Reasons to buy gt6

  • Thread starter YUBOY7
Forza 5 may be that game, but I'm hopeful that GT6 is too. It has come out in discussions with Kaz and other Polyphony folk that there will be a hard core mode in GT6, which hopefully is the basis for videos like this one. Because it looks FREAKING REAL!!@1 :D
Poliphony will just try to appeal the mass simcade market over and over again. There will not be flag rules, mechanical failures, black flags for running backwards, or stuff like that. GT6 will keep arcade features like car becoming "ghost" in online racing or temporary penalizations for corner cutting and that's it.

Do not expect fully adjustable FOV either. Or the option to remove in game steering wheel, so people with a triple screen setup can perfectily match 1:1 visual. Like this:

I must say that you're, dare I say it, tenacious. :lol:

I wouldn't be so sure of your predictions for GT6. On damage, yes, Kaz has admitted that not much is going on there. Though I will have to admit that in Forza, I love the damage, while in GT5 I don't miss it all that much. I adjust pretty quickly to both sides of the divide. The statements of what's coming for online racing in GT6 indicate that you may not be as right as you think. As with all things GT, we'll see. ;)

In the meantime, I have to take a long nap and see if I can enjoy some birthday time before I have to make a high strung Jewish musician happy in the studio tonight. Last time, it almost became dire.

Anyhow, peace out, and no more "silly board politics" for a while.
I must say that you're, dare I say it, tenacious. :lol:
I wouldn't be so sure of your predictions for GT6. On damage, yes, Kaz has admitted that not much is going on there. Though I will have to admit that in Forza, I love the damage, while in GT5 I don't miss it all that much. I adjust pretty quickly to both sides of the divide. The statements of what's coming for online racing in GT6 indicate that you may not be as right as you think. As with all things GT, we'll see. ;)
I'm saying that because in 15 years it hasn't been the case. Hope you are right, everyone would love a full sim on console though.
In the meantime, I have to take a long nap and see if I can enjoy some birthday time before I have to make a high strung Jewish musician happy in the studio tonight. Last time, it almost became dire.

Anyhow, peace out, and no more "silly board politics" for a while.
Happy birthday!!! And peace.
With hd tvs the frame drops are not like in the past when on a crt tv a drop will mean half of the original framerate to sync in multiples with the tv Hz (60 ntsc and 50 pal), so from 60fps to 30fps, and from 30 fps to 15fps. That was very noticeable. In hd tvs the drops can be dynamic to any framerate and is not much noticeable except if the lows are very lows and the game becomes choppy to render, not the case with the demo.

Um... no? That has everything to do with whether a game in question uses older forms of V-Sync in its rendering and nothing at all to do with the type of monitor you are using.
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Don't pay atention. The framerate have never been a worrying issue in the demo, there are players more sensitive to lower than 60fps framerates but even in cockpit view and at 1080p (the worst case scenario) the game is smooth and playable with 48fps at the worst. Most console games still render at 30fps. With hd tvs the frame drops are not like in the past when on a crt tv a drop will mean half of the original framerate to sync in multiples with the tv Hz (60 ntsc and 50 pal), so from 60fps to 30fps, and from 30 fps to 15fps. That was very noticeable. In hd tvs the drops can be dynamic to any framerate and is not much noticeable except if the lows are very lows and the game becomes choppy to render, not the case with the demo.

Also in 720p and 1080i modes the demo run almost at fixed 60fps, same as with 1080p in first person and external view. What to say... this is drama-planet.
I would have to disagree, the variable frame-rate in GTA is more than noticeable, particularly in 1080P and cockpit view.

It is however not a final build and I hope that it can be better resolved for the final release, but as it stands in GTA its not going to be acceptable for a lot of people.

