can't be open minded enough to understand the imprtance of this. Just because you got left behind in a pre season race without the possibility to win, does not make it legit to just leave, sorry, but that's the way I feel.
If this would've been the real season, a start would ofc not be accepted like that. But now, when it was 30 minutes late, and it was a pre season race.. FFS, just go!
How do you expect all car to be equaly matched if you do not even race? This is the only proper full race tests we can do.. We got 1 more shot.. make it count!
Any good parts:
All drivers that signed up did show!! 👍 👍
I was a tad worried about Pag and Joshua1994 for a while, but you guys made it.
If theres' is anything more I expect from the turnout, it's that I'd love if all drivers could show around Connect Time (45 minutes prior race). It gives you time to reset your PS3 in case of any trouble etc..
Also, people jumpimg in and out of the room (Not the DC's) to change oil etc.. Please do so prior room entry. All leaving/joining put stress on the connection. Help GT5 help us! 👍
So from this race, we can only improve as a group.
We have one more race to sort out any issues before we go "live". And I'm sertain next race will run much more smooth. We just need to get to know eachother and stay more diciplined in general, and I'm sure we'll see some epic racing.