Religion is contrived

  • Thread starter Danoff
According to you if god is everywhere than satan can do nothing. See, you're already proving you can't uphold a coherent argument. And, out of curiosity, what do you think about Satanism? Obviously Satanism is contrived, but it doesn't make stuff up and it serves a slightly more cynical purpose.

Well you got me. I am not religious, so I dont know how to break down "god is everywhere", but to my knowlegde a lot of religious people believe that. And I dont think that if god is everywhere that hed stop satan, that is even if u believe that satan is here on earth. From what i know, god allows satan on earth and allows sin on earth, for what reason to this day i dunno, cuz if u believe in adam and eve, then u believe that satan was there from the start, before sin.

Satanism i dont know anything about, doesn't make sense to me why one would worship him. I did have a friend who labeled himself as satanic worshiper, and i asked him why. He says he hates god, or something, and he knows alot about god and he says its because u have to know your enemy. If he does believe in god and knows that god created him, it boggles my mind why he would be your enemy? and if jesus came here to save us from our sins or wtv why is he your enemy?

Once again dont quote me on any of this cuz ive already said i know not a damn thing about satanism.
Well you got me. I am not religious, so I dont know how to break down "god is everywhere", but to my knowlegde a lot of religious people believe that. And I dont think that if god is everywhere that hed stop satan, that is even if u believe that satan is here on earth. From what i know, god allows satan on earth and allows sin on earth, for what reason to this day i dunno, cuz if u believe in adam and eve, then u believe that satan was there from the start, before sin.

Satanism i dont know anything about, doesn't make sense to me why one would worship him. I did have a friend who labeled himself as satanic worshiper, and i asked him why. He says he hates god, or something, and he knows alot about god and he says its because u have to know your enemy. If he does believe in god and knows that god created him, it boggles my mind why he would be your enemy? and if jesus came here to save us from our sins or wtv why is he your enemy?

Once again dont quote me on any of this cuz ive already said i know not a damn thing about satanism.

All that proves is that your friend isn't really a satanist. He's a satan worshipper; nothing more. In satanism you do not worship satan, or god. You worship yourself. It's more of a "common-sense, save-your-own-ass" kind of religion. It makes a point to be polite to others, treat others the way you would have yourself treated, not to annoy others, be polite in other peoples' homes, and to avoid stupidity. There are either 7,9, or 11 satanic sins, one of them being stupidity. This is why I am no part of any religion, because it's either hypocritical, or recommends you abide by something unachievable.

As for your friend, tell him to quit being a religious poser and wake up.


Satanism was "contrived" in 1960 by Anton Szandor LeVay. It was registered as an official religion in 1967, and appealed to the masses (although still not widely accepted back then, and still isn't).

Even that one girl from Gilligan's Island is a Satanist.
All that proves is that your friend isn't really a satanist. He's a satan worshipper; nothing more. In satanism you do not worship satan, or god. You worship yourself. It's more of a "common-sense, save-your-own-ass" kind of religion. It makes a point to be polite to others, treat others the way you would have yourself treated, not to annoy others, be polite in other peoples' homes, and to avoid stupidity. There are either 7,9, or 11 satanic sins, one of them being stupidity. This is why I am no part of any religion, because it's either hypocritical, or recommends you abide by something unachievable.

As for your friend, tell him to quit being a religious poser and wake up.

well its been a while since ive seen him, back when i was in highschool.

Why would they call that satanism if u dont really have that much to do with worhipping satan? Sounds like a polite agnostic or atheist with relious commandments/rules.
It pretty much is. But like most religions, they need attention to thrive so he probably called it Satanism to get media attention. Only thing is, people automatically assume one is some sort of ritualistic weirdo casting spells and using pentograms and stuff.

It's mostly about not being stupid (in their words, not mine), being semi-selfish, being polite to others/not disturbing others, and overall kind of hubmle elitism. ie. a boundary of humbleness, but as soon as someone pisses you off, you go Ka-May-Ah-May-Ah on their ass.
It pretty much is. But like most religions, they need attention to thrive so he probably called it Satanism to get media attention. Only thing is, people automatically assume one is some sort of ritualistic weirdo casting spells and using pentograms and stuff.

