Racism - Ignored?

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
I was reading along and I just knew there was going to be pie. Truthfully, I sort of expected there to be pie sooner. I was even craving pie at one point, which sucked because I've been avoiding pie and my body has benefitted from my avoiding pie. Alas, there is no pie.
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This is a time for reflection then. You honestly think that people will have no more trouble accepting that white people benefit from racism, something you even distance yourself below, than they do believing that racism has harmed black people. For one thing, how many people would say yes to one category (that white people benefit from racism) and say no to the other (that racism has harmed black people). To accept the first, you essentially cannot reject the second, but the reverse is not true. The Venn Diagram of people here is one of the many things that makes it self-evident.

You're demonstrating what is known as selective rigor.
I'm certainly not. What I'm also not doing is conflating the easy at which a message can be delivered with how effective that message is at affecting change.

I've worked in education (adult and within the motor industry, but its still education) for a long time, and my wife was a teacher for a long while as well, the easy to accept message and the message that actually affords change and maximizes retention are not always the same, quite often they are the opposite. Walking a delegate through a process and guiding them every step of the way is easy for the student and the educator, but it poor in terms of both retention and flexibility of approach. Guided self-exploration which includes learning by failure is far, far harder for both the student and the educator but increases retention of skills and actively teaches a flexibility of approach.
https://www.waterford.org/education/why-failure-is-better-than-success-for-learning/#:~:text=As it turns out, mistakes,learning potential of their mistakes.

As such, no your claim that it's self-evident that the easy to accept approach is the best approach doesn't hold up, in fact when it comes to affecting long term change and flexibility it's quite the opposite.

Some of what CRT advocates for would be ways to address that.
We are at least on teh same scale, different points on it, but the same scale.

That's not a benefit. Demonstrate how stopping more black people, arresting more black people, charging or imprisoning more black people benefits white people. You cannot. It harms everyone, white people, police, all of society. Everyone. White people do not benefit from this.
From my post above, adopted slightly for clarity..

In any interaction with the US legal system, which would you pick to be?

0% is the base line for the normative correct number of arrests, stops, likelihood of being found guilty, length of sentence, etc. While the values are indicative, they hold true in terms of incresaeing or decresing likelyhood.
  • Rich White (-10%)
  • White (+ 10%)
  • Black (+ 50%)
You're going to pick rich white, but if that option was removed you are still going to go for white. Under no rational circumstances are you going to pick black in these circumstances. As such a benefit to being white, rich or not, still clearly exists.

Prejudice against black people in the judicial system does not benefit white people, it harms white people.

...from that link:

"Critical race theorists believe that racism is an everyday experience for most people of color, and that a large part of society has no interest in doing away with it because it benefits White elites."

From wikipedia:

"White privilege is the set of social advantages, benefits, and courtesies that come with being a member of the dominant race (i.e. white people). "

From wikipedia again:

One of the tenants of CRT is that white people benefit from racism. They do not. White people who own houses are denied a corresponding rise in home prices if fewer people are permitted to buy houses. White people gain nothing from an uneducated population, from a less productive population, from a population that is less able to create wealth. We are not in competition for jobs or higher education, or yes, even housing. We grow together as a population, producing our own wealth and in the process raising the standard for all people. This notion, that white people are afforded some kind of benefit from holding down others is not just wrong, it fosters racism among white people who buy in. And it fuels not just hatred toward illegal immigration, but resistance to all immigration.

Convince a white person that they'll be harmed by black people being able to buy houses or get into college and you've convinced a white person to rail against immigration of any kind - and to incorrectly view the economy as a fixed pie that they are unwilling to share. It is detrimental to the development of society, and deeply detrimental to white people. Not only does it foster resentment, stifle education, and stifle wealth creation, but it breeds deeper xenophobia that stirs international conflict and prevents cooperation across borders.[/quote]
I'm going to address the rest of this as a whole.

You seem to be under the belief that unless something can benefit the whole of society then it can't be a benefit to a part of society or an individual, and that an individual or part of society will not act on or accept that benefit (consciously or not) on that basis. You also seem to be arguing that unless a maximum can be extracted from a benefit, then it's not actually a benefit.

That is reducing the concept of benefit to an absurdly narrow definition that doesn't work in reality.

Now with the agreement that racism harms the whole of society, that doesn't change the following.

In all of the above it is beneficial to the individual to be white, your house gets valued higher, you get more interviews, you have more favorable interactions with the police. To be white in these circumstances is beneficial, not to society as a whole, not in the wider picture, but to the individual and group, at that point it is a benefit.

To try and hand-wave that away because it's not beneficial to the whole of society simply makes no sense, and allows it to be both normalized and continue.

