Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
So what exactly are the "staff emeritus" suppose to be? I haven't been active until recently so I miss quite a lot of new things here...

Its a concept Jordan implemented for members of staff who for one reason or another have stepped down from super modding in the past and no longer actively mod. People with this badge have the privilege of seeing what going on all over the show, but do not have functions associated with super mods.
They did, but there were a few bugs that needed to be fixed, so it's back to the old girl for a while until they sort things out. I should be getting my PS5 fairly soon, possibly tomorrow.
Yes Kikie, they are semi-gods who must be worshipped accordingly, and your posts proves it.

Why the "sheesh"? Can't you just write normal posts? Does it always have to be condescending?

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So "Staff Emeritus" is that you still have the Mod-ish title, and still roam where Mods can roam, but you cannot actively moderate the Forums anymore?
Simple, they are mods that are currently retired but still have the mod status and come back "to work" when they can/want to.
I wonder....... .

Are all mods, again super or not, incredibly smart? Every time there is a new mod, he (I believe there are no new "she" mods?) knows so much about the mod rules and stuff. Are they getting a quick learn-the-mod-rules course before they are giving the mod status?
There's no real crash-course in the rules. Jordan picked us out because we've been around the forums for a while, and we know the ropes. He feels that we keep to his vision of what the forums can and should be. While it can be time-consuming, moderating isn't actually that difficult. We get a bit of a tutorial in the moderator tools, but it's actually pretty straight-forward.

So "Staff Emeritus" is that you still have the Mod-ish title, and still roam where Mods can roam, but you cannot actively moderate the Forums anymore?
Uh-huh. If something is going down, they can tip us off about it.
Uh-huh. If something is going down, they can tip us off about it.

I suppose for them that's a bit better, they can still "sort of" Moderate (in a sense) but won't be attracting as much attention (it's kind of apparent which Mods are more feared, more hated, or my liked by the member sometimes) and therefore aren't a primary target for a troll's outlashing. Probably makes the situation easier. 👍
Reviving this thread because I have a question that I wanted to ask some time ago.

Can Staff Emeritus still visit the mod's forum?
They are free to browse liek a mod, but they don't have the power of a mod (such as editing other posts, merging, moving, closing, warning, etc).
Yes, kikie, they have access to the moderator's forum and can review infractions and warnings.
Yes I know this thread is old but I want to ask Jordan/ other mods something. Do you guys actually participate as normal members, because I don't see posts from you lot often, exept to close threads and stuff. And who has been a mod the longest(apart from Jordan)?
Do you guys actually participate as normal members, because I don't see posts from you lot often, exept to close threads and stuff.
In the GT5 section, I almost solely close and redirect threads. Outside of there, I will also close and redirect but for the most part can simply post as I would have PMS.
And who has been a mod the longest(apart from Jordan)?
Sorting members based on the date they joined, misnblu (May 15 2001), AltF8 (Jun 25 2001), Pako (Jul 20 2001), Josh (Jul 24 2001) and NocturnalPS (Jul 26 2001) round up the five oldest but that doesn't necessarily mean they are the most tenured.
While not strictly a rule, I always subscribed to the idea that if you're aiming to be a mod, you probably won't end up being one. That's just how I've seen it in the past - people like Famine (as an example) started out as normal members who followed the rules and contributed a lot of positive content for the community (ex. the GT car databases), and if Jordan sees someone who he believes to share his same view for the site, he asks them to be a part of the team :).

As for the question at hand - I do plenty of "normal" posts in the Photomode section, and a handful in places like the main GT5 board, Auto News, and the Rumble Strip. I browse around almost all the sub-sections, but those are where 95% of my posts are, probably more.
Do you guys actually participate as normal members, because I don't see posts from you lot often, exept to close threads and stuff.

It depends on what you're interested in, naturally. Jordan chooses us because of our diversity of interest in different forums, and most of us do participate quite heavily in other areas of GTPlanet. I was a member of GTP for over six years until I became a moderator, so I still participate as I always had, plus the tools to deal with...well, tools. As for learning how to "mod", I just went by my experience in what's allowed and what's not; if we have a question, we raise it as a question amongst ourselves and The Boss.

The GT5 forums have its share of closed threads because that's where most of the posting occurs. There's a lot more "voices" there, so sometimes it appears as if we're not terribly active in just that section of the site, based on volume. Most of the insanity has died down since November 2010. There's also plenty of not-so-exciting things like thread merging/moving that is exactly as exciting as it sounds, not to mention warning people who chat speak, make worthless posts, double post, and other miscellaneous tasks, which takes up some time.

Most of us mods have a wife, kids, full-time jobs, real lives, and even other non-gaming interests on top of the wacky world of GTPlanet and Gran Turismo. If there's any advice I'd give, is that it helps to be a little well-rounded, help out a little/lot, post like you mean it, and know when not to post.
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I'm not a mod but generally, from what I've seen, mods will only ban on request to keep you away from GTP while you do important things, like study for major tests or something. In one case that I can remember someone requested to be banned for life so they could live their actual lives without the distraction.

