Racism - Ignored?

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
The media is typically on the side of minorities.. the media is essentially a part of the system. The system isn't racist in general. Most evidence you bring forth are dismissed by me entirely because left leaning media typically releases and reports such data.

Not banned, but got his arse handed to him with his racist diatribes he was unable to support and has chosen to come back and try again.

Nope I didn't get my arse handed to me by any means. All you guys did was dismiss evidence I provided while I dismissed evidence you provided.

I'm not racist I'm aware of intelligent black people my only prejudice is against people blaming their failures on another group of people instead of owning up to it themselves. It was racist back in the day and my sympathies go to them but these days no not so much.
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When I reference black people like Thomas Sowell a black man I respect and said that I wanted him to be president instead of Biden, Trump, Hilary or most in history for that matter and you all dismissed his statements flat out. He's not even the only black person I referenced that was dismissed entirely. You all will only ever accept statements from someone that fits your narrow viewpoint of the world around you. That's a typical human condition and I'm not much different though.

Then there's zero reason for you to be in this section.

Well for the most part you all are no different.
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When I reference black people like Thomas Sowell a black man I respect and said that I wanted him to be president instead of Biden, Trump, Hilary or most in history for that matter and you all dismissed his statements flat out. He's not even the only black person I referenced that was dismissed entirely. You all will only ever accept statements from someone that fits your narrow viewpoint of the world around you. That's a typical human condition and I'm not much different though.
Probably because Thomas Sowell, much like Candace Owens, is the go-to black person by conservatives to say, "See, black people don't actually have it as bad as they say so" b/c a couple black people think otherwise.
There are plenty of successful black people
The primary definition of "plenty" implies a sufficient amount, or enough. That word doesn't mean what you think it means. Or perhaps it does, perhaps you've specifically chosen a word which is easy to misinterpret. Your statement suggests you disagree with Jay Z when he said, "That ain't enough, we gon' need a million more."
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The media is typically on the side of minorities.. the media is essentially a part of the system. The system isn't racist in general. Most evidence you bring forth are dismissed by me entirely because left leaning media typically releases and reports such data.

Nope I didn't get my arse handed to me by any means. All you guys did was dismiss evidence I provided while I dismissed evidence you provided.

I'm not racist I'm aware of intelligent black people my only prejudice is against people blaming their failures on another group of people instead of owning up to it themselves. It was racist back in the day and my sympathies go to them but these days no not so much.
The citations I provided were backed up by peer reviewed research, try again.

Oh and regardless of what you may claim, you quite clearly still hold racist views, that much is clear from your posts in here.

Tokenism does stop you being racist.
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The media is typically on the side of minorities.. the media is essentially a part of the system. The system isn't racist in general. Most evidence you bring forth are dismissed by me entirely because left leaning media typically releases and reports such data.

TIL that 50+ years of Census data showing consistently growing wealth inequality provided by the United States government is a product of the leftist media.

All you guys did was dismiss evidence I provided...

Which effectively had the same worth as a melted Snicker's bar from The Chappelle Show. You spent most of your previous attempt deflecting from the points directed towards you, insulting other users, setting up absolutely unrealistic and invasive goalposts, and just generally engaging in one bad faith argument after another while also evading the actual discussion, which you're doing again.

....while I dismissed evidence you provided.

The why the hell are you even wasting time here if you have no intention to actually have a discussion?

I'm not racist...

All you white people that buy into this crud go ahead and bow into submission and apology for what your ancestors did and all you blacks go ahead and cry victim because you refuse to put your lives together.

Yeah, no. 🤬 outta here.

Also, for those curious since he mentioned it, Thomas Sowell is indeed a highly-regarded Black Conservative author and economist who, amongst other things, is noteworthy for regularly challenging the idea of Systematic Racism and equated it to propaganda pushed onto the public (apparently comparing it to the tactics used by Joseph freakin' Goebbels), endorsed Ted Cruz for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination, spent a good bit of time defending Trump against allegations of him being racist and described Biden becoming president as bringing about a fall to America similar to that of the Holy Roman Empire, with America coming to a point of no return. Also supports the de-criminalization of drugs, oddly enough.

Honestly, highly interesting fellow imo, and of course the man is welcome to his opinions, but I don't think it's hard to imagine why Raine/TripleMeteor thinks so highly of him.
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He talks white.

Eh, I mean, so do I, just with a mix of light slang, lots of swearing, and occasionally charmingly offensive humor.

It's just as much a blessing as it is a curse at times, in part due to the existence of people like Tom Sowell.
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Some trickery going on. Has @Raine actually logged in today?

Edit: No recent activity when searching user postings. Still pretty clever, though.
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What a trainwreck of a thread this was for the past few pages... :odd:

Good thing the South African farm murder bit didn't go on for too long, as that's opening a whole can of historical worms. Very smelly, lengthy, convoluted worms, too.
What a trainwreck of a thread this was for the past few pages... :odd:
Or just an idiot goofing off on the tracks.

I think what you're seeing with @Raine is pushback against the critical race theory (CRT) that's become more prevalent recently, or at least the increased focus on race as a factor in many aspects of society. While CRT explains historical and current injustices faced by minorities in white dominated cultures, it possibly influences the idea that white people hold all the cards when it comes to racism, and that there may be some degree of shame with being white because of this power and how it was wielded in the past. This can culminate in pieces such as this stating that "Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples."