Taking the house valuation example, as you also touched upon house prices. Yes lower valuations of black owned houses stops the entire housing market from reaching it maximum potential, but it's not enough to stop housing increasing in value overall, and as such the vast majority of people will not see it or for that matter care about it. As long as overall house prices go up, they are find, their personal investment is growing. It also needs to be considered as part of the fact that housing and living in the US is still heavily segregated, and as such the undervaluation of black-owned homes affects predominantly black neighborhoods, and the impact is not seen directly at all in predominantly white-owned neighborhoods. This has been seen historically (and I strongly suspect continues to be seen) when a black person/family buys a house in a predominantly white neighborhood as lowering the value of all the other properties, reducing the benefit white homeowners have over black homeowners gets peoples attention in a very quick and direct manner (and predominantly negative manner). Once again none of this benefits society as a whole, nor does it maximize value in the housing market, but as it still (to a lower degree) benefits predominantly white neighborhoods.

To use a crude analogy, would it have benefited George Floyd to have been white?

The notion that white people somehow benefit from racism is not just wrong, it's deeply toxic.
They do and you are right it's toxic.
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Just want give a personal example to explain why being white is a benefit.

Some years back my wife and her friend were both registered on a jobs website looking for online jobs. My wife is black, her friend white.
Wife also had a foreign sounding name, which she's changed since then.
On the website, in addition to uploading your resume, filling out profile info, etc. you also need to upload your picture in order to apply for anything.

At the time, wife was looking for a job in remote teaching. She has a degree and experience in teaching.
Her friend has a degree, but in unrelated field and no experience.

Basically long story short is - my wife would apply, but would not hear back from most listings she applied for.
Her friend would get interviews for the same openings on a short notice and on top of that people offering her interviews for things she didn't apply for.
When she would forward over wife's profile, the recruiter would suddenly lose interest or say position was filled.

As you can imagine, this is just one specific example. There are many others of course.

So yeah, you can say racism hurts the society overall. Sure.
It is also undeniable that white people enjoy a number of benefits (large or small) on a number of things.
Those benefits, over the course of a lifetime, can snowball into a much larger gap in quality of life, mental health, prosperity, etc.
It's not the same thing as before, where black people were slaves and the benefit was easily and undeniably quantifiable, but still...
I'm very sceptical that it's wrong to say that a system seemingly designed to disadvantage non white people should not put white people at a relative disadvantage. Whether this is true in practice I don't think I can blame critical race theorists from using this as one of their starting assumptions.

Terms like benefit and privilege seem to be just semantics as "less disadvantaged" and "more advantaged" seem to be synonymous to me.
If you had a choice of being able to pick one of those two options, being 10% or 50% more likely to be stopped than the 'correct' number, which would it be of benefit to you to pick?

You are clearly going to pick 10%, as despite it still being over the odds, it offer a significant advantage over the 50%.
Definitely, although no one does get to pick in reality. Statistically whites have it better, but that's independent of how blacks are treated. Police aren't going to arrest less whites because they're arresting more blacks.

To make this real, white people are more likely to be charged for crime X by the police than rich white people, that's your 10%. Black people are even more likely to be charged for crime X by the police than rich white people, that's your 50%. while it's clearly the most advantageous to be rich and white, its also still significantly more advantageous to be white than black.

In any interaction with the US legal system, which would you pick to be?
  • Rich White (your 0% - in reality most likely below 0%)
  • White (your 10%)
  • Black (your 50%)
You're going to pick rich white, but if that option was removed you are still going to go for white. Under no rational circumstances are you going to pick black in these circumstances. As such a benefit to being white, rich or not, still clearly exists.

Oh, and rich black is likely going to fall around the 30% mark, black people with nice cars are unfortunately only too aware of this.
Again, sure there is a ranking if you could pick, but that's not the point I'm making. I feel like if whites benefited their rate of arrest, etc would have to go down as the black rates went up.

"Critical race theorists believe that racism is an everyday experience for most people of color, and that a large part of society has no interest in doing away with it because it benefits White elites."

This is one of the things I have a hard time seeing. My family has experienced some potential racist incidents after immigrating to North America but it's so far from an everyday experience that I have a hard time accepting the concept of privilege or believing that appearance is a dominating factor in how one is treated. There are certainly places where that is true, but from my experience it's certainly not universal, at least not in the US.

To use a crude analogy, would it have benefited George Floyd to have been white?

It's hard to say. Statistics don't map to individual cases 1:1.
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This is the new Political Correctness, isn't it? How do you get through the days of terror?
Why is it always either flat out denial that they exist or overuse of the terms. Is adopting a position in the middle so hard?

The post of mine that you quoted is relevant to such a discussion.
Can you explain what you mean then?

And you still miss the point.

You have presented no evidence beyond 'because I say so' that this is a result of CRT rather than hundreds of years of systemic racism.
But what is pushing so many to view white people in this way.

You say it's because of years of systemic racism yet every culture is guilty of being racist. How do the sins of the past relate to white people currently, either subconsciously or consciously, and why is it exclusive to white people?

I feel like I have to ask, but do you condone the lecturer's views?

It'd be like saying being Russian is bad because of Stalin and his years of reign.

So close with the last sentence, so damn close

But then we get...

