Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
That's why I always get ignored. The cat's out of the bag.

You're special though Bert. You're Belgian AND a mod.

EDIT: influence of "your" instead of you're" seems to be hard to ignore, unconsciously)
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So I've thought of another question: What determines a thread being locked compared to being moved? I had a thread get locked on me in the first month of my membership, and thought that it should be moved, but sure enough, I went to the thread to move it, and it was locked. :indiff:
So I've thought of another question: What determines a thread being locked compared to being moved? I had a thread get locked on me in the first month of my membership, and thought that it should be moved, but sure enough, I went to the thread to move it, and it was locked. :indiff:

Usually, it gets locked if there's an already existing thread that covers the same topic(s) as the one you've created. Another is if it serves no purpose (Example: Person ranting about another user, or posting flame war bait).
Usually, it gets locked if there's an already existing thread that covers the same topic(s) as the one you've created. Another is if it serves no purpose (Example: Person ranting about another user, or posting flame war bait).

Okay, I see now. Thank you, Dan! Is it possible to move a thread from, say, GT5 section to Rumble Strip section? In other words, move a thread from one section to another section.
Okay, I see now. Thank you, Dan! Is it possible to move a thread from, say, GT5 section to Rumble Strip section? In other words, move a thread from one section to another section.

I'm fairly certain you can move a GT5 thread to the Rumble Strip, although I've never had to do that. But yes, you can move one of your threads or simply request one of the staff members to do it for you.
I'm fairly certain you can move a GT5 thread to the Rumble Strip, although I've never had to do that. But yes, you can move one of your threads or simply request one of the staff members to do it for you.

I wasn't sure if a thread created in a certain section could be moved to another. Thanks for the clarification.
However that would probably be a waste of the staff's time to do it if you can easily do it yourself.
Agreed. If you can do it yourself, then don't ask a Staff member to do it for you. This is out of respect for those that make GTP the awesome site it is, regardless if they make you mad.
I wasn't sure if a thread created in a certain section could be moved to another. Thanks for the clarification.
Can a GT5 thread be moved to the Rumble Strip?


Would it be?


Threads associated with a topic (GT for example) stay in the relevant forum as there is no reason for them to be anywhere else.
This is out of respect for those that make GTP the awesome site it is, regardless if they make you mad.
We do try. :P
They also merge threads together as well. They only seem to do that when both threads on the same topic get quite popular.
The issue with merging two "popular" threads together is the flow is disrupted. Everything is cruising along well in both threads and then thread two gets bulked in with thread one. When that happens, posts are still sorted by time stamp and who you thought you were replying to by posting after but not quoting is now three posts up and no one has any idea what's going on anymore. Hence the making someone mad bit.

When threads are likely to be merged is when one thread has died off, a new thread is started and gets a decent amount of posts. Then the merging doesn't affect the flow and we don't have redundant threads.

To expand slightly on what @Mike Rotch said, some have intentionally posted things in the incorrect section simply to get more views/comments. Don't. Just don't. You might not get as much action as you'd like but at least people will know where the hell to look should the need arise.
I do remember when the launch of GT5 was arriving, the GT5 section of the forum was restricted to newcomers starting new threads, to stop any more inane threads about how wonderful the game was (something people didn't know as even the demo wasn't released) or how many millions of cars the game had (which always turned into a wishlist), people would deliberately post a GT5-related thread in the rumble strip to get it started there, and the mods would move it out the the rumble strip and into the GT5 section.
Premium members could move their own thread(s) in the previous GTP version. I believe it is not possible anymore in GTP12?

"Thread Tools" only let one change the thread title.
Adding to what @Mike Rotch and @TB said, I look at the whole lock/merge option on a case by case basis. If both threads are fairly long, I'll close one, because the flow will be demolished in a merge. If they're short, a merge might nip things in the bud before it becomes much of an issue. These aren't hard rules, though, as I will make exceptions, especially if the new, short thread is filled with a bunch of antagonizing "you should've posted in X thread first, search dummy" posts.

Will there be a return to those restrictions this time around?

I don't believe so; Jordan's created the Q&A (er, FAQ) subforum specifically for new members to be able to create threads quickly. The goal is that they'll get their answers just as fast, and IMO, that makes them more likely to stick around and become contributing members of the community, versus being held at arm's reach waiting for a staff member to approve a question.
One acts like a Ninja, Another acts like a pirate.

One other acts like a giant. You've figured it out, we're a forum DLC package:
