So you're not going to be giving me any documented proof that something you asked me to "explain" actually exists?
I come from Damascus, Syria. Though I did not go there, my parents went, and lots of friends. As for many touristic attractions, there's no panflet and no web site, unfortunately.
Errr... Has to do with what?
I knew my way of posting would create confusion. This had to do with when you said you did not believe in God. Anybody can decide not to believe about any story that happened before their birth, just like I could decide not to believe about all the great explorers, etc. If you re-read my last post now, you'll get my point
You think it's perfectly reasonable that God says "I am the Alpha and the Omega" to people who do not speak that language? Interesting.
I'm afraid you did not get my point here either. I meant that these two words were probably very propular across the world, just like english nowadays. Also, somewhere in my posts, i said that people could also have been bilingual or trilingual. Again, is this what keeps you from believing?
Let me ask you - what comes before Alpha in the Greek alphabet? What comes after Omega? If God is the Alpha and Omega, what comes before and after him?
You answered to your question : nothing comes before alpha, nothing after omega. Therefore, nothing comes before God, nothing comes after God.
Just to get this straight now... you're saying that science is the work of Satan?
And yet you're not exactly Amish are you? Unless the Amish are big on internet use. Heaven forbid you ever have to visit a hospital.
Hehe though I don't know what Amish is, I'm sure I'm not one of them, since I study in Biomedical Sciences (human body) and I love science. I don't think science if from Satan, and I love science. I just say that science will never be able to explain everything. For the third time, if science explains everything in the Bible, then miracles are not miracles anymore. Sorry for repeating.
Hmm. You're also not answering the "fisnazzle" point.
I'm sorry, what's a fisnazzle? I'm looking to answer if you care that much

. Also, can your realize how smart Satan is now? I hate repeating myself but if it is necessary : he will never want you to be convinced. Any way is a good way for him.
Yes, the sizes are in the Bible. No, the boat is not big enough to accommodate two of EVERY species on Earth. No, the species on it would not be able to survive.
Basic water cycles here - if enough water to cover the entire surface of the Earth were to evaporate, it would become water vapour 22.5 times the volume. Some quick mathematical jiggery-pokery (ignoring the fact that Windows Calculator was obviously created by Satan) shows that this requires the Earth's atmosphere to be 25% water vapour.
As I'm sure you know, the Earth's atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, less than 1% water vapour and the rest is argon, helium, carbon dioxide, xenon and others in trace amounts.
So NO. The water could not have just evaporated...
Man wrote the Bible. Where we differ is that you think God made them do it and I think they they wrote it themselves. This is why the flood story stands up to no examination at all - a five year old can spot the flaws in it - and why you're now backing into a position where you say it's the message that matters, not the technicalities. The message? Piss the merciful creator off and he'll destroy your planet's surface... Nice message. And you want to live with this dude forever?
By the way, many many animals can live in water, other than fish. If you convert the sizes in the Bible (let's say the lenght), it makes 160 meters. Titanic was 260 meters long. Titanic had approx. 3100 people on it. I don't know how many animal species exist/existed, but most of them were smaller than humans = space for more than 3100. Humans on the Titanic were super luxury rich people (even 3rd class), and humans are humans : they need space, rooms, washrooms, privacy, ballrooms, luxury, etc. Animals need food and no space : they won't argue with you about animals rights if you put them in a small space. Some of them will get angry, not more than that. A human NEEDS room, you can't toss them up. You can squeeze a bit with animals. My point is, I DON'T KNOW how many species or animals there was, but a three stories boat (Genesis 6, also), 160 meters long is enough.
About the evaporation, what I meant was a joke, but it did not sound(look) like that. Sorry. It's obvious to anyone that the quantites of water that fell (enough to cover the tallest mountains) could not have evaporated. Back to the show I watched : this is exactly where they were stuck. So this is why they said it's impossible.