It's mostly about not being stupid (in their words, not mine), being semi-selfish, being polite to others/not disturbing others, and overall kind of hubmle elitism. ie. a boundary of humbleness, but as soon as someone pisses you off, you go Ka-May-Ah-May-Ah on their ass.

They are threatened they get violent? is that where the wierdo **** comes in? if at all. or are they just normal everyday fist and knuckle defensive
According to you if god is everywhere than satan can do nothing. See, you're already proving you can't uphold a coherent argument. And, out of curiosity, what do you think about Satanism? Obviously Satanism is contrived, but it doesn't make stuff up and it serves a slightly more cynical purpose.

You know Famine, that is a very good point— but something just dawned on me. Maybe he's not insinuating that god doesn't have a begining and end, but instead that he is the beginning and end? What if god is the one that destroys us all? That wouldn't be very nice, now would it?

And technically, Satan isn't evil. Satan said he would rather reign in hell than serve God, and so he did. All that means is that he guards the evil souls, which I suppose would be more valuable than letting someone keep the good souls, would it not?

I know I'd rather have a bunch of good souls running around than evil ones. Go satan! Keep us safe!


PS, God is everywhere. God also created satan. Satan was Lucifier, God's second in command. He was an angel. Lucifer means "son of the morning" When he decided that he want to rule everything, God cast him and the angels that were on his side out of heaven and into hell. That is why hell exists. So, that would make him quite evil. But not an equal to God.

Satan is not keeping the bad "souls" from getting out. He would love for the evil spirits of hell to be able to run loose on this world. But God keeps him in check. The best example of this is the story of Job. God let satan touch his family, and then himself, but wasn't able to kill Job because of God's rules. Satan can only move within the boundaries setup by God. And God will never put on us more then we can bare. We all go through trials and testings to make us stronger and increase our faith.
i read in a pamphlet (kinda off subject) that heaven is just as real as earth, it isnt some floaty cloudy place in the sky, its actually a place just like earth, but without evil , fatigue, and full of creative activities... just what i read.
on a second note, what i would like to know is where did all the bad people go when they died before we knew about hell? or did we always know about it.. cuz i know the jews dont believe in it, i think.
It doesn't prove anything, OTHER THAN my life is better because of Christ in my life. That also, by the way, seems to be the majority result for everyone that excepts Christ into their life. There's always the resentful believer that has something tragic happen in their life and they blame God for it, or someone in the church says something not biblical and they take it to heart and blame God for it, but....something that they don't understand is as long as humans are involved, your going to have human situation.

Granted. Your life is better because you believe in Christ. I think my life would be easier if I believed in Christ too - but that isn't grounds for believing it. So I don't.
on a second note, what i would like to know is where did all the bad people go when they died before we knew about hell? or did we always know about it.. cuz i know the jews dont believe in it, i think.

That's true, the jews don't believe in it. Even though it is in the old testament.

Isa 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

That was talking about Satans fall.

There is actually a good amount of scripture that the Jews leave out of their holy books. Most of it dealing with the prophicies of Christ.

Granted. Your life is better because you believe in Christ. I think my life would be easier if I believed in Christ too - but that isn't grounds for believing it. So I don't.

There's a distinct difference between better and easier. You keep saying rosier and what not. But that's not what Christrianity is about. It's about having a better life, not always and easier life.
There's a distinct difference between better and easier. You keep saying rosier and what not. But that's not what Christrianity is about. It's about having a better life, not always and easier life.

I don't care - that's totally beside the point.
I find much deeper satisfaction out of making my own way in the world than I ever could in following what I assume to be the Word of a higher power.
PS, God is everywhere. God also created satan. Satan was Lucifier, God's second in command. He was an angel. Lucifer means "son of the morning" When he decided that he want to rule everything, God cast him and the angels that were on his side out of heaven and into hell. That is why hell exists. So, that would make him quite evil. But not an equal to God.

Satan is not keeping the bad "souls" from getting out. He would love for the evil spirits of hell to be able to run loose on this world. But God keeps him in check. The best example of this is the story of Job. God let satan touch his family, and then himself, but wasn't able to kill Job because of God's rules. Satan can only move within the boundaries setup by God. And God will never put on us more then we can bare. We all go through trials and testings to make us stronger and increase our faith.

In Christianity.
Lucifer means "son of the morning"

Lucifer means "Bringer of light", but translation has never been a strong point as far as the Bible is concerned.