And I've already shown you that these views have existed since before CRT was even a thing, as such you have utterly failed to prove that CRT is the cause. However it does certainly appear that its another (along with pronouns, cancel culture and Political Correctness) that allows conservatives to play the victim.

Let's be 100% clear about this, you made the claim that CRT was the cause behind incidence such as this, yet you have so far failed to actually prove that.
These views were widespread iand accepted in the mainstream in the past to the extent that they are currently?

Going to need a citation on this.
I mean you've had four examples. Does a thread on another message forum count?

I don't know enough about critical race theory to either advocate for or oppose it, and so I don't. I don't agree with some of what has been presented by those defending the concept here, and at the same time I can be certain that it's been misrepresented by those opposing it, as they see fit, because it's a bogeyman.
It's not just CRT. It's the whole discourse around race that has become poisoned.

Just want give a personal example to explain why being white is a benefit.

Some years back my wife and her friend were both registered on a jobs website looking for online jobs. My wife is black, her friend white.
Wife also had a foreign sounding name, which she's changed since then.
On the website, in addition to uploading your resume, filling out profile info, etc. you also need to upload your picture in order to apply for anything.

At the time, wife was looking for a job in remote teaching. She has a degree and experience in teaching.
Her friend has a degree, but in unrelated field and no experience.

Basically long story short is - my wife would apply, but would not hear back from most listings she applied for.
Her friend would get interviews for the same openings on a short notice and on top of that people offering her interviews for things she didn't apply for.
When she would forward over wife's profile, the recruiter would suddenly lose interest or say position was filled.

As you can imagine, this is just one specific example. There are many others of course.

So yeah, you can say racism hurts the society overall. Sure.
It is also undeniable that white people enjoy a number of benefits (large or small) on a number of things.
Those benefits, over the course of a lifetime, can snowball into a much larger gap in quality of life, mental health, prosperity, etc.
It's not the same thing as before, where black people were slaves and the benefit was easily and undeniably quantifiable, but still...
This is backed up by a study in the UK that CVs from people with ethnic minority sounding names had less callbacks than traditionally English names
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But what is pushing so many to view white people in this way.

You say it's because of years of systemic racism yet every culture is guilty of being racist. How do the sins of the past relate to white people currently, either subconsciously or consciously, and why is it exclusive to white people?
Wait, you think it just up and went away?

You think that an entire social system built around it just up and vanished?

You actually think that's the case!

I feel like I have to ask, but do you condone the lecturer's views?
Which part?

It'd be like saying being Russian is bad because of Stalin and his years of reign.
No, it would be like saying that decades of authoritarianism has left a long lasting and still visible mark on Russia's social order. I mean it's a poor example for you to pick, given that Russia has spilled back into those exact ways again.

These views were widespread iand accepted in the mainstream in the past to the extent that they are currently?
Which views and why is that bad?

I mean you've had four examples. Does a thread on another message forum count?
Now your just stretching in a manner that puts my cast to shame.

It's not just CRT. It's the whole discourse around race that has become poisoned.
By whom?
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Wait, you think it just up and went away?

You think that an entire social system built around it just up and vanished?

You actually think that's the case!

Which part?

No, it would be like saying that decades of authoritarianism has left a long lasting and still visible mark on Russia's social order. I mean it's a poor example for you to pick, given that Russia has spilled back into those exact ways again.

Which views and why is that bad?

Now your just stretching in a manner that puts my cast to shame.

By whom?

OK, now I'm genuinely feeling threatened to swear right now.

EDIT: A Moderator changed a Username temporarily to trick me into responding here and I can't find a way to delete messages!!!
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EDIT: A Moderator changed a Username temporarily to trick me into responding here
While I'm not entirely sure how that would "trick" you into making a post, moderators cannot change usernames.
Wait, you think it just up and went away?

You think that an entire social system built around it just up and vanished?

You actually think that's the case!
But that's absolving people of their views towards white people.

"I can be racist towards you because look what your ancestors did!"

Is that really the way forward, the way to racial harmony? I really don't think that's what the better civil rights leaders advocated for.

Which part?
Let's just take the title. Do white people suffer from a "psycopathy" in their mind?

No, it would be like saying that decades of authoritarianism has left a long lasting and still visible mark on Russia's social order. I mean it's a poor example for you to pick, given that Russia has spilled back into those exact ways again.
Thank you!

In much the same way it was racism and not "whiteness" that led to previous (and current) injustices.

Which views and why is that bad?
About ascribing it to whiteness, or the race of the person.

Now your just stretching in a manner that puts my cast to shame.
So, in your opinion, none of those examples show how it is more acceptable to lump whites together and hold a racist view.

Good question. You can't just pinpoint it to a handful of proponents.
But that's absolving people of their views towards white people
No it's not.

"I can be racist towards you because look what your ancestors did!"
Not what has been said and you damn well know it.

Is that really the way forward, the way to racial harmony? I really don't think that's what the better civil rights leaders advocated for.
You don't think that civil right leaders thought that the US was systemically racist.

Pull the other one!

