Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
Turns out we didn't need to tell him how to walk this way.

You be illing, we'll be raising hell like some kids when the school bell rings.
What kind do you guys like?

This informatiom is handy to know in case I ever get into a pinch :D
That could be painful. :scared:

I promise to be gentle. :sly:

@Dion, As far as rum goes, I thought you asked if any mods like to run. Too much time on the treadmill lately I guess. :embarrassed:
I don't drink, but I'd gladly accept a nice cold glass of juice. :D

Maybe a beer as well, although I've only ever tried the commercial stuff like Corona, Budweiser and Coors because, again, I don't drink.
Notice I said "maybe". Put a beer in front of me and there's a 97% chance I'll take a sip and be utterly disgusted. :lol:

Anything else I simply won't try regardless of how flavorful it might be.
My wild guess is, SlipZtrEm?

I think I've seen pics of him before and he looked kinda young, like a college kid. :D

Or maybe Omnis?
Put a beer in front of me and there's a 97% chance I'll take a sip and be utterly disgusted. :lol:
I'm right there with you (the hops in beer is way too bitter for me to stomach).
Anything else I simply won't try regardless of how flavorful it might be.
Right up until this point. I'll try pretty much anything. I just won't necessarily finish it. One of the surgeons my wife works with made me a drink this weekend. I have no idea what was in it but I certainly wasn't driving for a bit after finishing it!
Have the Mods ever had a dis-agreement amongst themselves ?

I'll pick on TB and Famine here, just as an example.

Famine passes out an infraction to said member "A". TB comes along and says "hey Famine, I don't think that was necessary of you to come down on member "A" like you did. You know you could have just given him a warning and been done with it". Famine thinks he was correct in his move of implying an infraction, TB is in total dis-agreement. The Mods go off to their meeting room to discuss with Jordan. What happens ? Do both Mods plead their case with Jordan acting as a judge. Has an infraction ever been overturned in such a case ?
Have the Mods ever had a dis-agreement amongst themselves ?

I'll pick on TB and Famine here, just as an example.

Crime of the Century there as neither Famine nor myself are ever wrong. :dopey:

But yes, infractions have been overturned on occasion. That's why if I'm having a disagreement with someone and they cross the line, I don't like to be to one to smack them, otherwise it could come across as abuse of power.
Is an infraction issued on the spot and discussed later or do you wait to issue it until all the staff comes and agrees to have it issued? Or does it depend on the criteria that the infraction was issued for?
If it's an odd case it'll be discussed first but typically it's handled by one person.
Have the Mods ever had a dis-agreement amongst themselves ?

Yes, but it's never over anything serious. I've never really thought someone didn't deserve to be banned, and I don't think anyone else has ever thought that way about another bad apple, for example.

We're usually more likely to discuss or even defer an infraction for something unusual, questionable, or steps on the edges of trouble. Think of it like baseball umpires, sometimes one call will override another, but only if it really matters to do so. This is an unlikely scenario for someone who has been warned multiple times or has multiple infractions...

Banishment is taken seriously for all but spammers, and it's rare that we do make the choice alone; typically 2-3 of us make a discussion out of it...even more if it's a well-established user who's approached the deep end.