Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
I've seen alot of people choose the S15 Silvia online,and I probably will in the real game,but for now I'm having fun with the M4.:)

My first plan was to choose the M4 because i thought it was the same as the early demo the youtubers played , but since it didnt had the wide body kit on it i chose the s15 aswell.



Some more crazy customization options!
Please tell me this is in the demo?
The demo for PC won't be released until launch.

Not sure if this has been posted yet, the GTP front page news article has already been edited, but I couldn't find this piece of information in this thread (or in this subforum), so in case you've only seen the article when it was released ... here you go.

(this is about to become a rant, so if you want a reasonable argument, don't expect anything for the next 2-3 hours)

This. Is. 🤬. Ridiculous. They obviously don't care about the PC market as a player base. Their advice to try out FM6:A is completely stupid and unhelpful - after all, it's not like the whole PC crowd just bought/built their PCs yesterday and had no idea of all the other options that are available.
I also can't understand how people can even defend PG and MS for this decision. It's not just the question of "Can my PC run the game?", it is also a question of "How well will the game run?" or "Is FH3 another confirmation that the UWP is a complete and utter failure and if it wasn't for their exclusives, it would be doomed to fail?".

Sorry for throwing myself in front of the hype train, but I just can't understand their decision. Let's not forget they're trying to win over PC players and we should also take the shoddy and vastly inferior store and the equally awful UWP into consideration.
They can count themselves lucky that they have next to no competition. It's "sink or swim", I guess. (and no, nobody's forcing me to buy the game, but we PC players also want a good non-sim racing game experience for once ...) PC users had to wait until it's the launch day!?


The demo itself? I enjoyed it and had fun just going around, I felt it's longer than the FH2 demo but oh God i love it. :drool:

One moment that freaked me a little bit (:lol:) was the character and name selection. I was thinking for some moment and decided to choose a female character. Then the name selection appeared and the game was pointing right at my real life name. :odd::scared: it took me few seconds until I realised that it used my first name from my microsoft account. :ouch:
Anyone tried the demo with a wheel ? I played it with my TX wheel and it's a disaster. There's almost no ffb on tarmac, even when i set ffb at 100. And apparently i'm not the only one : see official forum
Glad i didn't pre-order yet.
Well my first impressions couldn't be any higher. This isn't just a fun way to spend time, this is a technical masterclass in many ways. Drone cam will allow us to photograph in more versatile ways. I've already used it for pure landscape shots, which has left me salivating for the full game.

The Ute handles like I'd expect a long wheelbase muscle car to handle with no weight over the rear; get it sliding and it's pretty stable, but overcook it and it's gone. The roundabouts in Byron Bay will be hoon central for me. Definitely want to release my inner bogan!
So after seven hours of downloading I finally got to play and... It's utterly Godly. They've just made so many right decisions this time around, in the two hours I spent playing (yeah, seven hours download for two hours play... I'm not insane, I'll play tomorrow when the XBox has had a bit of a break :P) I only found two places I couldn't explore, and that's pretty good! Infact, impressive. And the roads, oh the roads. The dashed paths are the best barely wide enough for one car and keeping you close to crashing into the trees. And having to brake for corners is a new experience after FH2. :lol:

The Maloo is fantastic, and they even gave it in my favourite colour for Holdens since I was like 8. The handling is interesting, everything feels slower than before, but that's a good thing. The cars have more weight, and I'm really enjoying it. The Ariel Nomad is also fantastic, I felt so spoilt after being given the Maloo, and to then drive the Nomad, I am entirely satisfied... And this is only the demo! The Nomad looks like the Sand Shark from Jak 3, which is wicked. And then it's so much fun to drive, though I do think the avatars ought to put on some more waterproof clothes than what they have, I'd imagine they'd be getting a bit wet. It would mess up their perfectly placed hair. :odd:

I have to say, this is the best demo I've ever played, and I can imagine it extending to be one of the best games.
The demo for PC won't be released until launch.

Not sure if this has been posted yet, the GTP front page news article has already been edited, but I couldn't find this piece of information in this thread (or in this subforum), so in case you've only seen the article when it was released ... here you go.

