Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Thanks for sharing those photos! There's quite a bit of neat history in there.

Your welcome, and yes, there was some good bit of history represented there. It was even more interesting sitting there and actually listening to the real life story of how things went down, who escaped, the investigation that followed. It was all good.

I brought my 9mm with me on a camping trip this past weekend while a friend brought this .410 bore shotgun. Having always shot at the range, always with eye and ear protection on, I wanted to hear what a 9mm would sound like up close, unmuffled. Oops, that was really loud, especially in the freezing morning temperature.

:lol: You gotta protect those eyes and ears. Some of this stuff being fired is loud as hell, even with protection.

Also, the Tulammo that I picked up at Walmart was pretty darn cheap and shot really dirty. Though my Shield ate all of it no problem, I'm not sure I would buy it again in the future even for target shooting...

It is cheap stuff to shoot. I'm not afraid to run Tulammo through my SKS's or Mosins. These Russian guns eat this stuff up for dinner, and then some. However, I will not run it through my Sig, Colt, or Ruger, or any of my other arms. I'll stick with Remington, Federal, Hornaday, occasionally some Blazer.

The key about Tulammo or Wolf for that matter ...... clean your gun when your done. Indeed, it is a bit dirty.
Of course, one should be cleaning their guns when done anyways.

I can't even imagine how loud it would be inside a small room if you ever had to fire in a home defense situation.

I think the last thing on your mind about firing a gun inside for home defense would be the noise. But yes, your point is well taken. A shot fired within 4 walls of a home would be deafening. :ouch:

Epic movie indeed. 👍 Thanks for that reminder.

unbelievable ringing in the ears. :lol:

HUH .... did you say something .... speak up, I can't hear 'ya damnit. :lol:
One time I was showing a friend the components of a rifle cartridge. I pulled the bullet off, emptied the powder, and set aside the casing and primer on the workbench. While I'm putting the tools back in the cabinet I hear an ear splitting "POP".

While I was turned around he decided to place the casing in a vice and use a hammer and punch to hit the primer. Apparently he thought it would be a "quiet" gunshot. :dunce:
I've had plenty of similar experiences, even with DVDs with such quality I could have sworn I was watching in high-def. :lol:
Good to hear its not just my imagination. If you want to see some really high ultra def blu-ray try the movie ''Sunshine'', beautiful film and the quality (depending on your screen, of course) will blow your mind. Really, go watch it in blu-ray! :drool:

While I was turned around he decided to place the casing in a vice and use a hammer and punch to hit the primer. Apparently he thought it would be a "quiet" gunshot. :dunce:

Thats dangerous, not just because its damn loud but also because the primer is not supported by the bolt face of a rifle, it can happen that pieces of the primer hit your face or eyes if you ignite it that way. Dumb idea.

Before I shoot my percussion muzzle loaders I always dry fire a percussion primer cap to make sure the piston channel is free and I wont get misfires from oil and dirt blocking the spark before it reaches the charge. Once I forgot my earplugs and boy, they're LOUD. Like .22 mag's. :crazy: Power-wise they're about the same as large rifle magnum primers.
Hit couple of Walmart today. Still absolutely no .22's, but still looking OK on the rest. No AK rounds, but saw .223s, most rifle and handgun rounds, but come to think of it, I don't think I saw any 9mm. :crazy: I also saw for the first time, .45 by Tula, but cased in brass. $20 for the box.
Good to hear its not just my imagination. If you want to see some really high ultra def blu-ray try the movie ''Sunshine'', beautiful film and the quality (depending on your screen, of course) will blow your mind. Really, go watch it in blu-ray! :drool:
I'm a Danny Boyle fan, never watch pirated stuff, but this was literally one of handful of pirated DVD I caught with crappiest quality. I will check it out on Blu-ray for sure. 👍
I also saw for the first time, .45 by Tula, but cased in brass. $20 for the box.

