Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
Yep, the "I've got so many IP addresses never giving up proving my point hahahahaha" man.
I just typed "." As my report reason. I'm not even going to waste my time with typing a funny reason for a thread which gets deleted a minute later.
I missed all the fun, anyway spam is not nice. Just like it sucks when someone spams your wall on FB when you have notifications on and your phone vibrates on every email you get when you're trying to sleep.
The mods only post in the BUL when they have time. When I was a mod, I had just finished high school and GT5 had just come out, so I had a lot of free time when the forums had a lot of silliness.
No party happened. A drag racer happened, nas. And then created another account and happened again, and again, each time with the same meaningless slander for mods.

Wasting everyone's time.
No, I ensured that other members didn't get in trouble for saying the wrong thing in that thread and joining the spammer.
Yeah, I liked the way you posted to say that posting was risky...

In future with situations like that, don't post, just report. You, or anyone else posting, means that the idiot making the threads and posts will continue. They like the reaction. Ignore them and they'll give up sooner.
Exactly what I was implying... It frustrates mods when innocent people post... So I politely added that mods don't like it (thus making it risky) and implied that people shouldn't post..
Exactly what I was implying... It frustrates mods when innocent people post... So I politely added that mods don't like it (thus making it risky) and implied that people shouldn't post..
You made a post to say that people shouldn't post. Do you see what's wrong with this? Do you see my point at all or am I talking to a brick wall?
Exactly what I was implying... It frustrates mods when innocent people post... So I politely added that mods don't like it (thus making it risky) and implied that people shouldn't post..
Posting in a thread telling people not to post is like a woman blaming all men for sexism, yknow?
BUL rarely gets updated, only if they have something funny to say I suppose.
You made a post to say that people shouldn't post. Do you see what's wrong with this? Do you see my point at all or am I talking to a brick wall?
When you say it like that, yes. But, on my side, telling my friends that some anti-mod "hater" isn't worth getting banned over because I want to continue to race with them is - in my unique opinion - at least a nice thing.

Two sides of a coin.
I'm kind of with @ITCC_Andrew for this one... at least he was trying to do good and not make it worse for anyone.

It might not be an issue if he didn't have an extensive history of playing mini-mod, telling other members what they can and can not post, and refusing to listen to anything anyone suggests, ever.

Thus the comment about talking to a brick wall.