Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Yup. Standard velocity, blue box. By quick math, costs about twice as much as Remington that comes in bricks.
This mount (I hope) will hold up. It seems to be made of some pretty stout aluminum. Scope / sight wise - I've also seen those that you linked .... these are cool as well. I do have (2) other Mosins, I may experiment with this particular sight on one of these.

One thing that would bother me is the cheek weld I'd get with your mount. Or the lack of it, its more of a chin weld. In my years of shooting I found out that the importance of a solid cheek weld should not be underestimated. If you have a scope without parallax adjustment (most non target scopes have fixed parallaxe) a solid and most importantly consistent cheek weld becomes absolutely crucial.
Only slight variations in the way you look through your scope will throw off your shots.
Also canting gets more serious the higher a scope is mounted.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing your scope mount choice, I'm just saying that you might experience inconsistent accuracy with specific scope and mount combinations.
That stuff worked pretty well in my Walther P22, but not quite as well as Mini Mags.
That's the stuff I'm after, but I am glad to hear that 'standard' is still above average. Thanks man. 👍 When I was picking those up yesterday, I again saw the .22 Win Mag & got all excited. Damn it. :lol:
One thing that would bother me is the cheek weld I'd get with your mount. Or the lack of it, its more of a chin weld. In my years of shooting I found out that the importance of a solid cheek weld should not be underestimated. If you have a scope without parallax adjustment (most non target scopes have fixed parallaxe) a solid and most importantly consistent cheek weld becomes absolutely crucial.
Only slight variations in the way you look through your scope will throw off your shots.
Also canting gets more serious the higher a scope is mounted.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing your scope mount choice, I'm just saying that you might experience inconsistent accuracy with specific scope and mount combinations.

Your input is greatly appreciated ..... thanks much. 👍 I've thought it over a bit and am going to go with a conventional type of scope as opposed to the Burris that I had mentioned earlier. Which one, I'm still undecided. I've got some time to think it over and do some browsing / investigating. I'm sort of looking at the Leupold line of scopes. We'll see, ;)

More progress on the Mosin.
The stock has been cleaned out to make way for the Timney Trigger. A notch has been cleared for the extra safety. The bi-pod is firmly mounted. The UTG scope mount is in place. It's all mocked up, everything is in working order, no clearance issues. So now it's take down time. Time to refinish the stock in Black and play the waiting game for my bolt / pin assembly to come in.

Cut-a-way stock

Safety relief notch. This sort of P'd me off. Just upon finishing the relief, the corner of the stock decided to chip off. Son of a 🤬

The Timney Trigger sitting comfortably in it's new home.

All mocked up, everything tightened up and in place (less bolt and scope) ... good to go.


The bolt .... hoping I see it soon. It is a custom bent sweptback by none other than the Boltman.
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Damn, that is tight. Keep it up! Nice work. 👍

Tell us how you really felt, Nick(dunno if this is a real name). :lol:

Thanks. :P

and ......

To tell you how I really felt at the time. I would if I could, but I can't so I won't. :lol:

It would be an AUP violation. :nervous:. I'm really not in the frame to get a knock on the door from one of the Boys in Blue.
The anti-gun, liberal douchebags have really been at it lately here in California. After the traggic events of school shootings and the like, several laws are almost on the books. Gov. Brown now has the choice to either sign them or veto them. Here's a list of what we are currently facing:

SB374 - Bans the future sale or transfer of and classifies ALL semi-automatic firearms with a detachable magazine or holding more than ten rounds of ammunition as "assault weapons." Continued legal possession requires that you REGISTER and pay a FEE (TAX) on ALL your semi-autos newly classified as “assault weapons.”

AB711 - Makes California the first state to prohibit the use of all lead ammunition for hunting.

AB48 - Bans the sale of parts and repair kits capable of creating or converting a magazine to a capacity to hold greater than ten rounds.

AB169 - Limits the sale/transfer of all lawfully firearms that were never, or are no longer, on the California roster of approved handguns to two a year and redefines the technical provisions of single shot pistols.

AB231 - Expands the laws relating to firearms storage.

SB299 - Makes it a crime if a person does not report a lost/stolen firearm within 7 days.

SB475 - Would effectively ban the gun shows at the Cow Palace by requiring the approval of San Francisco and San Mateo Counties

AB180 - Repeals state firearms preemption by allowing the City of Oakland to enact gun ordinances that are more restrictive than state laws concerning the registration or licensing of firearms.

