Racers Reunited: GT Career Mode Challenge

  • Thread starter Zolon32

When free is for do race best?

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If we end up using the Merc, can I use my safe tea car?

Safe Tea :P

I had fully intended on joining yesterday, I've even activated my Plus again. I was a little late turning on the PS4 when I saw there was a GTS update, so I left it to it's own devices. I came back later and realised it was also loading an update for another game as well as the GT one and was taking ages - and they were only relatively small updates!. 40 minutes later everything was ready but I'd wandered off by then.

I do have the BMW. I grabbed it a couple of days ago.

I've even been practising!
I've quite randomly picked out 14 prospective candidates, and I'm in love with the first one I tried. Already in mid 26s, stock and on C/S, so I'm going to have to throttle it back a little by the time I get up to speed, but it's beautiful...
The thought also occurs that we're never going to get through everyone's turn in the Safety Car, so we may have to stop partway through and continue at a later date.

As everyone's cars will be a fairly random mix of all sorts, we're going to do initial qualifying by carling, because it's pretty random and a bit of a giggle. Carling, or car curling, is quite simple. As you start your qualifying lap, you must cut all power - no throttle use is permitted at all. Then, using any method you want, you must simply get the car as far as you can before it comes to rest.

There's a number of techniques to Carling that centre on how you preserve your momentum. Some like to hold it in gear, some in as high a gear as possible, and some like to change gear to maximise acceleration on downhills, and minimise it on uphills. There's also the handbrake-neutral - pulling the handbrake briefly puts the car in neutral - and the clutch-neutral for wheel users. Kerbs may slow you down, while also being the shortest line through a corner. It's quite an interesting little test of... something, I guess. You may like to practice :D

The grid order will then be the order of how far you got, with the furthest on pole. Whoever qualifies last gets the Safety Car for the first race. For subsequent races the Safety Car then goes to the person who finished lowest and hasn't driven the Safety Car yet. The Safety Car always starts last. The rest of the grid will be in reverse order, with the last Safety Car driver on pole.

With BOPs and Rozzers, there's two goals.
1. If you're a BOP, you must finish ahead of the Rozzer
2. If you're a Rozzer, you must pass as many BOPs as you can

The Rozzer will be several seconds a lap faster than the BOPs, and will start a lot later than the BOPs. He then has to pass as many of the BOPs as he can. Your position when the Rozzer passes you is your finish position - you can continue to race, but you have been "caught" and you're out. As this won't be displayed on the final screen, please remember it!

If you are a BOP and the Rozzer does not pass you, you get double points. If the Rozzer wins - and ONLY if he wins - he gets double points.

BOPs must race each other fairly. However the Rozzer can employ unorthodox techniques if he wishes, and the BOPs may try to prevent the Rozzer from passing them (but MAY NOT retaliate afterwards; as soon as the Rozzer is ahead, you are out). Beware though that if you slow the Rozzer down and he manages to get past you anyway but NOT any BOPs in front of you, you will lose a metric ****tonne of points to those other BOPs - it may not be wise unless it is very late in the race and you are quite far up the field.

Everyone sufficiently confused now?

Everyone sufficiently confused now?

I was confused way before this...sometime around 2007 actually!:odd:

Can you please do a summary of car specs please for the BOPs and Rozzers night? Was there something about completing a lap within a certain time...1:25.000? And on which circuit??

Dementia strikes again!
Can you please do a summary of car specs please for the BOPs and Rozzers night? Was there something about completing a lap within a certain time...1:25.000? And on which circuit??
So your BOP car - which will be your main car (everyone drives the Safety Car once, and once only) - must be capable of not beating 1'25.000 in your hands around Tokyo Expressway Central Outer Loop. It doesn't matter what car you use, and you can tune it, tweak it, add power, remove weight, put it on super softs - anything at all you want - so long as you can get as close as you can to 1'25.000, but not beat it.

As a rough guideline, a Gr.4 Mazda Atenza is about 2s too fast in stock form. That's 285hp/ton, 4WD, race hards and downforce, so if you were to make it a little worse (Sport Mediums, say, or less power/more weight, or drop the downforce off), or if you suck, it'd be close enough. It looks like we've got some JDM cars in the mixer, and at least one Vision GT. I've got something odder in mind...

Edit: My car made my wife laugh actually out loud. I think I have a winner.
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so if you were to make it a little worse (Sport Mediums, say, or less power/more weight, or drop the downforce off), or if you suck, it'd be close enough.

Yep...the last one.

Thanks for the regs. I’ll try the racing softs then!:D

I too hate bringing the same dress to the prom so can everyone give an idea of what they’re bringing to the party?? Thanks.
I too hate bringing the same dress to the prom so can everyone give an idea of what they’re bringing to the party?
Looks like @Venari has an FD RX-7, @daan has a GT86 (or BRZ... I can't tell without the plates), and @IfAndOr has a MINI VGT. I've got a secret car, but it's a road car and an N500 - although as backup I've got a Gr.X car I'm vigorously testing.

My prime car was, on its initial run, 13 seconds away from the target time - although I won't say whether it was above or below, just for the mystery - so there's a lot of scope for really weird motors, even if they seem too fast/slow. A change in rubber by one grade, on its own, changed the lap time by 2.5s...
My problem is that I keep making my car slower but I keep getting faster so then I start breaking the 1.25 barrier. It's only occasionally though so i might leave it and accept any penalty*. Or put a block of wood under the throttle pedal.

