Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
So happy to have the Xbox One for the last year. The game is fantastic, had to check the graphics again and again and again. Handling and physics feel better than FH2, even the sounds are better. Who needs a PC, who needs graphics better than this? Holy crap, only the possibility that makes me wonder how it runs on the PC is playing this running @ 60fps. (But meh, I'll stick to my console. A lot more practical)

So freaking beautiful. I want more! Preordered the goddamn Ultimate Edition even if it costs a kidney here in Brazil.
After 79 hours straight of downloading system updates, the last few DLC for FM6 (for love of the Isetta), FH1 and all related DLC (which is only half, the last 6 of the 12 DLC that were released are not available), the full FH3 game and the FH3 demo, I finally had about an hour last night to actually play the demo.

It was all worth it. Australia is going to be a riot. For a nickname I took "Cowboy" and my license plate read "P(kangaroo graphic)COWBOY". I chose the Maloo. I mean c'mon! We're in Austalia! It was fun racing against all the other utes, including the El Camino. It would be nice if a Ford Ranchero ended up in a DLC just because of the emphasis on utes. I drove all around Byron Bay and the festival outpost. Smashed a bunch of signs. Drove out into the ocean until my car was underwater and then drove back to shore. Just had a lot of fun. Really looking forward to the whole game.
Played through the demo again last night in its entirety and I've decided not to touch it again so I can contain my excitement.

Just from the small sample of activities the demo has, you can already tell there will be a much bigger variety of things to do than in Horizon 2. While I love Horizon 2, it mostly consisted of doing 4 races in one town, driving to the next town to do another 4 races, and repeating this again and again, which did become a bit of a drag after a while. The career mode was long, but repetitive.

But I don't think Horizon 3 will have the same problem. Throw in Horizon Blueprints as well and Horizon 3's campaign is looking to be quite overwhelming, both in size and variety. I'm already getting ideas for what I want to do with the Blueprint feature, and it's getting me more pumped for the game.

Thank goodness we only have a week and a half left to wait and not a month or so.
Does anyone else think fh3 feels smoother then fh2 , its like it runs a bit higher then 30fps.

I hope this will be the case in the full version aswell.
After running FH2 and FH3 back to back, FH3 is definitely smoother. I'm hoping the PC version will run at a higher frame-rate though. I've not seen any tearing or large inconsistencies in the frame-rate, but 60FPS would be easier on the eyes. None of my PC sims run under 60FPS but its hard to say what Playground Games has done with the PC version of FH3 - if they have the ability to take advantage of the PC hardware.
Anyone seen this posted by Focusatze over


****ING YES!
I notice there are some strange accents of the characters, most sounding like dodgy english accents with a touch of irish thrown in..I was expecting them all to be G'day mate and some cool aussie accents..I wonder who did the voice overs any one famous :ill:
I don't know what the Aussies are going to make of Keira's accent. It doesn't sound right to me.
The accents sound like poms (English) doing Aussie accents. Or possibly an Aussie putting something on.

To this Aussie it sure does not sound normal.
Warren sounds like a stereotypical NTer, the rest are either Americans or Irish trying to sound American (looking at you, Keira).
I know i should probably know this but i just want to clarify, the game is out on 27th in Europe but for Ultimate Edition users who get it four days earlier so that means the game will be out next Friday for that??
Neat little feature that I like in FH3 is the fact that when you rewind while in freeroam you can make it into a replay. Say I want to take a photo but I missed the opportunity for that perfect moment, I can just rewind a certain amount, and you can open up a replay just like you do at the finish of the race. The replay will be the same amount of distance that you had just rewound.

