I've seen alot of people choose the S15 Silvia online,and I probably will in the real game,but for now I'm having fun with the M4.![]()
Please tell me this is in the demo?![]()
Some more crazy customization options!
No it's not unfortunately, from the full game.Please tell me this is in the demo?
Is there a full map available?
Not bad for a mid-range 2010 PC.
I understand your frustration and I'm very keen to try it on my PC as well as my One. However, you will get a chance to try the game before you buy. You'll just have to wait a bit longer to do so. Now I understand you really want to play this game but a little more patience will reward you. I don't think it's really the end of the world.The demo for PC won't be released until launch.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, the GTP front page news article has already been edited, but I couldn't find this piece of information in this thread (or in this subforum), so in case you've only seen the article when it was released ... here you go.
(this is about to become a rant, so if you want a reasonable argument, don't expect anything for the next 2-3 hours)
This. Is. 🤬. Ridiculous. They obviously don't care about the PC market as a player base. Their advice to try out FM6:A is completely stupid and unhelpful - after all, it's not like the whole PC crowd just bought/built their PCs yesterday and had no idea of all the other options that are available.
I also can't understand how people can even defend PG and MS for this decision. It's not just the question of "Can my PC run the game?", it is also a question of "How well will the game run?" or "Is FH3 another confirmation that the UWP is a complete and utter failure and if it wasn't for their exclusives, it would be doomed to fail?".
Sorry for throwing myself in front of the hype train, but I just can't understand their decision. Let's not forget they're trying to win over PC players and we should also take the shoddy and vastly inferior store and the equally awful UWP into consideration.
They can count themselves lucky that they have next to no competition. It's "sink or swim", I guess. (and no, nobody's forcing me to buy the game, but we PC players also want a good non-sim racing game experience for once ...)
That is precisely why I didn't to be honest,I really dislike body kits,but each to their own.My first plan was to choose the M4 because i thought it was the same as the early demo the youtubers played , but since it didnt had the wide body kit on it i chose the s15 aswell.
Not being able to try the demo for a couple of days isn't the main issue. I am pretty patient, otherwise there'd be a X1 on my desk (okay, part of that is also due to the fact that I'm not bathing in money). I rather fear they're trying to cover up their PC port isn't performing quite as well as expected. This is their first 'complete' release for PC, so one would assume they'd also use the demo to receive feedback (unless they have every possible rig available to them, which is not only a lot of effort, but also a waste of money) from their potential customers. Instead, we're told to 'just wait'. There's something iffy going on, if you ask me.However, you will get a chance to try the game before you buy. You'll just have to wait a bit longer to do so. Now I understand you really want to play this game but a little more patience will reward you. I don't think it's really the end of the world.
According to the official Forza people, PC players will not need Gold to play online. Will it be required for crossplay? I hope not.Im not sure if PC owner can play online with XBone but still...
The game analyzes how you play and uploads this data to game servers so that other players may download it in order to reproduce your driving behavior through your driving avatar. It's like a mini you having fun in other peoples' games while you work (or game (or sleep)).Seriously tho, how does Drivatar work in Forza by the way?
Anyone else have really low ffb in the demo? Is there anyway to adjust it?