Religion is contrived

  • Thread starter Danoff
Ah, but you said....

So you are judging yourself by those rules of the "christian" god.

I have abided by them— by chance. I couldn't even recite all 10 of them to you, I just happened to have followed them out of my own good will. And what are the 10 commandments anyway?
Are those the same type of signals used to send data from the eyes, nose tongue and skin? I'm just wondering.

Yes. Yes they are.

Adam and Eve were peferct human specimens, until they sinned. That's when death came upon them and birth defects, mental retardation and other afflictions came on the human race.

Would you say the human physiology - save for the belly button - hasn't changed since Adam? And that this physiology was based on God's own "image"?
Yes. Yes they are.

Ok, so the only difference in those signals and the ones coming from your eyes it how your brain interprets them, correct?
Ok, so the only difference in those signals and the ones coming from your eyes it how your brain interprets them, correct?

No, not really.

Pain responses are typically sympathetic or parasympathetic (don't bother with the brain). Optical responses tend to involve a lot more brain function. However, there is a pain centre of the brain which is remote from the optical centre of the brain which deals with more complex issues arising from pain response.

The point, in case you missed it, was that it is possible to see neuronal response to pain by electrical activity. Physically SEE it. You claimed that you can't "see" pain.

Anyway, make whatever point you want about how the brain interprets pain/vision differently, then skew back on to Adam for me for a minute.
i prefer not to conform to religion, sure they mean well and the teachings are good an all but i dont like to be told what to believe as fact, symbolically maybe but not covered in some story. i was raised in a jehovahs witness family and while it was acceptable and a lot more believable version of christianity the overall opinion on everything was very negative, a sort of "we're all gonna die pretty soon but be nice anyway" appearance to everything, especially when i noticed the founder had predicted the end of the world many times. yes they are very nice people but it became apparent they seemed like they knew what was going to happen but ignorant to it at the same time i just had enough really

The point, in case you missed it, was that it is possible to see neuronal response to pain by electrical activity. Physically SEE it. You claimed that you can't "see" pain.

Anyway, make whatever point you want about how the brain interprets pain/vision differently, then skew back on to Adam for me for a minute.

Actually, I was going to ask is it different for every person or the same for all. Also, what about mental pain?
Yes, it's different for each person (well... it's like this... While the level of pain required to cause a pain response may not be significantly different enough in magnitude to justify a claim that it is different for everyone, the nature of the response is different in everyone).

Mental pain is a sort of feedback loop. There is no physical source of the pain, so there is no physical response. However, the brain's pain centre is stimulated and the reaction causes further stimulation.
Yes, it's different for each person (well... it's like this... While the level of pain required to cause a pain response may not be significantly different enough in magnitude to justify a claim that it is different for everyone, the nature of the response is different in everyone).

Mental pain is a sort of feedback loop. There is no physical source of the pain, so there is no physical response. However, the brain's pain centre is stimulated and the reaction causes further stimulation.

Ah, I see. So in the case of mental stimulation, all that's need is a source that the mind thinks exists right?
Ah, I see. So in the case of mental stimulation, all that's need is a source that the mind thinks exists right?

Hmmm, no. Generally what happens is that as you recall something that hurt, your brain remembers its responses to that hurt. The physical stimulus/response is dealt with by the PNS, not involving the brain, so the brain doesn't remember the physical side, just the more complicated reactions that arose in the pain centre of the brain. As the brain recalls that response, the response acts as a stimulus itself, triggering further response, all within the privacy of your own head.

The initial "problem" existed. The "mental pain" comes about from the brain remembering what it did when you think about the initial "problem".
Hmmm, no. Generally what happens is that as you recall something that hurt, your brain remembers its responses to that hurt. The physical stimulus/response is dealt with by the PNS, not involving the brain, so the brain doesn't remember the physical side, just the more complicated reactions that arose in the pain centre of the brain. As the brain recalls that response, the response acts as a stimulus itself, triggering further response, all within the privacy of your own head.

The initial "problem" existed. The "mental pain" comes about from the brain remembering what it did when you think about the initial "problem".


So what's this about adam.
Well... Adam was created in God's own image, right? So physiologically speaking, other than the navel, we aren't that different from Adam and God's image?

Do you think then that, as such, we should have the best bodies in terms of physiological efficiency and sensory acuity?
Well... Adam was created in God's own image, right? So physiologically speaking, other than the navel, we aren't that different from Adam and God's image?

Do you think then that, as such, we should have the best bodies in terms of physiological efficiency and sensory acuity?

Yeah, in his image. Jesus was the image of the invisible God. Col 1:15.

We have no idea what Adam's incredible attributes were before he decided to be a moron and sin. So he well could've been very perfect.
So why are our senses so bad compared to the rest of the animal kingdom?

Just about everything out there can hear, taste and smell better than us, some fish and eels have an extra sense we don't and our eyes are worse than a cuttlefish's.

God's image must have not photocopied well.
LOL, but we can think and reason anything else on the planet. Now, which one would you pick?
Nevertheless, if we WERE created in God's image and haven't changed much physiologically since then, you do have to wonder why a cuttlefish can see better than us.
Wait if we are created in God's image and likeness, and we aren't perfect that means God's not perfect. I wonder what he screwed up on :odd:? Unless that is where human stupidity come in.
And whats this about our bellybuttons? Something to do with a change in the way umbilical cords are...severed?
See, that's where Original Sin saves the day - by creating a simple reason for everything bad, ever, that happens to human beings.
Yep, it saves the day. The bible has been setup as a guide for life from start to finish. Anything you can want to know about how to run your life or your family can be found in the bible. Everything! Now, I'm sure famine can come up with some incredibly nitpicky stuff. But it handles everything.

