This happens to me pretty regularly. Not specifically when I exit a track, just randomly anywhere through the game.
Pull disc out, spit, shine, reinsert disc. (my method)
Perhaps it's like mine and you have at least 100+ freezes in the system before it actually kicks? (second gen 80gb fatty iirc)
Is the race start one hour or two hours away?60GB fatty here. I'm seeing used super slims on Craigslist for ~$200. I needed to upgrade anyway, just will have to do it sooner than I had hoped.
Race room will be open in about 5-10 minutes.
The error code is actually one of two things, a) a faulty sector on the internal hard drive, or b) a faulty installation of software/firmware, both iterations actually coincide with eachother. If the hard drive suffers a faulty sector ( a section of damaged space on the drive that data may have been written to that no longer is readable), an installation may still be processed, and even work, but the error can cause some serious side effects, such as option b. If your PS3 has installed an item incorrectly, including firmware, it is in high risk of receiving this error.
Jason, someone asked earlier about whether the carbon driveshaft is allowed. It's not since it's not listed but how can we check for that?
Correct. Tony couldn't stay because we delayed the start by an hour. Brock and joshua left during the race.Only 6 finished?
Nothing you could've done. Shame that this didn't happen around Black Friday, since they were selling really good bundles for only $250.Well thanks I guess to those that stuck around.
Really sorry it had to be done this way today, but I did indeed sell an item I was trying to sell for the last couple months which will give me more than enough to replace my system. Should be back up and running sometime this week.
In the mean time, I will have points, etc updated later this evening. 👍
Well, we just miss Eddie, Nigeand the GTRA guy (cristianmart)
Let us know guys if you all 3 plan to race please
EDIT: just Eddie and Nige now.
thx for wait me, and sorry if i cause a problem...
Before I forget, which time will we start next time? For me, I don't have an issue with either time slot.