So where in a book written in Hebrew and Sanskrit does it say that God is the (Greek) Alpha and Omega?
TO FAMINE : Sorry the quoting thing took too much time and I'm impatient. I'm pretty sure you'll understand :)

1. It may not be documented, but I have never seen the Eiffel tower in real life, yet I believe it exists. This is archeological, and it's material, it's a tourist attraction. So your five senses can feel it and tell you it's true. Get an airplane ticket and go, you'll see. We all believe what's happening at the other end of the world without documentation, just by the media.

2. About God, since you only rely on your five senses in this world, and since I can not find anything that would fill your five senses, then I can't prove to you that God made the world, because he did not write it on a big rock that still exists. Even if it was written let's say in Jerusalem, would people believe it? They'd think it's a man who wrote it and there you go, same problem. Just like the bible. Now why would I believe that Colombus ever existed? I could say all the proofs were made up. Why would I believe about Napoleon too?

3. The people who wrote the Bible did not speak only Hebrew. They spoke aramean too. This is the language used in "The Passion".
Also, if you remember, it all takes place a little after the Greek's empire "death" because of Romans. Don't you think people from around the world would know what alpha and omega are? Just like today, everybody in the world knows what's "Hi" and "one, two, three..." since the USA are the most important country of the world. These are basic words.

4. He did not say he HAD a beginning and an end. He said he WAS the beginning and the end. Slight difference. He is the beginning of life and the end of it, and of everything, just like this Universe. This does not have anything to do with HIS beginning or his end. Not very poor.

5. Talking about truth and being circular. You can't get more circular than this. Devil's work through man. Filling man's head with "Believe only what you see", so truth has become nothing more than what we see or proove? Man, Columbus' story was all a scam then. I never said I did not accept the truth because of my dislike of it. I just don't accept this theory because God has put all this on earth and has put all the ressemblences between man and monkey to make it harder to believe. Why make it harder to believe? What's the point of saving everyone on earth? What's the point of making it easier? The ones who would believe and live a life with faith, refusing to fall for their flesh temptations would be the same as the ones who yawn and say "yeah I believe this because it's proven by science". There has to be a limit somewhere. Also, let's say science proves some day (which leads to my next point, where I "catch on") that everything happened just like that, without explosion, without anything. What would you say? Sorry for repeating the same argument, but it seems quite "logic". "Whatever science proves does not need a God to happen". That's more circular than anything posted so far! THERE IS NO WAY Satan is going to let you have ZERO argument against me. WHY? He'd lose you! He does not want to lose you! He hates you so much!

6. I'm not catching up, maybe you realized how intelligent (yes, intelligent) Satan is.

7. About the size of the boat. It was big enough, as the sizes are written in the Bible. About the water, it could evaporate, couldn't it? This is something science has shown. God could have killed everyone and left the eight with the animal. But what's the moral of the story? Noah ASKED EVERYONE to help him with the boat and get on it when it'd be done (instead of God killing everybody), but nobody wanted. If the story were like you said, there would not be any message.

They all continued with debauchery, adultery and their sins. This is a story that shows exactly what's happening today : God sends a message through Christ, and wants Christians (analogy : Noah) to spread the word. What happens? Satan is smart, and plays with the human's mind. Slight difference : in our world, we are a billion or two Christians, while they were eight. Resemblance : MOST of humanity relies on its five senses and doesn't see God's anger coming (analogy : flood).

Again, if the story was like you would like it to be to make you believe it, then there would be no sense and you still would not believe it, because it doesn't make sense.

Reasonable detail. I like this. That's exactly what Satan does, sorry for repeating, really. He makes you think that with human's intelligence, you can explain everything, and anything that can not be explained by it is fiction. He gives man so much pride, that this poor man thinks he is the most intelligent of all. If human examines the Bible with his little mind (compared to God's) and thinks his intelligence can explain everything, then he's plain wrong. When he realizes he can't explain something, he gets angry and says it can not happen (just like they said it can never rain for 40 days non-stop : why? Because man saw that it couldn't)

8. Funny. I never said we did not look like him. I said we don't look EXACTLY like him (sorry if you got me wrong). We are made according to his image, but don't look EXACTLY like him.

