Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
I picked up one of these about a month ago, $90. :)

Mosin-Nagant M91/30

Nice. You can't go wrong with 90 bucks! 👍

Is it in good shape? Have you shot it?
Can't go wrong with a Mosin from what I hear. Lots of aftermarket to from what I understand. Perhaps I'll pick up one of those and an SKS if I ever get off my but and get a license.
The communist state of Illinois doesn't find you nor your freedoms very amusing. Come any closer and we'll sue them away from you.
Nice. You can't go wrong with 90 bucks! 👍

Is it in good shape? Have you shot it?

Yea, it's in pretty good shape. It took about an hour to narrow down which one I wanted looking between about 2 different crates of them. I still haven't cleaned it up yet, it's still covered and filled with grease. I need to get off my ass and do that soon and get it to the range.

I plan on picking up another one soon to play around with a little more. I want to keep one in the original WW2 trim. The other I'll want to get the ATI Monte Carlo stock, bent bolt, and mount a scope to.
The communist state of Illinois doesn't find you nor your freedoms very amusing. Come any closer and we'll sue them away from you.

LMAO! :lol:

Wait a minute! It's not that funny! I live SoCal, which is DLC (douche-bad liberal central). Gov Brown just passed a new long-gun law that requires registration for long-guns (shotguns and rifles).

I just sold my Remington .25-06 and S&W Bodyguard .38 and have some extra cash lying around. I might be in the market for a new rifle and handgun. I'll report later.

I picked up one of these about a month ago, $90. :)

Mosin-Nagant M91/30


These rifles can be a hit or miss. Literally. Some can reach out to 1,000 yards. Which for just $90 makes them a hell of a great deal!
Yea, it's in pretty good shape. It took about an hour to narrow down which one I wanted looking between about 2 different crates of them. I still haven't cleaned it up yet, it's still covered and filled with grease. I need to get off my ass and do that soon and get it to the range.

I plan on picking up another one soon to play around with a little more. I want to keep one in the original WW2 trim. The other I'll want to get the ATI Monte Carlo stock, bent bolt, and mount a scope to.

Sounds good man. If you ever swap the stock, be sure to post a picture. 👍
The communist state of Illinois doesn't find you nor your freedoms very amusing. Come any closer and we'll sue them away from you.

Do you at least have a permit, so your parent/guardian can help you shoot it? :lol:
Gov Brown just passed a new long-gun law that requires registration for long-guns (shotguns and rifles).
Just where is the NRA on a bill like that passing through? I guess registration isn't the end of the world, but it leads to even bigger government, and I'm sure it creates even more jobs for them, taxing us Californians in a form of registration fee. 👎
I don't need a permit to shoot a gun. I need a license to own a gun. They don't register guns here only gun owners. I can shoot anything I can get my hands on I just can't buy anything.
That was a joke. You know, like (driver)license to learner's permit.

On an unrelated note, more and more I think about it, I think I want to conceal carry. G26..... :drool:

I know there are at least couple of you who conceal carry in here. Is it a pain in a butt to carry? I know that every time you visit federal buildings, or some venues, you will not be allowed to carry your gun inside.....
These rifles can be a hit or miss. Literally. Some can reach out to 1,000 yards. Which for just $90 makes them a hell of a great deal!
Mosin Nagant rifles are a lot of fun, cheap ammo, lots of power, and some of them are really accurate. Sights are also good and they're fun to refurbish.
The one thing you'll have to look at is the muzzle and the bore, some of them have excellent barrels, others have worn out muzzles and pitting. Finding a decent one shouldn't be very hard though.

There is only one problem: once you have your first surplus rifle you wont be able to stop buying more! Its highly addictive! :drool::scared:
Many people that didn't care about those old warhorses have been converted by shooting one of my surplus rifles.
Heck, I might buy it for 90 bucks. I'll keep my eyes open at the next gun show.


I got this flashlight mount for Glock 17.


Just under 10 frigging bucks on Amazon. Free ship. Ideally, I'll spend around $100 on a Glock light, or something similar. My thing(as posted in the past) is that I want to keep my portable electronics on just AA or AAA batteries. I want my batteries to be easily obtainable, even during some serious emergency(major storm, zombie attacks, yada yada yada lol).