Such things portray being white as a negative trait, and this is in contrast to the equally strong force suggesting that being non-white is a positive thing (especially so since you have to fight against discrimination). I see this as leading to outcomes as we've seen in the last few pages (and in some of my debates here), and a greater chasm between traditionally conservative and liberal beliefs.

* This isn't excusing some of what Raine has said. I wouldn't label him/her a racist as I have a high threshold for calling someone that but I do wonder if they came to those beliefs because of what they had experienced.
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Holy nutpicking. Who here has espoused those beliefs or portrayed white people in a negative light, just because they're white?

On the other hand, ignoring centuries of history to frame black people as the architects of their own misfortune due to lacking some mythical quality that belongs only to white people?

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Holy nutpicking. Who here has espoused those beliefs or portrayed white people in a negative light, just because they're white?

On the other hand, ignoring centuries of history to frame black people as the architects of their own misfortune due to lacking some mythical quality that belongs only to white people?

View attachment 1016895

I'm talking about CRT.

Stuff that leads to things like this, not the responses on GTP 👍
More nutpicking, and @Raine's "pushback against critical race theory" is a response on GTP. We're not all uni students or academics.
Who here has espoused those beliefs or portrayed white people in a negative light, just because they're white?

What I'm exploring are the conditions that may have led to Raine holding those (wrong) beliefs. It's not confined to CRT in academia.
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I'm talking about CRT.

Stuff that leads to things like this, not the responses on GTP 👍
So someone, as a thought experiment, in an academic setting, talks about how systemic racism can make people angry enough to fantasise about killing. Not validating carrying it out, but fantasising about it. That's a problem caused by CRT rather than hundreds of years of systematic racism?

That's what your claiming?

What stuns me is that you have consistently presented yourself as a 'classic liberal' (Well in the terms that definition has been adopted by those who want the ability to speak without consequences), yet what you pick up on here is to use an academic exercise as a justification to vilify (incorrectly) CRT.

Why are you not complaining about this being an attack on academic freedom because it was censored and the video not released online? Why are you not up in arms about this being the fall out of 'safe spaces' as you have done in the past?

Is it by any chance because the person in question isn't a white, Conservative, male?

The hypocrisy is off the charts here.

All CRT is, is asking white people to understand, that while they did not themselves as individuals take part in slavery and/or colonialism, they still do benefit from the structures that both of those things put in place. It's not rocket science and quite frankly it shouldn't even be controversial!
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All CRT is, is asking white people to understand, that while they did not themselves as individuals take part in slavery and/or colonialism, they still do benefit from the structures that both of those things put in place. It's not rocket science and quite frankly it shouldn't even be controversial!
It sounds equivalent to me to third wave feminists seeing both men and women as victims of the patriarchy while their message is twisted to make it look like they just hate men.

In both cases someone has a vested interest in framing this as some kind of war between different demographics rather than an effort to confront and combat the historical (and ongoing) injustices they say didn't happen. I wonder why.
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All CRT is, is asking white people to understand, that while they did not themselves as individuals take part in slavery and/or colonialism, they still do benefit from the structures that both of those things put in place. It's not rocket science and quite frankly it shouldn't even be controversial!

It's easier to swallow if you rephrase to say that even though black people today were not themselves enslaved, they still are placed at a disadvantage from the fallout of slavery and the structures that put slavery into place. "Benefit" is just a much harder sell. It's not generally seen as purely relative to other people, but as relative to some kind of "what's right" estimation. Convincing someone that they have something nobody should have is just not the right fight.
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It's easier to swallow if you rephrase to say that even though black people today were not themselves enslaved, they still are placed at a disadvantage from the fallout of slavery and the structures that put slavery into place. "Benefit" is just a much harder sell. It's not generally seen as purely relative to other people, but as relative to some kind of "what's right" estimation. Convincing someone that they have something nobody should have is just not the right fight.
It may be easier to swallow, may be.

I however have my doubts that it would significantly change those further to the right.

What I do think would make far more of a difference would be honest reporting about it. That in my mind is a significantly bigger issue.

I can also understand the reluctance of the black community (and all minority communities) to go down this route. Why should the explication and discussion around centuries of abuse be soft soaped to make those who have benefitted from it feel better about how it is explained, regardless of if (and it is an if) it's more effective. It smack of privilege, and as such can fully understand the reluctance of communities to head down that route.
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So someone, as a thought experiment, in an academic setting, talks about how systemic racism can make people angry enough to fantasise about killing. Not validating carrying it out, but fantasising about it. That's a problem caused by CRT rather than hundreds of years of systematic racism?

That's what your claiming?

What stuns me is that you have consistently presented yourself as a 'classic liberal' (Well in the terms that definition has been adopted by those who want the ability to speak without consequences), yet what you pick up on here is to use an academic exercise as a justification to vilify (incorrectly) CRT.

Why are you not complaining about this being an attack on academic freedom because it was censored and the video not released online? Why are you not up in arms about this being the fall out of 'safe spaces' as you have done in the past?

Is it by any chance because the person in question isn't a white, Conservative, male?

The hypocrisy is off the charts here.

All CRT is, is asking white people to understand, that while they did not themselves as individuals take part in slavery and/or colonialism, they still do benefit from the structures that both of those things put in place. It's not rocket science and quite frankly it shouldn't even be controversial!
No, no, I'm not saying she should be censored. I'm giving an example, much like the research article in my previous post calling whiteness a a "malignant, parasitic-like condition" about the kinds of outcomes that I believe arise out of the views currently propogated about race. Frequently, it seems to be that whiteness = bad, anything else = good. This doesn't mean that better opportunities or privilege exists in certain cases for white people however.