Racers Reunited. It's over! RR GT6 is no more. Tuesday's will now be for GTS (Maybe PC2 some times)

  • Thread starter Zolon32
Upcoming events:
20th Sept, VW Lupo Gti at Autumn Ring
My Lupo is ready for round #2. --> Round #1.

27th Sept, Formula GT, 50% power reduction, 200Kg ballast, all suspension/transmission/aero adjustments allowed, C/S tyres; at Willow Springs big and little.
This is a wild beast even with half power and 200kg of ballast.
The comfort softs are screaming in agony. I have mine on full
downforce and full ride height and it's still like driving on ice.
But it's fun and with the only driver aid allowed being the ABS you
need to be on your toes.

My ballast is right down the middle on the slider, perhaps it's better
to shift it someplace else?

I have a suggestion on where to go after Willow Springs. A one-lapper
to finish off the night on @gkgamer's track called Circuito Claudio Garcia.

I tried it during the weekend and it's a nice track, difficult to learn all the corners
though. It's even got it's own version of the famous Laguna Seca corkscrew, except
this is a corkscrew on steroids. It's much bigger than Laguna's but just as difficult.
You find it at 1:48 in the video.

4th October, Libre. I'm going to be visiting friends who have retired to Spain.
Small world. I'll be in Barcelona 2-5 October visiting my sister.
Might go to Circuit de Catalunya on the Tuesday.
This is a wild beast even with half power and 200kg of ballast. The comfort softs are screaming in agony.
Sick did start to run a series with these specs but had to abandon it because almost everyone kept crashing! :scared:

It'll be different to the Lupo that's for sure. :)
run a series with these specs but had to abandon it because almost everyone kept crashing!
Since this isn't the comfort club anymore perhaps Zo would allow the step up to Sports tyres. Sports medium maybe. Could try that for one short race and if it doesn't feel right we'll just scrap the FGT and race other cars instead at the Willow. Senna's F3 could be nice.

Yeah, Senna's F3 car around gk's track could be fun after Willow Springs.

Lets hear from Zo.
Sports medium maybe.

I'm fine with that if C/S would be a problem, no point in having half the field struggling to stay on track; close racing, that's what it's all about :)

allow the use of traction control?

Wash your mouth out! :yuck: Mum, Mum, there's a bloke here wants to use traction cont... traction cont... Good grief, I can't even type it!

Cheers, Zo.
I managed to bag tickets to BTCC finale at Brands
Nice one, Colin.
Any particular driver you'll be cheering for?

Mum, Mum, there's a bloke here wants to use traction cont...
Look what you went and did, Paul.
You upset poor Zo. You might as well suggest race tyres and strong boost now because the damage is already done. ;)

Seriously though, lets just go with another car if the FGT causes too much of a problem. Easy as baking a cake. See you lot tonight in the Lupo.
I shan't be using a mic as I've got a nasty cold and a good old otitis to boot.
Nice one, Colin.
Any particular driver you'll be cheering for?

Na, not fussed, just there to enjoy the sport. Getting breakfast and lunch at Porsche, so I'll take full advantage of that. Need to pretend I'm interested in the Carrera Cup for a bit, but other than that, the day is my own.
Quite looking forward to it, not been to a meeting in a while.
Look what you went and did, Paul.
Good job I didn't mention steering assist then. He wouldn't have recovered in time for tonight's races.

I'm sure we'll make the FGT's race-able for everyone. Even if it's on Route X. :P

Looking forward to going loopy later.
Can't wait to drive the Lupo later. I wonder if Jocke is up for the rematch of that touge race we done a while back which I may have mentioned at the weekend. I only gave him a full minutes extra head start!
20th Sept, VW Lupo Gti at Autumn Ring

I wonder if Jocke is up for the rematch of that touge race we done a while back which I may have mentioned at the weekend.
Yeah, up for it alright. Just need to co-ordinate the meet up.

Sports medium maybe.
I'm fine with that if C/S would be a problem
Tested the Formula GT at Big Willow today fitted with sports medium
and it feels much more controllable than when on comfort softs.
Well, except when this happened...
OK, this little incident was made on purpose. I went for it on the big wall/jump to
the left hand side of the start/finish straight and edited the photo in photoshop.
I might just print it and hang it on my hipster wall. ;)

I wanted to show this to Colin but I guess some others might find it interesting, too.
I played some more Project Cars during the weekend and had an exciting one-lap race
around the Nurburgring 24H layout. It was a terrifying experience actually, driving a formula
car flat out around the old Nordschleife with fierce competition in front and behind.
But I survived. And the neat thing is I learned how to move the camera around.
You are able to position the camera almost any way you like both during actual gameplay
and during the replays, using a keyboard hooked up to the PS4.

Many of the cars in the game are quite impossible to drive (for me anyway)
but the Formula C is a joy to race with.
project cars how to adjust view ps4.jpeg
Nice video Jocke. That was so good last week, I'm sorely tempted to set up a four week, eight race series with little hot hatches around tight tracks... Rome, Monaco, Shortrun, Turnaround even, maybe...

Cheers, Zo.
They are fun races with the little'uns.
I'm sorely tempted to set up a four week, eight race series with little hot hatches
Perhaps the cup cars, there's a few of them to choose from. Lupo, Clio, Micra. Maybe more.
Possibly even the Beetle - it's not too big.

You've got me thinking of my old Kei car idea. Suzuki Cappuccino, Daihatsu Copen and Mazda Autozam all set to a PP* - 3 races per meeting with everyone changing cars to even things up. Fancy running with that sometime?

*I did try to even them up. I must look at them again to see what they were.
Sorry I didn't make it the last few Tuesday's. Obviously missed some really good racing.
I'd be up for hot hatch racing in the future.

Your FGT thing sounds mad but fun. However I won't make next Tuesday either!!

Have fun.

Sorry I didn't make it the last few Tuesday's. Obviously missed some really good racing.
I'd be up for hot hatch racing in the future.

Your FGT thing sounds mad but fun. However I won't make next Tuesday either!!

Have fun.


I´m in the same position as Suts.
See you all soon.
Alright then, erm, when would be best?
I'll try and be on about half an hour before Zolon opens the RR lobby tonight.

I'm sorely tempted to set up a four week, eight race series with little hot hatches around tight tracks.
I can imagine us having a proper four week RallyX championship in the near future, given how much folks enjoyed it.
Why not combine the two in some way or other. Would be quite original.

I raced the Caterham 7 in Project Cars and my mind wandered back to
@gkgamer's old GT6 club.

You didn't race with that view did you?
No, the camera was further back and more centered.
I learned afterwards that you can rotate the camera during replays
by alternating between the 4 and the 6 on the keyboard.
I never got a decent replay saved to capture but it was fun and interesting racing the FGT. Cheers for hosting that Zo and very well done jammy showing us how the car is supposed to be driven.

The network threw us out three or four times today. Can't remember the last time it was that shaky.
Awesome RallyX concept! Had similar offroading thoughts a while ago but never made it happen. 👍 It's a shame that i missed the first RallyX event, hope i can make it to the upcoming races — i need a bit of luck to get a hold of the PS3 on Tuesdays. :nervous::D