One of them is an autocrossing/racing relative of mine who shall remain nameless because he has a presence on the net and doesn't want to get bogged down in my "silly board politics." He insists that in spite of all the numerous sims and claims about which game is better, GT5 is just about as close to reality as he cares about right now, and when he races around in the 240SX in GT5, it's remarkably similar to the behavior of his real life 240SX. He also owns a Sentra GT as his daily driver and current occasional racing car, and since there isn't one quite like it in GT5, he decided to kick around in Forza one day when I offered him a run, and he bought the Sentra in it. He had a blast, though he kind of loved it but didn't. He pointed out things one game did better than the other, but boiled down, he preferred the drive in GT5 because the cars react in ways more like he expects them to.
Preference I have no issue at all with, that plenty of people prefer GT5 over 'insert sim/game X' is not an issue. Its when that opinion gets presented as unsupported fact that I tend to respond.

He also said something I'd been meaning to bring up, but he's such a fast talker and so authoritative on so many subjects, it's hard to remember everything. In any case, he mentioned a couple of things. One being that if you took the inputs to a racing game and fed them into an identical real car, they would likely wig it out and wreck it because you have to temper how you want to drive a car with how its reacting in real time to your control of it. And a whole ton of sensory response is missing when you try and force a virtual car in its own little world to do what you want it to. Sure, GT5 isn't perfect, but then no game is, and the number of people who can explain just exactly why cars in GT5 act wrong is a tiny fraction of the mass of online critics.
Its a good point and a rather obvious one, however you are right it gets missed by a good number of people.

It also supports a point I have made a number of time in other threads, the one raised by thos who state a wheel is needed to judge physics and is also the be all and end all. At the end of the day a wheel is a better input method, but its not the same as a real car.

Another is that most of GT5's critics are arguing without any real world basis to substantiate from. Rather than being practicing racers, autocrossers or whatever, they base their judgment on what other videogames do, and that's just arguing on which dumbed down version of reality they're used to, rather than which one is more realistic.
A very valid point again, however I have to say that in my own experience (and as you know I have a far bit in this regard) the main people who use a title as a benchmark rather than using reality tend to be those who favour GT.

"I've had a number of times when I thought my car in real life should have done one thing, and it did something completely off the wall. And it didn't matter how much I knew or what experience I had, the car knows way more than I do about the laws of physics. So you might as well forget all this board nonsense and just enjoy your game. Unless you're an automotive engineer with a PhD or the reincarnation of Richard Burns, you're wasting your time because board debates are usually nothing more than a contest to see who's Truth Schwartz sounds bigger." So right! :lol:
Sorry but on this point I don't agree. As long as someone is willing to use reality as a benchmark and also put the time and effort in to learn and understand the physics involved then they can get involved and contribute.

As a (well worn) example, you don't need an engineering degree to know that the lack of torque steer on launch in GT5 is a wrong. The ability to observe it in a real car (youtube will do that well enough) and a quick look at the physics involved (pick up a copy of Going Faster or use any of MIT's open source engineering lectures or ask someone who knows) will do the job.

Now you would be right that not all areas are as black and white, but that doesn't mean that a discussion on them can be had.

Just to reiterate for the skimmers or quick to forget, I KNOW that GT5 isn't perfect, because it doesn't behave absolutely like cars do in the real world, though outside of a few points, there are a lot of fuzzy areas in which the distinctions aren't so clear. But just to reiterate something else, you can insist that GT5 has so many holes in the physics engine that you can't have a solid racing experience in it, and you need a PC sim for that, but I'm not the only one who disagrees with that.
I would second that, GT5 can be great fun at at times and the main thing that gets in the way of the racing experience is the AI more than anything else. However putting aside what it does well and the fuzzy areas and you are left with some quite serious issues that are worth looking at. These areas are also serious enough that they should be raised and discussed, and are serious enough that PD themselves have acknowledge that they are worth of being the prime development areas for the GT5 physics engine.

That in itself is enough validation for me in regard to the number of times I have raised these issues, and does put some of the objections (and at times abuse) I have gotten over the years for doing so in place. I honestly have lost count of the number of times I have been told I was wrong/stupid/biased/lying/etc. for addressing the issues in the tyre, suspension and aero physics of GT5, mainly by people using GT5 as a benchmark.
There's no "real game's graphics." in a heavily modded game. It changes slowly, mod after mod, texture update after texture update, track after track, plugin after plugin.