9. Religion and politics were never meant to fit together. Justice in our world allows stuff to happen, which the Bible does not. But where did all this come from? Do you really think that a man who came from a bacteria would some day develop feelings and emotions, and values to say "I can't cheat on my wife" and write it down to make laws with it? I know you do, sorry for asking. Again, the judge won't give you anything bad, he'll settle the case, not punish you. Divorce is not a punishment, is it?

10. God says not to suicide when the Bible says to take care of our bodies as it were the temple of God. Knowing that he is a temple of God, a Christian can't suicide, same goes for drugs, like I said.

11. If someone takes a bullet or saves a life, what's the intention? I know you thought about it but thought I wouldn't come up with it. Did he REALLY want to die? Since when you hear in the news "A saved B's life because A killed himself". You'll hear " A died, or was killed, trying to save B's life".

Christ died to show us His love. He died for our sins, for something he did not do. He was crucified next to 2 criminals and was treated like one. What did He do? He healed the sick and gave hope to sinners. Yet they killed Him. When Christ died, he didn't do it because he was sick of his life. God allowed this to happen, but he never said it was okay to kill ourselves. Finally, need I to remind you He resurrected, three days after?

Do Romans get drunk? Do they drink until they're knocked out? Does a cup of wine every sunday or two or three kill you, affect your liver? I know, a joint won't kill you either. Paul said, in his first letter to the Corinthians (who were Greeks, by the way) : "everyhing is PERMITTED, but not everything is useful". Also, he says "everything is permitted, but I can't be a prisoner of it". I know what you think : "then why don't you do drugs?". Well, it is better not to do it because we're human flesh, we're weak and we get attached to it without realizing it. There, it's too late, you're in sin, attached to something from this world as a slave, not willing to give it up, and it consumes you. If everything is permitted, why can't we sin? We're all sinners, and even after becoming Christians, we sin, because we're humans. We try not to, to please God.
So where in a book written in Hebrew and Sanskrit does it say that God is the (Greek) Alpha and Omega?

Revelations 1:8. Open the Bible, read it, the whole verse, and you'll get the explanation from the previous post. (The Bible was not written in Hebrew, it was written in Greek, at least for the New Testament). How did they understand? Just like today people speak different languages (bilugual, trilingual), they spoke different languages. Is this really what's keeping you from believing in God?
Lucifer means "Bringer of light", but translation has never been a strong point as far as the Bible is concerned.

So where in a book written in Hebrew and Sanskrit does it say that God is the (Greek) Alpha and Omega?

My fault, I should've said Lucifer was the the son of the morning.

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

What are you talking about with your second statement? I know where it says it in the bible.

Rev 1:8
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Rev 1:11
Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send [it] unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

Rev 21:6
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
My fault, I should've said Lucifer was the the son of the morning.

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

What are you talking about with your second statement? I know where it says it in the bible.

Rev 1:8
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Rev 1:11
Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send [it] unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

Rev 21:6
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Thank you :) It's been a while since I read the book of Revelations :crazy:
PS, God is everywhere. God also created satan. Satan was Lucifier, God's second in command. He was an angel. Lucifer means "son of the morning" When he decided that he want to rule everything, God cast him and the angels that were on his side out of heaven and into hell. That is why hell exists. So, that would make him quite evil. But not an equal to God.

Satan is not keeping the bad "souls" from getting out. He would love for the evil spirits of hell to be able to run loose on this world. But God keeps him in check. The best example of this is the story of Job. God let satan touch his family, and then himself, but wasn't able to kill Job because of God's rules. Satan can only move within the boundaries setup by God. And God will never put on us more then we can bare. We all go through trials and testings to make us stronger and increase our faith.

Once again Swift, you took the words out of my mouth. I couldn't have said it better.

(oops, I've been posting like crazy, I'll go play GT4 and come back later)
I find much deeper satisfaction out of making my own way in the world than I ever could in following what I assume to be the Word of a higher power.

Oh but things are so much simpler for religious people than they are for us. I mean, religious people know exactly what happens when they die (at least they think they do) and it's a wonderfull blissful event that they get to look forward to for their whole lives. You have nothing like that to look forward to. They get to believe that they'll see dead loved ones again - you have to cope with the fact that they're gone. They get to believe that their lives are guided by a higher power - you have to cope with the responsibility for your own actions.