Let's just take the title. Do white people suffer from a "psycopathy" in their mind?
Given that it's a medically diagnosable condition, a number of them most certainly will do.

Thank you!

In much the same way it was racism and not "whiteness" that led to previous (and current) injustices.
Racism practiced by who in the US again?

About ascribing it to whiteness, or the race of the person.
What on earth are you on about now?

So, in your opinion, none of those examples show how it is more acceptable to lump whites together and hold a racist view.

You are aware that individual options don't automatically become 'acceptable' or the 'common view'.

Good question. You can't just pinpoint it to a handful of proponents.
Doesn't answer the question.

You are decrying CRT, yet you don't seem to understand what it is, and are unable to show how it's caused all these 'bad things' to happen.[/QUOTE]
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No it's not.

Not what has been said and you damn well know it.
That doesn't change the fact that you're seeing these views in a prestigious medical school, a peer reviewed journal and in a seminar for one of the most well known companies in the world.

Would a presentation titled "the problem with blackness" be acceptable?

You don't think that civil right leaders thought that the US was systemically racist.

Pull the other one!
Yes but their answer wasn't to say it's because you're white.

Given that it's a medically diagnosable condition, a number of them most certainly will do.
That's being just a bit disingenous and I think you're evading here,

What on earth are you on about now?
Because the argument is that it's a byproduct of being white.
That doesn't change the fact that you're seeing these views in a prestigious medical school, a peer reviewed journal and in a seminar for one of the most well known companies in the world.
Views that white people have benefited from a

Would a presentation titled "the problem with blackness" be acceptable?
Argument to the absurd.

Yes but their answer wasn't to say it's because you're white.
Not what CRT says either.

That's being just a bit disingenous and I think you're evading here,
No it's being factually accurate.

Because the argument is that it's a byproduct of being white.
Nope, it's a byproduct of systemic racism.
I'm certainly not. What I'm also not doing is conflating the easy at which a message can be delivered with how effective that message is at affecting change.

If it won't be accepted, it won't effect change. Part of the reason that it won't be accepted is that it's not correct. The rest of the reason is that it fights fundamentally against human nature. On the bright side, an accurate message that can effect change (that racism exists and is harmful) is widely accepted.

I've worked in education (adult and within the motor industry, but its still education) for a long time, and my wife was a teacher for a long while as well, the easy to accept message and the message that actually affords change and maximizes retention are not always the same, quite often they are the opposite. Walking a delegate through a process and guiding them every step of the way is easy for the student and the educator, but it poor in terms of both retention and flexibility of approach. Guided self-exploration which includes learning by failure is far, far harder for both the student and the educator but increases retention of skills and actively teaches a flexibility of approach.
https://www.waterford.org/education/why-failure-is-better-than-success-for-learning/#:~:text=As it turns out, mistakes,learning potential of their mistakes.

I have no idea how "white people benefit" lines up with a self-exploration approach and "racism is bad" lines up with a handholding approach.

As such, no your claim that it's self-evident that the easy to accept approach is the best approach doesn't hold up, in fact when it comes to affecting long term change and flexibility it's quite the opposite.

It is selective rigor. You don't like my message, and so you're trying hard not to see it, when it's quite simple. For example, you seem to have applied exactly zero rigor to the notion that somehow the harder message (white people benefit) will be more beneficial in the longrun despite it being much harder to convey.

From my post above, adopted slightly for clarity..

In any interaction with the US legal system, which would you pick to be?

0% is the base line for the normative correct number of arrests, stops, likelihood of being found guilty, length of sentence, etc. While the values are indicative, they hold true in terms of incresaeing or decresing likelyhood.
  • Rich White (-10%)
  • White (+ 10%)
  • Black (+ 50%)
You're going to pick rich white, but if that option was removed you are still going to go for white. Under no rational circumstances are you going to pick black in these circumstances. As such a benefit to being white, rich or not, still clearly exists.

I read that. I thought that it would be evident from my response that it did not address the problem I posed. I'll adopt a more "guided" approach then. The fact that you might pick one group or another group does not mean that one group benefits. It's essentially a non-sequitur for what I asked for, which is how it benefits a white person for a black person to be wrongly arrested and incarcerated. The kind of argument you'd be looking for would be something along the lines of that there is some kind of fixed unalterable pie of police abuse, and so since black people are taking more than their fair share of that pie, white people are left with a smaller share of police abuse than they would otherwise have. That, somewhat nonsensical (but quite similar to the economics arguments made by CRT proponents) would actually explain how white people benefit. Aside from some kind of reasoning like that, you've got nothing.

It does not help me (a white person) for a black person to be wrongly arrested or harassed by the police. Your example does not even attempt to illustrate how it would. If a black person was falsely arrested last night in my area, I'm not only not helped in any way or fashion by that injustice, I am tangentially harmed by the propagation of injustice in my area.

Again, no benefit to me (a white person) for any injustice against black people in my area. The police don't give me a cut of the contents of the wallet of the arrested black person. They don't let me rob banks because the prisons are full of black people. I'm not afforded any criminal opportunities, or given anything in exchange for harming black people.