Yes @Sutsagrd it's that Mini VGT (mainly because I like the colour) or I do have a Gr.4 backup.

*I'm probably being over optimistic here!

Everyone sufficiently confused now?
Just one thing, what's a ****tonne?
My problem is that I keep making my car slower but I keep getting faster so then I start breaking the 1.25 barrier.
I was doing that all the time. Detune it, get 24.4. Add some weight, get 24.4. Lose some power, 24.4. Lose some more power, add some more weight, 24.4. 🤬 sake!
I was doing that all the time. Detune it, get 24.4. Add some weight, get 24.4. Lose some power, 24.4. Lose some more power, add some more weight, 24.4. 🤬 sake!
I made some huge changes to get the car from 13 seconds away to 2 seconds away. Then I started making minor ones and it was 1'25.0, 1'25.0, 1'24.2 - what? Where did that come from? Tweak, 1'25.0, 1'25.0, 1'24.2 - oh give over! Lather, rinse, repeat.

The Opt section of the sector time part of your HUD is quite useful for this. I did several 1'25.x runs that had an Opt(imal lap time - your best sectors from all laps put together as if you'd strung them all on one lap) of 1'24.x and, sure enough, a fourth or fifth lap would be a 1'24.x.

I'm just about there now. I need to make a suspension change to stop the car from doing a horrific shimmy on compression in the first tunnel (if you're anywhere near alongside me, either side, you're in the wall; nothing I can do about it right now), but it's 1'25.2 with an optimal 1'25.05 now.
I was doing that all the time. Detune it, get 24.4. Add some weight, get 24.4. Lose some power, 24.4. Lose some more power, add some more weight, 24.4. 🤬 sake!
Yep, that about sums it up. :)

The trouble with the Mini is that you can't reduce the power so it's all tyres and weight. And a block of wood.

I made some huge changes to get the car from 13 seconds away to 2 seconds away.
That's got to be from slower to faster? :mischievous:
That's got to be from slower to faster? :mischievous:
I couldn't possibly comment :D There were some massive power and weight changes though.

I'm only keeping my car quiet because it should be amusing - it was funny enough to make my wife do a chuckle. It's not because I've found some amazing trick, because in theory it's not like any of us has a performance advantage anyway :lol:

There are so many absolutely barking mad cars that can be made to fit too :D
@Famine would I be correct in assuming that tyre deg will be turned off completely?
Yes it will - and fuel. Otherwise it becomes painful for people who've decided a million hp, or no power and RSS, is the solution.
I've posted up a friends-only practice lobby - I won't be around later today anyway - and I'll put it up for a chunk of tomorrow, so that people can get their online eye in and get the car tuned just-so. It's set as Practice/Race, but I won't be around the start the race...

... although my rozzer is going round on autodrive.
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... although my rozzer is going round on autodrive.
I thought you'd just forgotten how to drive.

Anyway, I'm freaked out by this track and I don't think I can drive it anymore. This expansion joint makes no noise.

Gran Turismo™SPORT_20180812175529.jpg
@Sutsagrd You can join if you want :lol:

Edit: My safety car driver is crap, but at least he's consistently crap. Every one of the 140 laps he's done is within 0.13s...

And feel free to have a go at our GT Sport circuits quiz. It's a bit mean later on, but I expect everyone here to get 14 :D
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@Famine have you posted any specs for the safety car yet? I couldn't find any with a quick peruse. And am I right in thinking it's the Merc. I've got both now but not yet driven either.

I'm thinking of swaping to a different car that's a bit more lively and has more settings to tweak its performance. It's a n400 that I need some practice in anyway!
have you posted any specs for the safety car yet?
Meanwhile your M4 Safety Car will need to be at minimum weight, which will cost 686Mi points, and will use Racing Super Soft tyres. There may be other tweaks to this - I think power might go up to about 120%, but I haven't zoned it in just yet. 113% is the maximum at Level 1, so keep some Mi points safe!

I thought it was the BMW, must have missed the mention of the Merc consideration.

Well anyway, here's my BOP and my Rozzer:

I thought it was the BMW, must have missed the mention of the Merc consideration
It was, but someone didn't have it or pick it up in the last two weeks, so it's now the Mercedes because that's available now.

It will need min weight and racing super softs, but I haven't zoned in on it yet for power.

I should add that I have no way of checking, but other tuning for the Rozzer is not permitted. We're all nice people though so I wouldn't need to check :D
You can join if you want

I did but wasn’t on form at all and kept racking up penalties. It took me 10-15 mins to realise you were not present and I’d been racing a ghost...I did wonder why your times were so slow!

So it’s the Merc then? I had the beemer all kitted out so will need to do the same with the Merc.

This should be fun. I go from 1:26 to 1:24.7 but average a 1:25.4ish.
Lobby is back up for practice runs.
kept racking up penalties
Hmm. Good point. Penalties are now off.
So it’s the Merc then? I had the beemer all kitted out so will need to do the same with the Merc.
Yup. Please contact the house of Zo for your Mi point reimbursement...
Did you hear the one about a bloke who doesn't have an M4 safety car?
I go from 1:26 to 1:24.7
You'll need to wind it back a little bit - any lap in the race faster than a 1'25.000 from any of the BOPs gets a two-point penalty, before bonuses, so in theory it's possible to win the race and lose points. And slipstream is on "real", just to make sure that has as little effect as possible.

1'25.000 should be the fastest possible lap time you can achieve in that car - and it's best to keep an eye on the "OPT" line in your split time screen on the multi-function display to make sure.