I'm not saying that I'm capable of believing all of this, but if I were capable of truly believing it, my life would be easier for certain.

But of course that isn't a good reason to believe it.
1. It may not be documented, but I have never seen the Eiffel tower in real life, yet I believe it exists. This is archeological, and it's material, it's a tourist attraction. So your five senses can feel it and tell you it's true. Get an airplane ticket and go, you'll see. We all believe what's happening at the other end of the world without documentation, just by the media.

So you're not going to be giving me any documented proof that something you asked me to "explain" actually exists?

2. About God, since you only rely on your five senses in this world, and since I can not find anything that would fill your five senses, then I can't prove to you that God made the world, because he did not write it on a big rock that still exists. Even if it was written let's say in Jerusalem, would people believe it? They'd think it's a man who wrote it and there you go, same problem. Just like the bible. Now why would I believe that Colombus ever existed? I could say all the proofs were made up. Why would I believe about Napoleon too?

Errr... Has to do with what?

3. The people who wrote the Bible did not speak only Hebrew. They spoke aramean too. This is the language used in "The Passion".
Also, if you remember, it all takes place a little after the Greek's empire "death" because of Romans. Don't you think people from around the world would know what alpha and omega are? Just like today, everybody in the world knows what's "Hi" and "one, two, three..." since the USA are the most important country of the world. These are basic words.

You think it's perfectly reasonable that God says "I am the Alpha and the Omega" to people who do not speak that language? Interesting.

4. He did not say he HAD a beginning and an end. He said he WAS the beginning and the end. Slight difference. He is the beginning of life and the end of it, and of everything, just like this Universe. This does not have anything to do with HIS beginning or his end. Not very poor.

Let me ask you - what comes before Alpha in the Greek alphabet? What comes after Omega? If God is the Alpha and Omega, what comes before and after him?

5. Talking about truth and being circular. You can't get more circular than this. Devil's work through man. Filling man's head with "Believe only what you see", so truth has become nothing more than what we see or proove? Man, Columbus' story was all a scam then. I never said I did not accept the truth because of my dislike of it. I just don't accept this theory because God has put all this on earth and has put all the ressemblences between man and monkey to make it harder to believe. Why make it harder to believe? What's the point of saving everyone on earth? What's the point of making it easier? The ones who would believe and live a life with faith, refusing to fall for their flesh temptations would be the same as the ones who yawn and say "yeah I believe this because it's proven by science". There has to be a limit somewhere. Also, let's say science proves some day (which leads to my next point, where I "catch on") that everything happened just like that, without explosion, without anything. What would you say? Sorry for repeating the same argument, but it seems quite "logic". "Whatever science proves does not need a God to happen". That's more circular than anything posted so far! THERE IS NO WAY Satan is going to let you have ZERO argument against me. WHY? He'd lose you! He does not want to lose you! He hates you so much!

Just to get this straight now... you're saying that science is the work of Satan?

And yet you're not exactly Amish are you? Unless the Amish are big on internet use. Heaven forbid you ever have to visit a hospital.

6. I'm not catching up, maybe you realized how intelligent (yes, intelligent) Satan is.

Hmm. You're also not answering the "fisnazzle" point.

7. About the size of the boat. It was big enough, as the sizes are written in the Bible. About the water, it could evaporate, couldn't it? This is something science has shown. God could have killed everyone and left the eight with the animal. But what's the moral of the story? Noah ASKED EVERYONE to help him with the boat and get on it when it'd be done (instead of God killing everybody), but nobody wanted. If the story were like you said, there would not be any message.

They all continued with debauchery, adultery and their sins. This is a story that shows exactly what's happening today : God sends a message through Christ, and wants Christians (analogy : Noah) to spread the word. What happens? Satan is smart, and plays with the human's mind. Slight difference : in our world, we are a billion or two Christians, while they were eight. Resemblance : MOST of humanity relies on its five senses and doesn't see God's anger coming (analogy : flood).

Again, if the story was like you would like it to be to make you believe it, then there would be no sense and you still would not believe it, because it doesn't make sense.

