1st place: 50kg 2nd: 30kg 3rd: 10kg. 100 kg cap. -20kg for each result placed off podium.
No ballast in D2
I'll be abroad from tomorrow untill Sunday morning so i'll have to qualify tonight. Anyone able to host a room in about 7-8 hours?
Are you guys still looking for rooms? I just got up and can start one.
I ran my qualifyer.. Got a 56.114 and happy with that.. Then tony1311 joined the track.. And at 1190 kg, he ran a 55.04X.. Ok that the GT-R got the upper hand here, but boy do I feel abused when watching him go..
We'll have the announcement regarding transfers coming in today, we're just making some final adjustments 👍
sweet. Not sure if I'll make the cut but think it will be close
It is very close, with some hard decisions; which is exactly the reason it's taken so long. As far as I know the results are final and will for sure be posted today.
Also, I am not on the results on the non gtplanet web page... At all... Hmmm
Thanks muzz... I updated the race results.
posiloan didn't register yet, so I couldn't include his result.
Ok how do I register? The other site won't let me... Any advice? Like I said I've been busy so I'll read what I can later tonight. It's a bit confusing though. I'm sure that it makes perfect sense if u have been involved in the discussion from the start, but perhaps a landing page on the other site with the rules and race times would be a good idea. If you need help with any web stuff that's what I do in my non gt5 life for a living so if I have time I can help you out If you want. Now then, about the qualifying?
I believe I am taking over the Raybrig spot. But nothing was finalized as it was all a bit last minute and the actual race was on my actual birthday... So needless to say it was hectic. That being said, If I wasn't serious about this, I would not have made time for it last weekend. For the record, I qualified in the Denso lexus I believe (it was a lexus for sure and not the one with the lower downforce option). Then, GTP_CSL asked if I could commit to the season shortly before the race on sunday (possibly very late Saturday night but you get the point). I responded shortly before the race in the affirmative and he said, "cool you have a factory car then, The Raybrig NSX." I then went and bought one as mine had the lvl3 engine tune on it and thus would not have passed homaligation but didnt even throw a tune on it (I say this because even though I held my own in the two heats, I wouldn't say that my pace was representative of what I am capable of). I don't know if this matters but there it is. I'm now home and out from behind the gnarly security/firewall at work, which was where I tried to register earlier at the other site. Hopefully, with less impediments and security in place, registering will work at the other site. I shall report back in a bit. Thanks for your help.