I'll be getting something similar for my 870(shotgun) as well. My unregistered shotgun. :lol:
Heck, I might buy it for 90 bucks. I'll keep my eyes open at the next gun show.

I would if I were you. I remember a time when M1 30 carbines went for $99 a piece and NOW look at their prices! Same exact situation with SKS rifles and MAK90-NHM91 rifles. All were super cheap until... well, you know...
I don't even know how, but I stumbled on to a website that was selling a Surplus Walther P1(9mm P38) today. Since P38 was like my favorite pistol from my childhood, it peaked my interest!

But that wasn't the discovery. As I started looking around for surplus P1 & 38, I ended up on here: Classic Arms Inc.

This is the widest selection of AK's & Saiga's I've seen in one place, in-stock. And they have surplus + new inventory. Prices are good to great. They also have FAL to ....... everything. Hope you guys check it out. TA: They are selling bunch of entry Saiga's at $299. The site says the Saiga's turbulent export has caused the market to bottom out.

P.S. Bought couple boxes of Remington 3" 00 Buckshot at Walmart. I think they must be on sale this week, as they were just over $12 for the box(15 shells). Fifteen .33 BB's in a shell. Love those things. :embarrassed:
Holy **** that site is amazing. Did you see the AR15 that is chambered for 5.7x28! The thing loads from a top mounted P90 mag! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Holy **** that site is amazing. Did you see the AR15 that is chambered for 5.7x28! The thing loads from a top mounted P90 mag! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

I missed that. I just got done watching the Daniel Defense torture video linked from the same site though. I've seem a few torture tests, but this one I think takes the cake:
Is it another California bill? I thought they repealed a similar law earlier this year?

I wish. Assault weapons are still illegal. However, we can skirt around the law, though. That's why they have 'CA legal' versions available to us.
Well, since this thread is about guns, I thought I'd post this story.

A guy I know was at the shooting range with a .44 Magnum. 14 Years of age. His gun jammed, finger slipped which pulled the gun down and hit the trigger sending a .44 Caliber bullet straight through the back of his leg.

Now I want that gun! :lol: He's okay though.

To me, I've always had a love for AK-47's, I'm not to sure why. I just think they look pretty sick. They were the weapon to fear a while back.
Jammed? Was it a Desert Eagle? Those pistols are HUGE. No way I'd let my 14 year old kid shoot one of those. Bad call on the father for that one.
Yeah, clumsy doesn't begin to describe that. :crazy:

AK's nice. AK & M4, I really want. Right now, bolt action seem much more versatile to me though.
I wish. Assault weapons are still illegal. However, we can skirt around the law, though. That's why they have 'CA legal' versions available to us.
Ah. I was referring to the law that prohibited Californians from buying ammo online. Damn liberals. It's always people's rights with them, just until it's the "rights" they don't agree with. 👎
Yeah, clumsy doesn't begin to describe that. :crazy:

AK's nice. AK & M4, I really want. Right now, bolt action seem much more versatile to me though.

Ah. I was referring to the law that prohibited Californians from buying ammo online. Damn liberals. It's always people's rights with them, just until it's the "rights" they don't agree with. 👎

Yeah, the ammo bill was crushed by Gov Brown.
On an unrelated note, more and more I think about it, I think I want to conceal carry. G26..... :drool:

I know there are at least couple of you who conceal carry in here. Is it a pain in a butt to carry? I know that every time you visit federal buildings, or some venues, you will not be allowed to carry your gun inside.....

I don't know what the exact conceal carry law is like in Oregon, but one of the things about conceal carrying is that, like you mentioned, there are a lot of restrictions about where you can and can't go. Here in WA, you can't carry in a 21-and-over-only establishment (ie. bars), and I often find myself with friends at bars, so carrying is often out of the question. One of the things is that you'll have to check what the restrictions are and see if that will hinder your regular schedule of things.

Is Oregon a shall-issue state? And would you pick-up a G26 just for conceal carry duty?

These rifles can be a hit or miss. Literally. Some can reach out to 1,000 yards. Which for just $90 makes them a hell of a great deal!