We can say the "real game's graphics" is what your PC is capable of and what you've installed in your HDD.

Okay then, official graphics.
Okay then, official graphics.

"Vanilla" is the usual term, as far as I've seen. Obviously, that's the popular term, far from official itself.

Even if GT were able to be openly modded in such a way, I doubt useful comparisons could still be made based on some pretence of "potential" inherent within the rendering pipeline and I/O / filesystem handling etc. It really is what you do with it that counts.

The mod-ability of PC games in general is a great thing, but that doesn't overshadow the developmental decisions and compromises made (often against cost / time constraints) for the "vanilla" games, which is all we can really compare directly when talking about console games.
"Vanilla" is the usual term, as far as I've seen. Obviously, that's the popular term, far from official itself.

Even if GT were able to be openly modded in such a way, I doubt useful comparisons could still be made based on some pretence of "potential" inherent within the rendering pipeline and I/O / filesystem handling etc. It really is what you do with it that counts.

The mod-ability of PC games in general is a great thing, but that doesn't overshadow the developmental decisions and compromises made (often against cost / time constraints) for the "vanilla" games, which is all we can really compare directly when talking about console games.
I choose vanilla console games, because my PC's graphics card is by no means high standard. The cpu on the other hand...:D...good enough.
Excuse my interruption, but isn't this supposed to be a "reasons to buy gt6" thread?there are plenty of other threads with the negatives (or opinions of such)

it seems to me (especially with this generation of gamers/drivers) that we ate wayyy to bent on impression....if a few things here and there don't satisfy you, then all of a sudden the entire piece is trash, and that notion spills into other topics of discussion regarding the one is going to build a product that satisfies everyone, but at the same time you have to look at yourself when you can't even find one positive thing to say about a series that YOU obviously take interest in (this IS gtplanet).

I for one have already pre ordered gt6 because
I love the new physics engine (if you don't, that's YOUR opinion)
GT has always had a great car and track selection
I am excited for the New coursemaker
It's a new spec mode to conquer with new challenges

Now, back off topic guys 👍
Excuse my interruption, but isn't this supposed to be a "reasons to buy gt6" thread?there are plenty of other threads with the negatives (or opinions of such)

it seems to me (especially with this generation of gamers/drivers) that we ate wayyy to bent on impression....if a few things here and there don't satisfy you, then all of a sudden the entire piece is trash, and that notion spills into other topics of discussion regarding the one is going to build a product that satisfies everyone, but at the same time you have to look at yourself when you can't even find one positive thing to say about a series that YOU obviously take interest in (this IS gtplanet).

I for one have already pre ordered gt6 because
I love the new physics engine (if you don't, that's YOUR opinion)
GT has always had a great car and track selection
I am excited for the New coursemaker
It's a new spec mode to conquer with new challenges

Now, back off topic guys 👍

Members are free to discuss both positives and negatives in regard to a subject and if the staff feel a thread is being taken too far off topic then they will deal with that.

Your input on the thread is appreciated, your 'moderation' is not. Next time please use the report button and let the staff determine is action is required.
I would have to disagree, the variable frame-rate in GTA is more than noticeable, particularly in 1080P and cockpit view.

It is however not a final build and I hope that it can be better resolved for the final release, but as it stands in GTA its not going to be acceptable for a lot of people.
That's fine, I also disagree with you a lot of times. Not all the people gives the same importance to the same things: framerate, tearing, resolution, etc, same with the physics aspects, also exist a tendence to exagerate the reality in personal terms more often in the bads than the goods. After all the noise everyone would expect very bad framerates results in those analysis but ended in another case of too much forum drama and is not that bad. But despite the results I'm sure that the same people will continue the trend forever like if was a critical issue instead of anecdotical and very located.

Lot of people = a few groups of vocal people, not a lot of % of the community. Sometimes too much forum time deforms the perception of the reality.