(this is about to become a rant, so if you want a reasonable argument, don't expect anything for the next 2-3 hours)

This. Is. 🤬. Ridiculous. They obviously don't care about the PC market as a player base. Their advice to try out FM6:A is completely stupid and unhelpful - after all, it's not like the whole PC crowd just bought/built their PCs yesterday and had no idea of all the other options that are available.
I also can't understand how people can even defend PG and MS for this decision. It's not just the question of "Can my PC run the game?", it is also a question of "How well will the game run?" or "Is FH3 another confirmation that the UWP is a complete and utter failure and if it wasn't for their exclusives, it would be doomed to fail?".

Sorry for throwing myself in front of the hype train, but I just can't understand their decision. Let's not forget they're trying to win over PC players and we should also take the shoddy and vastly inferior store and the equally awful UWP into consideration.
They can count themselves lucky that they have next to no competition. It's "sink or swim", I guess. (and no, nobody's forcing me to buy the game, but we PC players also want a good non-sim racing game experience for once ...)
I understand your frustration and I'm very keen to try it on my PC as well as my One. However, you will get a chance to try the game before you buy. You'll just have to wait a bit longer to do so. Now I understand you really want to play this game but a little more patience will reward you. I don't think it's really the end of the world.


Have loved every minute of the demo so far and can see this being my favourite game of this gen when it's fully released.
This game is eye candy - I thought Horizon 2 was a good looking game, this blows it out the park. :drool: If Playground Games can make the game look like this on the Xbox One, Imagine what they'll do on the Scorpio... :eek:

I agree with pretty much everyone else on gameplay aspects, PG have probably created one of the best arcade racing games ever! 👍
Managed to play for a short time last night. The opening presentation is pretty incredible and high energy and over the top (I suppose so was FH2) and it really made me excited to explore the whole place. The game is beautiful, first and foremost, I imagine I will be spending a lot of time just cruising around. I picked the Ute because why the hell not, I love those things. Turned off all the assists and did burnouts on the beach, much like I imagine any true Australian would on a Monday afternoon.

I did like to see the Great Ocean Road sign at the start of the road is the same as the real thing, a small detail, but a cool one. I was driving around a section that felt a lot like the real Apollo Bay, although I don't think it really was supposed to be. Another small detail that really impressed me, weirdly, was the ambient sounds when you park in the forest area. Sure, this is a racing game, but nice to see little details like that. Really looking forward to seeing the rest of the place and unlocking more cars. Pre-ordered the game last night too. :cheers:
My first plan was to choose the M4 because i thought it was the same as the early demo the youtubers played , but since it didnt had the wide body kit on it i chose the s15 aswell.
That is precisely why I didn't to be honest,I really dislike body kits,but each to their own.:)
However, you will get a chance to try the game before you buy. You'll just have to wait a bit longer to do so. Now I understand you really want to play this game but a little more patience will reward you. I don't think it's really the end of the world.
Not being able to try the demo for a couple of days isn't the main issue. I am pretty patient, otherwise there'd be a X1 on my desk (okay, part of that is also due to the fact that I'm not bathing in money). I rather fear they're trying to cover up their PC port isn't performing quite as well as expected. This is their first 'complete' release for PC, so one would assume they'd also use the demo to receive feedback (unless they have every possible rig available to them, which is not only a lot of effort, but also a waste of money) from their potential customers. Instead, we're told to 'just wait'. There's something iffy going on, if you ask me.
Telling people to try FM6A isn't the right approach to be honest, since they're completely different games (closed circuits with fixed weather and lighting vs. an open world with differing weather and lighting conditions) and while they might appease hunger of those that are just craving a free racing experience, it still leaves the wishes of those left to be desired that want to know if and how well the game works.

I just don't want this game to go all Batman: Arkham Knight on us PC players. :nervous: Hell, even the fact that we're getting a demo at all is good enough for me, can't remember the last time I've played a demo (not including betas, even though most of them are just that - demos).
Seriously tho, how does Drivatar work in Forza by the way?
The game analyzes how you play and uploads this data to game servers so that other players may download it in order to reproduce your driving behavior through your driving avatar. It's like a mini you having fun in other peoples' games while you work (or game (or sleep)).

I don't know the specifics of that game yet but you'll likely encounter dravatars randomly pulled out from the server while your free roam. And for races the game will download a few of them specifically for that race/championship/whatever.

Of course your friend list has a higher priority through the distribution queue. You'll see many of your friends' drivatars through your travels.

Edit: This game also has drivatars "recruitment" mechanics but I don't know the details yet (something about running the festival and all that).
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