For rifles like these, is it possible to tell whether the rifle is a good one or a bad one based on inspection, or is it something that must be shot to find out? $90 seems like a hell of a deal, and it's affordable enough to just... buy one and enjoy shooting it even once in a while.

I haven't been on here for a while, but there's some good news though! WA recently passed a law allowing the use of silencers. It used to be you can own one but you can't use it, but now it is legal to use one!
I got to shoot a Lee Enfield No1 Mk3* and the Jungle Carbine. I got lucky that day as there was a guy at the range who let me shoot his SIG 551, it was so easy to fire and very accuate.
I don't know what the exact conceal carry law is like in Oregon, but one of the things about conceal carrying is that, like you mentioned, there are a lot of restrictions about where you can and can't go. Here in WA, you can't carry in a 21-and-over-only establishment (ie. bars), and I often find myself with friends at bars, so carrying is often out of the question. One of the things is that you'll have to check what the restrictions are and see if that will hinder your regular schedule of things.

Is Oregon a shall-issue state? And would you pick-up a G26 just for conceal carry duty?

Scratch that idea. You must be either a U.S. Citizen, or have proof that you are applying to be one. Yeah, the second one's little weird. :confused: :crazy: I really want to buy a G26, and put together enough money, but I think I'm gonna have to put it off for now. I'll revisit this when I actually become a U.S. Citizen.

Oregon concealed carry permit's supposedly piece of cake. Apply, take test, pay the tax, something like that. :)
I haven't been on here for a while, but there's some good news though! WA recently passed a law allowing the use of silencers. It used to be you can own one but you can't use it, but now it is legal to use one!
As awesome as that is, I can't think of anything legal to accomplish with that. :lol: I guess I can make my gun look awesome. I want one for my tactical shotgun. Just like in Modern Warfare 2. :D

I have an air rifle, does that count? :lol:
Oh, I got you covered.


I got to shoot a Lee Enfield No1 Mk3* and the Jungle Carbine. I got lucky that day as there was a guy at the range who let me shoot his SIG 551, it was so easy to fire and very accuate.

Had to look up Jungle Carbine. What an awesome name. :lol:👍 Sig's pretty sweet. I'd take M4 or AK over it, but still, it looks so nice. :drool:
I don't know what the exact conceal carry law is like in Oregon, but one of the things about conceal carrying is that, like you mentioned, there are a lot of restrictions about where you can and can't go. Here in WA, you can't carry in a 21-and-over-only establishment (ie. bars), and I often find myself with friends at bars, so carrying is often out of the question. One of the things is that you'll have to check what the restrictions are and see if that will hinder your regular schedule of things.

Is Oregon a shall-issue state? And would you pick-up a G26 just for conceal carry duty?

For rifles like these, is it possible to tell whether the rifle is a good one or a bad one based on inspection, or is it something that must be shot to find out? $90 seems like a hell of a deal, and it's affordable enough to just... buy one and enjoy shooting it even once in a while.

I haven't been on here for a while, but there's some good news though! WA recently passed a law allowing the use of silencers. It used to be you can own one but you can't use it, but now it is legal to use one!

For rifle inspections, you need to check the barrel for pitting, rust and excessive wear. Also, you want to check the crown. Make sure it clean and even. Also check the stock along the barrel to see if it's pushing up against it. This can effect long range accuracy. It's not a big deal, though. It can be dealed with later.
Scratch that idea. You must be either a U.S. Citizen, or have proof that you are applying to be one. Yeah, the second one's little weird. :confused: :crazy: I really want to buy a G26, and put together enough money, but I think I'm gonna have to put it off for now. I'll revisit this when I actually become a U.S. Citizen.

Oregon concealed carry permit's supposedly piece of cake. Apply, take test, pay the tax, something like that. :)

As awesome as that is, I can't think of anything legal to accomplish with that. :lol: I guess I can make my gun look awesome. I want one for my tactical shotgun. Just like in Modern Warfare 2. :D

That's right, I remember something about being US citizen or citizen-bound or something. It wasn't an issue for me since I'm a citizen. But you have to take a test? Up here, you just apply, they fingerprint you, pay the tax and they'll mail it to you 30 days later. Too bad Oregon and Washington don't have reciprocity agreements.