Racers Reunited. It's over! RR GT6 is no more. Tuesday's will now be for GTS (Maybe PC2 some times)

  • Thread starter Zolon32
I can't join today, Zo. Have fun guys.

You missed some interesting racing and some 'interesting' racing Jocke.

Thanks for coming along and putting up with the rubbish connections chaps. It convinced me that I was some way wide of the mark with my handicapping system, but I feel it definitely has promise. Watch this space, or one not too far away anyway.

Cheers, Zo
After running around in the Solstice a bit it strikes me that it's a very easily controlled car. In view of this I thought that, for the Sunburn Cup :cool: (see Jocke's entry #721 above), we might use two tyre grades C/S and C/M. Half the race on one and half on the other, with the choice as to go which half with which being left up to the individual. Should make for some interesting chasing and running away.

Might even bung the weather up to pretty stormy too. Oh yes! I'm full of brilliant ideas you know :lol:

Cheers, Zo.
Sounds good Zo. Hope the network gods are kind to us, had a bit of a 'mare in sicks room last night, and it wasn't a custom track with weather. Fingers crossed!
had a bit of a 'mare in sicks room last night

It was fine on Friday BB. Ironically (or is it ironic, I struggle to understand?) Sick was the only one with a problem, he could only see five out of twelve in the feature race, which was an absolute cracker.

Looking forward to Tuesday already 👍

By the way, I notice that GT Sport has been put back to '2017', absolutely no indication of what part of 2017. A chap might almost wonder if they ever had any intention of releasing it in 2016, or 2017 for that matter. If we see it before 2018 I'll eat my hat.

Cheers, Zo. (Still loving GT6, so I don't mind the delay, I just get fed up with having my intelligence insulted continually by PD.)
Hey guys,

first of all thanks for adopting my proposal of trying Portimao. It's much appreciated that you are willing to give it a shot. :) I can't guarantee that I'll join the action but I'll try to attend this event exeptionally.

I did a 5 lap test race against the AI on Saturday and can confirm Zo's description of the Pontiac Solstice. Besides the sleek look of the car it's smooth oversteer is easily controllable. It should provide close racing. 👍

But I've also noticed the rather close gear ratio. :odd: Maybe Pontiac valued their Solstice as a Modern Muscle Car and thats why they have orientated themselves towards the old-established Muscle Car gear ratio. ;)

As an effect of that the car hits the limiter at ca. 80 % length of the homestraight. But I guess that should be an acceptable extent. On the other hand 2nd gear probably will only be needed for the 2 very slow hairpins (T 3 and T 5). Some other turns which are rather slow as well can be taken in 3rd gear.

I wish you guys fun at Portimao and hope I'm able to join. :cheers:
a fantastillion times faster than the Solstice. :crazy:

Yeah, but he's not using comfort tyres Patrick, 1.4 lateral G, amazing.

The video shows just how closely they've copied your design for the track though, anybody who can't get time on the PS3 before tonight can familiarise themselves with the layout through this.

I'd be perfectly happy to try it out with a quicker car at some time, maybe that Lambo that Paul had us racing at Circuit Sans Nom, that was a belter.

See you chaps tonight. (Just a little aside, I've had a spin in the wet, and I recon we're better keeping the surface dry for the first meeting at the place.)

Cheers, Zo.
Great racing tonight guys. Well done to Patrick for building such a great replica track. Really enjoyed learning it.
Mixed pit stop race was excellent, just sneaked past zolon for third at the line, which could have been second had tarnheld used the prescribed tyres lol.

Shame about the dc, but it did allow me to be in the mix once we got going again, having spun numerous times before we got disco'd. Enjoyable win.

Good car, good track, good drivers, good times.

Rallycross next week sounds like fun too.
First of all thanks for all positive comments on the Portimao replica! :cheers:

I'm really happy that you guys seem to have enjoyed racing it. Actually I'm creating (and recently revamping) tracks not for myself - as I don't have the time to race them extensively - but to provide fun and excitement for other community members.