I know i should probably know this but i just want to clarify, the game is out on 27th in Europe but for Ultimate Edition users who get it four days earlier so that means the game will be out next Friday for that??
I'm wondering when the pre-download will start on PC... I know Xbox users have dl-ed at least 20gb by now, but I haven't been able to get more than the placeholder >.>
Considering I pre-ordered the Ultimate, having to download all 60gb on the 23rd would kinda would destroy the purpose of being able to play it early ^^'
I'm wondering when the pre-download will start on PC... I know Xbox users have dl-ed at least 20gb by now, but I haven't been able to get more than the placeholder >.>
Considering I pre-ordered the Ultimate, having to download all 60gb on the 23rd would kinda would destroy the purpose of being able to play it early ^^'
Actually, we get to download it in full already :P As for the PC side, I'm not exactly sure. I haven't seen any mention.
Well i finally finished it, i guess the drone mode shows how great the game looks (i mean on actual gameplay, not on youtube) and creating Youtube Videos...
(I will just leave my Youtube description here...)
Welcome to my first ever Forza Video!

As Forza Horizon 3 are going to be released in over a week or so, depending on the edition you have bought of course. I decided to make a video about Forza Horizon 3 Demo, since after all i bought an Xbox One mainly for Forza since i already own a PS4. Originally this is supposed to be me playing the demo and doing a live commentary. Sadly i didn't sound as excited as i was expecting and my comments just felt lame and boring so i went and scraped the idea. Luckily i didn't go far away into that.

As i was messing around in the demo and using drones, i realized that the Drone feature had the potential to make some great montages and epic shots so i gone ahead and spent hours going around the map and recording scenes. I have used older footage's i have in my PC along with more newer one's so almost if not all footages you see in this video are recorded from my actual Xbox One, Edited up in my editing programs and then uploaded them on Youtube. The Team said it's going to be a great feature for those who would like to make some Films and yep, they're right. Even thought there's plenty of people who would make much better job at this than me, i'm quite satisfied with the results i've done. The Controls are simple and not hard at all IMO. While the graphics in this video MIGHT not be good because of the youtube's compression but the graphics looks incredible to me. An improvement over the older 'Horizon 2. The same could be said about the sounds, physics and so on...

It's worth mentioning that not all of those shots are from the Drone. Some for example are from the Replay instead because it's impossible to use Drones. (Drone was locked, me driving a car..etc) and some other's are during in game "cut scenes" and there's also right at the main menu (where it says "press A to Start", to be exact, if you wait couple of seconds in that menu, a video pop out).

I recorded this with my one year old (Happy birthday i guess!) Elgato Game Capture HD on 1080P and 30 FPS. The reason why i picked that song because...well...ever since i played FH1 on my xbox, this song got stuck in my mind ever since. :P

I hope you would enjoy this video and thanks for reading. Also make sure to smash that like button and subscr.....

EDIT: Added a Custom Thumbnail !
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Can someone tell me if the drone mode can also be used when your car is on the move or can it only have static shots of your own car? If you can drone while you control the car how does it actually work? Is there a replay system in place where the drone takes over the regular replays angles?
From the quick attempt I tried, if you select the Drone while you're moving, the car will slide to a complete stop in whatever direction it's facing as you're entering the Drone. I don't know about the replays, though.
I'm wondering when the pre-download will start on PC...

Same here, I have to deal with some rather slow internet right now and It would take me at least 5 full days to download the game, maybe more. I would completely lose out on the Ultimate Edition Early access if PC pre-loads don't start soon. Might have to lug my heavy ass computer to a friends house with better internet to download the game.
I'm wondering when the pre-download will start on PC... I know Xbox users have dl-ed at least 20gb by now, but I haven't been able to get more than the placeholder >.>
Considering I pre-ordered the Ultimate, having to download all 60gb on the 23rd would kinda would destroy the purpose of being able to play it early ^^'

So owners of the ultimate edition on PC will get early access to the game? Interesting, seeing that they said that PC players won't be able to play until after it releases on Xbone.
@Techy Yeah, Ultimate edition owners get to play the game as soon as the 23rd. However, i've never seen mention of PC players needing to wait until after Xbox users... I really doubt that's the case.
It's true we don't get the demo though.
Source? didnt that apply for the demo?

@Techy Yeah, Ultimate edition owners get to play the game as soon as the 23rd. However, i've never seen mention of PC players needing to wait until after Xbox users... I really doubt that's the case.
It's true we don't get the demo though.

Ah, you're right. My bad.

If you purchase the normal digital copy, does that allow you to play on the 23rd as well?