(even at 1080p in cockpit view reducing the screen size in the preferences solves the 48fps "problem", Digital Foundry analysis have never been very complete)
I tried both resolution. I think there was a stutter in 1080P cockpit view but that is something that can be fixed for retail version. In 3rd person view or first person I think there is no stutter as well. Even if game runs 55fps how can it be a problem :confused: when 99% of racing games are 30fps.
I've always wondered if people actually come here for reasons to buy GT6.

:lol: last time I checked, the name of the thread was "Reasons to buy GT6", not "reasons why this pc sim is 3853% better than GT6 is because it consistently plays at 30 fps where GT6 starts at 60fps and goes down to 45 fps"
(even at 1080p in cockpit view reducing the screen size in the preferences solves the 48fps "problem", Digital Foundry analysis have never been very complete)

What is reducing the screen size? I'm assuming it's not physical screen size, because that makes no difference at all, and reducing the pixel dimensions would give you something that was no longer 1080p.
What is reducing the screen size? I'm assuming it's not physical screen size, because that makes no difference at all, and reducing the pixel dimensions would give you something that was no longer 1080p.

Display option - screen size - reducing this to low 90% and use TV's stretch zoom function could reduce the frame rate issues. On my TV using 96% and zoom function yield virtually the same image quality, no one can tell the difference, at least on my tv :D
I use 1080p, sharpen on the image quality at 93% and I haven't really noticed a framerate issue.... but then again I've never played the game focusing only on fps
I use 1080p, sharpen on the image quality at 93% and I haven't really noticed a framerate issue.... but then again I've never played the game focusing only on fps

You do realise "sharpen" does absolutely nothing on HDTVs?

Its for SDTV!
That's fine, I also disagree with you a lot of times. Not all the people gives the same importance to the same things: framerate, tearing, resolution, etc, same with the physics aspects, also exist a tendence to exagerate the reality in personal terms more often in the bads than the goods. After all the noise everyone would expect very bad framerates results in those analysis but ended in another case of too much forum drama and is not that bad. But despite the results I'm sure that the same people will continue the trend forever like if was a critical issue instead of anecdotical and very located.
You may be quite happy to accept the drops in frame-rate, or you may not notice them (after all you failed to tell the difference between a Lexus LFA and a LFA Nurburgring and have claimed GT5 as able to manage 1080P in the rain).

That however doesn't change the objective fact that both GT5 and GTA have framerate drops and its not only noticeable but measurable, and measurable enough for PD to issue updates to try and minimise it (in the case of GT5). So while you may be quite happy to accept it, I'm rather thankful that PD are not.

Quite frankly if PD were to not bother to work on the areas of GT5 that you quite happily gloss over then I hate to think what we would end up with for GT6.

Lot of people = a few groups of vocal people, not a lot of % of the community. Sometimes too much forum time deforms the perception of the reality.
The reality is that the variable frame rate exists and that doesn't change based on the number of people that it affects. That you have a lower standard in this area is not really my issue. The difference I see is that if PD manage a lock 60fs I will be very happy, however it could get down to a 'flick-book' crawl (and with 3D and rain its does) and you woudl still claim its not a problem.

(even at 1080p in cockpit view reducing the screen size in the preferences solves the 48fps "problem", Digital Foundry analysis have never been very complete)
Then its not 1080p is it!

Please feel free to supply an alternate source that supplies a more detailed breakdown and analysis that DF. Keeping in mind that they already cover changes in output resolution, which does improve, but not remove totally the frame rate issues.

Either that or take DF's analysis and refute it point by point, because all I'm hearing from you right now is denial of something that exists.

The bad news is that the re-balancing isn't quite as successful as we would have hoped. 1080p performance is far more variable compared to Gran Turismo 5, with smoothness visibly compromised by slowdown and judder - issues which are more prevalent when using the external chase cam and cockpit viewpoints and when transparent alpha effects (smoke and particles) are in play. Performance in the cockpit view is particularly worrying, with some regularly heavy drops in smoothness genuinely spoiling the gameplay experience when played this way.

