Afraid not.
Anything science cannot currently explain is filed under "things science cannot currently explain". It doesn't get tossed into a "can't possibly happen" file.
How can I explain a column of fire or the sea being divided in two? Wishful thinking from storytellers designed to capture the imagination.
If things that cannot currently explain are tossed in this file, then the penguin on the Ark.. science can not explain. This does not mean it did not happen. Good.
How would you explain the horses made of fire that came to pick Elie from earth to heaven, so that he would not have to die to go there? Wishful thinking. Then what about all the traces left from both the horses and the "car" they were pulling (sorry, don't know how it's called). They're in Syria, near or in Damascus.
Nope. Nobody says that. Either you've made it up or you've got that from somewhere else which made it up.
Let's say I'm wrong, as this is not the topic here. Where did the Big Bang come from? Where did all that substance come from?
See above for the "star". As for God, where did God come from? If the Big Bang HAS TO come from somewhere, then surely also God HAS TO come from somewhere.
God was before everything. He does not have a beginning or an end. Since you won't believe what you can not see, it makes no sense to argue with you about this.
Curious how God speaks Greek to a predominantly Hebrew-speaking people, don't you think?
False. Also, God can speak all languages.
Who cares if it's insulting? Swift in another thread said it was "unacceptable" to think that he "came from monkeys" (which is slightly off the truth as it is). Why does acceptability matter if it's actually true? That's the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting "LALALALALA! I'M NOT LISTENING" when someone tells you something you don't like.
If you don't mind insulting yourself, why would you hate if someone insulted you? (Please don't answer "I don't care if someone insults me"). If you don't mind being compared to a bacteria, then there's a problem.
Yeeees. See "wishful thinking" and "story telling" from earlier.
Wishful thinking and story telling since science will never be able to explain it. See, if everything in the Bible was explainable by science, then people would say "If science can explain this, then there was no need for a God for it to happen". Result? People who don't believe and don't want to believe will ALWAYS find a way to argue, this is just how Satan works.
Someone said the same thing about cats earlier on. But here's the killer. If God can make arginine/taurine-dependant cats survive without it and penguins survive in Mesopotamia and on the Ark,
why did he need Noah to take two of every animal when he could have made the animals survive anyway? [/color][/b][/QUOTE]
We could question every point of the story. Why did God send water, not fire? I don't know. The Bible does not give useless details. Even in our actual stories, we don't know why things happen. It is also useless to say He didn't kill them because He would not have been able to make them again, since He created them at first.
Exactly. What's 78 years of tangible existance compared to eternity of non-existance?
This is not an argument.
Actually, there was a cunning point hidden in there. I'll put it here again and see if you can figure it out. I'm pretty sure danoff got it, and he only has the five senses to rely on.
Hmm. So God is a somewhat abstract artist then?
Nobody on earth will make you pay if you cheat on your wife, think about sleeping with another woman, curse, etc. Why is it bad to do these then? Again, poor.
Heaven's Gate and the Branch Davidians REALLY practised. They hid away in communes to practise. Still all topped themselves though.
If God says not to kill and suicide, and if God says to take care of our life and body, since our body is the temple of God (by the way, this is why Christians don't do drugs), and if they did it, then something is wrong with the way they practice it.
If I claim I'm christian and I commit adultery, does this mean Christians are allowed to do adultery? No, I am the only one doing wrong, and people who haven't read the Bible will get a bad example about Christanism, just as it is written in the Book of John (not the Gospel).