As always while my rare appearances at the club I had a great time and lots of fun racing with you. :)

First race on CS/CM was quite good. It was a clever idea to prescribe mandatory tire changes. 👍 While CS of course had good grip CM felt better than expected - the difference was not that big. Due to the rustiness I did two major mistakes at the first two laps and found myself a bit in the middle of nowhere afterwards. I was always seeing the group of @JockeP22, @Sutsagrd and @Zolon32 in front of me but couldn't catch up. :irked: You guys have just been too consistent. :bowdown:

At race #2 I started finding my rythm again and felt quite competitive - excluded the full alien @WildChild89 plus aspiring alien @buybon355. ;) After the change to CH it felt like we'd drive on oil sprayed banana peels in the wet. :crazy: I had some fun battles with @Sutsagrd though and it's hard to say who struggled more. Sadly I ruined it on the last lap when I flew off at this really tricky double apex righthander (T 10 - "Portimao" Corner).

The next race was simply amazing. 👍 What a difference to drive the Solstice at 500 PP and fully tuned compared to stock. I was a bit worried the upgrades could worsen the drivability. But even without knowing much about tuning my small tweaks seem to have worked. Basically the conservative LSD setting (5/7/10) and the ballast add after weight reduction stage 3 to get a weight distribution of 50:50 should have been most important.

The most exciting part of that race was that everybody was on different weight and power. For instance @Zolon32 was on 1.100 kg and 250 kW while I was on 1.210 kg and 272 kW. The result was absolutely noticeable - he could pull away on the uphill sections while I profited from the power especially on the homestraight. Same with all other racers, everybody had it's advantages at certain track parts which was really exciting. :)

At the beginning it was a bit hectic and I waited for @Sutsagrd after I had hit him on the inside at T 4. Fortunately we didn't loose too much time and could keep connection to the rest of the field. At lap 4 and 5 @Zolon32 and me had quite a good pace pulling away from the rest a bit. :cool: I had so much fun keeping up with him and then at the last corner of lap 5 - bamm - mass DC. :banghead: That ruined a thrilling last lap and was utterly annoying. :grumpy:

The final repeat race was great fun as well though the field had thined out a bit. The GYF call was really apreciated after the incident at the start where I couldn't avoid to crash into the still standing @thehobnob97. 👍 I was quite surprised that we went back to race pace just after the next sector but retrospectively it was a good decision. If I remember right I had some nice battles with @Sutsagrd afterwards again. :)

The second half of that race I was in 2nd place behind leading @buybon355 but it was hard to keep up with his pace. On lap 5 he flew off at T 1 and I got a little closer again. But during the lap the gap had increased again so at the beginning of the final lap I decided to wait for @JockeP22 for some final action. :mischievous: My plan was to let him pass on the penultimate corner and try a slipstream move to the finish. But just after I've let him pass there was some lag and suddenly he was out of reach. :mad: :lol: Still a lot of fun. 👍

Finally I'd like to specify my favourite parts of the track:
- the uphill lefthander T 4 followed by the straight and the downhill braking zone before the T 5 ("Torre Vip") hairpin
- the uphill straight out of T 5 where car weight and traction was a factor
- the full speed lefthander T 9 ("Craig Jones")
- the penultimate corner T 13 ("Sagres") where different lines were possible
- the high speed final corner

That was a long report but since I race that rarely I need to compensate that by long event reviews. :P

Btw I just had an idea for the future: 💡
I'm planning to revamp some of my other replica resources as well. Road America has beed finished and updated already and the next project will probably be Brno Circuit. When I've finished a few of them I could post it here and you could choose which one you'd like to try.

Cheers guys, :cheers:
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I was always seeing the group of @JockeP22, @Sutsagrd and @Zolon32 in front of me but couldn't catch up. :irked: You guys have just been too consistent. :bowdown:
Very unusual from me as you saw in the later races. :dopey:

waited for @Sutsagrd after I had hit him
You really didn't have to. I was trying to get you to keep racing so we didn't loose touch with the pack. Remarkably we didn't?!:cool:

I had some fun battles with @Sutsagrd though and it's hard to say who struggled more.
ice battles with @Sutsagrd afterwards again. :)
I really enjoyed all our battles through the races. You raced really close but very fair. I enjoy the satisfaction of a hard fought race much more than the place I finish in a race. Excellent fun and an excellent track Patrick.

