Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
Don't lie to me niky, Wardez didn't get a new name at all, his was and still is the same! Also is that black car my black m/blackm Bugatti Veyron you stole from my GT5 garage?

(Pure sarcasm)

Don't lie to me niky, Wardez didn't get a new name at all, his was and still is the same!

It used to be Wardez Long. Now it's Wardez Knight. Big difference.

We've been over this, I told you to keep your Knight Rider hate off of GTPlanet.

Seriously? You want to foist this on the world?

You Hasslehoff lovers with your metrosexual style and liberal ideas and liking of pony cartoons...

Go ahead... report me! All I can say is:
When you have to perform mod duties on a post (IE: Delete, edit, etc), is there something like a drop down arrow on the post that opens a dialogue box?

How about when performing mod duties on another user (Ban, give an infraction, etc), do you have to go to their profile and click on a new dialogue box?
Used to be we had to hard-code everything in html and then call Jordan up (in my case... international long distance) to give our current IP addresses access to the moderation mini-site, where we'd upload changes to the user database.

Typed out, of course, on Notepad. It was a pain when you missed one of those "<>" tags... took forever to debug the report form.


Nowadays, it's pretty simple. We just let T12 do all the work. :lol:
It's not about the number of hours one has logged, it has more to do with Jordan feeling that the person - whomever they may be - sharing the same insight for the forum, among other things.

Typically, asking will take you right out of the running.