If it is the Brass Maxx stuff, then I have put 200 rounds of it through my Walther. Nothing great, but for shooting paper, it does the job.
If it is the Brass Maxx stuff, then I have put 200 rounds of it through my Walther. Nothing great, but for shooting paper, it does the job.
How much were they for box of 9? $20 for .45ACP is a decent deal, so it is budget priced as you'd expect from the brand.

Actually, it is the cheapest .45 I've seen since the shortage. Even the Winchester value pack, which used to be $30 for 100 rounds(2 boxes worth), they are close to $42 now. :(
The stuff I have bought comes with 100 rounds. I believe each were $26. I can look when I get home. I still have the receipts.

I have also recently bought some Winchester White Box. I believe those were $24 or $25 per 100 rounds. Maybe even $23, though I doubt it. Some where in that range.
Decent prices. 👍 Weird though, when I used to shop for 9mm, I don't know if I ever saw them come in a box of 100. Back then, $10 a box was a score, but you had to really look for them around in my area.
This past weekend was the annual Thompson Gun Show at one of my rifle clubs. Exhibitors from as far away as Chicago were here to show off some of the memorabilia / history of these fine firearms of yesterday.

Thanks for sharing these pics, 'really enjoyed them 👍

'was just at walmart and they only had a couple of these left on the shelves so i picked one up..price went up again, from $26.xx to $28.xx. still a better deal than others but man :grumpy:

this is my hd gun, Mossberg 500 Persuader...nothing especial but I just added the ATI tactical Talon pistol grip and a UTG rail mount.


How much were they for box of 9? $20 for .45ACP is a decent deal, so it is budget priced as you'd expect from the brand.

Actually, it is the cheapest .45 I've seen since the shortage. Even the Winchester value pack, which used to be $30 for 100 rounds(2 boxes worth), they are close to $42 now. :(

It was about $15 after taxes for a box of 50 9mm at Walmart, at least that's what it cost me.
Still absolutely no .22's,

Are you located by any Gander Mountain stores ? I was told through the grapevine that they will have Remington .22LR on sale this weekend for something like $8 (100). I'm going to check it out, if indeed it is true I'll pick some up. Blazer 9mm for $15 p/bx is also supposed to be on sale. I'm not sure if they will implement the "limit" though. Probably will. They are supposed to be having one hell of a sale on a lot of goodies this weekend.

this is my hd gun, Mossberg 500 Persuader...nothing especial but I just added the ATI tactical Talon pistol grip and a UTG rail mount.



Nice piece, nothing wrong with an M500. 👍
Are you located by any Gander Mountain stores ? I was told through the grapevine that they will have Remington .22LR on sale this weekend for something like $8 (100). I'm going to check it out, if indeed it is true I'll pick some up. Blazer 9mm for $15 p/bx is also supposed to be on sale. I'm not sure if they will implement the "limit" though. Probably will. They are supposed to be having one hell of a sale on a lot of goodies this weekend.

Never heard of that store, but no big deal, I still have plenty stashed away. I just like to whine. :lol: Only .22 I'd buy & keep for myself would be the CCIs. Bricks & other stuff, if I buy them, I'd be supplying my friends(not a scalper! lol).
So, this past week was a good one for me. I entered a "lottery type" gun give-a-way this past month, September. My # came in. I won a Remington 870 Express Tactical-A-TACS (camo).

Woot !

But, since I'm not the big shotgunner type, I've decided to ante up and use the winning gun as a trade up (which is allowable by the rules).

What am I trading up to ? Something I've had my eye on for a while, so I bit the bullet (:lol:), and upgraded my winning to this.

I'll take possession of it on the 18th when it comes in (special order piece). I'll show some real pics of it when it hits home.
Not a fan of the "carry" size 1911, but very elegant & classy, this one. Beautiful pistol. Lucky! :D:tup:

In fact, it's so classy looking, I think it belongs in a wooden case or something. :lol:
^Agreed. The full sized Sig 1911 that I've tried has been really fun to shoot.