The closest thing we have to a cure-all for these issues is to disengage 1080p resolution on the PlayStation 3 XMB and downgrade to the 720p display mode. Outside of a few dips in frame-rate caused by the appearance of alpha-based effects, GT6 manages to deliver a very solid experience in 720p, minus some occasional judder when the engine is being put under load. The use of different viewpoints has little impact on smoothness and for the most part we are looking at a mostly locked 60FPS update - cockpit view still has a hit on frame-rate, but it's nowhere near as pronounced as it is in the 1080p mode.

On the plus side, the tearing seen in GT5 is almost completely gone: tearing appears only in the very top line, so it's completely unnoticeable during play (and culled from our analysis video as a consequence). On the one hand, it's a very welcome enhancement to GT6 - screen-tear was noticeable and annoying in the last game. However, the flipside of this is that the fluidity of the experience is definitely compromised - if the engine fails to render a frame in time for the beginning of the display's vertical refresh, the update effectively stalls for anything up to 16ms until the screen refreshes again.

At 720p resolution, this doesn't happen quite so often but in 1080p mode, it happens a lot, resulting in very noticeable, distracting judder. In our video performance comparisons, we should also point out that GT5 is handling 16 cars up against GT6's six - and in many cases, it's clearly the increased car count that causes the drop in frame-rate in the older game. We can't help but wonder how much further the performance gap would widen if both games were handling the same number of vehicles on-screen at any given point.

Source -

Of course according to you only a few of us can actually notice this and its not a big deal at all!
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After all the noise everyone would expect very bad framerates results in those analysis but ended in another case of too much forum drama and is not that bad.

So, 48fps in a 60fps game where the engine is barely stressed is not bad? It's good that you're fine with it but stop taking your opinion for fact.

But despite the results I'm sure that the same people will continue the trend forever like if was a critical issue instead of anecdotical and very located.

Probably the same way *other* people would continue saying it's fine even if the game was running at 20fps. I also fail to see how responsiveness is not a critical issue in a racing game.
Anyway, look at the FM4. it's just a better FM3, with slightly improved graphics and features. No significant improvements like adding weather/time or improve physics. And even though this, I've never heard somebody bull****ting that FM4 is just FM3.5 so stop bitching people.

GT6 is improved in almost certainly all ways over GT5. That's the reason.

Now shut up and go pre-order it! :lol:
Anyway, look at the FM4. it's just a better FM3, with slightly improved graphics and features. No significant improvements like adding weather/time or improve physics. And even though this, I've never heard somebody bull****ting that FM4 is just FM3.5 so stop bitching people.

GT6 is improved in almost certainly all ways over GT5. That's the reason.

Now shut up and go pre-order it! :lol:

They did actually. It happens with pretty much every game series that follows on with numbers, actually.
Lord Protector
Anyway, look at the FM4. it's just a better FM3, with slightly improved graphics and features. No significant improvements like adding weather/time or improve physics. And even though this, I've never heard somebody bull****ting that FM4 is just FM3.5 so stop bitching people.

GT6 is improved in almost certainly all ways over GT5. That's the reason.

Now shut up and go pre-order it! :lol:

You mean apart from a totally revised tyre model in FM4?
You may be quite happy to accept the drops in frame-rate, or you may not notice them (after all you failed to tell the difference between a Lexus LFA and a LFA Nurburgring and have claimed GT5 as able to manage 1080P in the rain).

That however doesn't change the objective fact that both GT5 and GTA have framerate drops and its not only noticeable but measurable, and measurable enough for PD to issue updates to try and minimise it (in the case of GT5). So while you may be quite happy to accept it, I'm rather thankful that PD are not.

Quite frankly if PD were to not bother to work on the areas of GT5 that you quite happily gloss over then I hate to think what we would end up with for GT6.

The reality is that the variable frame rate exists and that doesn't change based on the number of people that it affects. That you have a lower standard in this area is not really my issue. The difference I see is that if PD manage a lock 60fs I will be very happy, however it could get down to a 'flick-book' crawl (and with 3D and rain its does) and you woudl still claim its not a problem.

