Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
I should get myself a GTP sweatshirt.

I'm assuming the sizes are American.

I weigh about 15st (210lbs). Would that be a small in the US? ;)
There is no doubt we are a fat country, but we did not change the sizes to make us feel better about our fat sizes. We just added more Xs in from of the L. It makes us feel more extreme. :lol:
I always buy sweatshirts a size larger, since they fit over other layers of clothing.

XL sounds right for 210 lbs, XXL (or also 2XL) if you like them a little baggy.
Have any of the staff members owned/played with/or created a hybrid in GT5?* I have a feeling this will be a big "no."

Have any of the staff members created a hybrid in GT1-GT4?

*Daan, not the pink Prius TC you have in your GT5 photos.
Have any of the staff members owned/played with/or created a hybrid in GT5?* I have a feeling this will be a big "no."
As that would require me to actually play GT5 in the first place, that's a big no from me.
As that would require me to actually play GT5 in the first place, that's a big no from me.

I was expecting that since pretty much all of the mods here have families and jobs.
^ That and I've been on a movie kick with my theater room lately. :D
One hundred and sixty-three inches of Blu-Ray goodness:

It's not Scarlett, but this will give you an indication of the size.

In looking at the picture again, the image actually goes out to just inside of the speaker. This video must be cropped in a bit. Also, my son needs to work on his photography skills... :lol:
Click the quote bubble for significantly better pictures of the room. :)
One hundred and sixty-three inches of Blu-Ray goodness:

Click the quote bubble for significantly better pictures of the room. :)

Hmm. You must have a nice sound system to blow up when the THX logo appears. :sly:
Have any of the staff members owned/played with/or created a hybrid in GT5?* I have a feeling this will be a big "no."

Have any of the staff members created a hybrid in GT1-GT4?

For GT2, yes. Nothing wrong with a 400hp mid-engined Honda Accord, or an FR Dodge Neon, right? Well, that and a couple of other 300hp Kei cars, a heavily-detuned Escudo, or some other 2700hp monstrosities. By then, I'd completed the game twice with no help, so it was just for kicks.

But mostly, I'd use the GameShark for longer races, switching tracks, or modifying the Event Generator. Never bothered with modifying any other games.

Heck, I've never even played GT5...not even in a store. It's not an anti-GT sentiment, it's that I have no time nor much care for gaming (although maybe on those 4 hour flights or layovers, it would be nice). I'll play Wii Sports Resort with the kids every so often, which gets me moving about.

Daughter plays Minecraft on her XBox, though. Gives me a headache.
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For GT2, yes. Nothing wrong with a 400hp mid-engined Honda Accord, or an FR Dodge Neon, right? Well, that and a couple of other 300hp Kei cars, a heavily-detuned Escudo, or some other 2700hp monstrosities.

But mostly, I'd use the GameShark for longer races, switching tracks, or modifying the Event Generator. Never bothered with modifying any other games.

Sounds fun. :lol:

Heck, I've never even played GT5...not even in a store. It's not an anti-GT sentiment

Trust me, you aren't missing out.
Have any of the staff members owned/played with/or created a hybrid in GT5?* I have a feeling this will be a big "no."
I recall Terronium-12 posting one in the GT5 hybrid showcase thread once. ;)

*Daan, not the pink Prius TC you have in your GT5 photos.

For GT2, yes. Nothing wrong with a 400hp mid-engined Honda Accord, or an FR Dodge Neon, right? Well, that and a couple of other 300hp Kei cars, a heavily-detuned Escudo, or some other 2700hp monstrosities. By then, I'd completed the game twice with no help, so it was just for kicks.
Is the save for that on your page? :confused:

Heck, I've never even played GT5...not even in a store.
Still don't have a PS3?

I'll play Wii Sports Resort with the kids every so often, which gets me moving about.
Yea Wii Sports Resort always has been a really fun game. :) (And yes I do own a Wii)

Trust me, you are missing out.
Fixed it for you. ;)
No more "super" moderators anymore? Badges says "moderators" instead of "super" moderators.

Did you mods helped help developping GTP12?

Edited: it's "did you mods help.... not helped". :ouch:
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No more "super" moderators anymore? Badges says "moderators" instead of "super" moderators.
Does it? You all know I'm still Super (thanks for asking) though, right?

EDIT: So it does.

Did you mods helped developping GTP12?
As far as I know, it's all Jordan's work.
No more "super" moderators anymore? Badges says "moderators" instead of "super" moderators.

It was decided that capes were a bit extravagant in 2013.

Did you mods helped developping GTP12?

We took it for a test-drive, but Jordan is the builder. Really though, it was all an elaborate plan to stop your creepy old avatar and the endless broken monitors it produced ;)
It was decided that capes were a bit extravagant in 2013.

We took it for a test-drive, but Jordan is the builder. Really though, it was all an elaborate plan to stop your creepy old avatar and the endless broken monitors it produced ;)
I knew it. :lol:
If there are no super mods anymore does this mean that every mod, super or not, has the same "powers" :sly: when it comes to moderating GTP?
Well, I have heard that daan can shoot lasers from his eyes and that T-12 can fly, but I don't think they can all do that.
We still have mods and supermods - we just don't have any superbadges.
I was wondering, forums and online communities change over time, just like anything else. Are you guys most satisfied with where the current GTP is and it's current regular members or do you look back to by-gone days and wish GTP was still the same as it used to be, whenever that time may be for you?