I do not benefit (as a white person), and you have not even attempted to show how I would.

You seem to be under the belief that unless something can benefit the whole of society then it can't be a benefit to a part of society or an individual,

I literally posted the opposite and gave you an example... twice.

You also seem to be arguing that unless a maximum can be extracted from a benefit, then it's not actually a benefit.

Not really. The question here is which is better racism or not racism. Racism is worse for "white people", therefore they do not benefit. Individual white people can, and indeed this is part of the reason that racism perpetuates. The same was true for plantation owners, and it is for Donald Trump. But that does not mean that white people, as a group, are better off for racism. "White people" do not "benefit".

Now with the agreement that racism harms the whole of society, that doesn't change the following.

I'll come back to this one in response to @FuriousDemon. It's your best argument since we've been in this discussion.

Can you demonstrate that this is the result of racism against black people? To make your job harder, I posted a CRT proponent arguing that white people benefit from lower house values because of the smaller pool of buyers. What do those house valuations do in the absence of racism? Go down? Is that... bad?

Is this somehow the result of racism against black people? If we stopped picking on black people, would these numbers change? How?

In all of the above it is beneficial to the individual to be white

That is fundamentally not the question, and it's not the issue. Nobody chooses their (initial) skin color. The question is whether white people benefit from racism, not whether you'd prefer to be one race or another. If this were the question, then simply saying "black people are harmed" would be sufficient. Because you'd obviously choose not to be a member of the harmed group. What is at issue is whether white people are the beneficiaries of that harm, which this statement does not address.

To try and hand-wave that away because it's not beneficial to the whole of society simply makes no sense, and allows it to be both normalized and continue.

First, I'm not doing that. I'm specifically arguing (and I made this point clear so I don't know why you're shying away from it) that "white people" do not benefit from racism. And no, that does not normalize anything or allow it to continue. Racism is still harmful, not just to black people, but to white people, and to society as a whole. I gave you a whole host of reasons why the incorrect message that white people benefit from racism is harmful, toxic, and leads to the unintended consequences of fallacious positions in everything from immigration to international cooperation, and you ignored that and responded with something that is fundamentally not true. Saying that racism is harmful (to all, including white people) does not in any way permit it to continue or normalize it.

Also, selective rigor. You appear to have not attempted to bolster this point, because it is one you like.

Taking the house valuation example, as you also touched upon house prices. Yes lower valuations of black owned houses stops the entire housing market from reaching it maximum potential, but it's not enough to stop housing increasing in value overall, and as such the vast majority of people will not see it or for that matter care about it. As long as overall house prices go up, they are find, their personal investment is growing.

So white people aren't benefiting, and they don't notice. This isn't lining up. Are you saying that they incorrectly think that they are benefiting and so we should just say they are even though they're not so that we convince them to... stop discriminating? No that doesn't make sense either.

It also needs to be considered as part of the fact that housing and living in the US is still heavily segregated, and as such the undervaluation of black-owned homes affects predominantly black neighborhoods, and the impact is not seen directly at all in predominantly white-owned neighborhoods.

I posted an example of a CRT proponent arguing that low housing valuations is something white people enjoy because of a lack of black buyers. I'd like to get this one straight, which one is better, so we can get to the bottom of how racism in housing helps white people.

This has been seen historically (and I strongly suspect continues to be seen) when a black person/family buys a house in a predominantly white neighborhood as lowering the value of all the other properties, reducing the benefit white homeowners have over black homeowners gets peoples attention in a very quick and direct manner (and predominantly negative manner).

Citation required. I could see that happening in a heavily racist region. You'd need widespread racism to make it work. There's a pocket of racists, a black person is allowed to buy a house there, and then the racists can't attract the predominately racist buyers to the area because there is a black person. Think about what it would take to make this work on a "white people" scale, not just a neighborhood in Alabama that has high klan membership rates.

This is still an example where white people as a whole are not benefiting. Segregation in the housing market is still bad for the housing market, it's only a benefit in that racist people are enjoying their racist outcome. So to say that this benefits white people as a whole requires saying that white people prefer this racist outcome as a whole. Financially, this is straight up not advantageous. The solution here would not be to say that white people are somehow house rich because of their racism (which would be wrong), it would be to say that white people and black people alike would benefit together from a reduction in racism.

To use a crude analogy, would it have benefited George Floyd to have been white?

How did it benefit me (or white people as a whole) for George Floyd to be killed?

They do and you are right it's toxic.

That's not what I was calling toxic. I think this was intended to be tongue-in-cheek, but if it wasn't, it misrepresents my statement.

Just want give a personal example to explain why being white is a benefit.

Some years back my wife and her friend were both registered on a jobs website looking for online jobs. My wife is black, her friend white.
Wife also had a foreign sounding name, which she's changed since then.
On the website, in addition to uploading your resume, filling out profile info, etc. you also need to upload your picture in order to apply for anything.

At the time, wife was looking for a job in remote teaching. She has a degree and experience in teaching.
Her friend has a degree, but in unrelated field and no experience.