Hope you can come and race with us again soon.

Thanks to Zo and all the other racers for a really close and hard racing. I also had a few good battles with Zo(surprised as you're usually 10s up the road) and Jocke.
Great planning with the tyres and pit stops Zo. 👍
However poor Wild child didn't have much competition apart from bb and @tarnheld (with the wrong tyres...he he):lol:

Looking forward to future Zo-mazing ideas. ;)
Thanks for the kind words regarding the event chaps, I'm just chuffed that people are enjoying it. Viva GT6!

Put your name down if interested.

If someone can show me a setup that eliminates the terminal understeer that damn thing suffers from I'd be up for it Paul. Do you know of one?

Cheers, Zo.
a setup that eliminates the terminal understeer
I don't suffer from understeer that much at the 1000HP version. You need to stiffen the suspension more in the rear, and of course move the ballast fully towards the back since you need to add 97kg.
I don't suffer from understeer that much at the 1000HP version. You need to stiffen the suspension more in the rear, and of course move the ballast fully towards the back since you need to add 97kg.

The one is un-tuned so it'll be understeery anyway. Same for everyone I suppose. Let it slide in and then power out with the 4wd.

Thanks Chaps. I've noticed that the championship is on Fridays, and I've promised the Mrs that I won't enter any more Friday night jobs, for fear that it might interfere with any social function, so I can't make it anyway :grumpy:

Cheers, Zo.
I've promised the Mrs that I won't enter any more Friday night jobs, for fear that it might interfere with any social function
Ohh get you and your social functions. Very posh.
So even two cups of tea won't placate her then? ;)

It's "Rallycross in original Minis" then this week? Sounds interesting, how's that going to work? I usually end up on the grass unintentionally, but this is planned off road excursions? I'm presuming it's the 1998 model so I'll get one ready.

Hopefully @tooma maybe joining us this week. 👍
It's "Rallycross in original Minis" then this week? Sounds interesting, how's that going to work? I usually end up on the grass unintentionally, but this is planned off road excursions? I'm presuming it's the 1998 model so I'll get one ready.

Hopefully @tooma maybe joining us this week. 👍

What's the planned pp for the mini? Or is it stock and oil?

Yep, it's the 1998 Mini Paul, with planned off track excursions. I've just done a demo with Jocke, which I hope he will have ready tomorrow at some time.

Tooma will be more than welcome :)

BB, the cars will have to be tuned I think, to cope with the riggers of off-roading. The max BHP will be set at 108, which I achieved by using level 3 engine tune and nothing more. Full weight reduction is permitted, as well as full suspension and transmission upgrades. In other words, 108 BHP is the only restriction. C/M tyres by the way.

If it goes as I hope I think it'll be a neat exercise. Now, where's my Paddy Hopkirk mask?

Cheers, Zo.


0:00 - 4:55 Trackside view
4:55 - END Onboard view
Ha ha ha, that's ace Jocke, a remarkable likeness.

Sorry for the mumbled sections of the commentary chaps, I'm full of cold and can't believe how self conscious I felt talking to everybody who wasn't there, if you get what I mean. However, despite my limitations I think the vid does its job well, excellent work by Jocke.

I don't think I've looked forward to a meeting quite as much as this for a while.

Cheers, Zo.
can't believe how self conscious I felt talking to everybody who wasn't there,
Don't worry about it I do that all the time; it's normal isn't it? I always get confused between imaginary and virtual friends - best to have both.

The RallyX is an interesting concept, Ascari is made for it. There's probably even more routes than can be taken. We might need a follow Zo around for 1 lap race though.

Now do I fit Rally or race suspension? :)
Next event seems interesting. I have done some years ago rallycross series same kind of off track driving and it was fun. I got to get my mini ready and learn those off track paths.