The carry sized 1911 still looks really nice though. Congrats on winning that; I'm just a little jealous right now. How do you even enter into and win contests and win a gun?
Not a fan of the "carry" size 1911, but very elegant & classy, this one. Beautiful pistol. Lucky! :D:tup:

In fact, it's so classy looking, I think it belongs in a wooden case or something. :lol:
I haven't fired a carry sized model, but Sig's 1911's are very nice shooters. Good choice 👍

^Agreed. The full sized Sig 1911 that I've tried has been really fun to shoot.

The carry sized 1911 still looks really nice though. Congrats on winning that; I'm just a little jealous right now. How do you even enter into and win contests and win a gun?

To all ... thanks.

Trust me, very rarely (it at all do I win anything :grumpy:), when I saw the number come up on my cell and seen it was one of my gun clubs I was sort of confused as to why I'm getting a call. When he notified me that my number was drawn, it was like :D:cool: oh hell yeah. The 18th can't come quick enough.

As far as entry, hit up your local FFL as David has said. You can even hit up your local gun clubs. They usually has these type of contests going on as well.

This particular one that I entered was like a lottery. You purchase a $25 ticket, it has 5 sets of 3 digit numbers on it. If one of your numbers get picked by the state lottery drawing that particular day, you win the gun that is posted for that day.

I'm currently also entered in a raffle ticket style of give-a-way. Submit your tickets, if it gets drawn, you win the gun posted for that day. The contest goes on for the entire month of October. When I get a chance this weekend, I'll post the guns that are currently being given away. Also, you can do what I have done, you have the option of upgrading to something else, if you so desire (providing you win of course).

Uuuuuum also, the NRA currently has a give-a-way going on right now. (link)
Uuuuuum, so does the USCCA. (link)

Around here, my local FFL helps to put on gun raffles for different groups as fundraisers. You buy a ticket for $20 or whatever, go to the event, eat some food and hope to win some guns. Some are just straight up raffle tickets without the luncheon. Some of the local fire departments also sell gun raffle calendars that have a gun to win each day and then they use the evening state lottery numbers to select winners. Either way, when people come up to the shop after winning they can take the gun they won or take store credit towards whatever else they might want instead.

Yep. Noble County (S.E. Ohio - an hour away drive for me) had what was called a Gun-O-Rama earlier this year. You purchase a ticket, and all day long 9:00 to 5:00 - every 10 minutes they drew numbers and gave away guns. I didn't win anything, neither did the wife, oh well. Better luck next year I guess.
I don't think I ever have won anything, not since I was a young kid. God, I wish I won a gun. :lol:
I never understood pistol grips on a mossberg. How do you operate the thumb safety? Also, you can't swing your gun at anyone's head with a pistol grip.
Also, that Mossberg is kickass. Love the stock. 👍

Nice piece, nothing wrong with an M500. 👍
thanks fellas :)

I never understood pistol grips on a mossberg. How do you operate the thumb safety? Also, you can't swing your gun at anyone's head with a pistol grip.
yeah I understand it's not for everyone but I've gotten used to it and I'm really comfortable using the pistol grip now... 'wouldn't have it any other way :)

Nice rail mount I have been looking for one for my 500.
yeah it's a pretty good rail mount and nicely priced, it's only like 10 bucks and comes with everything even the hex key; but right now I still don't know what I want to put on there, or put anything at all since I don't wanna over-decorate the gun.

'got some range time last weekend with relatives who also like firearms. These are some of the pieces we shot:

'also shot a Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm and 45 (no picture). The day ended with some trap shooting w/c I really enjoyed. The shotgun performed really well. :)
At least one SCAR 17, AR-15 variant, and another SCAR. I cannot see enough of the SCAR in the back to know whether it is a 17 or 16.

EDIT: Pretty certain the second SCAR is a 16. The brass deflectors look quite a bit different on the 16 and 17.
I really liked using ACR & SCAR in MW2, but I could never tell them apart in real life. :crazy: