If people want to get rid of racism, in an odd way, we have to stop pointing things out. If we point out that so-and-so "is the first X minority to accomplish Y" for example, that's still pointing out that race matters. Which it doesn't. Of course, there are landmarks to be recognised but I feel that if we are to really bring in equality we have to stop caring about when a minority or a majority accomplishes or doesn't accomplish something and explicitly mentioning that they're a member of group X, Y or Z.
I'm not sure I've made my point quite clear about this. I find racism hard to discuss because I haven't really experienced 'racism' personally. Certainly, I have experienced forms of bigotry, because I'm ginger and Welsh. But I don't think I've ever felt opressed because I'm white. I have said racist things in the past (not to anybdy personally), I'm not proud of it and I won't deny it and anybody who says they've never been racist at some point in their lives is a liar, but I'm a tolerant person at heart and I don't really care about someone's skin colour. It makes no odds to me.