Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
That's right, I remember something about being US citizen or citizen-bound or something. It wasn't an issue for me since I'm a citizen. But you have to take a test? Up here, you just apply, they fingerprint you, pay the tax and they'll mail it to you 30 days later. Too bad Oregon and Washington don't have reciprocity agreements.

I looked at this page, and actually, there is nothing in there about any tests. :P That Oregon State page confuses me though. It says that I can't have a handgun concealed in the vehicle, where it is accessible by person in the vehicle. I'd say, if I can carry a loaded handgun anywhere in the car, including the trunk, it's all good. But I've also been told before that firearms must be unloaded in vehicle....... I got some research to do on that.

Oregon is an open carry state, but the State lets towns enforce their own restriction on that. From what I've read, the town I live in, and town I work in, they both prohibit open carry. :crazy:

On reciprocity, my coworker told me that Utah permit is the most widely accepted permit or something like that? Another thing, same coworker told me couple of weeks ago, some are lobbying for Federal concealed carry permit. Now, that would be awesome. Also, they should just let the Japanese Citizens carry, too, because we are allies!
Had to look up Jungle Carbine. What an awesome name. :lol:👍 Sig's pretty sweet. I'd take M4 or AK over it, but still, it looks so nice. :drool:

Thank, I didn't feel that putting the correct designation of the gun would serve justice to the differences of the guns. The Carbine feels like it less recoil (probably because of the lack of inertia). I would rather have any modern assault rifle than the Lee Enfield. But it is so reliable.
Enfield rifles are really nice and fun shooters (love their sights), but be aware of the fact that the round its chambered for is obsolete and very hard to find now - as far as I know the surplus .303Brit stuff dried up long ago in the US. You can still get factory ammo but its expen$$$ive. Handloading is the way to go with the 303.
If you are new to rifles or guns altogether you should buy something that is chambered in a modern easy to get round in a reliable solid time proven platform.
One thing's for sure: A name like 'Jungle Carbine' should never be obsolete.

Starting today, officially, my 870 Tactical is called "Jungle Shotty". :lol:

Edit: Wait! One guy from work calls it a "Street Sweeper". I'm gonna alter the name to "Urban Jungle Shotty". Too long? :lol:
I've decided to accept all variants.

Who'd have thought firearm nicknames could be so much fun. :P
Oregon is an open carry state, but the State lets towns enforce their own restriction on that. From what I've read, the town I live in, and town I work in, they both prohibit open carry. :crazy:

On reciprocity, my coworker told me that Utah permit is the most widely accepted permit or something like that? Another thing, same coworker told me couple of weeks ago, some are lobbying for Federal concealed carry permit. Now, that would be awesome. Also, they should just let the Japanese Citizens carry, too, because we are allies!

It's open carry here in WA also, with the distinction being that I think the law says something to the effect that local gun laws shall not supersede the state laws, thus it is technically legal to walk around downtown Seattle while openly carrying if you so want; you may get weird looks by people or harassed by cops for doing it.

Utah is the most widely recognized conceal carry permit. One of the nice things about Utah's permit is also you don't have to be an Utah resident to have one; once you take a course and pay the fee, anyone can get one. There are a few states that do not recognize Utah non-resident conceal carry permits, but I think my WA one covers a couple of those states. Pretty much a Utah permit plus your local permit will cover the good portion of the US. It would be nice to have a Federal permit so that there aren't all these different levels and layers of difficulty, nor will it be as confusing to carry across state lines. However, I can see that being a states-rights issue; I don't really have an opinion on that, but I digress.

I'll be going to the range again tomorrow after work with a couple of friends. I haven't shot in about 10 months; I'm excited to go!
Well.... Rambo smiliy thing is holding it, and it is belt-fed. I think those two points suggests that it was intended to be an M60, while as you noted, it is not at all accurate picture of one. :dopey:
I'll be going to the range again tomorrow after work with a couple of friends. I haven't shot in about 10 months; I'm excited to go!

I hope you take some pictures again!
Too bad my shooting range is run by old farts, most of the members there are in their mid 60s too, its too cold for them to shoot in winter so they close the range till march.
A year ago I shot at a different range during a snowstorm, it was minus 22 degrees cold (-7F), I had to un-freeze the metal target holders with my zippo, they were frozen solid! Every 20 minutes I had to dig snow to get the targets free and shooting beyond 50yds was impossible because visibility was low because of the storm.
It was so much fun, I shot fast, I hit pretty well and used the warm barrel to keep my hands from turning into icicles. ! :sly: (Standing unsupported @ 50)

That day I discovered that a high powered rifle round shot through only 3'' of non-compacted snow causes the projectile to tumble violently, they keyholed into my target!:scared:
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Sounds like a whole another ballgame. Snow shooting sounds awesome, but one time we did do that, my buddy got his Land Rover stuck. :lol:

I'm sorry to hear your range close during winter. You don't want to shoot in snow all the time, but once in awhile, I'm sure it's a blast. I wouldn't mind doing that again! Next time I'm bringing handwarmers.
We legally own a ton of guns, but the notorious ones and famous ones we own are:

SKS (Black Folding Stock, w/ bipod, scope and bayonet)
I hope you take some pictures again!