SB567 - Redefines shotguns to include any long gun with a rifled bore or a smooth bore, regardless of whether it is designed to be fired from the shoulder and bans the sale of shotguns with the revised definitions that have a revolving cylinder, and requires registration of these currently owned shotguns.

SB683 - Expands California’s Handgun Safety Certificate requirement to apply to all firearms, and prohibits anyone from purchasing or transferring any firearm without a firearm safety certificate.

SB755 - Expands the list of persons prohibited from owning a firearm, including persons who have operated cars and boats while they are impaired commonly referred to as DUI.

If any of these are passed, they will be challenged in a court of law, costing tax payers a lot of money.
You guys feel safer already over there, huh? I can just see those mad gunmen giving up on their dream of shooting up schools & movie theaters now. Gangs will be ditching their semi/full-automatic weapons for break-action after this. Your legislators need raises! :D
*Stupid California Legislation*

And knowing Brown, I would imagine that he would sign these into law?

I'm sorry, but this cements it. I cannot and will not move to California.


I tried going to Walmart today to buy some 9mm ammunition. Guess what, they were completely out, with no ETA for next shipment. I thought that it was getting better and ammo wasn't that scarce anymore, but their shelf was completely wiped out. :grumpy:
And knowing Brown, I would imagine that he would sign these into law?

I'm sorry, but this cements it. I cannot and will not move to California.
Hell. No.
I tried going to Walmart today to buy some 9mm ammunition. Guess what, they were completely out, with no ETA for next shipment. I thought that it was getting better and ammo wasn't that scarce anymore, but their shelf was completely wiped out. :grumpy:
In my area, I have one Walmart that blows away other Walmart in that department. I can't remember if they had the 9mm though.

My local sportsman's store, while I have yet to see any .22s there, they did have all three major handgun rounds, including the 9mm. Love those guys, they even carry the Russian calibers, including their 9's. Keep looking & good luck!
Tried out some of my really stout handloads for my .300 Remington Ultra Magnum, got some decent results, used the 240 grain SMK bullet, 5 shots at 110 yds.- Sadly, I had one flyer in each group messing it up.



One bullet messing up each grouping, but they are still tight & impressive as usual, even at 100 yards. :eek:

.300 Remington Ultra Magnum? Sound like they may kick just slightly, eh? :lol:
.300 Remington Ultra Magnum? Sound like they may kick just slightly, eh? :lol:

With a huge muzzle brake installed the only things that get kicked are my eardrums. But they get kicked pretty good. :scared:
Even with my pet load (240 grain @ 2950 fp/s) it recoils less than a .308, but I have to use double ear protection. Believe it or not, even with good ear muffs I get ringing ears!

The flyers were caused by mirage, always after every 4th shot I got some mirage, hot air from the barrel interfered with my scope picture, I didn't have the patience to wait for the barrel to cool so I completed the group anyway. And all those 5th shots were off. Impatience sucks. :lol:
Without those flyers all my groups would have measured .40 / 1cm .

Not commenting on the new ridiculous gun laws and politics, I'm not interested in having a heart attack. :crazy:
We're getting enough heat from the politicians here since that crazy poacher shot and killed three police officers and a paramedic a couple of days ago.
Believe it or not, even with good ear muffs I get ringing ears!
No..... Not good. :crazy:
Impatience sucks. :lol:
That's OK, waiting sucks, too. :P I'm the same way....

We're getting enough heat from the politicians here since that crazy poacher shot and killed three police officers and a paramedic a couple of days ago.
That is horrible. Some people in this world! :indiff:
This past weekend was the annual Thompson Gun Show at one of my rifle clubs. Exhibitors from as far away as Chicago were here to show off some of the memorabilia / history of these fine firearms of yesterday.


A brief explanation of what a Thompson is.



Thompson's (aka Tommy Guns) were known to be the gun of choice by the Mob / gangsters. One of the best known pieces of history involving a Tommy Gun was the St. Valentines Day Massacre. We all remember reading about this piece of history, correct ?


The bullet proof apparel (vests) worn by gangsters.



The victims.

The planners and executioners.

2 of the actual Tommy Guns that were used in the St. Valentines Day Massacre. Guns #2347 and #7580 are shown here.





Actual bullets recovered from the St Valentines Day Massacre.

And now some Thompsons. I actually got to pick this piece up and hold it. Thank you Bob and Kathy for that kind gesture. It felt a little heavy ...10#ish - without the barrel drum attached. It was a strange but yet sensational feeling holding one of these in my hands.














General John T. Thompsons personal Colt.




Just some misc. items.








A few other goodies were on view. This guys WWII guns ... just a sampling of the many he has.

