Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul


Just wondering since you have the Dev Build, have you been able to do any research into the game's tuning and physics? I'm sure tuners would love to gain some insight on how to "unlock" the true potential of a car and seeing something in the backend may help with that.
I always hit the XBox button, then select turn off console when I'm done.

Ok. Strange issue you had there but least it's working again.

I don't know if this something to do with it, but I always quit the game first before shutting off the console and I have yet to encounter any weird glitches.

Same here, except Forzathon not working at one point until I rebooted the console after a system software update.

Just wondering since you have the Dev Build, have you been able to do any research into the game's tuning and physics? I'm sure tuners would love to gain some insight on how to "unlock" the true potential of a car and seeing something in the backend may help with that.

I'm afraid I wouldn't know hwo to answer something so open-ended, is there anything specific you'd want to know?
I'm afraid I wouldn't know hwo to answer something so open-ended, is there anything specific you'd want to know?
Is there anything in the tuning or upgrade menus regarding "increasing grip" or "increasing lateral G".

Are there any tools or options present to show how the PI of a car is calculated?
I'm afraid I wouldn't know hwo to answer something so open-ended, is there anything specific you'd want to know?
I personally would love to know if cars with active aero have a preset downforce value applied to their rear spoiler, like some cars do on GTA V (T20, RE-7B, etc.).
Is there anything in the tuning or upgrade menus regarding "increasing grip" or "increasing lateral G".

Are there any tools or options present to show how the PI of a car is calculated?

PI seems to still be the old "send it around an invisible track" system:

The variables that didn't fit on the menu are simple the Acceleration/Speed/Handling ratings.

I personally would love to know if cars with active aero have a preset downforce value applied to their rear spoiler, like some cars do on GTA V (T20, RE-7B, etc.).
I believe active aero is just cosmetic. Every car seems to have a static downforce variable (ie. it's never adjusted in-game, only by tuning parts), and if I force the wing to stay down there's no difference in handling.
I do get a little irked over how much tires affect PI this time around, vs tons of power. And, cars that are already in S2 stock that can't get to 998 just bother me.

After B class things get somewhat more managable tuning wise, but building a competitive D, or C class car is frustrating due to just street tires jumping you 2 classes before any other upgrading.
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Johniwanna (Turn 10 writer, streams on Tuesdays) was in London today and a bunch of us had an evening meal with him. Was fun to shoot the breeze about Forza, cars, games and other stuff for a few hours

Any expansion info?!?! Pretty please. :)
For the last few days, I have been on a quest! "No more will I have to hear suggestions from her," I said. "She cannot tell me what to do," I said! The quest is of course, to make Anna shut up. I first completed the street races, which were misery (thanks, rubberbanding), then I got the last few XP boards; then I completed the exhibitions; then I did all the PR stunts, which saddened me because I had to undo my hard work to get 1 point in a drift zone or two. But that familiar robotic voice came back, it came back every time.

Though I persevered to find out what the worst result was at a danger sign, and I was not disappointed.


Kevin De-groin, your username is quite frankly, incredible.

Turns out you have to get three stars in the PR stunts for her to shut up about it. And it was whilst in the middle of a drift zone where she automatically set my GPS to the start of the same drift zone that I cracked. And today I traverse the world as a broken man, defeated by her annoying voice. I even thought it would be more bearable if I jokingly changed my name to Homie... It didn't work. There is no hope, just PR stunts.
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For the last few days, I have been on a quest! "No more will I have to hear suggestions from her," I said. "She cannot tell me what to do," I said! The quest is of course, to make Anna shut up. I first completed the street races, which were misery (thanks, rubberbanding), then I got the last few XP boards; then I completed the exhibitions; then I did all the PR stunts, which saddened me because I had to undo my hard work to get 1 point in a drift zone or two. But that familiar robotic voice came back, it came back every time.

Though I persevered to find out what the worst result was at a danger sign, and I was not disappointed.

View attachment 643383

Kevin De-groin, you're username is quite frankly, incredible.

Turns out you have to get three stars in the PR stunts for her to shut up about it. And it was whilst in the middle of a drift zone where she automatically set my GPS to the start of the same drift zone that I cracked. And today I traverse the world as a broken man, defeated by her annoying voice. I even thought it would be more bearable if I jokingly changed my name to Homie... It didn't work. There is no hope, just PR stunts.