Sorry, no pictures, but I did shoot a lot of guns!

We rented 2 Sig P226, a M&P and a Beretta 92. One of the P226 was chambered for .22 and the other one was a 9mm with the E2 grip update. Both the M&P and Beretta 92 were also 9mm. My friend brought his .45 Springfield 1911 also.

This was actually the first time I've ever shot a .22 handgun. I've shot 9mm, .40 and .45 before, but not a .22. Obviously, there was very little recoil, but that actually made it pretty fun to shoot, I could just pop shots off pretty quickly while still hitting a relatively tight group down range, being an infrequent shooter.

On the other hand, I really liked the P226 with the E2 grip update. I like how it shot, how it felt, and how it sat in my hands. I didn't like the M&P at all; I didn't like the grip nor the trigger and I couldn't shoot it for the life of me. The Beretta was alright, didn't feel like it was anything special.

The best part though was shooting my friend's 1911. Holy hell, that gun was fun. Despite having never shot a 1911 before, and usually doing terrible with .45 guns (I'm not really used to the bang or the recoil since I don't ever shoot them), that 1911 was really easy to shoot accurately, it sat nicely in my hand, and the trigger broke really cleanly; the pull was light and short. I recognize that there are many different kinds of 1911 out there, and that there are a lot of modifications available, but I really enjoyed that particular 1911. I would definitely like to own a 1911 at some point in the future.
I like the P226 with the old grips, but I really like the Sig Sauer P226 with the E2 grips and that puts the weapon over the top for me. The weapon is one of the pistols I really want to buy. The only thing that has stopped me from buying one is the price tag. Sig Sauer is very proud of the weapon and rightfully so, but my wallet does not want to cough up that much money at once.
Yeah, same here. Growing up, Sig was the handgun I sort of looked up to growing up. When it came to purchasing my first handgun, I was thinking around $400-range. :P As you two already know, I settled for Glock 17, which I'm very happy with.

Little bit surprised that M&P didn't feel good in the hands. Some guns, if you shoot enough, I think you sort of figure out the right grip. What really surprised me was the Springfield 1911. I think the Springfield is the lower priced 1911? I hate blingy Kimbers, but I do like the no-frill gunmetal gray 1911's. I believe strongly that I will be a way better shot with a 9mm(still developing). But I'm not gonna lie, .45's are blast to shoot. It is just so much fun! :embarrassed: But I digress...... with the .45's, I don't like that *cha-ching* sound it makes every time you fire it anyway. :lol:

Glock 26, Glock 21, 1911, .357 revolver, Walther P38..... God, so much nice guns out there, but not enough money, or not enough hands to shoot them!

Edit: How much were the rentals?
I really enjoyed the P226, I would say, much more so than when I shot it last time. However, I guess the one I shot previously was a poorly maintained piece of crap.

The rentals were pretty reasonable. Since we rented guns with 2 different calibers, I think it was $15 for unlimited gun swaps (ie. you can shoot as many different guns as you want). If we stuck with just one caliber, then I think it's $10 for unlimited amount of gun swaps within the same caliber. This is in addition to the lane rental fee and ammo that we had to buy, of course.

Sigh, I want a gun. I think I'll get one... soon.
Not my own guns, but an example of a friends who legally owns them in the UK.



He joked this Xmas how his parents refused to get him a Nerf gun as a kid as it was too dangerous, but they bought him re-loading kit this Xmas. :lol:
I still want a compact, carry-type handgun, but I think Glock 26 is out. I like Glock, I believe in Glock, but it is just so much more damn money. While $499 is very reasonable, other guns, while much uglier, are going for around $300! Last straw I think are the ads for cheapo .357 Magnums(revolvers, of course) I just saw....... $300 or less! Yeah, I think G26 is out. :(
He joked this Xmas how his parents refused to get him a Nerf gun as a kid as it was too dangerous, but they bought him re-loading kit this Xmas. :lol:

That is even more ridiculous considering the country you guys are in. How awesome! :lol:👍
I had a go on my cousin's Air rifle yesterday, I don't know the name but I do know its Air powered and lethal!

The scope is fully adjustable and the cross hairs glow red or green, it's nuts!
Well my first ever shot on it I hit a squirrel and it died instantly, the scope makes the target so big you can't miss, it's as acurate as it is lethal!

*Disclaimer, the squirrel's are a major problem and are currently being Culled, my cousin works on a golf course and is licenced
Some of those air rifles are deadly. 1000fps would be hell to get hit by.

They go faster than that. It's around 1,250 fps pushing a 8-9gr. pellet. Very decent stuff. It should kill rabbits, birds, gofers, rats and the like with just one shot.