Basically long story short is - my wife would apply, but would not hear back from most listings she applied for.
Her friend would get interviews for the same openings on a short notice and on top of that people offering her interviews for things she didn't apply for.
When she would forward over wife's profile, the recruiter would suddenly lose interest or say position was filled.

As you can imagine, this is just one specific example. There are many others of course.

So yeah, you can say racism hurts the society overall. Sure.
It is also undeniable that white people enjoy a number of benefits (large or small) on a number of things.
Those benefits, over the course of a lifetime, can snowball into a much larger gap in quality of life, mental health, prosperity, etc.
It's not the same thing as before, where black people were slaves and the benefit was easily and undeniably quantifiable, but still...

So the thesis here is that there is a fixed pool of jobs available, and that by not considering black people for them, white people enjoy a better chance of getting one of those jobs. This "fixed pool" concept, while being wrong, seems to be a recurring theme in a lot of these discussions.

I will agree that an individual white person can benefit in this example. If an employer posts 1 job opening, and there is only one employer and one job opening, and two people apply (white and slightly better qualified black), and the white person is chosen preferentially solely because they were white, then the white individual has benefited from racism. The economy as a whole does not benefit from the worse qualified individual being lined up with the available job, and neither does the employer or the employer's customers.

If the black person is denied because of skin color, in this case, the black person may never be able to fully use his or her skills because of the perceived inability to overcome a fairly stagnant feature - skin color. On the otherhand, if the white person is denied because of qualification, the same market incentive is not there to waste those skills and potential. Additional training or credentials can pad the resume and get the next job - because the loss of the job was not tied to something immutable. In the meantime, the better applicant is presumably creating more wealth overall. It's easy to see how this is overall beneficial to all people, including the presumably white (because they're the racist here) employer and potentially mostly white (because again, racist employer) customers. But I can also see how an individual can unfairly benefit. I'm sure there are other examples where individuals can benefit from racism besides Donald Trump, plantation owners, and hypothetical fixed number of job opening economies.

I'm very sceptical that it's wrong to say that a system seemingly designed to disadvantage non white people should not put white people at a relative disadvantage. Whether this is true in practice I don't think I can blame critical race theorists from using this as one of their starting assumptions.

Terms like benefit and privilege seem to be just semantics as "less disadvantaged" and "more advantaged" seem to be synonymous to me.

It's not. If a black person is falsely imprisoned because of racism, white people not only do not benefit, but actually live in a worse society - where injustice hampers everything from safety to prosperity. One group is disadvantaged, and not only is the other group not advantaged, the other group is also disadvantaged. It's not semantics.

Edit: There is no fixed pie, we can all lose together.
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If it won't be accepted, it won't effect change.
It seems to have shifted from a harder message to one now that won't be accepted?

Part of the reason that it won't be accepted is that it's not correct.
Even if it were not correct, pleanty that is incorrect is accepted on a daily basis. Fox News literally exists on that very premise.

The rest of the reason is that it fights fundamentally against human nature. On the bright side, an accurate message that can effect change (that racism exists and is harmful) is widely accepted.
Odd then that it's only been partial effective and in some cases innefective.

I have no idea how "white people benefit" lines up with a self-exploration approach and "racism is bad" lines up with a handholding approach.

It is selective rigor. You don't like my message, and so you're trying hard not to see it, when it's quite simple.
It's not selective rigor at all (an argument I could easily toss right back), rather my view it that your argument is over simplistic.

For example, you seem to have applied exactly zero rigor to the notion that somehow the harder message (white people benefit) will be more beneficial in the longrun despite it being much harder to convey.
You've just quoted me explaining how the 'easy' message is not always the most effective method for exactly long term change and flexibility, it's only zero-rigor if you chose to ignore what I'm saying.

I read that. I thought that it would be evident from my response that it did not address the problem I posed. I'll adopt a more "guided" approach then. The fact that you might pick one group or another group does not mean that one group benefits. It's essentially a non-sequitur for what I asked for, which is how it benefits a white person for a black person to be wrongly arrested and incarcerated. The kind of argument you'd be looking for would be something along the lines of that there is some kind of fixed unalterable pie of police abuse, and so since black people are taking more than their fair share of that pie, white people are left with a smaller share of police abuse than they would otherwise have. That, somewhat nonsensical (but quite similar to the economics arguments made by CRT proponents) would actually explain how white people benefit. Aside from some kind of reasoning like that, you've got nothing.

It does not help me (a white person) for a black person to be wrongly arrested or harassed by the police. Your example does not even attempt to illustrate how it would. If a black person was falsely arrested last night in my area, I'm not only not helped in any way or fashion by that injustice, I am tangentially harmed by the propagation of injustice in my area.

Again, no benefit to me (a white person) for any injustice against black people in my area. [/quote]
The police are not an infinite resource, at any given time a set number of officers are working a set number of hours (and yes theoretically this could be increase to an infinite number, but that is not going to happen overnight) which means a limit quite literally exists on the amount they can do.