Not to kick you while you're down, but take it from someone who's done everything expect the championships. She still won't shut up even then, Just reminds you that there's no more fans to earn in Australia every once and a while. :ouch:
Not to kick you while you're down, but take it from someone who's done everything expect the championships. She still won't shut up even then, Just reminds you that there's no more fans to earn in Australia every once and a while. :ouch:

I've done just about everything be it championships, PR Stunts or bucket lists and even everything in Blizzard Mountain and she still blabs on and on and on.
Just the 964 Carrera body parts with what I believe is the Carrera RS wing, same as before. There's also the Yellowbird/930 Le Mans-looking front bumper but I don't think that's new either.

That's a shame. It would have been nice to have another RWB kit - I prefer the kits on the older Porsches. There is a possibility that they'll add a 964 I suppose, though it's unlikely.

Are you able to post any pictures? If you have the time that is.
Just the 964 Carrera body parts with what I believe is the Carrera RS wing, same as before. There's also the Yellowbird/930 Le Mans-looking front bumper but I don't think that's new either.

Is this answer based on the old debug version, or on the latest update? If it's the former, I wouldn't give up hope yet!
That's a shame. It would have been nice to have another RWB kit - I prefer the kits on the older Porsches. There is a possibility that they'll add a 964 I suppose, though it's unlikely.

Are you able to post any pictures? If you have the time that is.
I think I have a few, I'll post some later in my thread.

Is this answer based on the old debug version, or on the latest update? If it's the former, I wouldn't give up hope yet!
I'm not sure actually, I can't remember if I took the latest files from the update. I'll make sure to do it later and re-check.
The map kills the game. Beautiful game but a lot of cars are pointless without twisted and narrow roads. If the next map extension is like this, I'll buy it for sure.

Some medium-long length tracks would be nice as well. Currently it feels like there are really only a handful of tracks.
The map is a little lacking in good road routes. Personally I prefer driving on the road than off it, though I understand that some people are the opposite. Scramble and cross country races in supercars are particularly tedious.

I'd like a few more twisty roads with some proper elevation and camber changes - something that will really make the individual differences of various cars stand out.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to sound like an entitled brat like some of the posters on the official Forza forum (there are some people in need of some real discipline over there) but it would be nice to see some changes. As it stands, Horizon 3 is the best driving game released in recent years for me, but anything can be improved upon.
Having done all of the Rivals routes over the past few months (RIP your inboxes :lol:) I have come to the conclusion that I like the routes more than what was in previous Horizon games. That being said, there are some conclusions to draw from it all:

  1. The vast majority of routes are suited to one type of car, that car being AWD with plenty of power and just enough grip to maintain momentum through the corners.
  2. There are only 3 places where a pure grip car can succeed; 2 of them in the Byron Bay area, 1 in Surfers Paradise. On every other road course the AWD car from [1] will be faster.
  3. In the lower classes, that AWD car from [1] will be fast on pretty much every off-road route except for the tight loops in the Outback. For those your grip car from [2] will work if it's AWD.
  4. You can use the same car for every Cross-Country route unless it's one of the 3 that goes through water in which case you'll need something with higher ground clearance.

I'm halfway through B right now but here is what I've been using in the lower classes up until now:

  1. Alfa Romeo GTA
  2. Meyers Manx Buggy
  3. [1]
  4. [2] except for water where a Holden 50 is faster.
  1. Ford Coupe '40
  2. Honda Civic '97
  3. Polaris RZR 1000
  4. Lotus Eleven
  1. Subaru Legacy '94
  2. Subaru WRX 22B
  3. [1]
  4. Ram Runner

There's a little more variety in optimal car choices in the higher classes, but for the most part you will be using 1-2 cars per class for the majority of race routes.

On top of that you'd need an extra car for Snow if none of your main 4 have off-road tyres.
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I usually don't bother with Rivals events because either everyone just uses the exact same car with a ridiculous setup, or they take it way too personally when I manage to best their time. The amount of hate mail I've gotten could fill an entire recycling plant. I'm not the best driver either. In fact most of the rival events I do are usually the trail runs in a rally-prepped car, just to get that authentic rally feel. It's just on that rare occasion that I actually beat someone's time.
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