Reasonable detail. I like this. That's exactly what Satan does, sorry for repeating, really. He makes you think that with human's intelligence, you can explain everything, and anything that can not be explained by it is fiction. He gives man so much pride, that this poor man thinks he is the most intelligent of all. If human examines the Bible with his little mind (compared to God's) and thinks his intelligence can explain everything, then he's plain wrong. When he realizes he can't explain something, he gets angry and says it can not happen (just like they said it can never rain for 40 days non-stop : why? Because man saw that it couldn't)

Yes, the sizes are in the Bible. No, the boat is not big enough to accommodate two of EVERY species on Earth. No, the species on it would not be able to survive.

Basic water cycles here - if enough water to cover the entire surface of the Earth were to evaporate, it would become water vapour 22.5 times the volume. Some quick mathematical jiggery-pokery (ignoring the fact that Windows Calculator was obviously created by Satan) shows that this requires the Earth's atmosphere to be 25% water vapour.

As I'm sure you know, the Earth's atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, less than 1% water vapour and the rest is argon, helium, carbon dioxide, xenon and others in trace amounts.

So NO. The water could not have just evaporated...

Man wrote the Bible. Where we differ is that you think God made them do it and I think they they wrote it themselves. This is why the flood story stands up to no examination at all - a five year old can spot the flaws in it - and why you're now backing into a position where you say it's the message that matters, not the technicalities. The message? Piss the merciful creator off and he'll destroy your planet's surface... Nice message. And you want to live with this dude forever?

8. Funny. I never said we did not look like him. I said we don't look EXACTLY like him (sorry if you got me wrong). We are made according to his image, but don't look like him.

Can you see the words before you post them? Do you know how ridiculous that last sentence sounded?

If I made a pencil drawing of my girlfriend's image and it ended up looking like a grumpy snowman, I'd be either crap or an abstract artist. And in either case, it would not be her image.

9. Religion and politics were never meant to fit together. Justice in our world allows stuff to happen, which the Bible does not. But where did all this come from? Do you really think that a man who came from a bacteria would some day develop feelings and emotions, and values to say "I can't cheat on my wife" and write it down to make laws with it? I know you do, sorry for asking. Again, the judge won't give you anything bad, he'll settle the case, not punish you. Divorce is not a punishment, is it?

Again, what I think or don't think, what I want to be true or hope isn't, what I can accept and what I can't doesn't matter when it's actually true.

Taking half of everything I own is a punishment, is it not?

10. God says not to suicide when the Bible says to take care of our bodies as it were the temple of God. Knowing that he is a temple of God, a Christian can't suicide, same goes for drugs, like I said.

So it doesn't say "XI: Thou Shalt Not Top Thineself" anywhere then, as I asked?

11. If someone takes a bullet or saves a life, what's the intention? I know you thought about it but thought I wouldn't come up with it. Did he REALLY want to die? Since when you hear in the news "A saved B's life because A killed himself". You'll hear " A died, or was killed, trying to save B's life".

They put themselves in a position to die. They chose to put themselves in that position. They have CHOSEN to end their life.

A kid hangs himself because he thinks his exam grades will bring shame on his parents. He's CHOSEN to end his life too. He also thinks that he can save other people by ending his life. Difference?

Do Romans get drunk? Do they drink until they're knocked out? Does a cup of wine every sunday or two or three kill you, affect your liver? I know, a joint won't kill you either. Paul said, in his first letter to the Corinthians (who were Greeks, by the way) : "everyhing is PERMITTED, but not everything is useful". Also, he says "everything is permitted, but I can't be a prisoner of it". I know what you think : "then why don't you do drugs?". Well, it is better not to do it because we're human flesh, we're weak and we get attached to it without realizing it. There, it's too late, you're in sin, attached to something from this world as a slave, not willing to give it up, and it consumes you. If everything is permitted, why can't we sin? We're all sinners, and even after becoming Christians, we sin, because we're humans. We try not to, to please God.

"Do Romans get drunk?" What?

You said that Christians do not take drugs. Alcohol IS a drug. By partaking of it EVER you are not a Christian, by YOUR argument.
off subject sort of

the bible was not written during roman times, greek times, blah blah times, the bible is documents/stories etc about god since the begginning of time, when the very first bible story was ever written is beyond me. now the different religons take stuff from it and delete it, and/or add stuff to it.

the bible gets stuff added to it all the time, even today, i see "the american bible" on my brothers desk (hes 8!) and i about threw it away when i read a bit of it.
off subject sort of

the bible was not written during roman times, greek times, blah blah times, the bible is documents/stories etc about god since the begginning of time, when the very first bible story was ever written is beyond me. now the different religons take stuff from it and delete it, and/or add stuff to it.

the bible gets stuff added to it all the time, even today, i see "the american bible" on my brothers desk (hes 8!) and i about threw it away when i read a bit of it.