Vickers .303 Brit run machine gun.




A little John Dillenger piece.




Fantastic photos. Thanks for taking the time to post them. 👍 What a treat!

Great photos! Thanks for posting them.

Your welcome, it was a joy to see these. Unfortunately, due to the inclement weather conditions (lots of rain, tons of rain), the outdoor shooting expo of these got ixnayed. :grumpy:

I do apologize again for some of the fuzzies. At times it was hurry, aim, tap the button, bumped into, bumped into, bumped into .....
Thanks for sharing those photos! There's quite a bit of neat history in there.


I brought my 9mm with me on a camping trip this past weekend while a friend brought this .410 bore shotgun. Having always shot at the range, always with eye and ear protection on, I wanted to hear what a 9mm would sound like up close, unmuffled. Oops, that was really loud, especially in the freezing morning temperature.

Also, the Tulammo that I picked up at Walmart was pretty darn cheap and shot really dirty. Though my Shield ate all of it no problem, I'm not sure I would buy it again in the future even for target shooting...
At the indoor range during cease fire a shooter had an accidental discharge with his .357 magnum, I was standing only a couple of feet next to him with my earmuffs off. I couldn't hear anything for the rest of the day and on the next day it was like having water in my ears. :ill:

The second loudest noise I ever heard was shooting a short shotgun without ear protection, but this time outdoors. It was really painfully loud, even with standard pressure 00 buck. It wasn't a loud BOOM, it was an earsplitting ''crack'' that would totally blow my eardrums out indoors.

Last but not least a 8mm Mauser K98k without earmuffs outdoors, even though that round had much MUCH more pressure (and with 200 grains @ 2600 fp/s it was a hot load) and a much bigger powder charge than the 357 or the shotgun round the sound was...bearable.
Not something I'd recommend doing but I think touching off a couple of rounds outdoors does no result in complete deafness or ringing ears for hours. Its more of a loud boom that hurts a little bit.

I think the volume of the sound depends on the powder burning rate, according to my experiences the faster powder is louder and pressure or charge weight has nothing to do with. Shotguns use the fastest powder, flake powder, next his handgun ball powder and the slowest is the rifle using stick powder.

Unless muzzle brakes are involved, they make all guns extremely loud.


Oh, and for the record, I got my hearing checked, my ears are still as good as when I was 7 years old. :dopey:

I have shot without hearing protection before, it was out in the woods, and no, I wouldn't recommend making a habit of it.

Anytime I see a indoor shootout in a movie, or TV show, probably like David, I do wonder how hard it might be for the ear drums of people involved in such a situation. After reading about Michael's story, I hope I never find out!
Remember the failed bank heist in the film Heat (1995)? An amazing film, the shootout, the sounds and everything absolutely top notch....except that one scene where McCauley shoots his short barreled AR inside a car through the windshield at some cops without even blinking once. With the muzzle right next to the drivers head.
Yeah, right, I think you'd be SO bleeding out of your ears after that. :nervous:

At about 0:52 (Not that it matters, you have to watch the whole goddamn video! :) )

Still one of my favorite movies ever, and not just because of the shootout, the atmosphere, the acting, the picture, everything is simply (well almost) flawless.
Michael Man, the director of the movie let them shoot blanks in their weapons with the intention to simply edit some generic gun sounds into that scene. However, when he watched the scene he decided that the blanks sounded way cooler and more brutal than any fake sounds, so he did not edit the sound at all.

Heat IMO features the best gunshot sounds in movie history. Even after almost two decades and countless action movies that followed it still does.
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Heat was one of the first films I got to enjoy with the digital surround system, and it is a great film with a loaded cast. I'm gonna have to watch it again, but this time on the Blu-ray. 👍
:lol: All I can think of while watching movies/TV is, "that guy is now deaf."
Exactly, or unbelievable ringing in the ears. :lol:
I got Heat in Blu-ray, strangely the quality isn't a whole lot better than the DVD version. Bit of a downer.
Or maybe its just my eyes...
I got Heat in Blu-ray, strangely the quality isn't a whole lot better than the DVD version. Bit of a downer.
Or maybe its just my eyes...
I've had plenty of similar experiences, even with DVDs with such quality I could have sworn I was watching in high-def. :lol:

Off the top of my head, another "gun" movie I enjoy, certainly not for everyone, nor top-notch production is the Way of the Gun. Benicio Del Toro & Ryan Phillippe at their very best. Also featuring Juliet Lewis, James Caan, and the film starts out with Sarah Silverman getting her nose busted broken, so you know the movie's money. :P