Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
So, is there a way for us peons to tell if a user is banned or not, absent an entry in the BUL?
On XenForo, banned users' names appear crossed out, wherever they appear (including alongside their messages).

That said, I'm not sure if that's just for us or whether you can see it too :lol:
So, is there a way for us peons to tell if a user is banned or not, absent an entry in the BUL?
Twenty-fifth post in this thread. Does Evolution. show up with a strike through his name?
I had to read that sentence over and over again before I found out that the full stop between 'Evolution' and 'show' is not suppose to be there.
On XenForo, banned users' names appear crossed out, wherever they appear (including alongside their messages).

That said, I'm not sure if that's just for us or whether you can see it too :lol:

There's no clear indication on my end. Some profiles for banned members do show up with an error though. Then again, I've come across some profiles for existing members throw up the same error too.

Crossed out names must be just an admin/mod privilege at the moment.
Okey I think I can confirm that the users, boombexus, Delphic Reason, Corey and Ghostrider were all once mods on here, why is it they don't have any badges whatsoever? (Assuming it is not classified)
Sooo... I made a thread about this, but nobody answered to it. I mean, 'kikie' replied to it and directed me to this thread.
My question: What exactly was the GTP April Fools 2005 fiasco?
Evolution.'s name does not show as crossed out to me. Plus, I can view his profile page.

Until such time as user titles return (if ever), might it be possible for us to see the names as crossed out as well, or something along those lines?
Evolution.'s name does not show as crossed out to me. Plus, I can view his profile page.

Until such time as user titles return (if ever), might it be possible for us to see the names as crossed out as well, or something along those lines?

You can't start a conversation with a banned person.

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My very first post here was in indigo.

Depending on the forum background, I'd always typed in a high contrast colour. At GTN it was indigo, at GTTimes it was indigo or cyan (the dark grey background made the brighter colour easily readable through negative space).
I know you've mentioned before about the colour being largely for readability, but it's counteracted by the fact you often use difficult words of more than three syllables, at which point I switch off and assume you're making them up.

I realise this is a statement and not a question, so have you wept in advance for what the release of GT6 will bring?