Last 2011 Winfield, IL Parking Lot race is Saturday!

Location: The Winfield Methodist Church Parking Lot
Date: The first race will be Sat., May 14. The other race dates are June 18, July 16, Aug. 13, & Sept. 17.
Time: Racing begins at 11:00 AM. The track will be open at 10:00 AM.
Classes: These races are for electric cars only, The classes will be stock touring, Tamiya Mini, SC Trucks, Off Road, GT3, Traxxas Rally and others if we have at least three cars.
Cost: $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for racers 12 and under. This price is for any number classes. If you race 10 classes it only costs you $10. All the money taken in will go to the church.
Facilities: We will be using an AMBrc scoring system. Electricity and washrooms will be available. There is a MacDonald's and Burger King close by.
Details: This is a fundraiser for Winfield Community United Methodist Church. The church is trying this as part of their outreach programs. There may be no drivers' stand. You may want to bring something to stand on if you need it. There will be a door prize drawing for the drivers at no charge. Everyone had a very good time last year. The address is 0S347 Jefferson Street, Winfield, IL 60190-1406.
This great place for new drivers to get started and for racers looking to have fun!
Directions: Take Rt. 38/ Roosevelt road to County Farm Rd and turn north. There's a MacDonald's at that intersection. Go north to Manchester Rd. and turn left or west on Manchester. Take Manchester to Jefferson St. and turn right or north and go about a block and you'll see the church on the right side.
Take Rt. 64/North Ave. to County Farm Rd. and turn south. There's a Honda motorcycle dealer at the intersection. Take County Farm Rd. to Manchester Rd. Turn right or west on to Manchester Rd. Take Manchester to Jefferson and turn right on Jefferson. Go about a block and you'll see the church on the right.