- 1,280
- United Kingdom
- lukas2121
Just out of curiosity... is anyone one of you, who's playing the Ultimate Edition already, able to run with a controller and simulation steering incl. all assists off? Generally I'm all for disabling most of the aids (I ran Project CARS, GT6 and FM4 this way), but I find myself spinning out way too much in this configuration. Esp. counter steering while the back of the car steps out is killing me constantly.
So I'm struggling how to train myself:
- Run with normal steering and all other assist (except manual clutch) off
- With simulation steering and traction control (which at least helps a little)
- Start fiddling around with the controller settings, while staying with everything off and sim.
Where did you guys settle with assists and controller settings?
I'm using this assist configuration now after using normal steering on FM4 and 5 and after a little bit of practice I've got the hang of it.
The difference in counter steering between the two steering settings (from my experience) is that normal will limit how fast your driver turns the wheel back whereas simulation can go from lock to lock very quickly.
Where I used to save a slide on normal by pushing the stick all the way to the side, now on simulation I make smaller more precise inputs to catch it.
I'm also still running default controller settings and dead zones with the exception of swapping handbrake and clutch.