That's partially correct. The oldest book in the Bible is Job. But I'm not sure of it's exact date.

About things being added to the bible. That depends on what religion you're talking about. Mormons and catholics do actually change the bible. There are a lot of different "translations" made so people can read and understand it though. I personally don't see a point in that though. I can understand younger children needing more of a "storybook" to help them follow. But, the american bible and other translations are far to self serving and tend to twist the meanings of a lot of versus of scripture.
which is why there is no "the bible" unless ur talking about the christian bible (whenever anyone in US referrs to the bible, they 99.9% of the time mean the christian bible.

i know there is the muslim bible, the black bible, etc, so if ur gonna read the christian bible, u should read the others too, id think anyway. someday i plan to make a year out of it and read all the ones i can find in english that are at least semi legit
I don't care - that's totally beside the point.

I'm a little late in the response, but that's the Whole Point in my mind.

If you could make life better for yourself and the people around you, wouldn't you? This thing we call life is the point, or so I thought. :)

Again, not saying your life isn't good, or even great.....just saying that what seems to be the general rule is that it could be better.

From what I've read and judging from Famine's response to most things religious, I don't think the Church of England falls into this category of "this church will make things better for you". I'm also guessing most of his responses are from his experience with the Church of England. Remember all the pissed off people that came to America to start a new government? Rest assured, there IS a big difference between the legalistic Church of England and having a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. :)
From what I've read and judging from Famine's response to most things religious, I don't think the Church of England falls into this category of "this church will make things better for you". I'm also guessing most of his responses are from his experience with the Church of England. Remember all the pissed off people that came to America to start a new government? Rest assured, there IS a big difference between the legalistic Church of England and having a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. :)

I have little to no experience with the Church of England. Been there to get Christened, seen a couple of weddings and a pair of other people's Christenings.
I have little to no experience with the Church of England. Been there to get Christened, seen a couple of weddings and a pair of other people's Christenings.

Show's ya how good my guesser is. :odd:

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of thebread.

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
I'm a little late in the response, but that's the Whole Point in my mind.

Well maybe it was your point, but it wasn't mine.

If you could make life better for yourself and the people around you, wouldn't you? This thing we call life is the point, or so I thought.

Again, not saying your life isn't good, or even great.....just saying that what seems to be the general rule is that it could be better.

Yes. My life could be better. My life would be better if I believed right now that I would be rich tomorrow. Weights would be lifted - things would look really good. But then it wouldn't be true would it?

My life would be better today if I believed that I would live forever. I wouldn't have to worry about dieing - I could experience everything I wanted to in due time. I could be assured the ability to see the potential of mankind. That would be great!! Too bad it's not true.

My life would be better today if I believed that could do no wrong because I was supernaturally guided by crystal forces beneith the earth. If I believed that the crystals guided my every move to perfection - I wouldn't have to take responsibility for any of my actions and could be assured that they were correct. But of course the crystals aren't there.

My life would be better today if I believed in Jesus Christ. I would believe that I would live forever in heaven in perfect bliss - that I could see loved ones again someday. I would believe that God had a plan for me and that my life would be fruitful and wonderful because he ordained it. That would be a fantastic thing! Think of the reassurance!!

But that doesn't make it true.

The fact of the matter is that to fool myself into thinking that I will see dead relatives again, or to fool myself into thinking that God is watching over me, or to fool myself into thinking I have an eternal soul is unjustified. I have no evidence to suggest that those things are true. I'm not going to believe them for the sake of believing them.

To believe that something will happen simply because I wish for it to happen is to dilute my perception of reality. It is not a valid argumnt.

So, I restate my original claim:

Just because Chrsit makes you feel good about life, just because your religion promises you enternal bliss or 70 virgins or whatever it promises you after you die, doesn't mean that it is true. I might want it to be true really really really really bad, but that doesn't make it true.