The more than black people are targeted by the police, the less time exists for any other activities, and unless in that moment the police can magic additional resource out of thin air that is always going to be the case.

The police don't give me a cut of the contents of the wallet of the arrested black person. They don't let me rob banks because the prisons are full of black people. I'm not afforded any criminal opportunities, or given anything in exchange for harming black people.
That's an argument to the absurd.

I do not benefit (as a white person), and you have not even attempted to show how I would.
I have, and to use your phrase, you have applied selective rigor to ignore it.

I literally posted the opposite and gave you an example... twice.
Then that's at odds with your fundamental point.

You argue that racism can benefit an individual, but can't benefit a larger group.

Not really. The question here is which is better racism or not racism. Racism is worse for "white people", therefore they do not benefit. Individual white people can, and indeed this is part of the reason that racism perpetuates. The same was true for plantation owners, and it is for Donald Trump. But that does not mean that white people, as a group, are better off for racism. "White people" do not "benefit".
I totally and utterly disagree, and have explained why.

Can you demonstrate that this is the result of racism against black people? To make your job harder, I posted a CRT proponent arguing that white people benefit from lower house values because of the smaller pool of buyers.

Is this somehow the result of racism against black people? If we stopped picking on black people, would these numbers change? How?
I've already explained my position on it, as you disagree, what if your alternative reasoning for the disparity?

That is fundamentally not the question, and it's not the issue. Nobody chooses their (initial) skin color. The question is whether white people benefit from racism, not whether you'd prefer to be one race or another. If this were the question, then simply saying "black people are harmed" would be sufficient. Because you'd obviously choose not to be a member of the harmed group. What is at issue is whether white people are the beneficiaries of that harm, which this statement does not address.
Would it not then be beneficial; to be a member of the group less likely to be harmed?

First, I'm not doing that. I'm specifically arguing (and I made this point clear so I don't know why you're shying away from it)
I'm shying away from nothing.

that "white people" do not benefit from racism. And no, that does not normalize anything or allow it to continue. Racism is still harmful, not just to black people, but to white people, and to society as a whole. I gave you a whole host of reasons why the incorrect message that white people benefit from racism is harmful, toxic, and leads to the unintended consequences of fallacious positions in everything from immigration to international cooperation, and you ignored that and responded with something that is fundamentally not true. Saying that racism is harmful (to all, including white people) does not in any way permit it to continue or normalize it.

Also, selective rigor. You appear to have not attempted to bolster this point, because it is one you like.
No I have explained it and replied with something you hold to be untrue, I can argue that this is your selective rigor at play.

So white people aren't benefiting, and they don't notice. This isn't lining up. Are you saying that they incorrectly think that they are benefiting and so we should just say they are even though they're not so that we convince them to... stop discriminating? No that doesn't make sense either.
It lines up perfectly well, I'm saying that they benefit to a lower degree than they could, but they still benefit, as long as people see house values increasing they are happy, and the majority will have no ideal what the maximum potential increase is.

Citation required. I could see that happening in a heavily racist region. You'd need widespread racism to make it work. There's a pocket of racists, a black person is allowed to buy a house there, and then the racists can't attract the predominately racist buyers to the area because there is a black person. Think about what it would take to make this work on a "white people" scale, not just a neighborhood in Alabama that has high klan membership rates.
You've never observed change in racial demographics in town/city areas?

How did it benefit me (or white people as a whole) for George Floyd to be killed?
Does not answer the question.

I'll come back to this one in response to @FuriousDemon. It's your best argument since we've been in this discussion.
So the thesis here is that there is a fixed pool of jobs available, and that by not considering black people for them, white people enjoy a better chance of getting one of those jobs. This "fixed pool" concept, while being wrong, seems to be a recurring theme in a lot of these discussions.
Within any field at a specific given time a finite pool of jobs does exist, yes the theoretical maximum number of jobs is infinite, but that ignores the reality of actually looking for a job and/or setting up in business for yourself.

If I was geographically limited in terms of travel and was looking for a teaching position within my local area, a finite number of schools exist, with a finite staffing budget, with a finite number of open positions.

I will agree that an individual white person can benefit in this example. If an employer posts 1 job opening, and there is only one employer and one job opening, and two people apply (white and slightly better qualified black), and the white person is chosen preferentially solely because they were white, then the white individual has benefited from racism.
And if that is happening at the majority of employers and to the majority of candidates across a town/region/country? Do we not then have one group benefiting over the other?

The economy as a whole does not benefit from the worse qualified individual being lined up with the available job, and neither does the employer or the employer's customers.
Not claiming it does.[/QUOTE]
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It seems to have shifted from a harder message to one now that won't be accepted?

I can tell, from the outset here, that you're not engaged.

Even if it were not correct, pleanty that is incorrect is accepted on a daily basis. Fox News literally exists on that very premise.

...this is just silly. I don't think you meant this to be taken seriously because it's monumentally destructive to your point.

Odd then that it's only been partial effective and in some cases innefective.

