Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
The demo for PC won't be released until launch.

Not sure if this has been posted yet, the GTP front page news article has already been edited, but I couldn't find this piece of information in this thread (or in this subforum), so in case you've only seen the article when it was released ... here you go.

(this is about to become a rant, so if you want a reasonable argument, don't expect anything for the next 2-3 hours)

This. Is. 🤬. Ridiculous. They obviously don't care about the PC market as a player base. Their advice to try out FM6:A is completely stupid and unhelpful - after all, it's not like the whole PC crowd just bought/built their PCs yesterday and had no idea of all the other options that are available.
I also can't understand how people can even defend PG and MS for this decision. It's not just the question of "Can my PC run the game?", it is also a question of "How well will the game run?" or "Is FH3 another confirmation that the UWP is a complete and utter failure and if it wasn't for their exclusives, it would be doomed to fail?".

Sorry for throwing myself in front of the hype train, but I just can't understand their decision. Let's not forget they're trying to win over PC players and we should also take the shoddy and vastly inferior store and the equally awful UWP into consideration.
They can count themselves lucky that they have next to no competition. It's "sink or swim", I guess. (and no, nobody's forcing me to buy the game, but we PC players also want a good non-sim racing game experience for once ...)
This is T10's first venture into PC land... you can't cut them a little slack?
In addition, many games don't have a demo, the lack of a PC FH3 demo at this stage is understandable if you ask me - I know, you didn't ask.
The turbo hissing sound sounds a lot better than in FH2 and is more pronounced, just when I took out the BMW M4 for a test drive.
Full FH3 finished downloading some time last night. I had the demo cued up and it's at about 48% right now. With luck, it will finish by the time I'm done with work.

[:nervous:waiting intensifies]
So I've had a play and I have to say I'm impressed so far :)

The graphics are great, the gameplay is fun, the atmosphere is awesome.

Honestly I already prefer this to 2 (Which I kind of grew bored of after awhile)

I did an experiment to see how far into the water you could go, I drowned a few times :P

I like how it went to my R/L name straight away and the number plate thing, simple but great.

I can already tell many hours will be spent on this when I get the full version :P

Horizon 4 (and even Forza 7) You have some tough shoes to fill :D
I already know what i'm doing with the Barracuda in the game :D:D:D


So glad to see the return of the audio sliders. Engine on full, sfx and tyres on 6 or 7. That Maloo sounds beastly. Can't wait to sample the F-Type. Hopefully the Project 7 sound has been used for the coupe this time.

They have done amazing things with the way engines and exhausts sound. They finally sound visceral and ferocious. Like REAL engines do, unlike many of F6's pseudo car sounds. I can't wait to own this.

I did, however, notice almost complete absence of road and wind noise. Off-throttle sounds do not seem to be too audible.
Anyone else besides me gonna put the names of the cars on the license plates? For example I did Holdeute for the ute.
Those number plates in the hands of 13 year olds will spelt out lewd words. Kinda amusing though to race online with "Ass" spelt out on the back of the car.
I really like how at night it actually get's dark. Similar to Forza 6.

Also the way the instrument panel lights up the dashboard makes it look very good. It's small things like this that make the game much more immersive.

A very welcome change is how beams now light up the road properly, as opposed to Horizon 2's wide-beam low distance projections. Very difficult to drive like that.
Playing the demo, Horizon 3 is definitely the most beautiful, gorgeous and stunning game i have ever played! :drool::drool::drool:

One query though, when i won enough fans to pick my festival i chose the Outback which is not playable here and then predictably the events stopped, does the happen when you pick Surfers Paradise??
Playing the demo, Horizon 3 is definitely the most beautiful, gorgeous and stunning game i have ever played! :drool::drool::drool:

One query though, when i won enough fans to pick my festival i chose the Outback which is not playable here and then predictably the events stopped, does the happen when you pick Surfers Paradise??

You can't go to either of them in the demo.