I wish, but I can't justify it, financially. I have two handguns now. Want a small .45 Glock next. I want to stock more .308(ammo), and they are spendy.Why not just pick up a Glock 19 and have that also?
I sometime ponder going back to 9mm because of Glock 19. I wish they made a Glock in .45 ACP that looked that good.
I use Militec, too. After being told(in this very thread) how they protect poorly against rust, I've gone back to using Rem Oil on the exterior, but still use Militec on the internal. Nice & slick.
I need one of these for CCW:
Sig 1911s are my favorite 1911s. They have similar style to Kimber, but I like the looks of Sigs better. I used to adore the "G.I." style and didn't care for Kimber styles, but boy, have I come a long way.My next major pistol purchase will be that of another Sig Sauer, a 1911 .45 ACP. Not in the immediate future, but it is on my "wanted list".
Do you really use that many different products on a single gun?Yup, Rem Oil on the exterior. Militec on the trigger assembly (used just an ever so slight dab on the new stainless Murray piston and firing pin that I put in the SKS), and Slide-Glide on the bolt rails and on the base of the extractor. Hoppes is a must in the barrel.
BTW : I did experiment with that Frog Lube. It's alright, but nothing over the top to make me want to switch over. Stays with Hoppes.
Hoppes ... oh that smell (mmmm, mmmm, mmmm)
Frog Lube ... smells like a piece of Wrigleys Spearmint gum.
Do you really use that many different products on a single gun?
I hope your new mount works out for ya. They certainly look great. 👍
"but I'll finish this sammich, then take a quick nap first."Yeah, guess that doesn't really work with guns that would have big glass.
"Crap, he saw me! Better switch to my backup sights before he gets here in 10 minutes!"
Dang, you tree'd me again.Thanks! I just hope I can get the scope off the old mount without destroying it, I glued it into the rings with some pretty tough stuff. Probably gonna need a hair dryer to heat it up and some paint thinner. Messy.
I don't buy into the Froglube hype. Lube does a simple job and doesn't have the ability to make the performance difference that would justify the price or specialized procedure. I'm also pretty sure a lot of the claims of "soaking into the metal" are false. My gun is still running fine on motor oil. It's been 1200 rounds with no stickiness or malfunctions.
They also sell something really cool: a fully adjustable backup-sight that mounts on the top of the rings:
You guys know that I know very little to nothing on the subject. However, I do still use Militec, because when I tried out both Rem Oil & Militec on the Glock I used to have, Militec was noticeably slicker. Was that just in my head? Perhaps.
As long as whichever method works for ya, to each his own I guess!
WTF-WTF!The stuff is amazing. It is on every one of my guns.
You've a Mos Nag., if I remember seeing it in here, right ? What did you equip yours with ?
Yeah, I had (sold it) a 91/30 I equipped with a 1-4x24 Millet scope, shot groups the size of a €2 coin at 100 meters with factory ammo.
Though if I wanted to scope another Mosin I'd definitely go with a side mount, like the original PU sniper mount, ALL the aftermarket scope mounts are fragile flimsy and suck horribly.
Except maybe the, whats it called, I think ''Rock Solid'' mount, I've heard its a good mount. Maybe its worth checking out.
You could also mount a scout scope onto the rear sight, this way you don't have to drill and tap the receiver. Looks ugly though, and the long eye relief scopes are kind of unpractical.
What about a simple Mojo peep sight?http://www.mojosights.com/
I have one installed on an old surplus rifle which I wanted to equip with a scope, but liked the new peep sight so much that I immediately rejected my plans to scope it.![]()
Some nice accessories there guys. I can't wait for pics with them installed.👍
On the slide-fire thing, I'm pretty sure the ammo would bankrupt me. That is nuts.
On a related note: I got some .22LR today! Two boxes of 50, for the store limit of 100 rounds.It was $3.49 a box, but it was cool, because they are CCI, a brand I've never shot. It's not the high-velocity, but I was still pleased!
On a related note: I got some .22LR today! Two boxes of 50, for the store limit of 100 rounds.It was $3.49 a box, but it was cool, because they are CCI, a brand I've never shot. It's not the high-velocity, but I was still pleased!