Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
We need photo's of mods posing with different thong models/colour.

Another serious question(s):

Do mods fight/argue a lot in the 'mod forum'?

Mods probably give each other infractions, in the mod forum when they don't behave?
Argue/fight, no. Discuss, yes.

To be fair, we don't have that many disagreements. We don't always agree on many of our beliefs, political values, preferences, and we some times have fun with each other on that...but part of being a mod is never letting things like that ruffle you, being understanding, responding to the topic of the argument, rather than attacking the individual, and appreciating those differences to some degree (within good taste and the rules, of course).

We essentially have to be unanimous (or abstaining) in banishment and minor punishments, we'll even consider a single viewpoint that's in the minority, if the mod has made a good case for a said situation or guideline.

In the end, Jordan gets the final say, and he'll speak up or give us a suggestion on a new/temporary guideline to follow or even those in which to be more lax about, if necessary.
To the best of my knowledge, no mod has ever received an infraction after they've taken on the title. Well, other than the infamous April Fools events.

Pupik covered the rest very succinctly 👍
My previous post should have been like this:

Another serious question: (I added the (s) afterwards, which was wrong).

Do mods fight/argue a lot in the 'mod forum'?

Another not so serious question: :D

Mods probably give each other infractions, in the mod forum when they don't behave?
I suppose someone could go all Postal and issue enough infractions to everyone else to ban them.

Not that I'm suggesting anyone do that.
Jordan can infract anyone, Famine I'm not sure about, Super Mods can infract Mods and below (meaning not fellow Supers), Mods can infract users but not fellow Mods.

While we might not completely agree with everything said in the Mod forum, I've never seen any arguing, either. Ninety-nine percent of the time we get along pretty well.

Thinking about it, I argue less with the staff than I do with my wife. :lol:
Being a mods has one big advantage.

Almost every mod has a high postcount due to the "discussions" on the mod forum. We'll never know what they have to say about regular members.

What happens to all the posts, discussions, fun making of a certain member if this particular member becomes a mod and has access to the mod squad forum?
You get to make fun right back, that's what. :P

Or strip down to your bare essentials and run around a park. In the rain.
Being a mods has one big advantage.

Almost every mod has a high postcount due to the "discussions" on the mod forum. We'll never know what they have to say about regular members.

What happens to all the posts, discussions, fun making of a certain member if this particular member becomes a mod and has access to the mod squad forum?

See... this is why the Mondator Mantle isn't handed out like free premium membership.

Suffice to say, there are people who will never become moderators here. :D
Being a mods has one big advantage.

Almost every mod has a high postcount due to the "discussions" on the mod forum. We'll never know what they have to say about regular members.

What happens to all the posts, discussions, fun making of a certain member if this particular member becomes a mod and has access to the mod squad forum?

In seriousness, my increased posting frequency once I became a mod wasn't really due to the staff forum, but due to me checking out the other parts of the site more.

As for the second bit; it's not quite the same as the Infield in that sense. People can't just gift out moderator positions, only Jordan decides if they get the badge; and if he's considering giving it to someone, there's a slim-to-none chance they've had any major negative interactions with the rest of staff.
You get to make fun right back, that's what. :P
I like that. :P

Or strip down to your bare essentials and run around a park. In the rain.
I don't like that. :scared:

See... this is why the Mondator Mantle isn't handed out like free premium membership.

Suffice to say, there are people who will never become moderators here. :D
As for the second bit; it's not quite the same as the Infield in that sense. People can't just gift out moderator positions, only Jordan decides if they get the badge; and if he's considering giving it to someone, there's a slim-to-none chance they've had any major negative interactions with the rest of staff.
Fair enough.

I didn't think of that.
If you didn't look at our user-names, do you think you could geuss who posted the post based on posting styles?
You mean in general, just browsing the boards?

Usually; I'd say most of the more active users have fairly distinct posting styles. Even overlooking unique text formatting (Famine, T-12, niky), I think the general voice a user develops over the years marks them out just as much, if not more, than other distinguishing features. Especially as those - avatars, signatures, etc - change.
Jordan has Kaz ever invited you to join GT academy before?

A better question is has Jordan ever invited Kazunori to join

He could and any members of PD could have their own special badges to verify authenticity.
I think they'd prefer to keep a low (even non-existent) profile, although they're quite aware of GTPlanet.
Because Kaz' Twitter isn't already harried enough with every crazy idea that pops into a fan's head...

It'd certainly be interesting to see members of PD openly taking part in discussions here, but it'd be a double-edged sword, as they'd also be more accessible for people to bug them about their own concerns (and potentially get more upset when they're not specifically answered). That doesn't even address how Sony might feel about Kaz and Co operating over here versus the official boards ;).

I know if I were in their position, I'd rather browse anonymously 👍