probably the only tack from any gt series ill ever get to drive on...and i of course have driven it, just not at racing speeds. heres a little sample of the only track from gt ill ever see in person...
The start finish is on
Alaskan Way. (A surface street version of State Highway 99.) We parallel the Alaskan Way Viaduct which is the bypass through the city. The slight left turn takes us past the ferry dock and under a footbridge that allows pedestrians to hop on a ferry. Although it empties into a 2 story McDonalds before the ferry terminal. The arches have been mysteriously left out of the game. The sharp right-hander uses Marion Street briefly before we are taken under the Alaskan Way Viaduct. It's important to know, underneath the viaduct is not really a road, instead its about a mile and a half of parking spaces. The quick uphill left puts us on Yesler Way. It also takes us right by the restaraunt I went to for Senior Prom in high school.
next left takes us up James Street. The road seems steeper in real life, yet I'm not too sure I want to see if I can get as much air as I can in GT4. That 90-degree right forces us onto 5th Ave, southbound towards Yesler again. We cross Yesler and take the next group of right handers to South Washington Street and then Prefontaine Place. Whether or not it's noticed in the game, Prefontaine is a pretty narrow street. You'd be crazy to go over 50 down it. A left back onto Yesler before the hairpin onto 2nd Ave.
We're actually going over train tracks and a train station as we make the
slight right which puts us on 4th Ave. We pass the start of I-90 as well as Qwest field (Go Hawks!) as we we prepare for the
right hander that takes us by Safeco Field. (I am a Seahawks fan, but the Mariners can suck it.) As you can see, there is no room for a chicane of any sort here. The original manifestation of the Seattle Circuit was created pre-Qwest Field, and pre-Exhibition Center, as you see there. The original right-left, left-right combos would have taken you through the Kingdome parking lot, but I'm but certain. We are now on South Royal Brougham Way.
All thats left is the final right hander and the
chicane. We're back under the Viaduct, racing through what is essentially a parking lot. I can only hypothosize about where the chicane actually is. The only street is too far down Alaskan way for it to be what is actually used in the game. The front stretch wouldn't be nearly long enough. So I assume that on of the many "alleys" or driveways, even, were used as part of the chicane. There should aslo be some railroad tracks that we fly over in the game that have been omitted as they were omitted from the very first corner taking us under the Viaduct.
I didn't put this is race report, because it's not a race report. It's a track report. Unless there isn't a difference...