TO FAMINE : Sorry the quoting thing took too much time and I'm impatient. I'm pretty sure you'll understand
1. It may not be documented, but I have never seen the Eiffel tower in real life, yet I believe it exists. This is archeological, and it's material, it's a tourist attraction. So your five senses can feel it and tell you it's true. Get an airplane ticket and go, you'll see. We all believe what's happening at the other end of the world without documentation, just by the media.
2. About God, since you only rely on your five senses in this world, and since I can not find anything that would fill your five senses, then I can't prove to you that God made the world, because he did not write it on a big rock that still exists. Even if it was written let's say in Jerusalem, would people believe it? They'd think it's a man who wrote it and there you go, same problem. Just like the bible. Now why would I believe that Colombus ever existed? I could say all the proofs were made up. Why would I believe about Napoleon too?
3. The people who wrote the Bible did not speak only Hebrew. They spoke aramean too. This is the language used in "The Passion".
Also, if you remember, it all takes place a little after the Greek's empire "death" because of Romans. Don't you think people from around the world would know what alpha and omega are? Just like today, everybody in the world knows what's "Hi" and "one, two, three..." since the USA are the most important country of the world. These are basic words.
4. He did not say he HAD a beginning and an end. He said he WAS the beginning and the end. Slight difference. He is the beginning of life and the end of it, and of everything, just like this Universe. This does not have anything to do with HIS beginning or his end. Not very poor.
5. Talking about truth and being circular. You can't get more circular than this. Devil's work through man. Filling man's head with "Believe only what you see", so truth has become nothing more than what we see or proove? Man, Columbus' story was all a scam then. I never said I did not accept the truth because of my dislike of it. I just don't accept this theory because God has put all this on earth and has put all the ressemblences between man and monkey to make it harder to believe. Why make it harder to believe? What's the point of saving everyone on earth? What's the point of making it easier? The ones who would believe and live a life with faith, refusing to fall for their flesh temptations would be the same as the ones who yawn and say "yeah I believe this because it's proven by science". There has to be a limit somewhere. Also, let's say science proves some day (which leads to my next point, where I "catch on") that everything happened just like that, without explosion, without anything. What would you say? Sorry for repeating the same argument, but it seems quite "logic". "Whatever science proves does not need a God to happen". That's more circular than anything posted so far! THERE IS NO WAY Satan is going to let you have ZERO argument against me. WHY? He'd lose you! He does not want to lose you! He hates you so much!
6. I'm not catching up, maybe you realized how intelligent (yes, intelligent) Satan is.
7. About the size of the boat. It was big enough, as the sizes are written in the Bible. About the water, it could evaporate, couldn't it? This is something science has shown. God could have killed everyone and left the eight with the animal. But what's the moral of the story? Noah ASKED EVERYONE to help him with the boat and get on it when it'd be done (instead of God killing everybody), but nobody wanted. If the story were like you said, there would not be any message.
They all continued with debauchery, adultery and their sins. This is a story that shows exactly what's happening today : God sends a message through Christ, and wants Christians (analogy : Noah) to spread the word. What happens? Satan is smart, and plays with the human's mind. Slight difference : in our world, we are a billion or two Christians, while they were eight. Resemblance : MOST of humanity relies on its five senses and doesn't see God's anger coming (analogy : flood).
Again, if the story was like you would like it to be to make you believe it, then there would be no sense and you still would not believe it, because it doesn't make sense.
Reasonable detail. I like this. That's exactly what Satan does, sorry for repeating, really. He makes you think that with human's intelligence, you can explain everything, and anything that can not be explained by it is fiction. He gives man so much pride, that this poor man thinks he is the most intelligent of all. If human examines the Bible with his little mind (compared to God's) and thinks his intelligence can explain everything, then he's plain wrong. When he realizes he can't explain something, he gets angry and says it can not happen (just like they said it can never rain for 40 days non-stop : why? Because man saw that it couldn't)
8. Funny. I never said we did not look like him. I said we don't look EXACTLY like him (sorry if you got me wrong). We are made according to his image, but don't look EXACTLY like him.
9. Religion and politics were never meant to fit together. Justice in our world allows stuff to happen, which the Bible does not. But where did all this come from? Do you really think that a man who came from a bacteria would some day develop feelings and emotions, and values to say "I can't cheat on my wife" and write it down to make laws with it? I know you do, sorry for asking. Again, the judge won't give you anything bad, he'll settle the case, not punish you. Divorce is not a punishment, is it?
10. God says not to suicide when the Bible says to take care of our bodies as it were the temple of God. Knowing that he is a temple of God, a Christian can't suicide, same goes for drugs, like I said.
11. If someone takes a bullet or saves a life, what's the intention? I know you thought about it but thought I wouldn't come up with it. Did he REALLY want to die? Since when you hear in the news "A saved B's life because A killed himself". You'll hear " A died, or was killed, trying to save B's life".
Christ died to show us His love. He died for our sins, for something he did not do. He was crucified next to 2 criminals and was treated like one. What did He do? He healed the sick and gave hope to sinners. Yet they killed Him. When Christ died, he didn't do it because he was sick of his life. God allowed this to happen, but he never said it was okay to kill ourselves. Finally, need I to remind you He resurrected, three days after?
Do Romans get drunk? Do they drink until they're knocked out? Does a cup of wine every sunday or two or three kill you, affect your liver? I know, a joint won't kill you either. Paul said, in his first letter to the Corinthians (who were Greeks, by the way) : "everyhing is PERMITTED, but not everything is useful". Also, he says "everything is permitted, but I can't be a prisoner of it". I know what you think : "then why don't you do drugs?". Well, it is better not to do it because we're human flesh, we're weak and we get attached to it without realizing it. There, it's too late, you're in sin, attached to something from this world as a slave, not willing to give it up, and it consumes you. If everything is permitted, why can't we sin? We're all sinners, and even after becoming Christians, we sin, because we're humans. We try not to, to please God.