Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Brett knows his guns, nailed it đź‘Ť

Scar 17 is a fun gun, I was hitting steel targets @ 400 yds pretty consistently. Recoil on Scars is not bad at all.
Well Im in the process of building my Ca legal AR-15, still deciding on w/c lower to get, but I want to get one now in case they ban it :ouch:
At the rate it's going, pretty soon, California legal AR would be made out of (non-cancerous)plastic, weigh maybe two pounds & have orange tip on the barrel. :D
Don't know if this was mentioned in the news overseas, (probably not), a fellow countryman decided to reload blackpowder cartridges while having a candle burn right next to him for reasons unknown. :dunce:
The ensuing explosion ripped off the buildings ceiling and pushed in a wall (Brick & concrete!) The guy somehow survived with severe injuries and third degree burns. I'm amazed he wasn't ripped to pieces and that the pressure didn't explode his lungs or eyes.

Interesting fact: if he had used modern nitro powder there wouldn't have been an explosion. Nitro powder burns while blackpowder explodes.
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Are .45 GAP safer to reload? j/k :lol:

I can't believe the guy survives the explosion, when it caused that degree of damage on the building. He's gonna be in a lot of pain for while, I'd imagine. :crazy:
I can't believe the guy survives the explosion, when it caused that degree of damage on the building. He's gonna be in a lot of pain for while, I'd imagine. :crazy:

If you're gonna be dumb you gotta be tough. đź’ˇ
Don't know if this was mentioned in the news overseas, (probably not), a fellow countryman decided to reload blackpowder cartridges while having a candle burn right next to him for reasons unknown. :dunce:

There is always one in every bunch. :dunce:

BTW - Halloween is coming up, have you carved your pumpkin yet ? :lol:
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Annoying little kids. :lol:

That video reminded me. Guy at work told me about this one:

Kinda pointless, but nice quality video, nice effects, too.
*sorry for the double post*

Do you guys have any experience with these .22LRs?

It says Federal - American Eagle .22LR "High Velocity"

They were $2.99 a box, so I bought the limit of 3. I couldn't remember if this was one Brett tried already, but I thought I'd give it a shot.... and I haven't seen .22 on store shelves in weeks, so why not? :lol:
Those are different than what I bought. The stuff I have is Federal HV Match. I still need to give the boxes of that and another box to a friend.
Ah, OK. Since it is high velocity, it should at the least be pretty reliable. Still haven't seen CCI Mini-Mags. :lol:
So open carry is actually legal in New York, and there is no required permits or age requirement to open carry a firearm.

Got to love loopholes.

Basically I figured this out by skimming the list of laws a little while ago. There is only a law legalizing concealed carry, and you need to fill out an application while meeting certain requirements (such as needing to be the age of 21) to qualify for a permit.

Prior to legalizing concealed carry, as it was illegal before, open carry was the standard.

There is no permit or application to open carry, nor a law banning it. It never went away after concealed carry was legalized. My theory as to why people don't do it is because they are in fear of what might happen due to the absurd amount of gun laws.

There is also no age restriction to open carry. Though the law requiring you to be 21 to purchase a pistol and 18 for a rifle still stands with the required background check. It is highly recommended you are trained to use a firearm properly though. This will not stop you from receiving one as a gift. Who wants to get me a .44? :sly:

So basically carry at will. As long as you don't give the cops a reason to think you might be up to something, they shouldn't bother you. If they do, explain your rights. If they detain you, you can sue them.