If you just don't want to post anymore, just stop posting. Bans aren't necessary unless you can't keep yourself away.
I've got some exams coming up in October-December, so I'm considering changing my User Title to 'AWOL' or 'AFK - for a month'. I'll change my password by banging my fist on the keyboard (i.e. A password I don't know). Then once my exams are over, I'll click 'Forgot Password', have the reset sent to my email, then come back to the bliss of GTP (minus the GT5 section).
I have a question: In general how long does it (or should it) take a mod to answer a question that has been sent to them?

Depending if you hit the report button or a PM. If you hit the report button, then a mod should come ASAP but a private message, they will answer it when they can.
Depending if you hit the report button or a PM. If you hit the report button, then a mod should come ASAP but a private message, they will answer it when they can.

Thats my thinking on the subject. Thinking a day or 2 would be a fair enough time frame.

Just out of interest, how much PM traffic do you guys have to go through?
Thats my thinking on the subject. Thinking a day or 2 would be a fair enough time frame.

Just out of interest, how much PM traffic do you guys have to go through?

What do you mean? Mods have lives also, if one can't answer a question then probably another can.
I'm just wondering, it someone requests to be banned, is it possible for them to be un-banned if they request it?

It's been done in the past at member's request when they want to ensure no distraction is available in order to concentrate on something else. If they request to be banned for such reasons, we will of course accommodate a request to un-ban when they feel appropriate.

I have a question: In general how long does it (or should it) take a mod to answer a question that has been sent to them?

We have lives outside GTP - if you sent a PM to a single mod, chances are you might not get a speedy response if said recipient happens to not log in. If you report a post, the report goes to all mods, so someone will pick it up :)
Yes I know this thread is old but I want to ask Jordan/ other mods something. Do you guys actually participate as normal members, because I don't see posts from you lot often, exept to close threads and stuff. And who has been a mod the longest(apart from Jordan)?

I have a question on the same lines - does having the mantle of a moderator weighing on your shoulders affect your interactions with regular members?
For example - I am at a Forum where the mods rarely post - when they do they are always kind, helpful, polite, (in fact their posts come off as very 'smiley'), humorous in a formal sort of way, and I can hardly remember any of them being literally aggressive - they behave like very-concerned customer- service reps. However, AFAIK, whenever someone has being served an infraction (the members at this Forum are so nuts that they actually have a 'Club' that one must have at least one infraction to join) the infraction always comes from a Moderator who never posts as a member - (in the sense of actually contributing to the discussion.)
Then there is the rumour that some 'ordinary' members who post regularly are actually moderators incognito - so we never know, and are wary of being mean to each other - because it could be a mod we're peeing off.

I, myself, at this Forum, actually enjoy talking to anyone on the staff here - they have always treated me with respect, kindness, and I've found that they have been elected mods because they have a wealth of information in their heads, a usually great sense of humour, a high tolerance, and no lack of firmness when needed - in fact about one of the best teams of 'open' mods I have met anywhere on the 'net.

But as a mod - do you hold back when you interact with regular members? Or do you let your hair down the way you would if you were a regular member (but a mod in disguise?) ;)

Cheers, all the best - and many thanks to all of you for the great (and maybe sometimes unrewarding) job you do for all of us here.
The moderator that never posts as a member could simply be a username that was designed to only be used to give out infractions only by the owner of the site, in which all the moderator has access to, to give out infractions and/or warnings.
^^ I don't think it's changed me much, as I always have posted in more or less the same style as before. I rarely took other members to task with their behavior before, but wearing the mod badge means you have somewhat of a responsibility to step in. But I somewhat prefer to let things shake out and work out between established members who value their time and presence at GTP, and are typically stable. Those with less time and post quality/quantity, who may not be as aware of the way we do things, are more apt to get a nudge if they're crossing the lines.

On the other hand, I'd like to contribute more, but sometimes there's trouble in some isolated spot that means I can't always post in a timely manner in the threads I want to. I don't particularly like to ban members, to be takes up my time and energy, when I'd rather engage in the flow of things. But there's those who are causing absolute trouble, have proven to be disruptive, or are just spamming, and they have to be dealt with. I don't jump in if I do not have all the facts at hand; for example, I don't have GT5 (never played it). But I've been here long enough to know if something doesn't pass the sniff test. On the other hand, I have banned at 35,000 feet, so...I'm watching.

I don't think anyone seriously thinks they need to adjust their behavior just because I've contributed to a thread, unless I'm breaking up a squabble or trying to get the thread back on track. And I've always posted as myself, I don't bother with the cover of an another alias to entrap other members or any of that stuff, I have a real life, a family, a career, and real interests away from and outside the scope of this forum, just as many other staff and members do.