Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
But as a mod - do you hold back when you interact with regular members? Or do you let your hair down the way you would if you were a regular member (but a mod in disguise?) ;)

Hold back in terms of participation - no, I'll still post and participate as much as if I were not a SM, but whereas a regular forum member has the luxury of being rude or obnoxious, without going over AUP boundaries, I don't go there now. Even when someone is begging, just begging, to be told a cold hard fact of life.

In my experience, often when one does that, members like to play the "how can a Mod say that/ I thought Mod's were better then that" card and then you ages pointing out Mod are members too and allowed to offer opinions, just like anybody else.

After enough times of having to go through that, the tedium means its better to wait for someone else to call a spade a spade.
Hold back in terms of participation - no, I'll still post and participate as much as if I were not a SM, but whereas a regular forum member has the luxury of being rude or obnoxious, without going over AUP boundaries, I don't go there now. Even when someone is begging, just begging, to be told a cold hard fact of life.

In my experience, often when one does that, members like to play the "how can a Mod say that/ I thought Mod's were better then that" card and then you ages pointing out Mod are members too and allowed to offer opinions, just like anybody else.

After enough times of having to go through that, the tedium means its better to wait for someone else to call a spade a spade.

I meant to say something similar last night; I share Mr. Rotch's view on that. To add to it: while I'm more likely to allow myself to debate in the forums, I'll avoid the comments section of the News Page 98% of the time; I just feel like it's the "front window" of the site more so than forum topics, and as such, wouldn't want to be dragging exclusive news stories down as a staff member.

As an SM, I'm probably online more than I ever was as a member, but a lot of the time, it's just reading.
Moderator Emeritus

* Why does a moderator becomes a moderator Emeritus.
* Is this at his own request of does Jordan decide it's time to lay down the moderator responsibilities?

* Can he become a moderator once a again?

* Is it concidered to be a demotion?

Where is Der Alta? Didn't he use to an administrator? I can't find him in the forum leader list anymore.
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Moderator Emeritus

* Why does a moderator becomes a moderator Emeritus.

It is by choice of the mod if they wish to retire from duty.

* Is this at his own request of does Jordan decide it's time to lay down the moderator responsibilities?
The former.

* Can he become a moderator once a again?
Yep - I did.

* Is it concidered to be a demotion?
Nope. There was one case of staff demoted, but that resulted in a ban, not Emeritus status. It is not a demotion, just retirement from duty.

Were is Der Alta? Didn't he use to an administrator? I can't find him in the forum leader list anymore.
Dunno, but he would be welcome back fo sho'.
A Moderator got banned ? What the ...

If I remember correctly many moons ago the moderator in question gave his login details to another member after the moderator stopped visiting GTP, this other member logged in as the moderator and started abusing the moderators tools and abilities.

I recall it all triggered off after a Aprils fool joke (fake bans) and ended up being a dark day in GTPlanet history. Atleast if anything Aprils fools joke brought to light the security breach.
I have a question on the same lines - does having the mantle of a moderator weighing on your shoulders affect your interactions with regular members?
I, myself, at this Forum, actually enjoy talking to anyone on the staff here - they have always treated me with respect, kindness, and I've found that they have been elected mods because they have a wealth of information in their heads, a usually great sense of humour, a high tolerance, and no lack of firmness when needed - in fact about one of the best teams of 'open' mods I have met anywhere on the 'net.
But as a mod - do you hold back when you interact with regular members? Or do you let your hair down the way you would if you were a regular member (but a mod in disguise?) ;)

I've been around for a few years now and this was the first Forum I became a member of. At the time I was heavily in to GT4 and posted a fair amount and tried to help out where I could. Was asked to become a SM 2 years ago. Gave it some serious thought before I said yes.
Haven't posted as a regular member much in the last two years till recently. Do I hold back - perhaps as the 'badge' does come with responsibilities too. However if the thread is positive and talks about something that interests me then, within the 'confines' of the AUP I do let my hair down.
T.b.h. the AUP isn't restrictive as some members try to make us believe. Just a matter of applying some common sense and behaviour and on occasion stepping back taking a breather before you hit the submit button. :sly:
Are any of the first 100 (or 1000) users registered still active? If so who?
(Or who is the oldest registered memember that is still active excluding Jordan)

And, is there a a forum stat list or "leaderboard" Most posts per day, Highest post count etc?
And, is there a a forum stat list or "leaderboard" Most posts per day, Highest post count etc?

GTPlanet used to have such a thing...including top posts for the month and for the day:

February 28th, 2002 -

November 28th, 2002 -

Kind of the wrong thread, but a good excuse to show off some of the old site.

36 users, how we've changed; we get single threads with triple of that, if they're big news!
I don't remember exactly, but somewhere around early-2004 (?) we had a big forum software changeover, and it probably wasn't part of the new software.
You mentioned there were only 36 users online. Do I, while using my phone, count among those 36? Because of my last couple thousand posts, I would venture to say I could count on my hands how many have been made on a computer.
You mentioned there were only 36 users online.

What I meant was in that screen, which dated back to 2002. (I'd been on the board before when the count was a low as 2, during the dead of night.) As of right this moment: 1344 (although, that means 377 registered users + 967 unregistered guests). So we've grown ten-fold in ten years. Yay, us!

Edit: Test Forum, sorry nothing is readable.
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Whoops. I figured something was fishy about that number, didn't quite put it together though.
You mentioned there were only 36 users online. Do I, while using my phone, count among those 36? Because of my last couple thousand posts, I would venture to say I could count on my hands how many have been made on a computer.
For the record, yes, mobile users are counted in the currently active user list.
That's neat. So am I perpetually counted as online, seeing as I don't turn my phone off?
My understanding is as long as you have a connection to the site (ie, you have it in an open or minimised browser), you will be connected. The moment you close the browser tab down, change the site on that tab, or remove it from memory, you will remain connected, and hence listed as an active user.
That's neat. So am I perpetually counted as online, seeing as I don't turn my phone off?
No, you're considered "online" if you have communicated with the site (forums only) within the last 30 minutes.
Anyone below Jordan has the potential to be banned (e.g. sharing of login details). Obviously if Jordan is somehow banned, it's either as a result of a rogue mod, or, the forum ceases - it's his forum afterall.
Anyone below Jordan has the potential to be banned (e.g. sharing of login details). Obviously if Jordan is somehow banned, it's either as a result of a rogue mod, or, the forum ceases - it's his forum afterall.
If Jordan was banned, would the planet implode and create a massive black hole? :lol:
GTPlanet would descend into anarchy without our glorious leader. :bowdown:

Yeah, it would suffer slightly without me, but I think it's kind of self-sustaining these days. :sly:

Not long before it gains awareness and renames itself Skynet.