Do not conceal it though. Then you are breaking the law if you don't have the necessary permits.
Today I calculated the flight path of my pet load for my precision rifle, converted it to 1/4 MOA clicks (which is the type of adjustment of my scope) and made a small chart which I then glued into the scope cover of my rifle. Now If I want to shoot at various distances I simply look at the chart which is just 3 cm above the reticle, dial in the elevation in clicks and I'm good to go. I don't need to make time consuming calculations or give up my shooting position.*
I also added the 150 meters zero so I can zero it back to min range.
That chart is EXTREMELY helpful, though its a little off when the weather conditions change, this chart was calculated with 15 degree Celsius and 50% humidity in mind, the bullet drops less in warmer, drier weather. But the difference wouldn't be so big I'd miss the target . Real pros would make charts for winter and summer and switch them out accordingly, but I'm too lazy for that.*:yuck:
Range left, elevation clicks right, with two special indication marks for one+ and three+ complete turns of the elevation turret to avoid confusion.*
Never had any problems with that stuff. My local FFL has them for $4 a box. The only bad thing is that those boxes only have 40 rounds instead of 50. I got a brick of Remington Thunderbolt HV LRN a few weeks ago. Works perfectly in my bolt guns but my GSG-5 hated it. It was feeding and cycling fine when it went off but every few rounds would fail to ignite on the first strike. Also got a brick of Winchester HV JHP's that the GSG won't cycle. I'm not sure if its the shape of the nose, or the fact that they seem a tiny bit longer than most of the .22 that works well in it. After the first shot when you pull the trigger nothing happens. I couldn't tell if it was a matter of the gun not going back into battery because of a hangup during feeding, or if the rounds weren't pushing the bolt back far enough to recock it. It loves Remington Golden Bullets, that federal you linked a6, and CCI (even the standard velocity rounds interestingly enough).
I didn't realize American Eagle HV was 40 rounds to a box(just checked). :crazy: Also didn't realize(or forgot) that Thunderbolt was a high-velocity, but I think I've had a similar feedback about that ammo from a friend. That one I think I may pass in the future.

I haven't done a test or anything, but my Ruger SR22 doesn't seem to have any issues with the Remington Golden Bullet either. CCI standard velocity, I think Brett also had good luck with it, so did the same friend who I think told me about the Thunderbolt.

Lot of .22LR ammo, either by quality, or compatibility with the gun seems to be hit & miss, so I like this exchange of data. Thanks! đź‘Ť
The CCI Standard Velocity is not bad. It is not as good as Mini Mags. However, I would not hesitate to buy the Standard Velocity if it were available.
The CCI Standard Velocity is not bad. It is not as good as Mini Mags. However, I would not hesitate to buy the Standard Velocity if it were available.
I'm still looking for Mini Mags. :D They used to be on the store shelves all the time, but it's almost like the demand for those CCI HVs went up simultaneously with the .22LR shortage. I think I've yet to see CCI Mini Mags & brick of Remington in stores this year. :crazy:

I don't shoot a whole lot + I got sufficient inventory, but I feel for those who shoot all the time. .22 shortage must really suck for them!
Savage, best price-performance ratio under the sun, their out of the box accuracy never fails to impress me and .270 is a very nice caliber. đź‘Ť
What scope is that?

And whats the story with this creepy cat-statue?
I've got a minor rant here.

People who buy compensators or muzzle brakes before learning proper recoil management and take their gun to public range. If somebody wants to have a whizz-bang rifle and wants to fool themselves into thinking that the gun will make up for their lack of skill, fine by me, I'm sure I am/was guilty of it in some way. This starts becoming a problem when I have to deal with my eardrums being smacked by the hammer of Thor every time they let off a round.

What's most annoying about this is that comps and brakes only really make a big difference if the shooter is experienced enough to have good recoil control. People who stick on these massive brakes before learning to shoot properly still have their muzzle dancing all over the place and it gets even worse when they switch to a gun that doesn't have a comp. Bro, you can't buy skill! Use that money you spent on a muzzle brake and buy some ammo to practice with!

Check out this graph. Some of the more aggressive brakes I see people running can be ~7dB higher than a standard flash hider or bare muzzle. Remembering that every 10dB is twice as loud, it's really easy to see how this could get obnoxious.
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I have a huge arse brake on my .300 Remington ultra magnum, and its so loud my ears ring when I'm using only earmuffs without having a pair of earplugs in my ears to double up the protection.
I tell you, I love shooting small break action shotguns with hot slugs from the bench for fun, but pushing 240's at 2800+ is no joke in the recoil department. It will not kill me but it has a negative effect on my accuracy even though I'm an experienced shooter who is not recoil shy. Its just physics.

I always tell those who shoot next to me that I'm going to shoot a really a loud gun and I suggest using double ear protection. Thats all I can do and IMO everybody should use double ear protection anyway.
From all the pictures of you that I've seen, you should say "Watch this" to the guy next to you, then start shooting while maintaining intense eye contact with him.

I really should sell my snowboard or something and get a rifle, guns are much cooler than a plank of wood with straps attached.

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