Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
Trying not to do a double post but as I was entering the outback festival in my gt3 rs this happened

The car did a endo before entering the festival :lol: it wasn't a one time thing either I tried re entering the festival and it kept doing it.
Trying not to do a double post but as I was entering the outback festival in my gt3 rs this happened

The car did a endo before entering the festival :lol: it wasn't a one time thing either I tried re entering the festival and it kept doing it.

I have the same issue with Noble M600 on the same festival site.
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The car did a endo before entering the festival :lol: it wasn't a one time thing either I tried re entering the festival and it kept doing it.
Has happened multiple times with my Porsche aswell. :lol:

Thought it was a one time glitch because I entered a bit too quickly when sliding into the festival site, but nope.
Get ready for complaining, and a wall of text... Are you ready? Well, too bad.

I've had the game crashing a lot in the last few days. It used to crash occasionally while entering a festival hub, but now it crashes at complete random. It's not a real issue though as it isn't constant, but it's still annoying.

The second thing is a bug that's been in the game for quite awhile now. You go into the storefront for designs, you make a custom search (Because all of the recommended ones are bad... As always.), and the menu disappears... And you are just perpetually in this no man's land menu. You can't go back, you can't go forward. It's like the supermarket checkouts the day before a public holiday. It does the same thing in the Auction house too. The only way out is to restart the game. It could be a problem with my internet, but who knows.

But it's not all bad, I'm now going to complain with a positive point! You see, the Groove music function was, and still is broken. Infact, FH3's Groove music function is the worst music player I've ever come across. The point of a music player is to A: Play music. And B: Maintain a consistent volume. This does neither. However, with the new XBox update, the Groove app has a volume slider, which it didn't before. Or I just couldn't find it because it was laid out really badly. Either way, now I can just use that, and it's great, I can finally listen to music I want to listen to within the console.

And lastly, on a frustrating but also less than mildly comical note: Yesterday I was driving along, and I finally clicked to the vision of Horizon. I stopped treating the roads so much like a race track battlefield destruction derby-ish thing, and just respected that the drivatars won't crash into me if I just accept their existence. So I enjoyed the next two minutes of gameplay.

And then I was driving the Tesla for the first time, and I saw about eight drivatars in BMWs trying to get past a large group of cars on the highway, it was like watching a bunch of sheep trying to navigate through a revolving door. It was a perfect replication of the BMW stereotype; no indicators; cutting everything off; swerving; scraping.
I had a very strange dream the other night with Motorbikes racing all over the FH3 Australian landscape around the cars :lol: Maybe one day some Motorbikes will turn up in a Forza Expansion, that will be cool.👍
I had a very strange dream the other night with Motorbikes racing all over the FH3 Australian landscape around the cars :lol: Maybe one day some Motorbikes will turn up in a Forza Expansion, that will be cool.👍
Wasn't there data for motorbikes in FM4? So they at least considered it at some point. I guess they found 3 wheels to be the lower limit for the Forza engine lol.
And then I was driving the Tesla for the first time, and I saw about eight drivatars in BMWs trying to get past a large group of cars on the highway, it was like watching a bunch of sheep trying to navigate through a revolving door. It was a perfect replication of the BMW stereotype; no indicators; cutting everything off; swerving; scraping.

Or a perfect replication of the Forza driver stereotype, for that matter. They didn't drive like that in the first week of the game!
That goes to show that it's not Drivatars that don't work, but it's the underlying concept which is flawed. They even had to introduce a "limit aggression" option on the Motorsport games to avoid the Drivatars divebombing you at corner 1, which is exactly what happens on a public lobby (and you have to wonder how respectfully people who have no problem with throwing you, a human person off the track will drive against a bunch of AIs).
Or a perfect replication of the Forza driver stereotype, for that matter. They didn't drive like that in the first week of the game!
That goes to show that it's not Drivatars that don't work, but it's the underlying concept which is flawed. They even had to introduce a "limit aggression" option on the Motorsport games to avoid the Drivatars divebombing you at corner 1, which is exactly what happens on a public lobby (and you have to wonder how respectfully people who have no problem with throwing you, a human person off the track will drive against a bunch of AIs).

You're right, though it's generally before turn 1 nowadays. :lol: Maybe if there was an option to limit the pool of drivatars to friends/mutual friends, or something. Or an option to get rid of free roam drivatars entirely (which would be fine if it wasn't for the silly drivatar line-up thing). I think the game needs more options for these things, because there's just a few niggling issues in the game that aren't really bugs, but just game design decisions.
Huh. That was weird. I was playing last night. After about 15 minutes I won a BMW M4 in a wheel spin. I went to the Outback hub so I could put it up for auction, but it didn't appear in my cars. In fact it only showed about 50 cars in my garage, even though I have over 500. I went into my garage to see what was going on. Entire car classes were missing. Hypercars, modern supercars, hot hatches, etc, etc. The only cars I had in my garage were older cars. The newest car was a 94 Renault Clio Williams, I think. All my Porsches were gone. ALL MY PORSCHES WERE GONE. I checked the Autoshow, and all the same cars were missing. Only the three oldest Chevys were available in the Autoshow. I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I shut the game down, unplugged the console, waited a minute, fired it up, and everything came back. So yay for it all coming back, but boo for it all disappearing in the first place.

P.S. I finally auctioned off the M4. Someone bought it out for 51,000cr.
Huh. That was weird. I was playing last night. After about 15 minutes I won a BMW M4 in a wheel spin. I went to the Outback hub so I could put it up for auction, but it didn't appear in my cars. In fact it only showed about 50 cars in my garage, even though I have over 500. I went into my garage to see what was going on. Entire car classes were missing. Hypercars, modern supercars, hot hatches, etc, etc. The only cars I had in my garage were older cars. The newest car was a 94 Renault Clio Williams, I think. All my Porsches were gone. ALL MY PORSCHES WERE GONE. I checked the Autoshow, and all the same cars were missing. Only the three oldest Chevys were available in the Autoshow. I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I shut the game down, unplugged the console, waited a minute, fired it up, and everything came back. So yay for it all coming back, but boo for it all disappearing in the first place.

P.S. I finally auctioned off the M4. Someone bought it out for 51,000cr.

Do you normally put the console into standby or shut off completely? The full power cycle usually solves the random strangeness people are experiencing, hence I avoid leaving the console in standby.
Do you normally put the console into standby or shut off completely? The full power cycle usually solves the random strangeness people are experiencing, hence I avoid leaving the console in standby.
I always hit the XBox button, then select turn off console when I'm done.
In Byron Bay and Surfers Paradise, I got 3 stars on every PR Stunt, did every bucket list, discovered every beauty spot, and smashed every bonus board (including that pesky 20,000 XP board on the Twelve Apostles). All I have to do now is finish the championships and street races I have left in these areas and I'll have the whole east side of the map cleared out. Then I'll do the same in Yarra Valley and then the Outback.

It's weird. Ever since I started the game again from the beginning, I've been more motivated to do everything in it.

I always hit the XBox button, then select turn off console when I'm done.

I don't know if this something to do with it, but I always quit the game first before shutting off the console and I have yet to encounter any weird glitches.