Selective rigor. In this case, the requirements are apparently infinite for my position (racism is bad) and nonexistent for yours (white people benefit)

You've just quoted me explaining how the 'easy' message is not always the most effective method for exactly long term change and flexibility, it's only zero-rigor if you chose to ignore what I'm saying.

That's rigor? Sometimes, in teaching some subjects, an easy message is not always the most effective? Veeeeeery selective.

The police are not an infinite resource, at any given time a set number of officers are working a set number of hours (and yes theoretically this could be increase to an infinite number, but that is not going to happen overnight) which means a limit quite literally exists on the amount they can do.

The more than black people are targeted by the police, the less time exists for any other activities, and unless in that moment the police can magic additional resource out of thin air that is always going to be the case.

That does not demonstrate that they will start harassing white people.

That's an argument to the absurd.

...yes... it is absurd.

I have, and to use your phrase, you have applied selective rigor to ignore it.

Where? You mean the part where you said you'd pick one over the other? That does not explain it, and I went to great pains to explain how that is the case. You're not engaged.

Then that's at odds with your fundamental point.

It's not. It's entirely possible for an individual to benefit but for "white people as a group" not to benefit. That seems... plainly clear. Again, I'm getting the hint that you're not engaged in this conversation.

You argue that racism can benefit an individual, but can't benefit a larger group.

No, and it should be obvious that the answer is no. I'm arguing that it can benefit an individual, but does not benefit the group called white people.

Lawrence Blum refers to advantages for white people as "unjust enrichment" privileges, in which white people benefit from the injustices done to people of color, and he articulates that such privileges are deeply rooted in the U.S. culture and lifestyle:

When Blacks are denied access to desirable homes, for example, this is not just an injustice to Blacks but a positive benefit to Whites who now have a wider range of domicile options than they would have if Blacks had equal access to housing. When urban schools do a poor job of educating their Latino/a and Black students, this benefits Whites in the sense that it unjustly advantages them in the competition for higher levels of education and jobs. Whites in general cannot avoid benefiting from the historical legacy of racial discrimination and oppression. So unjust enrichment is almost never absent from the life situation of Whites.[15]:311

I've already explained my position on it, as you disagree, what if your alternative reasoning for the disparity?

You blew right past the point. You might not have if you were engaged. The point was how racism makes white numbers lower than they otherwise would be. One reason for the disparity could be "racism". But that does not mean that the number of arrests, stops, convictions, etc. for white people will change at all in the absence of racism.

Would it not then be beneficial; to be a member of the group less likely to be harmed?

This is a red herring. It does not address how the group "white people" benefits from racism.

It lines up perfectly well, I'm saying that they benefit to a lower degree than they could, but they still benefit, as long as people see house values increasing they are happy, and the majority will have no ideal what the maximum potential increase is.

What? This is nonsensical. The "lower degree than they could" is racism.

You've never observed change in racial demographics in town/city areas?

I steelmanned your argument for you and then responded on point. You give me this in response?

Does not answer the question.

The question is not pertinent to the discussion. It's not possible to make george floyd white. At issue is whether white people benefit from racism, which is the counter-question I posed. That's not hypothetical and beside-the-point, like your question, it's directly asking you to explain how this particular example, that you brought up, lines up with the statement that white people benefit from racism. George Floyd's situation was racism, explain how white people benefited.

Within any field at a specific given time a finite pool of jobs does exist, yes the theoretical maximum number of jobs is infinite, but that ignores the reality of actually looking for a job and/or setting up in business for yourself.

Ironically, setting up business for yourself breaking the rule of a finite job pool.

And if that is happening at the majority of employers and to the majority of candidates across a town/region/country? Do we not then have one group benefiting over the other?

No, everyone is losing, as I explained.

Scaff, you're great. I like you. You're very smart, and you make some of the best posts on this site. The above was not it. In fact, if not for the username, I would have assumed that it could not have originated from you. Since you've chosen to effectively not try to answer my very specific questions above, and have similarly not tried to address not just all of my points, but the core of my position, I think this conversation is only going to serve to create a lot of wasted time and sour attitudes.

I hope that changes. For the time being, I rest my case.
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Views that white people have benefited from a

Argument to the absurd.

Not what CRT says either.

No it's being factually accurate.

Nope, it's a byproduct of systemic racism.
You seem to be cutting CRT off so that it only neatly encapsulates the teaching of the history of systemic racism. Why are the lectures/seminars/articles/ actions (see the comic relief "white saviour" example) not a product of it, or at least a result of the change in focus on racial theory? I think it puts too much emphasis on the race of the individual in how they act and how people think they view the world.
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I lived in a country where I was told I couldn’t get the jobs I applied for a whole year due to my race, I moved to another country with no job prospects lined up and got a decent job within 2months regardless of my race.

Not having to worry about getting a job because of your skin colour is a privilege whether you want to assign it to a race or not, but man knowing I was legitimately getting work that quickly after years of negativity made me breathe a sigh of relief.

my 2c on my experiences