Then its not 1080p is it!

Please feel free to supply an alternate source that supplies a more detailed breakdown and analysis that DF. Keeping in mind that they already cover changes in output resolution, which does improve, but not remove totally the frame rate issues.

Either that or take DF's analysis and refute it point by point, because all I'm hearing from you right now is denial of something that exists.

Source -

Of course according to you only a few of us can actually notice this and its not a big deal at all!
Wow what a rage...

I'm not missing nothing. Maybe you expect a 180º degree change in the car character betwen the stock LFA and the Nur edition but I don't. If you can prove the contrary and knows some video or proof of a LFA with the same Forza's characteristics pointed by the reviewer but in real life let us know. Also I would add that maybe you are missing how the reviewer is talking in general about supercars and how the expected driving is not accurately replicated in the game, the same at the edge reactions that you would expect in a supercar at high speeds, not those controlable slides every time he turns. I guess he never experienced that in real life on a similar car.

Yes the demo is not locked to 60 fps but as I said not all people are such dramatic about that, specially given the overall good results. You have a lot of examples in this thread, I guess you would not discuss will all them to how wrong they are to not see these things massive under a magnifying glass. But yes it would be better locked at 60fps, who would deny that?

You have no problem playing Forza games at 720p but lowering a little the 1080p resolution of GT in order to fix something that bothers you is a big deal? At times don't understand you Scaff. Is your standard higher in GT than in other games?

DF in a frametate analysis should had check that, they forget all the same aspects in GT5. Also they recomend a 720p mode that is worse in the demo both in performance and visually than 1080i (not checked also). If you have that lower standard in these reviews is not really my issue. :)
GT6 in 720p isn't an absolute fix for the frame rate issues, FM4 has locked 60 fps no matter what, you could get into a big crash with multiple cars and parts flying around and it wouldn't drop a single frame. Plus, 720p mode in GT6 has untolerable aliasing and everything looks blurry at the same time. So you have to choose the way you want to be screwed that hurts less than the other.
PD are masters in graphics they know what is the best thing to do. Forza graphics are not that good and 99% people do not notice what handful people are noticing drop in fps. I bet if there were no numbers as evidence. 99.5% would not be able to tell either

So, 48fps in a 60fps game where the engine is barely stressed is not bad? It's good that you're fine with it but stop taking your opinion for fact.

Probably the same way *other* people would continue saying it's fine even if the game was running at 20fps. I also fail to see how responsiveness is not a critical issue in a racing game.

LMAO. That is the point 30fps are ok then how come 50fps is not. Also 20fps and 48fps is like day and night lol. Also this is not retail version. There is no crowds, some graphics affect I guess are also missing and optimization etc. This is more like beta version. Compare this to GT5A. There is huge improvements
It's not the framerate, it's the drops, for many people it's distracting to drop from 60fps to 40fps, even if it is 10fps more than many games. It's the drop that's the issue.

Also you do realise with your last point those things only make the framerate worse?
Currently, I am playing Ferrari The Race Experience at 1080p, finishing Classic Career with 288 GTO - little champ, no assists ( no TC, SC or ABS ) and AI on legend ( haven't tried dynamic - I hate rubber band ).

It has some fluctuation in fps, the game is running at 30fps, no tearing but the frame rate do drop at times, since I use only cockpit view, when in the rain - and 15 cars at the front - frame drop imminent ( around 20fps ). But I can still play it and getting 1st even when starting from last. The game is surprisingly playable with 30fps, a stark contrast to GT5 that I played hours earlier with 60fps. The physics is top notch, wet racing is nerve racking, steering still responsive even with frame drop, I like it better than FM4 that I played again since he's insisting to have a match - couple of days at a friend's place. Ferrari TRE is one unique sim, not sure if this good because of Bruno Senna :lol:

So, I just wanted to say that I can tolerate some frame drop, as long as it's not affecting how I drive badly. I doubt GT6 would suffer much due to unstable frame rate, if it never goes below 50fps, frame rate wise, I won't mind :D

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