See, nobody has even taken the time to read the bible. You've all just taken a verse here and there to serve your purpose of an argument. you can make the bible say almost anything if you take scriptures out of context. The fact is that the bible answers the hard questions that science can't even consider.

But again, most of you see christianity and the bible as some huge conspiracy, hypocritical tyranny or just plain dumb. why? Because we believe in something we can't see and a book that was written over 4000 years ago(old testament). That list of contradictions in the bible that the sight supposedly found, incredibly bad. Most of them aren't even taken from the same version of the bible.
I have read the vast majority of the Bible, Old Testament and New. I've probably even read the whole thing, just not cover to cover like a novel.
I have read the vast majority of the Bible, Old Testament and New. I've probably even read the whole thing, just not cover to cover like a novel.

You'd be the only one.

And whats this about our bellybuttons? Something to do with a change in the way umbilical cords are...severed?

I know you can't possibly be serious.:lol: I'll take a page out of famine's book and ask you to think about that for a second.
instead of question after question in an un-organized manner, maybe...

can we compose a nice list of questions as to what objections and contradictions and hypocrisys everyone here sees in biblical christianity and we can systematically work through them all, one at a time, without any hassle :)
'created in god's image' - just came to my mind, that as a species we are the most powerful and well equipped on the earth. just about everything, and life of all the other species as well, is in hands of humanity. we might not have senses, but we have thoughts, we are able to create and destroy. and if we would really want, we could exterminate anything we know, or given some time and lack of scientific ethics, probably we could create whatever we want.

maybe we are not supermen, when it comes to inborn equipment, with one exception, we have brain. and we use it. we are like gods to anything that inhabits our planet, and to ourselves. we bring on ourselves destruction of biblical and even bigger proportions, we also created things that are more than godlike to our ancestors.

in that way, we are like gods.
Yep, it saves the day. The bible has been setup as a guide for life from start to finish. Anything you can want to know about how to run your life or your family can be found in the bible. Everything! Now, I'm sure famine can come up with some incredibly nitpicky stuff. But it handles everything.

If I ran my life according to the bible it wouldn't be very intresting. Times have changed a lot over the course of 4000 year. I mean unless I want to wander the desert for 40 years, eat unlevened bread, and fish in the Sea of Gailee.

See, nobody has even taken the time to read the bible. You've all just taken a verse here and there to serve your purpose of an argument. you can make the bible say almost anything if you take scriptures out of context. The fact is that the bible answers the hard questions that science can't even consider.

I went to Catholic school's for 8 years, I've read the bible forwards, backwards, upside down, right side up and partially in German. And actually the bible is open to interpurtation is it not? Well I was told that at least in my religion classes. That is why there are so many forms of Christianity, someone believes something different.

But I'll stick with science, at least the fgive vaild reasons to prove things. Religion is just a bunch of mystical stuff that can't happen in our relem of phyics. For God sakes...errr for goodness sakes, take some advanced physics courses, although I'm sure you have through out your life. You will see how God or any of God's work can't work in the world.

But again, most of you see christianity and the bible as some huge conspiracy, hypocritical tyranny or just plain dumb. why? Because we believe in something we can't see and a book that was written over 4000 years ago(old testament). That list of contradictions in the bible that the sight supposedly found, incredibly bad. Most of them aren't even taken from the same version of the bible.

Kids a 1000 years from now with have mythology at school and study Christianity the same way we study the Greeks. That's why I think the Bible is "dumb".
The fact is that the bible answers the hard questions that science can't even consider.
:lol: Read me that verse that covers the enrichment of plutonium again :lol:
But again, most of you see christianity and the bible as some huge conspiracy, hypocritical tyranny or just plain dumb. why? Because we believe in something we can't see and a book that was written over 4000 years ago(old testament). That list of contradictions in the bible that the sight supposedly found, incredibly bad. Most of them aren't even taken from the same version of the bible.
Not a conspiracy, just a means to control the masses using fear. The fear of going to seems to work quite well on some people ;)

If I ran my life according to the bible it wouldn't be very intresting. Times have changed a lot over the course of 4000 year.
I certainly haven't coveted my neighbours oxen for a long time now :lol:
Kids a 1000 years from now with have mythology at school and study Christianity the same way we study the Greeks. That's why I think the Bible is "dumb".

They said that same thing 1000 years ago and look, Christianity is still here. Go figure.

So why isn't anyone taking up XVII on his offer/challenge? What's the situation?
They said that same thing 1000 years ago and look, Christianity is still here. Go figure.


Evidence of that phrase - or one similar to it - being used around 1005 AD please.
not really a challenge...

but more of a way to get through some difficulties and try to help you get the answers you all are looking for

give me a list of questions and i can research them and give you the best answers i can find

Evidence of that phrase - or one similar to it - being used around 1005 AD please.

Good grief. You really think for a minute that people haven't been ragging on christianity and it's validity since the day of pentecost? It's happened to every major religion in the world. I mean, look at Rome. They trried to destroy christianity in a similar way that Hitler tried to destroy the Hebrews.