Of course the story stands to no examination at all. Just like DemonSpeed said, you can't ask me to explain HOW all this was possible, because it is MEANT TO BE UNEXPLAINABLE. How can somebody resurrect? Can't explain. This is faith. You believe or not. Don't ask for proofs. The guys at TLC reconstructed the story and said it only took place in Mesopotamia ( I think). Why? They noticed what science could not explain (the flaws, as you say) a bigger flood. I say it's the message that matters, not the technicalities, and that's not backing up : Satan makes a weak man (we're all weak men, don't take it personally) stumble on details and questions, and makes him rely on his intelligence. That's satan's way of fooling us. Making us rely on ourselves and our intelligence will blind us and prevent us from having
About the message, you got it wrong. God won't destroy the planet if you "piss him off". The message is :
God LOVES you and gives you a CHANCE to repent and leave Satan behind. (notice LOVES AND CHANCE). He's merciful. Also, he is able of anger and destruction. After all the time he gave men, they all said no, because they were fooled by Satan. THEN he destructed what was on the earth. God is love (
1 John 4:16) and compassion before being destructive and angry. Just like a dad warns his son before getting mad, God warns man before Christ's 2nd coming (the flood). Again, God gives a chance. God is not waiting on every mistake we do to punish us, and he understand we all make mistakes because we are sinners and we can never be perfect on this earth.
Off-topic, but I thought it made sense : I'd rather live with a man that can destroy me (even if in heaven, we will live
HAPPILY with God), rather than being destroyed by him and burning in hell for eternity.
Can you see the words before you post them? Do you know how ridiculous that last sentence sounded?
If I made a pencil drawing of my girlfriend's image and it ended up looking like a grumpy snowman, I'd be either crap or an abstract artist. And in either case, it would not be her image.
I noticed the mistake I made right after I posted the post, and I corrected it... Sorry you read too fast!

I'm pretty sure you got my point, as nobody is dumb enough to argue about something like that.
The difference with your gf's image is that YOURS might end up like that because you can't draw well. Whereas God created us NOT EXACTLY LIKE HIM, BUT WITH RESEMBLANCE,
ON PURPOSE. A crappy artist sucks, so that's not on purpose. An abstract artists does things that don't look AT ALL like reality. God did that on purpose, and we DO resemble to him.
Again, what I think or don't think, what I want to be true or hope isn't, what I can accept and what I can't doesn't matter when it's actually true.
Taking half of everything I own is a punishment, is it not?
What you can rationally explain is everything on this earth, everything that's visible.
2 Corinthians 4:18 says that everything that's visible is temporary, while everything that's not visible lasts forever. Rationaly, truth is what you can explain. Satan's definition of truth is blinding people and letting them see only what's on earth (temporary things).
So it doesn't say "XI: Thou Shalt Not Top Thineself" anywhere then, as I asked?
I don't recall having read anything like that, no. Would it be logic if God asks us not to kill, but lets us suicide? Great, if I hate someone, I'd arrange his suicide, and I'm safe? I think being God's temple clearly explains how you should respect your body and life. God gave us our life so we can live it to the fullest. You don't destroy what God gives you. THIS was written in the Bible (
1 Corinthians 3:17)
They put themselves in a position to die. They chose to put themselves in that position. They have CHOSEN to end their life.
A kid hangs himself because he thinks his exam grades will bring shame on his parents. He's CHOSEN to end his life too. He also thinks that he can save other people by ending his life. Difference?
How can this kid save another's person life? How can you save another person's life by hanging yourself? Once again, depending on the person's intention, saving a life is a great act. If you jump in front of a bullet saying : "I hope I die", this is sin. If you jump in front of a bullet and say : "I hope I don't die, but if I do, at least I saved a life", this is not sin. There's a difference.
"Do Romans get drunk?" What?
You said that Christians do not take drugs. Alcohol IS a drug. By partaking of it EVER you are not a Christian, by YOUR argument.
God did not say YOU HAVE to drink wine. I don't drink wine (mostly because I hate the taste) but this does not make me a non believer. God looks for your heart, your intentions, your deeds, not your habits, rituals, etc. Drinking wine is part of a "ritual" (I'm not a Roman, correct me if I'm wrong). If you do this from your heart and believe in it, it is great. But nowadays, these become habits and non-sense to those who do them, because it's repetitive. God hates hypocrysy (when you worship him not by your heart, because you feel you have to).
Alcohol IS a drug, yes. As long as you don't destroy your body with it, and as long as you're not addicted to it, you're safe. I stated Paul's letters saying you can do anything but don't let anything win you. This is why the best way not to get attached is to stay far from it = not to try it. Doing anything also does not mean to destroy your body.